10/5/23 Ladder Up, Skills High: Dive into Endurance!

Warm-Up 800/20:00
400 Free - Breathe every 3/5/7 strokes by 50s to promote balanced rotation.
6x50 @ :10s rest - Alternating Free and Back, focusing on streamlining off the walls.
4x25 @ :10s rest Sprint Cylce 

Drill Set: 500/15:00
4x50 Free @ :15s rest - Catch Up Drill.
4x50 Back @ :15s rest - Single-arm Backstroke. 25 right arm, 25 left arm, 
4x25 @ :10s rest -Odds Free Drill - Evens free Sprint

Main Endurance Set: 1600/38:00
100 Free @ :15s rest 
200 Free @ :20s rest 
300 Free @ :25s rest 
400 Free @ :30s rest 
300 Free @ :25s rest 
200 Free @ :20s rest 
100 Free @ :15s rest  
*100's and 200's Faster than 300/400's 

Technique Emphasis Set: 400/12:00
4x50 Free @ :10s rest - Count strokes and aim to reduce by 1 each time.
8x25 Fly -Odds Drill 3/3/3  -Evens Swim

Cool Down: 200/2:00
200 Smooth Mixing up Strokes - No Free

3500 Yards 87 Minutes  

10/3/23 Endurance Odyssey: Where Strokes Collide

Warm-Up 800/20:00
300 Free – every 4th length backstroke to mix it up.
4x50 Free Drill Finger Tip Drag Drill @ :15s rest: 
4x50 Back Drill 3/3/3, 3R/3L/3Stroke Cycles -6 stokes @ :15s rest:
4x25 Free – Descend 1-4 @ :10s rest.

Technique Set: 700/18:00
4x50 Free Desc 1-4@ :15s rest –
4x50 Back  Desc 1-4 @ :15s rest – 
4x100 Alternating 25 Free/25 Back @ :15s rest 

Main Endurance Set: 1600/35:00
2x400 Free @ :20s rest
#1: Every 4th length backstroke.
#2: Breathing every 3/5/7 By 25
4x200 @ :15s rest
 -Odds Back Stroke or  I.M No Free.
 -Evens Free

Distance Per Stroke: 400/12:00
8x50 @ :10s rest
Odd: Back – Distance per Stroke, Count strokes and try to reduce by 1 each 50.
Even: Free – Distance per Stroke, Count strokes and try to reduce by 1 each 50.

Cool Down: 100/3:00
100 Easy choice, with a focus on smooth technique and relaxed breathing.

3600 Yards 88 Minutes 

9-30-23 Kick, Pull, Swim: The Ultimate Trifecta

Warm-Up: 700/20:00
300 Free 
6 x 50 @ 15s rest:
Odds: Free Descend
Evens: No Free
4 x 25 Sprint Cycle

Drill Set: 500/15:00
5 x 100 @ 15s rest:
#1: 50  Kick / 50 Free
#2: 50 3Strokes 6Kicks 3/6/3 / 50 Free
#3: 50 Fist Freestyle / 50 Free
#4: 50 6-Beat Kick Free / 50 Free
#5: 50 Bilateral Breathing / 50 Free

Main Set: 1800/40:00
4 Rounds:
4 x 50 Free @ 10s rest: -25 sprint, -25 easy 
1 x 150 Free @ 15s rest: Build by 50s (easy, moderate, hard)
1 x 100 Free Pull @ 10s rest: Paddles 

Kick & Pull Set: 400/12:00
4 x 50 Kick @ 10s rest:
4 x 50 Pull with buoy & paddles @ 15s rest:

Speed Play: 100/3:00
4 x 25 @ :30: Choice Stroke Sprint.

Cool Down: 100/2:00
100 Easy Choice,
3600 yrds 92 Minutes

9-28-23 Flippin' Fun & Speedy Sprints: Dive In!

