12-30-23 Aquatic Adieu to '23

Warm-Up 900/25:00
1x400 or 2x200
300 I.M.O-K/D/S
200 - Free Drill.*Zipper, Fist, Finger Tip Drag.
100 Kick
Speed 400/10:00
8x50 @ 10s Rest
1.-25 Build -25 Smooth
2. -25 Smooth -25 Fast
3. Smooth
4. Fast 
Pull (Choice Equipment) 400/10:00
4x100 @10s Rest Strong effort (80%)
Kick 500/15:00
5x100 @10-15s Rest
1. Free Kick w/ a Board
2. Streamline Free Kick
3. Kick-I.M
4. Choice Kick -Fast
5. No Free, Kick
Main Set 1500/35:00
3 Rounds
1x50 @5-10s Rest Smooth Free w/ an Overkick
1x150 @10-15s Rest Build to Fast
1x100 @10s Rest Smooth
1x50 @10s Rest All out
1x50 @5-10s Rest Recover
Cool Down 200/5:00
200 Loosen

100 Minutes 3900 Yards

12-28-23 Festive Fitness Continuation

Warm-Up 800/20:00
400 Free Loosen
4x75 @10s Rest Free -O -50 Kick-25 Drill - E-50 Drill -25 
4x25 @10s Rest Sprint Cycle
I.M 500/15:00
5x50 @10s Rest Fly/Bk 
5x50 @10s Rest Br/Fs 
Main Set 1950/45:00
3x100 @5-10s Rest Desc 1-3
6x25 @10s Rest All out -Choice Stroke
4x75 @ Free Hold a Slightly Uncomfortable Pace
6x25 @10s Rest All out -Choice Stroke
6x50 @5-10s Rest Build 1-3,4-6 to 70/80%
6x25 @10-s Rest All out -Choice Stroke
1x300 @30s Rest Smooth/Active Recover
12x25 @10s REst All out -Choice Stroke 
Endurance Set 500/10:00
1x500 Aiming for a steady moderate pace
Cool Down 200/5:00
8x25 Dolphin Dive

3950 Yards 95 Minutes

12-27-23 Festive Fitness Freestyle

Warm-Up 800 20:00
300 Loosen
100 Kick
4x50 Free Drill - Odds Catch-Up Drill - Evens 3 Strokes 6 Kicks
200 Pull

I.M 500 15:00
4x75 @10s Rest Rollin I.M (fly-bk-br -fs-bk-fly)
4x50 @10s Rest  -25 I.M Fast -25 Free Smooth

Kick(Choice) 400/8:00
8x50 @5-10s Rest
1-4 Steady
5-8 Build to Fast

Main 2000/45:00
4x50 @5-10s Rest Free Distance Per Stroke
4x100 @10s Rest Desc 1-4
4x150 @10s Rest -50 Smooth -50 Fast -50 Smooth
4x200 @10-15s Rest -50 Smooth -50 Build -50 Fast -50 Smooth

Cool Down 200/4:00
200 Loosen

3900 Yards 92 Minutes

12-23-23 Christmas Carol Cardio Cruise

Warm-Up 1000/25:00
300 loosen
4x50 @10s Rest -O Fist Drill -E Flick Drill (Finish Each Stroke o)
200 Choice Kick Kick 
4x75 @10s Rest, Free-O Catch-Up Drill -Even Build To fast

Pre Set 400/12:00
8x50 @10s Rest
1.-25 F.-25 Ez
2.-25 Ez- 25 F
3. All Ez
4 All Fast

Pull Set 400/10:00
4x50  @10s Rest Pull w/ Paddles Desc.1-4
2x100 @10s Rest Pull With Buoy build each to fast
Main Set 1800/40:00
2 Rounds
4x75  @ 10s Rest - Free, Desc. 1-4
1x300 @10-15s Rest Free Smooth Breathing every 3/5/7 Per 100 
2x125 @10s Rest Free -1. Positive Split 2. Negative Split(By75)
1x50   @30s Rest Free All out

Kick Set 400/10:00
3x100 @15s Rest - Choice Kick, Desc. 1-3
4x25 @10s Rest: Fast Kick

Cool Down 200/4:00
4x50 Choice Stroke-O Drill - Smooth Swim

4200 yards 101 Minutes

12-21-23 Holiday Hustle in the H2O

Warm-Up 900/25:00
300 Loosen
4x50 @10s Rest - Odds Zipper Drill -Evens Fingertip Drag
200 Pull 
4x50 @10s Rest Free Desc. 1-4
Pre-Set 400/12:00
16x25 Free @10s rest
1. Build To fast
2. Start Fast end EZ
3. Smooth-Dps
4. All Out
Pull(Choice Equip) 400/10:00
2x200 @10-15s Rest
1. Build to Fast
2. Positive Split 
Main Set 1400/35:00
2 Rounds
4x50 @5-10s Rest  Desc. 1-4 Free
2x100 @10s rest I.M
2x100 @5-10s Rest Free Negative Split
4x25 @10-15s rest  Free All out
Kick 500/15:00
5x50 @ Kick Desc.1-5 Hold 5
10x25 @ -O Fast -Even Steady 
Cool Down 200/5:00
1x100 Free Breathing Every 3
1x100 loosen

3800 Yards 102 Minutes

12-19-23 Poinsettia Pool Party

Warm-Up 850/20:00
300 Free
4x25 @5-10s Rest I.M
200 Pull
3x50 @5-10s Rest Streamline Kick
100 -as 12.5 Scull  -12.5 Free

Pre-Set 800/20:00
2 Rounds
4x50 Free @10s Rest Desc.1-4
8x25 Free @10s Rest -O Fast - Smooth/D.P.S

Main Set (Choice Equipment/Stroke)2000/45:00
2 Rounds
3x200 @10-15s Rest Desc. 1-3 Or Neg Split
6x50  @10s Rest Build To Fast
4x25 @10s Rest All out

Cool Down 200/6:00
4x25 @1:00 No Breath.
1x100 Dolphin Dive

3850Yrds 91 Minutes

12-16-23 Rudolph's Race Ready Routine

Warm-Up 900/20:00
300 Free Loosen
8x50  @10s Rest-O Kick -E Pull 
4x50 @10s Rest Kick Descend 1-4 on 1:00
I.M. 600/15:00
4x50 @10s Rest  Fly/Back 
4x50 @10s Rest Br/Free 
8x25 @10s Rest I.M.O, Sprint
Main Set 1400/35:00
1x300 @15s Rest Free Breathing ever 3/5 by 50 
6x50  @10s Rest -Back -O Smooth, -E Build To Fast
2x150 @10-15s Rest -25 Fly- 50 Bk - 50 Br - 25 Free
4x75  @10s Rest  -Free - O Build - Even Ascend
1x200 @15s Rest I.M
Speed 800/20:00
5x50  @10s Rest -Free Build to Fast
3x100 @10s Rest -Free  Negative split
8x25  @10-15s -Rest Fast Free
Cool Down 200/5:00
4x25 As Few Breaths As Possible
1x100 Smooth

3900 Yards 95 Minutes

11-14-23 Ornament Odyssey

Warm-Up 900/25:00
300 Free Loosen
6x50  @5s Rest Pull - Choice Equip
4x50  @10s Rest Desc. 1-4
4x25  @10s Rest Sprint Cycle 

Kick 500/12:00
20x25 @5-10s Rest I.M.O Kick 

Main  Set 2350/55:00
8x50  @10s Rest-25 Fast Free -25 Ez Back
4x25  @10s Rest -Fast Fly
4x150 @10-15s Rest -50 Bk -50 Br -50 Free
2x200 @10-15s Rest -100 Bk -50 Br -50 Free
6x75  @5-10s Rest Free- Odds Build to fast -Evens Smooth
4x100 @10s Rest  I.M

Cool Down 200/6:00
8x25 As Few Breaths as Possible

98 Minutes 3950Yards 

12-12-23 Arctic Agility Aquatics

Warm-Up 900/25:00
4x75 @10s Rest Free
-O D/S/S
-E S/D/D
1x100 Choice Kick
6x50 @10s Rest  I.M Switch
6x50 @10s Rest Desc 1-3 4-6
Kick (Choice Kick) 450/12:00
1x25 Kick-Build@5s rest
1x50 Kick-Build@5-10s Rest
1x75 Kick-Build@10s Rest
Pull( Mix Up Pull equip) 600/15:00
4x150 @ Build Each 150 
Main Set 1200/30:00 (Choice Equip)
2x300 @15s Rest Free, Negative Split by 150
2x200 @10s Rest Build Each 200 to 80-90
2x100 @10s Rest Build to all out.
Speed 500/12:00
20x25 @10s Rest 
-O Free Smooth
-Even Choice Stroke,All Out
Cool Down 200/4:00
2x100 Choice Loosen

3850yrds 98Minutes

12-9-23 Reindeer Race Readiness

Warm-Up 900/20:00
200 Free
200 Free Pull-Choice Equip
200 Kick
6x50 @10s Rest Choice Stroke
-Odds Drill
-Evens Build
Pre-Set 600/15:00
6x100 @ 10s Rest
-Evens -25 Fly -25 Free 
-0dds Free I.M
Main Set 2000/45:00
5 Rounds 
4x100 @ 5-10s Rest
1. Free
2.No Free
3. I.M
4. Free Breathing every 5
5. Fast Free
Cool Down 200/4:00
200  Loosen

3700 Yards 84 Minutes

12-7-23 Winter Wave Warriors

Warm-Up 800/20:00
300 loosen -as 200 Free 100 Choice Stroke.
100 I.M
4x50 @5-10s Rest Kick
2x100 Free- Pull
- with buoy
- With Buoy and paddles
Drill 450/12:00
3 Rounds 100=Drill,50=Build- Change Strokes by round.
1x100 @ 10s Rest
1x50 @ 5-10s Rest
*Drills Suggestions Bk-2,2,2 - Br,-1P 3Sec Glide. -Free 3/6/3
Kick 400/10:00
8x50 @5-10s Rest 
-O -25 Fly Kick-25 Free Kick
-E -25 Br Kick-25 Fly Kick
Pre-Set 500/12:00
2 Rounds
4x25 @5s Rest I.M Order Or Free Drill
1x50 @5s Rest Smooth Free
2x25 @5-10s Free Fast Free Fast
1x100 @10s Rest Free Breathing 3/5 by 25
Main Set 1500/35:00
6x50  @5-10s Rest -Free Smooth
8x25  @10s Rest - Fly Or Free All out
3x100 @10s Rest -Free  Active Recovery
8x25  @10s Rest - Bk All out
1x300 @15s Rest -Free Active Recovery
8x25  @10s Rest-Br or Free All out
Cool Down 200/5:00
4x50  Mix-up Strokes- Ez

12-5-23 Holiday Hustle

Warm-Up 800/20:00
300 Free Loosen
4x75 k/d/s I.M.O or Free
4x50 Desc. 1-4
Drill 400/ 10:00
6x50 @ Free Drill -Odds Thumb your Thigh - Evens Fingertip Drag Drill
1x100 Free Build to 80- Maintain technique
Pre-Set 500/12:00
6 x 25 @ 10s Rest As Few Breaths as possible
2 x 50 @ 10's Rest Push off U/W past flags - As Few Breaths as possible
Kick 500/12:00
4 x 75 @ Desc. 1-4 
2 x 100 @ -25Fast -25Smooth
Main set 1500/35:00
4×100 @10-15s Rest Free 
1×50  @10s Rest No Free Smooth
3x100 @10s Rest Free 
2×50 @5-10s Rest No Free Build 
2×100 @5s Rest Free
3×50 @5s Rest No Free Descend to fast 
1x100  @30s Rest Free fast 
4×50 @5s Rest  No Free -Odds Fast -Evens Easy
Cool Down 200/4:00
200 Loosen 

