12-30-23 Aquatic Adieu to '23

Warm-Up 900/25:00
1x400 or 2x200
300 I.M.O-K/D/S
200 - Free Drill.*Zipper, Fist, Finger Tip Drag.
100 Kick
Speed 400/10:00
8x50 @ 10s Rest
1.-25 Build -25 Smooth
2. -25 Smooth -25 Fast
3. Smooth
4. Fast 
Pull (Choice Equipment) 400/10:00
4x100 @10s Rest Strong effort (80%)
Kick 500/15:00
5x100 @10-15s Rest
1. Free Kick w/ a Board
2. Streamline Free Kick
3. Kick-I.M
4. Choice Kick -Fast
5. No Free, Kick
Main Set 1500/35:00
3 Rounds
1x50 @5-10s Rest Smooth Free w/ an Overkick
1x150 @10-15s Rest Build to Fast
1x100 @10s Rest Smooth
1x50 @10s Rest All out
1x50 @5-10s Rest Recover
Cool Down 200/5:00
200 Loosen

100 Minutes 3900 Yards

12-28-23 Festive Fitness Continuation

Warm-Up 800/20:00
400 Free Loosen
4x75 @10s Rest Free -O -50 Kick-25 Drill - E-50 Drill -25 
4x25 @10s Rest Sprint Cycle
I.M 500/15:00
5x50 @10s Rest Fly/Bk 
5x50 @10s Rest Br/Fs 
Main Set 1950/45:00
3x100 @5-10s Rest Desc 1-3
6x25 @10s Rest All out -Choice Stroke
4x75 @ Free Hold a Slightly Uncomfortable Pace
6x25 @10s Rest All out -Choice Stroke
6x50 @5-10s Rest Build 1-3,4-6 to 70/80%
6x25 @10-s Rest All out -Choice Stroke
1x300 @30s Rest Smooth/Active Recover
12x25 @10s REst All out -Choice Stroke 
Endurance Set 500/10:00
1x500 Aiming for a steady moderate pace
Cool Down 200/5:00
8x25 Dolphin Dive

3950 Yards 95 Minutes

12-27-23 Festive Fitness Freestyle

Warm-Up 800 20:00
300 Loosen
100 Kick
4x50 Free Drill - Odds Catch-Up Drill - Evens 3 Strokes 6 Kicks
200 Pull

I.M 500 15:00
4x75 @10s Rest Rollin I.M (fly-bk-br -fs-bk-fly)
4x50 @10s Rest  -25 I.M Fast -25 Free Smooth

Kick(Choice) 400/8:00
8x50 @5-10s Rest
1-4 Steady
5-8 Build to Fast

Main 2000/45:00
4x50 @5-10s Rest Free Distance Per Stroke
4x100 @10s Rest Desc 1-4
4x150 @10s Rest -50 Smooth -50 Fast -50 Smooth
4x200 @10-15s Rest -50 Smooth -50 Build -50 Fast -50 Smooth

Cool Down 200/4:00
200 Loosen

3900 Yards 92 Minutes

12-23-23 Christmas Carol Cardio Cruise

Warm-Up 1000/25:00
300 loosen
4x50 @10s Rest -O Fist Drill -E Flick Drill (Finish Each Stroke o)
200 Choice Kick Kick 
4x75 @10s Rest, Free-O Catch-Up Drill -Even Build To fast

Pre Set 400/12:00
8x50 @10s Rest
1.-25 F.-25 Ez
2.-25 Ez- 25 F
3. All Ez
4 All Fast

Pull Set 400/10:00
4x50  @10s Rest Pull w/ Paddles Desc.1-4
2x100 @10s Rest Pull With Buoy build each to fast
Main Set 1800/40:00
2 Rounds
4x75  @ 10s Rest - Free, Desc. 1-4
1x300 @10-15s Rest Free Smooth Breathing every 3/5/7 Per 100 
2x125 @10s Rest Free -1. Positive Split 2. Negative Split(By75)
1x50   @30s Rest Free All out

Kick Set 400/10:00
3x100 @15s Rest - Choice Kick, Desc. 1-3
4x25 @10s Rest: Fast Kick