Warm-Up 800/20:00
300 Free 
8 x 50 @ 10-15s rest
Odd: Drill (Catch Up Free)
Even: Finger Tip Drag
4x25 Sprint Cycle @ :45-1:00

Pre-Set 600/18:00
3 x 200 IM @ 20s rest
#1: 25 Fly/75 Free, 25 Back/75 Free
#2: 25 Back/75 Free, 25 Breast/75 Free
#3: 25 Breast/75 Free, 25 Fly/75 Free

Main Set 1800/40:00
3 Rounds
3 x 100 Free Desc.1-3 @ 10 Seconds Rest
4 x 50 Free @ 10s rest
-25 Sprint -25 Ez
1 x 100 Free Smooth @ 20 Seconds Rest

Kick Set 300/16:00
6 x 50 Free Kick @ 15s rest
Descend 1-3, 4-6.

Sprint Set 50/2:00
1 x 50 Free All-Out

Cool Down 50 /2:00
50 Easy Choice
3600 yrds 98 Minutes

9-26-23 Butter-Fly Me to the Moon & Back!

Warm-Up 900/25:00
1x300 Free Loosen Trying to do 2-3 Dolphin Kicks off Each Wall.
6x50 @:15 Seconds Rest: 25 Back / 25 Breast 
4x50 @:10 Seconds Rest Free Desc. 1-4
4x25 Dolphin Dive 
Technique Set: 700/18:00
4x50 @:20 Seconds Rest Hand Lead Dolphin Kick
4x100 @:15 Seconds Rest: IM order, 
4x25 @:10 Seconds Rest: Butterfly sprint.
Main Set: 1450/33:00
3x150 @:20 Seconds Rest
1st 150: 100 Free / 25 Butterfly / 25 Backstroke
2nd 150: 50 Free / 50 Butterfly / 50 Free
3rd 150: 100 Backstroke / 25 Butterfly / 25 Free
2x200 @:20 Seconds Rest
1st 200: 175 Free + 25 Butterfly
2nd 200: 150 Free + 25 Butterfly + 25 Backstroke
4x100 @:15 Seconds Rest
Odds 75 Free with emphasis on dolphin kicks off each turn + 25 Butterfly
Evens: 75 Breaststroke + 25 Butterfly
4x50 @:10 Seconds Rest:
Odds: 25 Free / 25 Butterfly
Evens: 25 Backstroke / 25 Butterfly
Equipment: 200/5:00
4x50 @:15 Seconds Rest (with fins)
Odds: 25 Free with strong dolphin kicks off the wall + 25 Butterfly
Evens: 50 Free focusing on smooth, elongated strokes
Cool Down:200/4:00
8x25 -Odds Free -Evens Dolphin Dive

3450 Yards 85 Minutes

9-23-23 Back, Breast, and Beyond

Warm-Up 800/20:00
1x300 Free Loosen
6x50 @:10 Seconds Rest - Choice Kick alternating streamline kick and kick w/ a board
4x50 IM order by 50 (Fly, Back, Breast, Free) @:10 Seconds Rest
Pre-Set 600/15:00
2x150 IM (no free) @ 15 Seconds Rest
2x100 Free @ 10 Seconds Rest - Focus on technique and bilateral breathing
4x25 @ :10 Sec Rest:
1st & 3rd: Backstroke to halfway then switch to Breaststroke
2nd & 4th: Breaststroke to halfway then switch to Freestyle
Main Set: 1750/40:00
2x200 Free @:15-20 Seconds Rest
1. -100 Ez - 100 Build
2. -100 Fast 100 Smooth
3x150 IM Transition Work @ :20 Seconds Rest
1st: -25 Fly -25 Free/50 Back/-25 Fly -25 Free
2nd: 50 Back/50 Breast/50 Back
3rd: 50 Breast/50 Free/50 Breast
4x100 @ :15 Seconds Rest
Odds: 50 Back/50 Free 
Evens: 50 Breast/50 Free 
5x50 @ :10 Seconds Rest
Desc. 1-4 Hold Speed for 5
2x200 Pull Free @ :20 Seconds Rest
-Choice equipment
Sprint: 200/6:00
2x50 @ :20 Seconds Rest - IM transition sprints (Fly-Back and Back-Breast)
4x25 @ :15 Seconds Rest: Sprint free but use the turn of each IM stroke (e.g. Fly turn, Back turn, etc.)
Cool Down 200/4:00
4x25 Dolphin Dive
1x100 Smooth Free