3900 Yards 93 Minutes

12-2-23 Winter Waves

Warm-Up 900/25:0
300 Free or Free I.M
4x75  Free @10s Rest
-O -50k -25 Build
-E -25 Build -50K
6x50 @ 5s Rest  I.M Switch
(fly/bk- bk/br-br/free)
Kick 500/12:00
4x50 @5s Rest Free Kick Desc. 1-4
4x50 @5s Rest  No Free Kick Desc. 1-4
4x25 @5s Rest  Choice Kick -O Fast -Even Smooth
Pull 600/15:00
2x200 @10s Rest Pull (Choice Equip) Negative Split 
4x50 @10s Rest (Choice Equip)  -25 Smooth -25 Fast
Main Set 1200/30:00
1x300  @15s Rest Free - breathing every 3/5 By 50
2x200 @10s Rest  1. Build Free 2.Backstroke 
3x100 @10s Rest 1. Free 2. Back 3. Choice stroke -Build each 100 to fast
4x50  @10s Rest I.M Order by 50.
Speed Set 500/12:00
10x50 @ 10s Rest
- O -25 Smooth -25 Fast 
- E -25 Fast -25 smooth
Cool Down 200/4:00
200 Stretch it out

3900 Yards 98 Minutes

11-30-23 November's Swan Song

Warm-Up 1000/25:00
4x100 Free Desc. 1-4
4x75- Choice Stroke -50 Drill -25 build
4x50 Kick Desc. 1-4
4x25 Build to Fast
Pre-Set 800/20:00
4x50 @ 5-10s Rest
-O Free breathing every 5 -E Backstroke smooth
3x100 @ 5-10s Rest
1. I.M 2. Breaststroke 3. Freestyle, negative split 
2x150 @10's Rest
1.  Choice Kick 2. Swim-50 Back, -50 Breast, -50 Free
Main Set 1800/45:00
3x300 @ 15s Rest
1. Steady free 2. Pull with buoy 3. Build to 80%
3x200 @ 10s rest
1. Backstroke 2.Free I.M 3. Negative Split
3x100 @ 5-10s Rest
1. Fast Free 2. No Free.3Fast Free
Cool Down 300/6:00
3x50 @10s rest Build
3x50 @10s rest Ascend

3900 Yards 96 Minutes

11-28-23 Liquid Lap Expedition

Warm-Up 800/20:00
200 Swim
200 Kick
200 I.M D/S
200 Pull

Kick Set 400/10:00
8x50 @5-10s Rest Flutter Kick Desc 1-4,5-8

Drill Set 500/12:00
5x50 @5-10s Rest Breast 1 Pull 3 Second Glide.
10x25 @5-10s Rest (Fins on)
-12.5 Yards Free  12.5 Yards Fly ( Build momentum with free to transition to strong fly) 

Pull (Choice of Pull Equipment) 600/15:00
1x200 @10-15s Rest Build to 80-90%
4x100 @10s Rest Desc 1-4.

Main 900/20:00
3x300 @15s Rest
1. Free Breathing every 3/5 By 50
2. 75 Free 75 Back
3.  I.M by 100

Speed (Fins) 500/10:00
20x25 @ 10s Rest
-Odds All out
-Evens Smooth

Cool Down 200/5:00
4x25 @ Fewest Breaths Possible 
2x50 Dolphin Dive

3900 Yards 92Minutes

11-25-23 Ripple Rally Routine

Warm-Up 900/25:00
300 Loosen
200 I.M D/S
100 I.M Kick
4x75  @ 10s Rest Choice Stroke
-Odds -25 build-25 Smooth-25 Fast
-Evens -25 Smooth -25 Build -Fast
Kick Set 450/12:00
6x50 @ 10s Rest Flutter Kick Desc. 1-3,4-6
6x25 @ 10s Rest Choice Kick
-O Fast -E Smooth
Pull 800/20:00
1x200 @ 15s Rest Smooth Pull w/ buoy
2x100 @ 10s Rest Negative Split Pads and Buoy 
4x50  @ 10s Rest Build To fast W/ Pads
8x25  @ 10s RestFins and Paddles. All out!
Pre-Set 700/18:00
4x100 @ 10s Rest Desc 1-4.
4x50  @ 10s Rest Build To a Fast Finish
4x25  @ 10s Rest All out
Main Set 1050/25:00
5x100 @ 10-15s Rest
#3. Build
#4.90% Effort
#5. All out.
4x50 @ 10s Rest -25 I.M -25 Free
1x200@ 15s Rest Free Negative Split
2x75@ 10s Rest Choice Stroke
-25 Smooth-25 Build -25 Sprint
Cool Down 200/4:00
4x50 Choice Stroke Mix it up

4100 Yards 104 Minutes

11-23-23 Happy Thanksgiving!

Warm-Up: 900/25:00
200 Free
200 IM Drill/Swim (D/S)
200 Kick
4x50 Descend 1-4 @ 10s Rest
4x25 Build @ 10s Rest
Drill Set: 600/15:00
 6x50 @ 15s Rest Odds - Single arm drill (by stroke), Evens - Finger Tip Drag
 3x100 @ 20s Rest Free Breathing 3/5/3/5 by 25 
Set 1:1000/25:00
 4x50 @ 10s Rest 25 Fly / 25 Back
 4x50 @ 10s Rest 25 Back / 25 Breast
 4x50 @ 10s Rest 25 Breast / 25 Free
 4x100 @ 15s Rest IM, 
Set 2: 800/20:00
 4x200 @ 15s Rest
#1: 200 Free,
#2: 200 Back,
#3: 200 Breast, 
#4: 200 Free,
Kick Set: 400/10:00
8x50 @ 10s Rest
Odds: Butterfly kick, 
Evens: Freestyle kick
Cool Down: 300/6:00
 6x50 @ 10s Rest
 Odds: free, 
 Evens: Choice stroke
4000 yards 101 Minutes

11-21-23 Velocity Vortex Voyage

Warm-Up 900/20:00
1x200 3 Free Strokes 4 Back Strokes.
1x100 No Free
1x200 I.M D/S
1x100 Choice Kick
1x200 Pull
1x100  Choice Stroke -25 Fast-25 Smooth-25 Build -25 Fast
Drill Set 450/10:00
6x25 @5s Rest. Super Man Catch-Up Drill.(Extend both arms, do 6 kicks, then take a stroke and breathe, alternating the breathing side while keeping one arm extended)
6x25 @5s Rest. Catch-Up Drill -Touching Thumb to Thumb
6x25 @5s Rest. Over Charge Drill- Catch-Up Drill Kicking as Fast as you can.
Kick 400/10:00
1x300 @10s Rest Free Kick Build 
1x100 Choice Kick Fast
Pre-Set 600/15:00
3x50 @5s Rest Free Desc.1-3 
3x50 @5s Rest No Free Desc.1-3
3x100 @10s Rest Choice Stroke Desc. 1-3.
Main Set 1500/35:00
3 Rounds Choice Equip
1x200 @10s Rest Negative Split
2x100 @5s Rest Build
2x50 @5s Rest -Odds Fast -Evens Smooth
Cool Down 200/4:00
200 Choice Stroke - Mix it Up

4050 Yards 94 Minutes

11-18-23 Chlorinated Endurance Challenge

Warm-Up 900/20:00
300 Loosen
6x50 @10s Rest I.M Switch (fly/bk-bk/br-br/fr)x2 
4x50 @10s Rest Choice Stroke -25Drill-25Build
4x25 @10s Rest Sprint Cycle 
Drill 600/15:00
4x50Free Drill@10s Rest -Odds Fist Drill -Evens 3 Strokes 3 Second Glide
1x100@15s Rest Smooth Free
4x50 Back Stroke Drill @10s Rest-Odds Double arm backstroke -Evens 222 Drill. 2R Arm,2L Arm, 1 Full Back Stroke Stroke Cycle 
1x100@15s Rest Smooth Back Stroke
Kick 450/12:00
3x150 @10s Rest Kick as
-50 Smooth -50 Build -50 Fast 
Main Set 1800/45:00
3 Rounds
4x50 @5s Rest Free Desc. 1-4
1x200 @15s Rest I.M Or Free I.M
2x100 @10s Rest Choice Stroke -Odds Smooth -Evens Fast
Cool Down 200/4:00
4x50 Choice Stroke smooth

3950 Yards 96 Minutes

11-16-23 November's Nautical Nutrients

Warm-Up 800/20:00
300 Loosen
2x50-25 Scull-25 Swim @15s Rest
4x50 Choice Stroke -25Drill-25 Build @10's Rest
8x25 Sprint Cycle @10's Rest
Pre-Set 500/12:00
6x50 Choice Stroke Desc.1-3,4-6 @10's Rest
4x25 Streamline Kick @10's Rest
1x100 I.M
Main Set 2200/50:00
2 Rounds
RD1 50=Kick,200=Swim. RD2 50= Pull, 200=Free I.M or I.M.
4x50 @5-10s Rest
2x200 @10's Rest
2x50 @5-10s Rest
1x200 @1:00 Min Rest
1x200 All out 
2:00 Min Reset.
Cool Down 200/4:00
4x25 As Few Breaths As Possible
1x100 Choice Stroke Smooth

3700 Yards 86 Minutes.

11-14-23 Cerulean Sprint

Warm-Up 900/20:00
3x100 Free@ 10-15s Rest
4x50 Pull@ 10s Rest
2x100 Kick@ 10sRest
4x50 Desc.1-4 @ 10s Rest
Pre Set 600/15:00
4x75@10s Rest
4x50@ 5-10s Rest
-25 I.M.O -25 Free
4x25@ 5-10s Rest
Main Set 2000/45:00
2 Rounds
4x100 @ 10-15s Rest
Free Desc. 1-4
3x100 @ 10-15s Rest
No Free Desc 1-3
2x100 @ 10-15s Rest
Free Desc 1-2
All out Choice Stroke.
*2 Min Break Reset*
Cool Down 300/6:00
3x50  Free Ascend 
3x50 Smooth Choice

3800 Yards 86 Minutes

11-11-23 Blue Lagoon Bootcamp

Warm-Up 800/20:00
3x100 @10s Rest
Free Loosen
4x50 @10s Rest
6x50 @10s Rest
-Odds Pull - Evens Kick

Main Set 3100/65:00
2 Rounds
4x125 @15 Seconds Rest
-Free,3rd 25 Stroke(No Free)
6x50  @10 Seconds Rest
-No Free Desc. 1-3,4-6
3x150 @15 Seconds Rest
-50 Free -50 Drill -50 Stroke
6x50 @10 Seconds Rest
-Choice Kick Desc.1-3,4-6 
*1-2 Min Rest between Rounds*

Cool Down 200/5:00
4x50 Free Ascend

4100 Yards 95 Minutes

11-9-23 Velocity and Volume

Warm-Up - 800/20:00
4x100 -Odds Free , -Evens I.M 
4x50 - Desc. 1-4 @ 10s Rest
8x25 - Odds fast/evens easy, any stroke @10s Rest
Kick Set 400/12:00
2x25 Strong Kick @10s Rest
1x100 Fast Kick @15s Rest
2x50 Build Kick @10s Rest
1x100 Fast Kick @15s Rest
1x50 Smooth Kick @
Drill Set(Rotation) 400/10:00
8x50 @ 10s Rest
-Odds 3 Stokes 6 Kicks Free
-Evens 3 Free Strokes 4 Back Strokes. 
Main Set(Choice Equipment) 2100/45:00
7x150 @15s Rest
1-3. Smooth
4-7. Fastest Possible Average
4x50 @ 10s Rest
Active recovery
7x100@ 15s Rest
1-3. Smooth
4-7. Fastest Possible Average
4x50 @ 10s Rest
Active Recovery
7x50 @ 15s Rest
Fastest Possible Average
Cool Down 200/4:00
200 Smooth- Mix up Strokes.