Cool Down 200/4:00
4x50 Choice Stroke-O Drill - Smooth Swim

4200 yards 101 Minutes

12-21-23 Holiday Hustle in the H2O

Warm-Up 900/25:00
300 Loosen
4x50 @10s Rest - Odds Zipper Drill -Evens Fingertip Drag
200 Pull 
4x50 @10s Rest Free Desc. 1-4
Pre-Set 400/12:00
16x25 Free @10s rest
1. Build To fast
2. Start Fast end EZ
3. Smooth-Dps
4. All Out
Pull(Choice Equip) 400/10:00
2x200 @10-15s Rest
1. Build to Fast
2. Positive Split 
Main Set 1400/35:00
2 Rounds
4x50 @5-10s Rest  Desc. 1-4 Free
2x100 @10s rest I.M
2x100 @5-10s Rest Free Negative Split
4x25 @10-15s rest  Free All out
Kick 500/15:00
5x50 @ Kick Desc.1-5 Hold 5
10x25 @ -O Fast -Even Steady 
Cool Down 200/5:00
1x100 Free Breathing Every 3
1x100 loosen

3800 Yards 102 Minutes

12-19-23 Poinsettia Pool Party

Warm-Up 850/20:00
300 Free
4x25 @5-10s Rest I.M
200 Pull
3x50 @5-10s Rest Streamline Kick
100 -as 12.5 Scull  -12.5 Free

Pre-Set 800/20:00
2 Rounds
4x50 Free @10s Rest Desc.1-4
8x25 Free @10s Rest -O Fast - Smooth/D.P.S

Main Set (Choice Equipment/Stroke)2000/45:00
2 Rounds
3x200 @10-15s Rest Desc. 1-3 Or Neg Split
6x50  @10s Rest Build To Fast
4x25 @10s Rest All out

Cool Down 200/6:00
4x25 @1:00 No Breath.
1x100 Dolphin Dive

3850Yrds 91 Minutes

12-16-23 Rudolph's Race Ready Routine

Warm-Up 900/20:00
300 Free Loosen
8x50  @10s Rest-O Kick -E Pull 
4x50 @10s Rest Kick Descend 1-4 on 1:00
I.M. 600/15:00
4x50 @10s Rest  Fly/Back 
4x50 @10s Rest Br/Free 
8x25 @10s Rest I.M.O, Sprint
Main Set 1400/35:00
1x300 @15s Rest Free Breathing ever 3/5 by 50 
6x50  @10s Rest -Back -O Smooth, -E Build To Fast
2x150 @10-15s Rest -25 Fly- 50 Bk - 50 Br - 25 Free
4x75  @10s Rest  -Free - O Build - Even Ascend
1x200 @15s Rest I.M
Speed 800/20:00
5x50  @10s Rest -Free Build to Fast
3x100 @10s Rest -Free  Negative split
8x25  @10-15s -Rest Fast Free
Cool Down 200/5:00
4x25 As Few Breaths As Possible
1x100 Smooth

3900 Yards 95 Minutes

11-14-23 Ornament Odyssey

Warm-Up 900/25:00
300 Free Loosen
6x50  @5s Rest Pull - Choice Equip
4x50  @10s Rest Desc. 1-4
4x25  @10s Rest Sprint Cycle 

Kick 500/12:00
20x25 @5-10s Rest I.M.O Kick 

Main  Set 2350/55:00
8x50  @10s Rest-25 Fast Free -25 Ez Back
4x25  @10s Rest -Fast Fly
4x150 @10-15s Rest -50 Bk -50 Br -50 Free
2x200 @10-15s Rest -100 Bk -50 Br -50 Free
6x75  @5-10s Rest Free- Odds Build to fast -Evens Smooth
4x100 @10s Rest  I.M

Cool Down 200/6:00
8x25 As Few Breaths as Possible

98 Minutes 3950Yards 

12-12-23 Arctic Agility Aquatics

Warm-Up 900/25:00
4x75 @10s Rest Free
-O D/S/S
-E S/D/D
1x100 Choice Kick
6x50 @10s Rest  I.M Switch
6x50 @10s Rest Desc 1-3 4-6
Kick (Choice Kick) 450/12:00
1x25 Kick-Build@5s rest
1x50 Kick-Build@5-10s Rest
1x75 Kick-Build@10s Rest
Pull( Mix Up Pull equip) 600/15:00
4x150 @ Build Each 150 
Main Set 1200/30:00 (Choice Equip)
2x300 @15s Rest Free, Negative Split by 150
2x200 @10s Rest Build Each 200 to 80-90
2x100 @10s Rest Build to all out.
Speed 500/12:00
20x25 @10s Rest 
-O Free Smooth
-Even Choice Stroke,All Out
Cool Down 200/4:00
2x100 Choice Loosen

