3-25-25 Drill Driven I.M

Warm Up 900/25:00
300 Free Loosen
4x75 @:15s Rest I.M Order K/D/S 
4x50 @:10s Rest Descend 1-4
4x25 @:10s Rest -Odds Scull -Evens Free Low Stroke Count

Drill and Stroke 1200/30:00
4 Rounds 
1x100 @:15s Rest I.M Drill
*drills: 3/3/3 (Fly), 6-Kick Switch (Back), Pull/Glide (Breast), Catch-up (Free)
1x100 @15s Rest I.M Swim 
1x50 @10s Rest I.M by Round Kick Build
1x50 @10-15s Rest Choice Stroke Build 

Broken I.M Set 1600/35:00
2 Rounds
4x25 @:5-10s Rest Build #1.Back #2.Breast #3.Free #4.Choice Stroke FAST
4x50 @:10-15s Rest  #1.Fly/Bk #2.Bk/Br #3.Br/Free #4.Choice Stroke Fast 
2x75 @:15s Rest drills like: 3/3/3 (Fly), 6-Kick Switch (Back), Pull/Glide (Breast), Catch-up (Free Build Your Own I.M
1x100 @:15s Rest Fast I.M
1x200 @:15s Rest Negative Split -50 Back -50 Breast -100 Free (80%-90%)
1x100 @1:00 Min Rest Active Recovery

Cool Down 200/5:00
200 Drill/Swim by 50

3900 Yards 95 Minutes

3-22-25 Drill-Focused Swim​

Warm Up 800/20:00
200 Free Loosen
4x50 @:10-15s Rest I.M Order Drill/Swim
4x50 @:10-15s Rest I.M Order Kick Kick 
4x50 @:10-15s Rest Pull #1-3 Free Breathing 3/5/7 #4 Double Arm back

Main Set 3200/70:00
4 Rounds
2x100 @:10-15s Rest I.M -Even Rounds Free I.M(Zone 3-4)
1x200 @:15-20s Rest Pull Negative Split(Zone 4)
8x25 @:10s Rest Drill(Zone 2-3)
4x50 @:10-15s Rest Choice Stroke Descend 1-3. #4. Active Recovery(#1:Zone 3,#2:Zone 4, #3:Zone 5(Sprint) #4:Zone 1-2)

Cool Down 200/5:00
200 -50 Free -50 Kick -50 Drill -50 Swim

4200 Yards 95 Minutes



  • Single Arm Fly *3/3/3 Drill​ *Fly with Flutter Kick​ *Dolphin Kick with Arms at Side


  • 2 Kicks, 1 Pull​1 Pull, *3-Second Glide​ *1 Up, 1 Down​ *Breaststroke with Dolphin Kick
  • 6-Kick Switch *​Single Arm Freestyle *​Fingertip Drag​ *Catch-Up Drill


  • Single Arm Backstroke​ *6-Kick Switch​ *Double Arm Backstroke *2 Right 2 Left 4 Full Strokes
  • 3-20-25 Controlled Speed Endurance

    Warm Up 800/20:00
    400 Free I.M (100 Free 100 Back 100 Breast 100 Free)
    4x50 I.M Kick/Drill
    4x50 Choice Stroke Descend 1-4.

    Kick 400/10:00
    4x100 @:15-20s Rest Kick 
    #1.-25 Smooth-50 Build-25 Fast 
    #2. -50 Smooth -50 Strong (zone 4 85%)
    #3. 100 Zone 4 (85-90%)
    #4. 100 Zone 5 (All out)

    Pre Set 600/15:00
    3 Rounds
    2x50 @:10s -Odds Scull/Drill -Evens Drill/Swim
    1x100 @:20-30s Rest Build to Zone 4(85-90%)

    Main Set 2200/45:00
    2 Rounds
    1x300 @:20s Rest Pull -Maintain low Stroke Count
    2x150 @:15s Rest Negative Split 
    3x100 @:10-15s Rest Descend 1-3
    4x50  @:15s Rest -Odds Sprint -Evens Active Recovery

    Cool Down 200/5:00
    8x25 @:10-15s Rest
    Breathing 4,3,2,1,1,2,3,4 by 25

    4200 Yards 95 Minutes

    3-18-25 Heart Rate Pyramid

    Warm Up 1000/25:00
    300 Free Loosen
    4x50 @:10-15s Rest Kick Build 
    2x150 @:15s Rest Drill/Swim by 50 (Catch-Up, Fingertip Drag, 3R/3L/3Full, 3strk/6kick/3Strk)
    4x50 @:10-15s Rest Descend 1-4.

    Pre Set 700/15:00
    2 Rounds
    2x75 @:15s Rest Breathing 3/5/7
    4x25 @:10s Rest Fast Kick
    1x100 @:15s Rest Pull Breathing 3/5 by round

    Main Set (Heart Rate Pyramid) 1600/40:00
    1x300 @:20-30s Rest Freestyle Zone 3 (Breathing 3 on odd 50's 5 on Evens)
    1x200 @:20s Rest Backstroke Zone 3-4 (3-4 U/W Dolphin Kicks Off Each wall)
    2x100 @:15s Rest I.M Zone 3-4 (Fast Transitions)
    4x50  @:20-30s Rest  Choice Stroke Zone 5 (Last 15 yrds Increase Tempo-No Breath last 5 yrds)
    2x100 @:15-20s Rest Rest Breaststroke Zone 4 (Focus on Glide)
    1x200 @:20S Rest Freestyle Zone 3 (Hold Stroke Count)
    1x300 @:30s Rest Choice Stroke Zone 2 (Distance per stroke)

    Sprint 600/15:00
    2 Rounds
    1x100 @:30s Rest -50yrds Zone 4, 10s Rest, -50yrds Zone 5
    2x50 @:20s Ret -Odds Best Stroke Max Effort -Evens Active Recover Zone 2
    4x25 @:15s Rest -Odds 25 Max Effort -Evens -Fast Breakout into Smooth

    Cool Down  200/5:00
    1x50 Dolphin Dive
    1x50 Double Arm Back
    1x50 Kick
    1x50 Scull

    4100 Yards 100 Minutes
     How to Calculate Heart Rate for Swim Training
            Max Heart Rate (MHR) for a 40-Year-Old:
            Basic formula: 220 - Age → 220 - 40 = 180 bpm
    How to Check HR in the Pool:
           Manually check your pulse at the neck/wrist for 6 seconds, then multiply by 10.
           Example: If you count 16 beats in 6 sec → HR = 160 bpm
    Heart Rate Zones for a 40-Year-Old (Using 180 bpm MHR):
        Zone 1 (Recovery) – 90-108 bpm (Easy)
        Zone 2 (Endurance) – 108-126 bpm (Aerobic base)
        Zone 3 (Tempo) – 126-144 bpm (Moderate-hard)
        Zone 4 (Threshold) – 144-162 bpm (Challenging, race pace)
        Zone 5 (Max Effort) – 162-180 bpm (All-out sprinting)