3900 Yards 91 Minutes

11-7-23 Lap Legends: Crafting Champions

Warm-Up: 900/ 20:00
300 Free 
6x50 I.M Switch @ 10s Rest
4x50 Free Desc. 1-4 @ 10s Rest
4x25 Sprint Cycle @ 5s Rest
Pre-Set: 450/12:00
3x(3x50) Desc. 1-3 @ 10s Rest 
Rd 1 Free
Rd 2 Back
Rd 3 Breast
Kick Set: 400/10:00
16x25@ 10s Rest
Odds: Fly Kick OR Breast Kick
Evens: Free Kick
Pull Set: 600/15:00
3x200 Free @ 15s Rest
#1: Buoy
#2: Buoy and Paddles
#3: Paddles and Fins
Main Set with Fins: 1125/25:00
5 Rounds:
1x100 Distance Per Stroke freestyle @ 5s Rest
1x50 Free Drill 6 kick Switch @ 5s Rest
3x25 Fast Free @ 10s Rest
Sprint Set: 225/8:00
9x25 @ 15s Rest
Odds: Underwater max distance into smooth free
Evens: Sprint Free
Cool Down: 200/5:00
200 Loosen

3900 Yards 95 Minutes

11-4-23 Waves of Willpower: Pushing Past Comfort

Warm-Up: 800/18:00
200 Free 
4x100 @ 15s Rest: 25 Kick / 25 Drill / 25 Kick / 25 Swim
8x25 @ 10s Rest:
-Odds Fast 
-Evens Easy 
Set 1 1000/ 22:00
5x200 @ 20s Rest:
#1: Freestyle at a moderate pace focusing on efficiency.
#2: Pull with a buoy and paddles, 
#3: Freestyle- 50 at bilateral Breathing-Fast 80-90% pace, 
#4: IM 
#5: Negative split 
Set 2 500/ 12:00
10x50 @ 15s Rest:
1-5: Freestyle, Desc 1-4, Hold Speed for 5
6-10: Non-free, Desc. 6-10
Set 3 500/ 12:00
2 Rounds
1x25 Fly @ 10s Rest: 
1x50 Fly/Back @ 15s Rest: 
1x75 Fly/Back/Breast @ 20s 
1x100 I.M @ 30s Rest: 
Set 4 900/20:00
2x150 @ 20s Rest: Swim at a pace that feels just on the edge of comfort—aim for about 85% effort.
1x300 @ 30s Rest: Maintain that effort 
2x150 @ 20s Rest: Increase Effort to 90% 
Cool Down: - 300/7:00
6x50 Choice Stroke -Smooth @ 15s Rest:

4000 Yards 91 Minutes

11-2-23 Splash into November: Endurance Anew

Warm-Up:  800/20:00
200 Free: Perfect technique, slow and deliberate.
4x50 @ 15s Rest Drill/Swim by 25. Drill focusing on a personal weakness (e.g., catch, pull, or kick).
4x100 @ 20s Rest: Build each 100 to 90% focus on maintaining technique 
Pre-Set:  400/10:00
16x25 @ 5s Rest:
-Odds Strong Stroke
-Evens Weak Stroke
Distance Mix-Up: 1200/26:00
1x300 Free @ 30s Rest: Swim with a focus on even pacing, breathing every 3 strokes, and holding a steady technique throughout.
4x150 @ 20s Rest:
Odd: 100 Smooth -50 Race Pace
Even: 50 non-free focusing on technique, 100 Free at a steady pace.
6x50 @ 10s Rest: 
Odd: Sprint these Free as if they are the final stretch of a race. 
Even: Backstroke easy, focusing on recovery and technique.
Pace Variability - 800/18:00
8x100 @ 15s Rest:
Odd: 25 sprint / 75 Moderate. 
Even: 50 at race pace / 50 easy. 
Fly/Free-Power - 400/10:00
8x50 @ 10s Rest: 12.5 Free 12.5 Fly x2
Cool Down: 200/6:00
4x50 @ 15s Rest: Easy swimming, mixing in strokes. 

3800 Yards 90 Minutes

10-31-23 🎃🎃Happy Halloween!!!🎃🎃

Warm-Up – 600/15:00
200 Free Haunted House Swim: - As you swim, envision navigating through a haunted house. Each length brings a new mysterious room.
4x100 @15s Rest: Spectral Speeds - Descend each 100 like you're shedding layers of an apparition, becoming more tangible with each 100.

Monster's Technique School – 700/18:00
Vampire Bites: 6x50 @ 15s Rest:
Bilateral breathing. Odds: Breathe every 3 strokes, like a vampire counting his victims. Evens: Breathe every 5, increasing the challenge.
Ghost Glide: 4x100 @ 10s Rest:
Odds: Streamline kick-on back, ghosting over the graveyard. Silently and swiftly, no disturbances.
Evens: Freestyle – maintain a smooth and silent stroke to emulate the stealth of a ghost.

Midnight Marathon(Choice Equipment) – 1800/40:00
Witches' Brew: 8x50 @ 10s Rest: Freestyle. Desc.1-4 ,5-8
Zombie Prowl: 4x200 @ 15s Rest: 1-2: Freestyle, 3: IM, Drill/Swim 4: Freestyle.
Vampire's Flight: 2x300 @ 20s Rest: Freestyle. Negative Split by 150

Ghostly Gush – 600/15:00
Ectoplasmic Eruptions: 12x50 @10s Rest:
1-4: Freestyle Desc. 1-4  gaining spectral energy.
5-8: Fast. Supernatural Speed.
9-12: Ascend, slowly dissipating like morning mist

Pharaoh's Rest – 200/4:00
Cursed Nile Swim: 
Glide gracefully through the waters that once carried ancient Pharaohs. 200 Smooth Free

3900 Yards 92 Minutes

10-28-23 Broomsticks are Overrated: We Swim!

Warm-Up - 600/15:00
200 Free - Focus on a long, smooth stroke.
4x50 @ 15s Rest: -25 Free build -25 Choice stroke.
4x50 @ 10s Rest: -Odds Kick (Flutter/Choice) -Evens Pull.

Pre-Set - 400/10:00
4x100 @ 10s Rest: -25 Drill -25 Swim x2. Choose a different stroke each time.

Set 1 – 1100/26:00
4x275 @ 10-15s Rest:
1: 175 Free (threshold pace) / 100 IM
2: 100 IM / 175 Free (threshold pace)
3: 175 Free (threshold pace) / 100 IM
4: 100 IM / 175 Free (threshold pace)
Threshold pace =70-80% Max Effort

Set 2 – 900/22:00
3x300 @ 20s Rest:
1: 100 Fast Free / 100 Moderate Breast / 100 Easy Free
2: 100 I.M / 100 Fast Free / 100 Easy Free
3: 100 Easy Free / 100 Fast Back / 100 Moderate Free

Stroke Transition - 700/18:00
4x175 @ 20s Rest:
1: 50 Free / 25 Back  / 50 Breast / 50 Free 
2: 50 Free / 25 Breast  / 50 Fly  / 50 Free
3: 50 Free  / 25 Fly / 50 Back / 50 Free
4: 100 I.M /75 Free

Pull & Breathing Pattern – 400/10:00
4x100 @ 10s Rest:
Pull buoy, no kick. Change breathing pattern every 25 (3, 5, 3, 7 for Free).

Cool Down - 200/4:00
4x50 Choice Stroke @ 15s Rest:

4300 Yards 105 Minutes

10-26-23 Vampire Velocity Ventures

Warm-Up 700/18:00
300 Free loosen
4x50 @ 15s Rest: -25 I.M -25 Free
4x50 @ 10s Rest: -Odds Drill - Even As Few Breaths as Possible
Pre-Set 400/12:00
4x100 @ 10s Rest: Descend 1-4. Start moderately and push the speed on each subsequent 100.
Set 1 1200/30:00
8x150 @ 10-15s Rest:
1, 3, 5, 7: 50 Free (sprint) / 100 Easy-Moderate Free
2, 4, 6, 8: 100 Free (sprint) / 50 Easy Free
Set 2  800/20:00
8x100 @ 10s Rest:
1-2: 25 Easy / 25 Fast / 25 Easy / 25 Fast
3-4: I.M
5-6: 50 Easy / 50 Fast
7-8: 50 Fast / 50 Easy
Kick Set   400/10:00
8x50 @ 10s Rest:
Odds: Flutter kick 
Evens: Choice kick all out
Cool Down 300/7:00
3x100 @ 15s Rest:
1st: 100 IM, easy
2nd: 100 Back, steady
3rd: 100 Free, focus on relaxation

3800 Yards 97 Minutes 

10-24-23 Phantom Phast Freestyle

Warm-Up: 600/15:00
200 Free 
4x100 @10s Rest Odds Free; Evens IM (focus on smooth transitions between strokes)
Pre-Set: 400/10:00
8x50 @5s Rest
Descend 1-4, 5-8. Focus on increasing speed while maintaining stroke efficiency.
Speed Intervals – 1200/30:00
12x100 @ 5-10 Seconds Rest
1-4: 75 Fast Free / 25 Easy Free
5-8: 50 Fast Free / 50 Easy Free
9-12: 25 Fast Free / 75 Easy Free
Race Strategy – 900/23:00
6x150 @5-10s Rest 
1-2: 75 Free at race pace / 50 Easy Free / 25 Back all-out
3-4: 50 Easy Free / 50 Breast at race pace / 50 Free all-out
5-6: 75 Free at race pace / 75 Free moderate
Sprint Set: 300/7:00
12x25 @5s Rest
Odds: Sprint
Evens: Easy recovery
Cool Down: 300/8:00
3x100 Choice stroke 

3700 yards/ 93 Mins

10-21-23 Bewitched Breaststroke & Frightful Fly!

Warm-Up 700/18:00
300 Free
6x50 @ 15s Rest:
Odds: Free Bilateral Breathing 3/5 by 25
Evens: 25 Back / 25 Breast
4x25 @ 10s Rest: Odds Breast, Evens Fly

Kick Set: 300/10:00
6x50 @ 15s Rest:
Odds: Flutter Kick
Evens: Butterfly Kick

Drill Set: 400/10:00
4x50 @ 15s Rest: Breast Stroke 1 Pull two Kicks
4x50 @ 15s Rest: Butterfly single-arm, Double arm, Single Arm 

Endurance and Technique: 1500/35:00

Technique Focus:
 4x125 @ 10-15s Rest:
50 Breast -focus on high elbow catch and glide
50 Free -Bi-Lateral breathing 
25 Fly -Focusing on undulating body movement

Endurance Emphasis:
 3x200 @ 10s Rest:
75 Free (steady pace)
25 Breast (emphasis on maintaining technique when tired)
75 Free (steady pace)
25 Fly (focus on maintaining form in fatigue)

Speed and Transition: 
4x100 @ 15s Rest:
25 Breast -Fast
25 Free -Easy
25 Fly -Fast
25 Free -Easy

Race Strategy: 750/20:00
6x75 @ 10s Rest:
50 Free (25 Fast / 25 Smooth)
25 Breast ( Build to a strong finish)
3x100 @ 10s Rest:
25 Fly (all out)
50 Free (Moderate/Fast Effort)
25 Breast (Focus on Glide)

Cool Down: 200/4:00
2x100 @ 2:00:
1st: 100 IM 
2nd: 100 Free 

3850 Yards  97 Minutes

10-19-23 From Breast’s Best Glide to Butterfly’s Sky High

Warm-Up 800/20:00
300 Free: Build by 75
4x50 @ 15s Rest: Free Bilateral  3/5 by 25
4x50 @ 10s Rest: Kick -Odds Flutter K -Evens Butterfly K
4x25 @ 10s Rest: Odds Breast, Evens Fly.

Breaststroke:  400/10:00
4x100 @ 15s Rest:
75 Breast focusing on gliding and strong pull.
25 Free: relaxed.

Butterfly: 450/11:00
6x75 @ 20s Rest: -50 Free -25 Fly 

Breaststroke & Butterfly Combo: 600/15:00
3x200 @ 20s Rest:
-50 Breast emphasizing technique.
-100 Free at a steady pace.
-25 Fly (focus on form)
-25 Breast to finish strong.