3850yrds 98Minutes

12-9-23 Reindeer Race Readiness

Warm-Up 900/20:00
200 Free
200 Free Pull-Choice Equip
200 Kick
6x50 @10s Rest Choice Stroke
-Odds Drill
-Evens Build
Pre-Set 600/15:00
6x100 @ 10s Rest
-Evens -25 Fly -25 Free 
-0dds Free I.M
Main Set 2000/45:00
5 Rounds 
4x100 @ 5-10s Rest
1. Free
2.No Free
3. I.M
4. Free Breathing every 5
5. Fast Free
Cool Down 200/4:00
200  Loosen

3700 Yards 84 Minutes

12-7-23 Winter Wave Warriors

Warm-Up 800/20:00
300 loosen -as 200 Free 100 Choice Stroke.
100 I.M
4x50 @5-10s Rest Kick
2x100 Free- Pull
- with buoy
- With Buoy and paddles
Drill 450/12:00
3 Rounds 100=Drill,50=Build- Change Strokes by round.
1x100 @ 10s Rest
1x50 @ 5-10s Rest
*Drills Suggestions Bk-2,2,2 - Br,-1P 3Sec Glide. -Free 3/6/3
Kick 400/10:00
8x50 @5-10s Rest 
-O -25 Fly Kick-25 Free Kick
-E -25 Br Kick-25 Fly Kick
Pre-Set 500/12:00
2 Rounds
4x25 @5s Rest I.M Order Or Free Drill
1x50 @5s Rest Smooth Free
2x25 @5-10s Free Fast Free Fast
1x100 @10s Rest Free Breathing 3/5 by 25
Main Set 1500/35:00
6x50  @5-10s Rest -Free Smooth
8x25  @10s Rest - Fly Or Free All out
3x100 @10s Rest -Free  Active Recovery
8x25  @10s Rest - Bk All out
1x300 @15s Rest -Free Active Recovery
8x25  @10s Rest-Br or Free All out
Cool Down 200/5:00
4x50  Mix-up Strokes- Ez

12-5-23 Holiday Hustle

Warm-Up 800/20:00
300 Free Loosen
4x75 k/d/s I.M.O or Free
4x50 Desc. 1-4
Drill 400/ 10:00
6x50 @ Free Drill -Odds Thumb your Thigh - Evens Fingertip Drag Drill
1x100 Free Build to 80- Maintain technique
Pre-Set 500/12:00
6 x 25 @ 10s Rest As Few Breaths as possible
2 x 50 @ 10's Rest Push off U/W past flags - As Few Breaths as possible
Kick 500/12:00
4 x 75 @ Desc. 1-4 
2 x 100 @ -25Fast -25Smooth
Main set 1500/35:00
4×100 @10-15s Rest Free 
1×50  @10s Rest No Free Smooth
3x100 @10s Rest Free 
2×50 @5-10s Rest No Free Build 
2×100 @5s Rest Free
3×50 @5s Rest No Free Descend to fast 
1x100  @30s Rest Free fast 
4×50 @5s Rest  No Free -Odds Fast -Evens Easy
Cool Down 200/4:00
200 Loosen 

3900 Yards 93 Minutes

12-2-23 Winter Waves

Warm-Up 900/25:0
300 Free or Free I.M
4x75  Free @10s Rest
-O -50k -25 Build
-E -25 Build -50K
6x50 @ 5s Rest  I.M Switch
(fly/bk- bk/br-br/free)
Kick 500/12:00
4x50 @5s Rest Free Kick Desc. 1-4
4x50 @5s Rest  No Free Kick Desc. 1-4
4x25 @5s Rest  Choice Kick -O Fast -Even Smooth
Pull 600/15:00
2x200 @10s Rest Pull (Choice Equip) Negative Split 
4x50 @10s Rest (Choice Equip)  -25 Smooth -25 Fast
Main Set 1200/30:00
1x300  @15s Rest Free - breathing every 3/5 By 50
2x200 @10s Rest  1. Build Free 2.Backstroke 
3x100 @10s Rest 1. Free 2. Back 3. Choice stroke -Build each 100 to fast
4x50  @10s Rest I.M Order by 50.
Speed Set 500/12:00
10x50 @ 10s Rest
- O -25 Smooth -25 Fast 
- E -25 Fast -25 smooth
Cool Down 200/4:00
200 Stretch it out

3900 Yards 98 Minutes