Tuesday 8/16

Masters 8/16/16- FIRST PRACTICE!

Warm up:
400/300 free
8/6 x 50s choice @ 1:00/1:15

Drill set:
12x25s free drills @ :40
4- 3/4 catch up
4- zipper
4- 3 pull 6 kicks

Focus on full reach extension

Reaching full extension in freestyle is a necessary foundation for swimmers at every level. Learning to create a line to glide through the water, which requires balance, will allow you the ability to make decisions later on efficiency or speed. 

Things to remember:

1 - Swim slow, smooth freestyle, focusing the attention on extending the fingers as far out front as possible.

2 - Focus ONLY on extending the hand as far forward as possible, and not on the pull, finish, or recovery of the stroke.

3 - Feel what part of the hand has the most pressure on it. It should be the relaxed fingers out front, not the palm.

Main set:

4/3 x 150s @ 2:30/3:00

Odds- 50 easy/50 fast/50 easy

Evens- 50 fast/50 easy/50 fast

4 x 100s @ 1:40/2:00

1-25 fast/75 easy

2-50 fast/50 easy

3-75 fast/25 easy

4-all fast

12/8 x 50s @ 1:00/1:10 

CHOICE in groups of 3

3/2- descend 1-3

3/2- fast

3/2- 25 hard/25 easy

3/2- ascend 1-3

100 cool down