Freestyle Endurance: 800/20:00
4x200 @ 15s Rest:
1st: 200 Free Drill Mix them Up
2nd: 100  build + 100 smooth
3rd: 50  (fast) + 150  smooth
4th: Negative Split by 100 

Variation Set: 500/12:00
4x125 @ 15s Rest:
1st: -50 Breast -50 Free -25 Fly 
2nd: -25 fly  -50 Free  -50 Breast 
3rd: -50 Breast -25 Fly -50 Free
4th: -50 Free -50 Breast -25 Fly

Cool Down: 200/4:00
100 Breast
100 I.M

3750 Yards 92 Minutes 

10-17-23 Surfing the Stroke Spectrum

Warm-Up 600/15:00
300 Free - Increase speed every 100.
4x50 @ 10s Rest -Odds Free - Evens Back
4x25 @ 10s Rest -Odds Breast - Evens Fly

Breaststroke and Butterfly Drill Set 400/10:00
4x50 @ 10s Rest - Breast Stroke Drill -3 Second Glide.
4x50 @ 15s Rest -Butterfly single-arm -25 left, -25 right

Race Strategy Set 600/15:00
3x100 @ 10s Rest Alternating -50 Back-50 Free. first 50 strong and second 50 smooth.
4x75  @ 15s Rest -50 Free (25 Fast / 25 Smooth) -25 Back, Fast

Breast & Fly 1150/25:00
4x100 @ 10s Rest -Odds Breast Stroke - Even Freestyle
3x100 @ 10s Rest -50 Free  -25 Breast -25 Butterfly 
3x150 @ 10s Rest -50 Free -50 Breast -50 Free

Stroke Transition  600/15:00
4x50 @ 10s Rest
Odds: -25 Breast -25 Free
Evens: -25 Fly -25 Back
4x100 @ 15s Rest
1st: -25 Free -25 Fly -50 Backstroke.
2nd: 50 Backstroke  -50 Breaststroke.
3rd: 50 Breaststroke -50 Freestyle.
4th: I.M

Cool Down 300/6:00
3x100 @ 2:00
-100 Free -100 Back -100 Breast 
3650Yards 86 Minutes

10-14-23 Water Warriors' Weekend Challenge

Warm-Up  700/20:00
300 Free: Loosen 
4x75 @ :15s rest: -25 Free -25 Back -25 Streamline Kick
4x25 @ :15s rest: 

Technique and Transition Set: 500/15:00
3x50 @ :15s rest: Long Axis Rotation Drill -3 Strokes Free -4 Strokes Back -3 Strokes Free 
4x50 @ :15s rest: Freestyle - Zipper Drill, focusing on hand recovery.
3x50 @ :15s rest: Backstroke - Single arm, emphasizing rotation.

Kick Intensity Set: 300/8:00
3x100 Mixed Kick @ :15s rest: 25 Flutter (Free) / 25 Dolphin / 25 Flutter (Free) / 25 Dolphin.

Race Strategy Set: 1300/36:00
4x125 @ :20s rest: 75 Free steady pace + 50 Back building speed.
2x150 @ :20s rest: 50 Back moderate pace + 100 Free build.
5x100 @ :15s rest: Descend 1-5. Aim to drop time on each 100.

Power and Pacing Set: 600/18:00
4x25 @ :30s rest: Max Power Free, aiming for a low stoke count and maintaining speed.
2x100 @ :20s rest: Freestyle, swim the first 50 at 70% effort and the second 50 at 90% effort. 
4x25 @ :30s rest: Max Power Backstroke, similar to the freestyle 25's, aiming for minimal strokes but high velocity.
2x100 @ :20s rest: Alternating 50's of Backstroke and Freestyle. Try to match the pacing from the previous 100's, adjusting your effort as needed.

Cool Down: 200/4:00
4x50 @ :15s rest: Bi lateral breathing: 3/5/7/9 

Total: 3600yrds 101 minutes

10-12-23 Splish, Splash, Speed! Dive into Strategy

Warm-Up 700/20:00
300 Free: Loosen, emphasizing efficient strokes and a relaxed rotation.
4x100 @ :20s rest: Alternating by 100 (Free, Kick, Free, Kick), maintaining a steady pace.

Technique and Drill Set 650/18:00
3x100 Free @ :20s rest: -Bilateral Breathing.
4x50 @ :15s rest: Free -Drill -25 Right Arm -25 Left Arm
6x25 @ :10s rest: -Odds Back -Evens Free

Kick Intensity Set 300/10:00
3x100 Free Kick @ :15s rest: Emphasis on maintaining a consistent speed. 

Race Strategy Set 1500/35:00
4x100 @ :15s rest: 1st 50 at 80% effort, 2nd 50 at 90% effort.
8x50 Free @ :20s rest: Sprint Cycle by 50. (Fast/Ez, Ez/Fast, Build, Sprint.)
2x150 @ :20s rest: Freestyle, focusing on negative splitting by 75 (2nd half faster than the 1st).
6x50 @ :10s rest: Odds are smooth and controlled, and Evens are all-out sprints.

Sprint & Turn Work 300/8:00
12x25 @ :10s rest: Sprint cycle

Cool Down 200/4:00
2x100 @ :15s rest: Choice Stroke 

Total: 3650yrds 94 Minutes.

10-10-23 Flip, Sip (water, of course), and Rip through the Lanes!

Warm-Up 800/20:00
300 Free – Loosen focus on long, efficient strokes.
4x50 @ :10s rest – Alt: 25 Back / 25 Free, 
4x50 @ :10s rest – Free, Desc. 1-4
4x25 @ :10s rest – 1/2 Fast 1/2 Easy -Odds Free -Evens No Free
Technique Set 600/15:00
6x50 @ :15s rest – Free Drill: -Odds Catch-Up  -Evens Fist Drill
4x50 @ :15s rest – Back Drill:  25 right arm, 25 left arm.
4x25 @ :10s rest – Free, Sprint Cycle 
Race Strategy Set 1800/40:00
4x150 @ :20s rest – Steady Pace
8x50 @ :15s rest – Odds: Free strong; Evens: Backstroke strong.
4x100 @ :20s rest – 1st 50 Backstroke at race pace, 2nd 50 Free easy.
4x100 @ :20s rest – 1st 50 Free at race pace, 2nd 50 Backstroke easy.
Speed Set 400/12:00
8x50 @ :15s rest – Odds: Backstroke, focus on underwaters and speed; Evens: Free, aiming for max speed while maintaining technique.
Cool Down 200/5:00
4x50 @ :10s rest – Choice Stroke, Cool Down

3800 yards 92 Minutes

10-7-23 From Paddle to Battle: Dive into the Deep End!

Warm-Up 800/20:00
300 Free Loosen
4x50 @ 10s rest - Back/Freestyle by 25, thinking of the changing colors of the Northern Lights.
4x50 @ 10s rest Flutter Kick W/ a Board
4x25 @ 10s rest - Sprint Cycle

Drill Set: 600/16:00
3x100 @ 15s rest - Free. Odd lengths: fingertip drag, Even lengths: full stroke.
4x50 @ 15s rest - Back. Count strokes.
2x50 @ 10s rest - Free with a focus on breathing. Breathe on one side going down, the other coming back. 

Main-Set 2000
2x500 Free @ :30s rest:
1st 500:  Swim at a steady pace for the first 400, then pick up the speed for the last 100.
2nd 500:  start fast for the first 100  and then settle into a steady pace for the remaining 400.

3x200 @ :20s rest:
1st 200: Free - Start with a smooth and easy pace for the first 100, then gradually build your speed for the second half.
2nd 200: Back - Maintain a consistent pace throughout
3rd 200: Free -  Start strong and gradually decrease your speed.

4x100 @ :20s rest:
1st 100:  - Free. -25 Fast -50 Smooth -25 Fast
2nd 100: - Free.  maintain an even pace throughout this 100.
3rd 100:  - Back.  At a Strong Pace
4th 100: - Free. -50 Fast -50 Moderate

Cool Down: 100/2:00
100 Easy Choice 

3500 Yards 85 Minutes

10/5/23 Ladder Up, Skills High: Dive into Endurance!

Warm-Up 800/20:00
400 Free - Breathe every 3/5/7 strokes by 50s to promote balanced rotation.
6x50 @ :10s rest - Alternating Free and Back, focusing on streamlining off the walls.
4x25 @ :10s rest Sprint Cylce 

Drill Set: 500/15:00
4x50 Free @ :15s rest - Catch Up Drill.
4x50 Back @ :15s rest - Single-arm Backstroke. 25 right arm, 25 left arm, 
4x25 @ :10s rest -Odds Free Drill - Evens free Sprint

Main Endurance Set: 1600/38:00
100 Free @ :15s rest 
200 Free @ :20s rest 
300 Free @ :25s rest 
400 Free @ :30s rest 
300 Free @ :25s rest 
200 Free @ :20s rest 
100 Free @ :15s rest  
*100's and 200's Faster than 300/400's 

Technique Emphasis Set: 400/12:00
4x50 Free @ :10s rest - Count strokes and aim to reduce by 1 each time.
8x25 Fly -Odds Drill 3/3/3  -Evens Swim

Cool Down: 200/2:00
200 Smooth Mixing up Strokes - No Free

3500 Yards 87 Minutes  

10/3/23 Endurance Odyssey: Where Strokes Collide

Warm-Up 800/20:00
300 Free – every 4th length backstroke to mix it up.
4x50 Free Drill Finger Tip Drag Drill @ :15s rest: 
4x50 Back Drill 3/3/3, 3R/3L/3Stroke Cycles -6 stokes @ :15s rest:
4x25 Free – Descend 1-4 @ :10s rest.

Technique Set: 700/18:00
4x50 Free Desc 1-4@ :15s rest –
4x50 Back  Desc 1-4 @ :15s rest – 
4x100 Alternating 25 Free/25 Back @ :15s rest 

Main Endurance Set: 1600/35:00
2x400 Free @ :20s rest
#1: Every 4th length backstroke.
#2: Breathing every 3/5/7 By 25
4x200 @ :15s rest
 -Odds Back Stroke or  I.M No Free.
 -Evens Free

Distance Per Stroke: 400/12:00
8x50 @ :10s rest
Odd: Back – Distance per Stroke, Count strokes and try to reduce by 1 each 50.
Even: Free – Distance per Stroke, Count strokes and try to reduce by 1 each 50.

Cool Down: 100/3:00
100 Easy choice, with a focus on smooth technique and relaxed breathing.

3600 Yards 88 Minutes 

9-30-23 Kick, Pull, Swim: The Ultimate Trifecta

Warm-Up: 700/20:00
300 Free 
6 x 50 @ 15s rest:
Odds: Free Descend
Evens: No Free
4 x 25 Sprint Cycle

Drill Set: 500/15:00
5 x 100 @ 15s rest:
#1: 50  Kick / 50 Free
#2: 50 3Strokes 6Kicks 3/6/3 / 50 Free
#3: 50 Fist Freestyle / 50 Free
#4: 50 6-Beat Kick Free / 50 Free
#5: 50 Bilateral Breathing / 50 Free

Main Set: 1800/40:00
4 Rounds:
4 x 50 Free @ 10s rest: -25 sprint, -25 easy 
1 x 150 Free @ 15s rest: Build by 50s (easy, moderate, hard)
1 x 100 Free Pull @ 10s rest: Paddles 

Kick & Pull Set: 400/12:00
4 x 50 Kick @ 10s rest:
4 x 50 Pull with buoy & paddles @ 15s rest:

Speed Play: 100/3:00
4 x 25 @ :30: Choice Stroke Sprint.

Cool Down: 100/2:00
100 Easy Choice,
3600 yrds 92 Minutes

9-28-23 Flippin' Fun & Speedy Sprints: Dive In!

Warm-Up 800/20:00
300 Free 
8 x 50 @ 10-15s rest
Odd: Drill (Catch Up Free)
Even: Finger Tip Drag
4x25 Sprint Cycle @ :45-1:00

Pre-Set 600/18:00
3 x 200 IM @ 20s rest
#1: 25 Fly/75 Free, 25 Back/75 Free
#2: 25 Back/75 Free, 25 Breast/75 Free
#3: 25 Breast/75 Free, 25 Fly/75 Free

Main Set 1800/40:00
3 Rounds
3 x 100 Free Desc.1-3 @ 10 Seconds Rest
4 x 50 Free @ 10s rest
-25 Sprint -25 Ez
1 x 100 Free Smooth @ 20 Seconds Rest

Kick Set 300/16:00
6 x 50 Free Kick @ 15s rest
Descend 1-3, 4-6.

Sprint Set 50/2:00
1 x 50 Free All-Out

Cool Down 50 /2:00
50 Easy Choice
3600 yrds 98 Minutes

9-26-23 Butter-Fly Me to the Moon & Back!

Warm-Up 900/25:00
1x300 Free Loosen Trying to do 2-3 Dolphin Kicks off Each Wall.
6x50 @:15 Seconds Rest: 25 Back / 25 Breast 
4x50 @:10 Seconds Rest Free Desc. 1-4
4x25 Dolphin Dive 
Technique Set: 700/18:00
4x50 @:20 Seconds Rest Hand Lead Dolphin Kick
4x100 @:15 Seconds Rest: IM order, 
4x25 @:10 Seconds Rest: Butterfly sprint.
Main Set: 1450/33:00
3x150 @:20 Seconds Rest
1st 150: 100 Free / 25 Butterfly / 25 Backstroke
2nd 150: 50 Free / 50 Butterfly / 50 Free
3rd 150: 100 Backstroke / 25 Butterfly / 25 Free
2x200 @:20 Seconds Rest
1st 200: 175 Free + 25 Butterfly
2nd 200: 150 Free + 25 Butterfly + 25 Backstroke
4x100 @:15 Seconds Rest
Odds 75 Free with emphasis on dolphin kicks off each turn + 25 Butterfly
Evens: 75 Breaststroke + 25 Butterfly
4x50 @:10 Seconds Rest:
Odds: 25 Free / 25 Butterfly
Evens: 25 Backstroke / 25 Butterfly
Equipment: 200/5:00
4x50 @:15 Seconds Rest (with fins)
Odds: 25 Free with strong dolphin kicks off the wall + 25 Butterfly
Evens: 50 Free focusing on smooth, elongated strokes
Cool Down:200/4:00
8x25 -Odds Free -Evens Dolphin Dive

3450 Yards 85 Minutes

9-23-23 Back, Breast, and Beyond

Warm-Up 800/20:00
1x300 Free Loosen
6x50 @:10 Seconds Rest - Choice Kick alternating streamline kick and kick w/ a board
4x50 IM order by 50 (Fly, Back, Breast, Free) @:10 Seconds Rest
Pre-Set 600/15:00
2x150 IM (no free) @ 15 Seconds Rest
2x100 Free @ 10 Seconds Rest - Focus on technique and bilateral breathing
4x25 @ :10 Sec Rest:
1st & 3rd: Backstroke to halfway then switch to Breaststroke
2nd & 4th: Breaststroke to halfway then switch to Freestyle
Main Set: 1750/40:00
2x200 Free @:15-20 Seconds Rest
1. -100 Ez - 100 Build
2. -100 Fast 100 Smooth
3x150 IM Transition Work @ :20 Seconds Rest
1st: -25 Fly -25 Free/50 Back/-25 Fly -25 Free
2nd: 50 Back/50 Breast/50 Back
3rd: 50 Breast/50 Free/50 Breast
4x100 @ :15 Seconds Rest
Odds: 50 Back/50 Free 
Evens: 50 Breast/50 Free 
5x50 @ :10 Seconds Rest
Desc. 1-4 Hold Speed for 5
2x200 Pull Free @ :20 Seconds Rest
-Choice equipment
Sprint: 200/6:00
2x50 @ :20 Seconds Rest - IM transition sprints (Fly-Back and Back-Breast)
4x25 @ :15 Seconds Rest: Sprint free but use the turn of each IM stroke (e.g. Fly turn, Back turn, etc.)
Cool Down 200/4:00
4x25 Dolphin Dive
1x100 Smooth Free

3550 85 Minutes

9-21-23 Metabolic Medley Mixer

Warm-Up 800/ 20:00
2x150 Free Loosen
4x50 Choice Kick @:5-10 Seconds Rest
1x100 I.M 
2x50 Free -25 Breathing every 3 -25 Breathing every 5 @:5-10 Seconds Rest
Pre-Set 600/15:00
3x100 I.M @ 10-15 Seconds Rest
6x50 @ :10 Seconds Rest
-O -25 Back -25 Breast
-E -25 Breast -25 Free
Main Set 1750/40:00
3x300 @ :20 Seconds Rest
1.I.M No Free
2.100 Free 100 I.M 100 Free
3. Free Desc by 100
2x200 Free Pull -Choice Equipment @ 15 Seconds Rest
3x150 @ 15 Seconds Rest
1.-50 Back -50 Breast- 50 Free
2.-50 Free -50 Back -50 Breast
3.Reverse I.M no Fly
Sprint 200/6:00
4x25 @ :15 Seconds I.M Order Sprint
2x50 @ :20 Seconds RestBackstroke -25 Max U/W -25 Sprint
Cool Down 200/4:00
4x50 Choice Stroke Smooth

3550 Yards 85 Minutes 

9-19-23 Rise & Glide: A Breaststroke & Free Fusion

Warm-Up 700/16:00
200 Free Easy Swim
6x50 I.M Switch (Fly/Bk- Bk/Br - Br/Free x2) @:10-15 Secs Rest
4 x 50 Free with Open Water Sighting Lift head forward every 6-8 strokes to simulate open water sighting. @:15 Secs Rest
Pre-Set 700/ 14:00
6 x 50 Breaststroke @ :10 Secs Rest
Odd: Drill - 25 Right arm Breast Stroke -25 Left arm Breast Stroke. - Other arm pointed at wall you are swimming towards.
Even: Regular Breaststroke Emphasis on the glide phase.
4 x 100 Free Pull Descend 1-4. @:10-15 Seconds Rest  (Choice of Pull Equipment.)
Main Set 1550/33:00
1 x 300 Free Every 4th 25 Open water Sight @ :20 Secs Rest
2 x 200 Free @ :15-20 Secs Rest
-Odds Build by 50
-Evens Negative Split.
3 x 150 Breaststroke @ :15-20 Secs Rest
-Odds Breaststroke 
-Evens -75 Back -75 Free
4 x 100 Free @ :15 Secs Rest
-Odds Smooth
-Evens build the 100 to a fast pace
Sprint & Power Set 200/ 6:00
4 x 25 Free @ :15 Secs Rest
2 x 50 Free @ :15 Secs Rest
The first 25 of each 50 is at an easy pace. The second 25 is sprint.
Cool Down 200/4:00
200 Easy choice

3350 Yards 73 Minutes 

9-16-23 Building Blocks of Back & Free

Warm-Up 600/14:00
300 Free 
100 Backstroke 
4x75 @ 15s rest
-Odds -25 bk -25 free -25 bk
-Evens -25 free -25 bk -25 Free
Pre-Set 600/ 14:00
4 x 100 Free -Odds Breathing every 3 - Evens Breathing every 5 @15s rest
2 x 100 Back -25 Right arm only bk -25 Left arm Only Bk -50 backstroke @ 15s rest:
Main Set 1700/
Part 1:  700/16:00
4 x 50 Free with fins @10s rest - 
2 x 50 Back with fins @10s rest -
2 x 75 Free @20s rest - 25 Drill 3/3/3 /50 swim. Drill: (3 strokes left side, 3 strokes right side, 3 alternating strokes)
2 x 75 Back @20s rest - -50 Drill 3/3/3 -25 Swim
Part 2 : 1000/22:00
3 x 200 Free Desc. 1-3 @30s rest:
2 x 200 -50 Free -50 Back @30s rest:
Pull Set 300/8:00
4 x 50 Free pull with pull buoy @15s rest - 
2 x 50 Back pull with pull buoy @15s rest -.
Cool Down 100/ 2:00
100 Choice Loosen

3300 Yards 76 Minutes

9-14-23 Freestyle Frolics & Flutter Frenzies

Warm-Up 500/12:00
300 Freestyle, loosen
8x25 Streamline Flutter Kick 
Freestyle Drills 400/10:00
8x50 @:10-15 rest
-Odds 6 Strokes 3 Second Glide Freestyle 6/3/6
-Evens -25 Zipper -25 Regular Freestyle
Main Set Speed & Endurance 1700/40:00
5x100 Freestyle @ 10-15 Rest  Focus on maintaining a consistent pace.
4x50 @ 10 Rest flutter kick, using a kickboard.
4x200 Freestyle Pull(Choice Equip)  @ :15-20 Rest . Concentrate on stroke efficiency.
8x25 @:10-15 Rest. Build to a sprint by the end of each 25. 
4x100 Freestyle @ 10-15 Rest. Aim for a faster pace than the initial 5x100.
Race Focus 400/12:00
2 Rounds - Round 1 Free.Round 2 Choice Stroke.1 Min Rest between rounds.
4x50 @ 1:00
#1: -25 Fast -25 Easy
#2: -25 Easy -25 Fast
#3: Build
#4: Sprint
Cool Down 200/4:00
4x50 Freestyle @ :10 rest. Focus on long, smooth strokes 

3200 Yards 78 Minutes

9-12-23 Freestyle and Backstroke with Drills and Race-Pace Strategies

Warm-Up 600/15:00
200 Free
100 Back Stroke.
4x50 Flutter Kick W/ a board. @ 10 Seconds Rest
2x50 Back Stroke Drill, 5 Strokes 6 Kicks 5 Strokes (5/6/5) @10 Seconds Rest

Drill/Preset 400/10:00
4x50 Single Arm Back Stroke - 25 Right arm -25 Left Arm @ 10 Seconds Rest
2x50 Back Stroke Drill 6 Kicks 1 Stroke (6 Kick Switch) @ 10 Seconds Rest
4x25 Distance Per Stroke Backstroke -Try to decrease stroke count every 25 @ 10 Seconds Rest

Main-Set (Choice of equipment) 2100/ 45:00
2x200 Freestyle Steady Pace @10-15 Seconds Rest
4x100 - Odds Back Stroke - Even Freestyle @10-15 Seconds Rest
4x50 Free Style Desc. 1-4  @ 10 Seconds Rest
4x50 -Odds Free - Evens Back Stroke @ 10 Seconds Rest
4x25 Your Choice of Stroke - Fast @ 20 Seconds Rest
4x50 -25 Fast Free-25 Smooth Backstroke @ 10-15 Seconds Rest
4x100 Back Stroke -50 Smooth -25 Build -25 Fast  @ 15 Seconds Rest
4x50 Streamline Kick on back @ 10 Seconds Rest

Cool Down 200/4:00
200 Smooth mix up your strokes 

3300 Yards 74 Minutes 

9-9-23 Splish, Splash, I Was Taking a 3100 Yard Class!

Warm-Up 600/15:00
200 free easy, focus on long strokes.
#1: 75 free/25 back
#2: 50 free/50 back
#3: 25 free/75 back
#4: 100 free
Rest 15 seconds between each.

Technique Set 400/10:00
8x50 @ 1:00-1:30
-Odds Fist Drill
-Evens Catch-Up Drill

Main Set (Choice of Equipment) 1900/ 45:00
5x100 freestyle as -25 Right arm freestyle -25 Left arm Freestyle -50 Smooth Free @ 10-15 Seconds Rest
1x200 Free every 4th length Fist Drill @15-20 Seconds Rest
4x150 freestyle @ 10-15 Seconds Rest
Break each 150 into:  
-100 Smooth 
-50 Build your speed with a strong flutter kick 
4x150 @ 10-15 Seconds Rest
1st 50: Breathing every 3
2nd 50: Breathing every 5
3rd 50: Easy swim, emphasizing good body position and technique.
Speed Work(Fins on) 200/6:00
8x25 on 30-:45
Build to a moderate pace 

Cool Down 200/4:00
200 Easy, Choice of Stroke.

3100 Yards 74 Minutes

9-6-23 Building Blocks to Speed Bombs

200 Swim
8x25 Streamline kick Choice of stomach or Back.
4x25 I.M order
1x100 Pull
1x100 choice of stroke.
Drill 400/10:00 (Fins Optional)
2x50 Catch-up Drill
2x50 Fist Drill
2x50 Catch-Up W/ Finger Tip Drag
2x50 Freestyle Breathing every 3rd Stroke.
10-15 Seconds Rest in between 50's
Kick 300/8:00
6x50 @10-15 Seconds Rest
-Odds Flutter Kick
-Evens Dolphin Kick
Main Set 1400/32:00
3 x 100 Freestyle:
1: 75 steady / 25 Build to a Moderate Pace.
2: 50 steady / 50 Build to a Moderate Pace.
3: 25 steady / 75 Build to a Moderate Pace.
15 seconds rest between each

4 x 50 Freestyle:
Odd: Build Each 50 to a  Moderate Pace.
Even: Ascend 50 From Moderate to Easy pace
10 seconds rest between each

2 x 100 Freestyle:
Focus on technique and maintaining a consistent pace.
20 seconds rest

4 x 25 Freestyle Done as a Sprint cycle 
1st 25 1/2 Fast 1/2 Easy
2nd 25 1/2 Easy 1/2 Fast
3rd 25 Increase your Speed 
4th 25 Fast
10 seconds rest between each

2 x 150 Freestyle:
Pull with buoy Drop  Buoy Last 50 and engage legs
20 seconds rest

2 x 75 Freestyle:
1st 25 easy / 2nd 25 medium / 3rd 25 easy
15 seconds rest between each
Cool  Down 200/4:00
1x100 Kick
2x50 Smooth Free

3000 Yards 72 Minutes

9-5-23 Kicking Off the Masters Season: Dive Into Our First Practice!

Warm-Up 750/16:00
4x100 Free @ 15 Seconds Rest
1x50 Breast Stroke
1x50 Back Stroke
2x25 Choice Stroke - No Free. @ 15 Seconds rest
8x25 Flutter Kick @ 10-15 Seconds Rest.
Drill 400/10:00
8x50 @ 10-15 Seconds Rest
-Odds Catch-up Drill 
-Evens 5 Free Strokes 6 Kicks , 5/6/5 ( Preform the kicks with a single arm pointed towards the opposing wall and your other at arm along your side.)
Equipment Familiarization 700/20:00
4x50 Free Swim With Paddles @10-15 Seconds Rest
2x100 Free with Fins @15-20 Seconds Rest
6x50 Free with Fins and Paddles @10-15 Seconds Rest
Free Ladder 900/22:00
1x100 @15 Seconds Rest
1x200 @15-20 Seconds Rest
1x300 @20 Seconds Rest
1x200@15-20 Seconds Rest
1x100@15 Seconds Rest
Cool Down 200/4:00
4x50 -Odds Choice Stroke - Even Free Style 

72 Minutes 2950 Yards

7-26-23 The Season's Last Splash

Warm-Up 700/16:00
200 Free
100 Backstroke OR Choice Kick
100 Breast 
4x50 Free Breathing  every 3/5/3/5 by 50 @:55-1:30
2x50 -25 Fly -25 Free @ @:55-1:30

Pre-Set 400/10:00
2x100 Kick With a Board - Build your Intensity Up @2:10-3:00
4x50 Choice of Pull Equipment Focus on Smooth Powerful Strokes.@:55-1:30

Main Set (Choice Equipment) 1800/ 40:00
8x100 Desc. 1-4 Ascend 5-8 @1:45-2:30
6x50 Secondary Stroke. - Odds Fast - Evens Smooth @1:00
6x50 I.M Switch @:55-1:30
4x100 Desc. 1-2. 3-4. @1:45-2:30 (last 100 all out)

Cool Down 300/6:00
4x50 - ODDS Swim -EVENS Kick
2900 meters  72 Minutes  

7-24-23 Meters of Momentum

Warm-Up 400/ 10:00
1x100 Swim
1x100 Kick
1x100 I.M
1x100 -25 Scull -25 Drill -25 Scull -25 Drill 
Pre-set  800/ 20:00
2x100 Build Each 100 To Moderate W/ Fins
2x100 Build each 100 to Moderate  W/ Fins and Pads
4x50 Kick with a board 10 Seconds Smooth kick 5 Seconds Fast Kick

Main Set 1350/ 30:00
5 x 150 @ 3:00-4:00
1. Build 1st to fast Rest of the 100 Smooth
2. Build 100 to fast Smooth the rest of the way 
3. Build the 150 to Fast
4 Smooth
5. All out

4x50 I.M.O by 25. @1:00-1:30

2x200 @3:30-4:30
#1. Build 1-4 Within the 200
#2 negative Split by 100

Cool-Down 200/5:00

65 Minutes 2750 Meters

7-22-23 Los Alamos Laps: The Swim Project

Warm-Up 800/20:00
300 Free Loosen Every 4th Lap is Back Stroke.
8x25 I.M.O -K/S @:40-1:00
6x50 -Odds Pull -Evens Drill @:55-1:30
4x25 Sprint Cycle

I.M Drill  700/ 18:00
16x25 I.M.O as 4x25 Drill 4x25 (x2) @:40-1:00
6x50 Kick w/ a Board as 50 -Fly -Br -Free  1:30-2:00

Descending Distance. 1000/25:00
*Each Effort Should be slightly Faster than the last,15 Seconds Rest Inbetween each

I.M 400/10:00
4x100 I.M Desc. 1-4. @ 2:00-3:00
*Each one Faster than the Last. Maintain Technique Under increasing speed. 

Race Pace 300 8:00
6x50 Choice Stroke / Equip All out. @1:00-1:30

Cool Down 300/6:00
6x50 -Odds Swim -Evens Kick

3600 Yards 87 Minutes

7-19-23 A Dream within a Dream: Imagining the Perfect Swim Practice

Warm-Up 800/20:00
4 x 50 freestyle  @ 10-15 Seconds rest
4 x 50 kick with board  @ 10-15 Seconds rest
4 x 50 with pull buoy  @ 10-15 Seconds rest
4 x 50 as @ 15 Seconds Rest
1. Hand Lead Dolphin Kick 
2. Back Stroke 6kick 5 Strokes Drill
3. Breast 1 Pull 2K Drill
4. Free Drill - Over Charge (Catch-up w/ an Overkick)

Main Set 1700/40:00
Part 1 Aerobic Endurance, 1300
3 x 200 freestyle 30 seconds rest in between(Choice of Equip)
(#1. Smooth #2. Build to 80% #3. Negative Split by 100)

4 x 100  -Odds I.M - Evens No Free @ 10-15 Seconds rest OR 400 (Choice of Stroke) Time Trial.
6 x 50  Free Desc. 1-3,4-6 (Fins)@ 10-15 Seconds rest

Part 2-Speed 400/
Choice of Stroke And Equipment
4 x 100  as follows:
25  sprint, 75 easy
50  sprint, 50  easy 
75  sprint, 25 easy
100 meters sprint
30 Seconds between each 100

Cool Down 200/ 5:00
4x50 Free Smooth

2700 meters 65 Minutes.

7-17-23 Train Like the Masters !

Warm-Up 700/ 18:00
200  Freestyle 
1x100 I.M
2x100 Kick
4x50 Free , Choice Drill @ 1:00-1:30
Pre-Set 400/12:00
4x50 I.M.O Kick/Drill @ 1:00-1:30
4x50 Free Build Each 50 To 80%-90% @:55-1:30
Main-Set 1600/35:00
2x100 Free Pull w/ Buoy @ 1:50-2:30
2x100 Free Pull w/ Fins and Pads @ 1:50-2:30
8 x 50 -25 I.M.O -25 Free  @ 1:00-1:30
4 x 100 Free Desc. 1-4 W/Fins @ 1:50-2:30
8 x 50  Choice Stroke -25 Drill -25 Fast(Choice equip) @ 1:00-1:30
Cool-Down 300/7:00
6x50 Free Loosen @:55-1:30

3000 Meters 72 Minutes

7-14-23 Go the Distance: Endurance Focused Swim

Warm-Up 850 20:00
200 Loosen
2x75  -25 Free Kick -25 Fly kick -25 Free Kick @2:00
4x50  -Odds Free -Evens Back Stroke with fins, @:55-1:15
1x100 I.M 
4x25 Sprint Cycle @:40-1:00

Drill Set 400/12:00
2x50 Finger Tip Drag Drill
2x50 Slide N Glide Drill  @1:00-1:30  (push off the wall and glide until you lose momentum, then take one powerful stroke, focusing on complete rotation and extension, and glide again. The goal is to get as far as possible with each stroke.)
2x50 - 25 Right Arm Free Style - 25 Left Arm Free Style   @1:00-1:30
2x50 -Over Charge Drill (Catch-up Drill w/ an Over Kick)  @1:00-1:30

Main Set 2000/45:00
2x400 @8:00-9:00 .done as -100 Free -100 Back Stroke - 100 Breast Stroke -100 Freestyle 
2x(3x100) Desc. 1-3 @1:45-2:30 Round 1. Free Round 2. Choice Stroke. 1:00 Min Break between Rounds
2x200 - 50 Sprint 150 Active Recovery @4:00-4:30 (Sprint is Choice Stroke)
4x50 Freestyle - Odds Smooth -Even Fast @1:00

Pull Set 500/13:00
6x50 Pull w/ a Buoy Desc. 1-3 ,4-6 @1:00-1:30
4x50  Pull W/ Pads and Fins Desc. 1-4 @1:00-1:30
2x50 Choice Kick @1:30

Cool-down 200/4:00
200 loosen

3950 Yards 94 minutes

7-12-23 Speed and Stamina Fusion

Warm-Up 800/20:00
8x50 Nice and Smooth Done as 
2-Breast Stroke 
2x100 Kick W/ Board #1 Free #2 -50 Fly kick -50 Breast Kick
2x50 Free. Choice of Pull Equip, Focus on distance per stroke and bilateral Breathing
2x50 Choice Stroke Done as -25 Fast -25 Smooth -25 Smooth -25 Fast
Main Set 1800/45:00
4x50 Choice of Stroke Desc. 1-4
Pyramid : (Choice Equip)
-50   -80-90% of max speed 20 Seconds Rest
-100  -25 Fast -25 Smooth 10-15 Seconds Rest
-150  at a challenging pace. After this, take a 40-second rest.
-200 -Free i.m(instead of butterfly-freestyle) 20 Seconds Rest
-150  challenging pace. After this, take a 40-second rest.
-100 25 Fast -25 Smooth 10-15 Seconds Rest
-50 80-90% of max speed  20 Seconds Rest
IM Set: 
4x100 I.M, 10-15 Seconds Rest in between 
Fins Set:
 4x50 freestyle sprints with fins at max speed, adequate rest to maintain speed -30 Seconds Rest
Cool Down 200/5:00
100 Free
50 Back
50 Breast

2800 Meters 70 minutes 

7-10-23 Hydro Heroics Happening

Warm-Up 700/20:00
2x100 Free W/ Fins 
2x50 Flutter Kick W/ Board
2x50 Backstroke w/ Fins 
2x50- Fly Kick W/ Board
1x100 Freestyle Drill/Pull
1x100 I.M by 25
Pre Set 400/10:00
2 Rounds of:
2x50 Pull W/ Buoy and Pads -50 Long and Strong - 50 Build to 80% of Race pace by Finish. @ :55-1:30
2x50 Pull W/ Pads and Fins -50 Long and Strong - 50 Build to 80% of Race pace by Finish. @ :55-1:30
Main Set 1500/40:00
(Choice Equip)
3 Rounds of:
5x50 Desc. 1-4. Hold 5  ( Desc. to 80% of Race pace) @:50-1:30
1x50 All out sprint Free .( Try to get to Race Pace ) @1:30
100 Active recovery - choice of kick or swim  @4:00
2x50 Stroke of choice - all out sprint  @1:30
1:00-2:00 min reset :
Cool Down 200/5:00
2x50 Swim - any stroke ez 
1x100 Kick - ez

75 Minutes 2800 Meters

7-8-23 Water Warrior Workout

Warm-Up 900/20:00
4x100 Free w/ Fins
4x50 Kick
1x100 I.M
1x100 Pull
4x25 Sprint Cycle

Pre Set  600/ 14:00
3x(4x50) Desc. 1-4 @ 45:-1:20
Round 1  Fins
Round 2 Pads/Pull Buoy
Round 3 Fins and Pads 

Main Set 2300 50:00
20x25 Free -Every 5th 25 is all out @ :30-:45
4x50 Free Active Recovery @1:00-1:30
16x25Free- Every 4th 25 is all out 
1x200 Choice Kick- Active Recovery  @ 1:00 Min Rest
12x25Free -Every 3rd 25 is All out @:30-:45
1x200 Choice Stroke Active recovery  @ 1:00 Min Rest
8x25 Free -every other 25 All out @:30-:45
1x200 -50 Free-50 Back Stroke Active Recovery
4x25 Choice Stroke All Out  @:30-45

Cool Down 300/6:00
100 Swim 
100 Kick
100 -50 Scull - 50 Choice 

4100 Yards 90 Minutes 

7-5-23 Gone with the Swim

Warm-Up - 800m 20:00
200 loosen No Equip
200 loosen W/ Fins - Long Smooth Strokes.
1x100 Kick
4x50 -25 Scull -25 I.M.O Drill. @1:10-1:40
2x50 Build Each To 80%-90% @ :55-1:30

Drill Set - 500m 12:00
4x50  -25 Right Arm -25 Left Arm with fins (Arm that is not moving is At your side)  @1:00-2:00
4x50 -Odds catch-up drill -Evens Fist drill 1:00-1:30
1x100 D.P.S Free 

Pre-Set - 600m 15:00
4x50 -Odds Free Kick -Evens Fly Kick @ 1:10-2:00
4x50 - Odds Breathing Every 3 - Evens As Few Breaths As possble  @1:00-1:30
4x50 -Odds -25 Fast -25 Smooth -Evens 25 Smooth -25 Fast @55-1:30
Main Set - (Choice Equip)  1200m 30:0
3x200 At a Smooth Comfortable Pace Choice Equip @3:40-5:00
4x100  Desc. 1-2 ,3-4 Desc to 90 @1:45-2:30 
8x50 Choice Equip 90% effort . Aim for same time each 50 @:1:15-2:00

Speed Set - 450m 13:00
5x50 free at 70% effort focusing on maintaining a steady pace @:50-1:30
4x50 free at 80% effort  aim for a slightly faster pace than the first set @:50-1:30
3x50 free at 90% effort  this should be faster than the previous sets 1:00-1:30
2x50 free at 100% effort  all-out sprints @1:30

Cool Down - 300m 8:00
6x50 Choice Stroke -Nice And Smooth

3850 Meters  98 Minutes 

7-3-23 Swimming into the Fourth of July

Warm-Up 700/20:00
2x100 Freestyle  @ 10-15 Seconds Rest
6x50 -Odds Back Stroke - Evens Choice Stroke. @ 1:15-1:30
1x100 I.M 
1x100 Kick 
Fourth of July Fact #1: "Did you know the Declaration of Independence was actually voted on July 2nd, but it wasn't declared until July 4th, 1776?"

Drill 400/ 10:00
2x100 as -50 Free Style Drill 6k/5s/6k - 50 Build to 80 %( Kicks Should be Done in a single Hand Lead Position) @15-20 Seconds Rest
2x100 Breast Drill as -50 2k 1p  -50 1Pull 2-3 Second Pause and glide. @15-20 Seconds Rest

Fourth of July Fact #2: "The Liberty Bell in Philadelphia is tapped thirteen times every Fourth of July in honor of the original thirteen American colonies."

Main Set (Choice Equip) 2100/42:00
3 Rounds
2x200 Freestyle at 70% effort focusing on maintaining a consistent pace 30 Seconds Rest
2x100 Freestyle at 80% effort focusing on increasing pace and tempo Throughout the 100 15 seconds rest
1x100 Freestyle  sprint 1-minute rest

Fourth of July Fact #3: "John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, both signers of the Declaration of Independence and former presidents, died on the same day: July 4th, 1826."

Cool-Down 300/8:00
1x100 Kick
1x100 Swim
1x00 - 50 Back -50 Breast

Fourth of July Fact #4: "Three U.S. presidents, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James Monroe, died on July 4th. President Calvin Coolidge was born on July 4th."

3600 Meters 90 Minutes 

7-1-23 Splash and Dash: A Speed and Endurance Workout

Warm-Up 900/ 22:00
3x100 75 Swim -25 Choice Drill @ 1l00
6x50 -Odds Choice Kick - Evens I.M Switch Swim @ 1:15-2:00
4x50 -Odds Pull - Evens Build @
4x25 Sprint Cycle @:40-1:00
Technique 450/12:00
2x25 Front Scull @:45-1:00 
4x50 -Odds 3 Stroke 1-3 Second Glide. (Glide in a single arm handled position) -Evens Flick Drill( At the end of your pull try to Flick water Back at your Self)  @1:00-1:30
4x25- Free Breathing every 3/5/7/9 By 25 @:30-1:00
4x25 -Over Charge Drill ( Catch-Up Drill W/ and Over Kick) @:30-1:00
Aerobic Endurance 1600/35:00
8x50 Free  Desc. 1-4,5-8. -1st Four 50's Breath Every Three strokes. Last Four 50's Breath Every five strokes.  @1:00-1:30
4x100 Free Pull. -Last 25 Build to 80% @ 1:30-2:45
4x50 -25 I.M.O -25 Freestyle. @ 1:00-1:45
1x200 -75 Free -25 No Free @4:00-5:00
4x100 Fins D.P.S Free Build Each 100 to 80% @ 1:40-2:30
Speed Set (Choice Equip) 600/15:00
25= All Out (90%-100%)@ :30-45 
50(1) All out (90%-100%)  @ :45-1:00
50(2) Smooth Active Recover @2:00
Cool Down 200/5:00
1x100 Swim
1x100 Kick
1:00 Min Float and Relax 

89Minutes 3750 Yards

6-29-23 Taming the Tide: A Swimmer’s Journey

Warm-Up 600/15:00
200 Free 
4x50  Choice Kick
1x100 Pull
2x50 Free Build to Fast
Technique Set 800/ 20:00
2x100  as -25 right arm freestyle -25 Left arm Free style -50 Swim @2:00-2:30
2x100  as -50 fist drill, 50 swim @2:00-2:30
2x100  as- 50 catch-up drill, 50 swim @2:00-2:30
2x100  as -50 6 Strokes and Look forward(Sight Drill) -50 Swim  @2:00-2:30
Open Water Set 900/23:00
3x100 -25 Sight Drill, 25 Distance per Stroke 50 Build to 80% @1:45-2:30
2x200 Build each 50, simulating the surges in speed often necessary in open water events @4:00-4:30 
4x50 Active Recovery - Nice and Smooth. @1:00
Distance/Endurance Set 1500/35:00
5x100 Keep the Pace Consistent Trying to maintain 80% of our max effort throughout the 100 @ @1:45-2:30
2x250 Build the 1st 150 to 80 percent Speed. Hold pace the last 100 @ 4:00-5:00
1x500 Build up your speed on each 100. Last 100= 100%
Cool Down 200/ 5:00
200 Choice Loosen

4000 Meters 98 Minutes 

6-26-23 Hydrodynamic Hustle: Speed and Endurance

Warm-Up 800 20:00
200 Loosen
6x50 Choice Stroke  -Odds Drill  -Evens  Swim @ 1:00-1:30
4x50 Kick - Odds butter Fly Kick -Even Freestyle Kick @ 1:15-2:00
2x50 Free  -Odd -25 Smooth -25 Builld - Even -25 Build -25 Fast @1:00-1:30

Pre-Set 600/16:00
4x50 Free - Odds Breathing Every 3 - Evens Breathing Every 5 @1:00-1:30
4x50 -25 Right Arm Back Stroke -25 Left Arm BackStroke. @1:15-2:00
4x50 Free Desc. 1-4 @1:00-1:20

Threshold (Choice Equipment)  800/20:00
4x100 Free - Done as a hard yet Sustainable Effort. Aim for a Consistent time on each one.  @1:40-2:30
1x200 Negative Split by 100 @ 3:30-5:00
4x50  Free Fast  @ 1:00-1:30

Main Set (Choice Equip) 1300/30:00
4x100  Free- Ascend 1-2. Desc 3-4. @1:40-2:30
1x200 Active Recovery @ 4:00-5:00 
8x50  Free Desc. 1-4, 5-8 1:00-1:30
1x200 Active Recovery @ 4:00-5:00
2x50  Free Fast  @ 1:00-1:30

Cool Down 200/5:00
200 Loosen 

3700 Meters 91 Minutes. 

6-24-23 Pace, Power, Perseverance in Pool.

Warm-Up 1100/30:00
200 Loosen
4x75 K/D/S Choice Stroke @10-15 Seconds Rest
4x25 Kick @ 5 Seconds Rest
6x50 I.M Switch @:10-:15 Seconds Rest
2x50 Pull -25 Front Scull -25 Build @
4x25 Sprint Cycle @:10-:15 Seconds Rest

Drill 400/ 12:00
2x50 Single, Double Single - Butter Fly Drill. @:10-:15 Seconds Rest
2x50 6 Kicks /5 Stokes /6 Kicks - Back Stroke Drill  @:10-:15 Seconds Rest
2x50 1 Pull 2 Kick Breast Stroke Drill  @:10-:15 Seconds Rest
2x50 3 Strokes 6 Kicks 3 Strokes -Freestyle Drill  @:10-:15 Seconds Rest

Pre Set 400/10:00
4x50 Pull W/ Buoy and Pads Desc 1-2,3-4 @:10-:15 Seconds Rest
8x25 Kick w/ Fins Desc 1-4 ,5-8 @:5-:10 Seconds Rest

Main-Set 1700/38:00
6x100 Desc 1-3. 4-6 ,75 Smooth 25 Fast @:10-:15 Seconds Rest
2x200 Pull W/ pads and Fins @15 Seconds Rest
6x50 Free w/ Fins -Odds Build - Evens Fast @:10-:15 Seconds Rest
1x300 Negative Split by 150 @:20-:30 Seconds Rest
4x25 All out @ 15 Seconds Rest

Cool Down 300/8:00
100 Free
100 Choice
3900 Yards 98 Minutes 

6-22-23 Journey to Freestyle Excellence

Warm-Up 800/20:00
200 Loosen, Try to Bilateral Breath
1x100 I.M-Drill
2x50  free 3 strokes 6 kicks-drill  @1:00-1:30
4x50  kick with a board, alternating between flutter kick and dolphin kick @1:15-2:00
2x50  free pull -Try to Bilateral Breath  @1:00-1:30
4x25 Sprint Cycle @:40-1:00
Main Set 2500/55:00
4x100 Free -Odds Breathing every 3- Evens breathing every 5 @1:30-2:30
4x100 Free Desc 1-4 @1:30-2:30
3x50 w/ fins Free Desc 1-3 @ :45-1:15
3x50 w/ Fins Sprint @1:00-1:30
2x200  freestyle with pull buoy and paddles 3:15-4:00
4x50  Pull Desc 1-4 @ :45-1:15
4x50 w/ Fins and pads All out @1:00-1:30
4 x 100 -Odds Breathing every 3- Evens breathing every 5 @1:30-2:30
8x25  free  fast w/ chute  :45-1:15
Cool-Down 400/10:00
200 Loosen
2 x 50  kick
100 Choice Stroke 

3700 yards 85 Minutes

6-20-23 An aquatic journey towards better endurance

Warm-Up 900/ 23:00
300 freestyle
1x100 Back
1x100 I.M
8x25 Kick Desc. 1-4,5-8 @:35-1:00
1x100 pull (with buoy and paddles)
4x25 Sprint Cycle  @:40-1:00

Aerobic Mixed Stroke Set - 1200/ 26:00
4 x 100  freestyle at moderate pace (70-80%) @ 1:40-2:30
2 x 100  IM Or Free I.M  @ 1:45-3:00
4 x 50  freestyle Drill (Fist, Ketchup, 3/6/3, 3 strokes 1-3 Second Glide) @
2 x 50  IM order @ :50-1:30
1 x 200 freestyle at moderate pace (70-80%). @ 3:20-4:00
1 x 100  IM Or Free I.M  @ 1:45-3:00

Anaerobic Set (Choice Equipment) 1100/ 22:00
5 x 100  freestyle Moderate Pace @:10 Seconds Rest
4 x 50 freestyle All out @1:00-2:00
2 x 200 freestyle Moderate Pace @ 10 Seconds Rest

Speed Set - 600/ 20:00
16 x 25 Choice Stroke -sprint @:30-1:30
8 x 50  freestyle Desc. 1-4, 5-8 @ :50-1:30

Cool Down 200/ 4:00
100 Swim
50 Kick 
50 Scull
4000 Yards 95 Minutes 

6-16-23 Sprints and Descends: Freestyle Focus

Warm-Up 900/22:00
200 Loosen
4x50 Kick @ 10 Seconds Rest
8x25 -Odds 3/6/3 Free Drill -Evens Build to moderate speed @:30-:45
4x50 Free Pull - Odds Smooth -Evens Build @:50-1:30
4x25 Sprint Cycle @:40-1:00
Pre Set 400/10:00
8x50 I.M.O D/S  @1:00-1:30 
Main Set 1 1400 33:00
2 Rounds.1st Round Free. 2nd Round is Choice of Stroke.
4x100  Desc 1-4 @ 1:40-2:30
4x50  -Odds Build - Evens Fast @1:00-1:30
4x25  -All Out @:30-1:00
Main Set 2 800/20:00
5x50 Free sprint @ :15-30 Seconds Rest
100 easy @2:00-3:00
4x50 choice of stroke @1:00, sprint
100 easy @2:00 -3:00
3x50 Free all out sprint 15-30 Seconds Rest
Cool Down 300/6:00
100 Swim
100 Kick
100 -50 Scull -50 Swim

3800 Yards 91 Minutes 

6-15-23 Endurance, Speed, and Technique Builder

Warm-Up 1000/24:00
300- 3 Strokes free -4 Strokes Back Stroke.
4x75 -Odds No Fly I.M - Evens No Free I.M 2:00-3:00
4x25 Front Scull w/ a Flutter Kick:45-1:30
4x50 Free Desc 1-4. @:50-1:30
4x25 Sprint Cycle @:30-45
Free Drill 900/21:00
75=-25 Right arm Free-25 Left Arm Free -25 Free Build
50= 3 Strokes 3 Second Glide 
2x25 Fast Free
Main Set: 2000
Set 1: 1000 /22:00
4x50 Free build each 50 to Moderate Speed @15 sec rest
2x100 Free Pull -strong pace @20 sec rest
4x50 Back build within each 50 to Moderate Speed @15 sec rest
2x100  Back Pull-strong pace @20 sec rest
4x50 Breast build within each 50 to moderate Speed@15 sec rest
Set 2:(Choice Equipment) 400 /10:00
8x25   Sprint Free @30 sec rest
4x50   Sprint choice of stroke @45 sec rest
Set 3: (Choice Equipment) 600/ 14:00
6x100  Freestyle Desc.1-3,4-6 @15-30 Sec rest
Cool-Down 200 /4:00
100 Swim 
100 Kick
4100 Yards 95 Minutes

6-12-23 Your Swim Mission, Should You Choose to Accept It…

Warm-Up 800/ 20:00
200 Loosen
100 Kick
4x50 -25 I.M.O Drill - 25 Free
100 Pull
4x50 Desc 1-4 or -25 I.M.O Kick -25 Free

Swim Golf  500/13:00
10x50m free @1:00-1:30

For each 50m swim, count the number of strokes and add it to the time it took to swim (in seconds). This is your 'golf score'.
The goal is to reduce this score over the 10x50m. This can be achieved by increasing stroke efficiency (reducing stroke count) and/or increasing speed (reducing time).
For example, if a swimmer takes 45 strokes to complete 50m and does it in 45 seconds, their golf score is 90. Aim to reduce this score over the series of 50m swims.

Main Set 900/ 22:00
3(3x100) Desc 1-3  @1:45-2:45
Round 1 No equip
Round 2 Choice of pulling equip
Round 3 Choice of Speed Equip.

Pull Set 800 20:00
8x100 -Odds Free Pull - Evens Non Free Pull @ 1:45-2:45

Kick Set 400 12:00
8x50 -Odds Free Kick - Evens Fly or breast Kick @1:15-2:30

Sprint Set (Choice of equipment) 400 12:00
8x50 -Odds -25 Fast -25 Smooth - Evens 25 Smooth 25 Fast @ 1:00-1:30

Cool Down 300/6:00
200 Smooth
100 50 Kick 50 Scull

4100 Yards 105 Minutes

6-9-23 Long-Distance Freestyle

Warm-Up 800/ 20:00
4x75 Free Loosen @15 Seconds Rest
4x50  I.M.O D/S  @:1:15-2:00
4x50 -Odds Kick - Evens Pull @1:00-2:00
4x25 Sprint Cycle  @:30-1:00

Pre Set 1125/30:00
100=Distance per stroke free style @1:30-2:30
50=Choice Free Drill @:50-1:15
25= Fast Free @:30
:30-1:00 Min Reset Inbetweeen Rounds

Main Set 1800/44:00
1x400 Free Choice Equip Neg Split @ :30-1:00 Min Rest
4x100 I.M or Free I.M @:15-30 Seconds Rest
1x300 Free ,Build By each 300 @ :30-1:00 Min Rest
3x100 50 D.P.S 50 Build to fast @:10-:30 Seconds Rest 
1x200 No Free Mix Up Strokes.30-1:00 Min Rest
4x50 -25 Smooth -25 Fast @15 Seconds Rest

Cool Down 300/6:00
100 Swim
100 Kick
100 Choice 

4025 Yards 100 Minutes

6-8-23 Race the Clock !

Warm-Up 900/22:00
200  Freestyle
100 Back
4x25 Choice Kick-Build your speed @:40-1:15
100 Breast Stroke
100 Pull
4x25 Fly - Drill , Single Double Single @:45-1:00
100 I.M
4x25 Sprint Cycle @:40-1:00
Preset 1050/23:00
4x50= Choice Free Drill, or Free Build @ 1:00-1:30
25=Free W/ 4-6 Dolphin Kicks Underwater.breakout. 3 Fast Strokes- Smooth Free the rest. @:30-1:00
Drills to consider: Surge Drill, 3 Stroke 3 Second Glide, Catch-Up with Finger Tip Drag
Main 1600/ (Choice of Equipment) 36:00
1x400 @30-1:00 min rest . note your time.
2x200 @:15-:30 Seconds Rest. Your aim is to swim each 200 faster than half of your 400 time.
4x100 @:10-:20 Seconds Rest . The goal is to swim each 100 faster than half of your 200 time.
8x50 @:5-:15 Seconds Rest .  Try to swim each 50 faster than half of your 100 time.
Cool Down 300/7:00
200 Swim
100 Kick 
3850 Yards 87 Minutes

6-5-23 Aqua Athletes Assemble!

Warm-Up 1000/23:00
200 free Loosen
4x50 -Odds Kick -Evens Backstroke @1:00-1:30
200 Choice Stroke No Free (Mix it up)
4x50 Choice stroke /Drill @@1:00-1:30
4x50 Free Desc.1-4 @ :50-1:30
Main Set  - 1200/ 30:00
2x(3x200) Desc each 200 to 80 Percent @3:30-4:30
Rd 1 No Equip 
Rd 2 Fins and pads
Pull Set: 800/ 20:00
100= Pull w/ Buoy @1:30-2:30
50= No Equip Build to Fast  @:50-1:15
Kick Set: 500/18:00
4x50 Build to fast Kick w/ Board @1:30-2:30
100 easy freestyle swim @2:00-3:00
4x50 Build to fast Kick w/ Board @1:30-2:30
Bi lateral Breathing 300/6:00
6x50 Breathing every 3/5/7 by 50 @:50-1:00
Swim Golf/Cool Down  200/4:00
4x50 freestyle  @1:00
(Swim these 50s as efficiently as possible, trying to minimize both time and stroke count. The sum of your time in seconds and stroke count for each 50m is your "score". Try to lower your score in each 50m)

4000 Meters 101 minutes

6-3-23 Aerobic Speed and Strength

Warm-Up 800/20:00
4x75 Last 25 No Free
100 I.M or Free Pull
100 Kick
4x50 Desc. 1-4
4x25 Sprint Cycle @ :40-1:00
Pre-Set - 400/10:00
4x100 @ @1:00-2:00
-Odds Kick W/ Board
-Evens Swim.Your choice of stroke and Drill
Main Set - 1600/38:00
4 x 75 Free Desc. 1-4. @ 1:15-2:00
4 x 100 -Odds Free Drill 3 Stroke 6 kicks  -Evens Build to Fast @ 1:30-2:30
4 x 50  free with fins, @ 85% effort @:45-1:15
4 x 50  free Try to lower stroke count each 50. 80% effort @:45-1:30
4x 100 Desc. 1-3  Hold 4 @ 1:30-2:30
1 x 300 freestyle swim @ 80% effort
Strength Set - 600/15:00
3 x 50  free w fins 80% effort @:45-1:15
3 x 50  Free Pull W/ Paddles 80% effort @:45-1:15
3 x 100 free swim with paddles and fins  90% effort @ 1:30-2:30
Speed Set - 200/6:00
8 x 25  Choice Stroke and Choice Equip All out Fast @:30-1:00
Cool-Down - 200/4:00
200 Cool Choice Stroke EZ

3800 Yards 93 Minutes

6-1-23 Paddles, Fins, and Parachutes: A Swim Practice for Strength and Speed

Warm-Up 1000/30:00
4x100 Freestyle 
4x50 Choice Kick
4x75 I.M (begin the I.M Where you left off the last one)
4x25 Sprint Cycle @:40
Main Set 1 1200/30:00
2 Rounds
4x25 Freestyle Desc. 1-4 @:30
4x50 Freestyle  Moderate pace (80-90%) @:40-1:00
4x25 Freestyle Desc. 1-4 @:30
4x50 Freestyle Moderate pace (80-90%) @:40-1:00
1-2:00 min Rest in between rounds.
Main Set 2  1100/ 30:00
1x300 Free Pull with paddles - At Aerobic Pace 15-20 seconds rest
1x200 Free Swim with fins At Moderate Pace 15 seconds rest
1x100 Free Swim with parachute Fast:30 Seconds
1x200 Free Swim with fins At Moderate Pace 15 seconds rest
1x300 Freestyle Pull with paddles At Aerobic Pace 15-20 seconds rest
Strength and Speed  400/12:00
4x25 Free as Few Breaths as possible (goal 0 Breaths) @1:00
4x50 Freestyle Swim with paddles and fins -25 Build -25 All out @:50-1:15 
4x25 Freestyle Sprint with a parachute (power focus, all-out effort)  30 seconds rest
Cool-Down: 200/4:00
200 Free
3900 Yards 106 Minutes 

5-30-23 1st day of Summer Long course Season

200 Free Loosen
100 Kick
100 I.M
100 Pull
4x50 -25 Scull -25 Choice Stroke(Best Technique) @ 15 Seconds Rest
4x25 Sprint Cycle @:30-1:00
Drill 600/16:00
3x50 Freestyle Right Fin ,Left Paddle @ 10-15 Seconds Rest
3x50 Freestyle Left Fin ,Right Paddle @ 10-15 Seconds Rest
3x100 -50 Free Pause Stroke Before Hands Hits the Water -50 Catch-Up Drill @ 10-15 Seconds Rest
Free Breath Control 450/12:00
3x(3x50) @:55-1:00
15 Seconds Rest in Between Rounds
Breathing ever 3/5/7 by Round Desc. 1-3.
Interval 600/ 18:00
3x(4x50) Freestyle. Each round Subtract -5 From your Previous Interval. Start the Set at a comfortable pace.
30-1:00 Seconds Rest In between Rounds
Pull Set: 1000/25:00
3x200 Free Pull W/ Buoy Desc. 1-3. @ 3:15-4:30
4x100 Free W/ Fins and Paddles Desc. 1-4. @1:30-2:30
Fins and Speed Set: 300/10:00
12x25 Choice of Stroke and Speed Equipment All-Out Fast @ 30-1:00
Cool Down: 200/4:00
200 Choice Stroke Loosen

3950 Yards 105 Minutes 

5-25-23 Last day of the Season

Warm-Up 1000/25:00
200 Free
200 No Free (Mix it up)
4x50 Pull Choice of equip
4x25 Choice Kick w/ Board
4x50 I.M.O K/D Or Free Desc 1-4
4x25 Sprint Cycle 
Pre-Set 750 20:00
2x100 Free I.M @ @:15-20 Seconds Rest
4x50 -Odds Smooth - Evens 80% @:10-15 Seconds rest
4x50 No Free,  Choice of Drills @:10-15 Seconds rest
2x75 Free 1st 75 Breathing every 3, 2nd 75 Breathing every 5th. @
Aerobic Set: 1500/ 36:00
3x200 freestyle, negative split - @:30 Seconds Rest
4x50 freestyle W/ Fins 80% Max Effort @:15 Seconds Rest
200 freestyle pull w/ Choice of Equipment @:30 Seconds Rest
4x75 Free Desc. each 75 to fast @:15-20 Seconds Rest
200 freestyle Steeady Kick 
Speed Set: 500/12:00
10x50 Freestyle Choice of Equip - 90% max Effort. @1:00-1:30
Power Set: 300/10:00
6 x 25 freestyle sprint with fins  @:30 Seconds Rest
6 x 25 freestyle sprint with paddles  @:30 Seconds Rest
Cool-Down: 200/4:00
200 loosen

4250 Yards 107 Minutes