3550 85 Minutes

9-21-23 Metabolic Medley Mixer

Warm-Up 800/ 20:00
2x150 Free Loosen
4x50 Choice Kick @:5-10 Seconds Rest
1x100 I.M 
2x50 Free -25 Breathing every 3 -25 Breathing every 5 @:5-10 Seconds Rest
Pre-Set 600/15:00
3x100 I.M @ 10-15 Seconds Rest
6x50 @ :10 Seconds Rest
-O -25 Back -25 Breast
-E -25 Breast -25 Free
Main Set 1750/40:00
3x300 @ :20 Seconds Rest
1.I.M No Free
2.100 Free 100 I.M 100 Free
3. Free Desc by 100
2x200 Free Pull -Choice Equipment @ 15 Seconds Rest
3x150 @ 15 Seconds Rest
1.-50 Back -50 Breast- 50 Free
2.-50 Free -50 Back -50 Breast
3.Reverse I.M no Fly
Sprint 200/6:00
4x25 @ :15 Seconds I.M Order Sprint
2x50 @ :20 Seconds RestBackstroke -25 Max U/W -25 Sprint
Cool Down 200/4:00
4x50 Choice Stroke Smooth

3550 Yards 85 Minutes 

9-19-23 Rise & Glide: A Breaststroke & Free Fusion

Warm-Up 700/16:00
200 Free Easy Swim
6x50 I.M Switch (Fly/Bk- Bk/Br - Br/Free x2) @:10-15 Secs Rest
4 x 50 Free with Open Water Sighting Lift head forward every 6-8 strokes to simulate open water sighting. @:15 Secs Rest
Pre-Set 700/ 14:00
6 x 50 Breaststroke @ :10 Secs Rest
Odd: Drill - 25 Right arm Breast Stroke -25 Left arm Breast Stroke. - Other arm pointed at wall you are swimming towards.
Even: Regular Breaststroke Emphasis on the glide phase.
4 x 100 Free Pull Descend 1-4. @:10-15 Seconds Rest  (Choice of Pull Equipment.)
Main Set 1550/33:00
1 x 300 Free Every 4th 25 Open water Sight @ :20 Secs Rest
2 x 200 Free @ :15-20 Secs Rest
-Odds Build by 50
-Evens Negative Split.
3 x 150 Breaststroke @ :15-20 Secs Rest
-Odds Breaststroke 
-Evens -75 Back -75 Free
4 x 100 Free @ :15 Secs Rest
-Odds Smooth
-Evens build the 100 to a fast pace
Sprint & Power Set 200/ 6:00
4 x 25 Free @ :15 Secs Rest
2 x 50 Free @ :15 Secs Rest
The first 25 of each 50 is at an easy pace. The second 25 is sprint.
Cool Down 200/4:00
200 Easy choice

3350 Yards 73 Minutes 

9-16-23 Building Blocks of Back & Free

Warm-Up 600/14:00
300 Free 
100 Backstroke 
4x75 @ 15s rest
-Odds -25 bk -25 free -25 bk
-Evens -25 free -25 bk -25 Free
Pre-Set 600/ 14:00
4 x 100 Free -Odds Breathing every 3 - Evens Breathing every 5 @15s rest
2 x 100 Back -25 Right arm only bk -25 Left arm Only Bk -50 backstroke @ 15s rest:
Main Set 1700/
Part 1:  700/16:00
4 x 50 Free with fins @10s rest - 
2 x 50 Back with fins @10s rest -
2 x 75 Free @20s rest - 25 Drill 3/3/3 /50 swim. Drill: (3 strokes left side, 3 strokes right side, 3 alternating strokes)
2 x 75 Back @20s rest - -50 Drill 3/3/3 -25 Swim
Part 2 : 1000/22:00
3 x 200 Free Desc. 1-3 @30s rest:
2 x 200 -50 Free -50 Back @30s rest:
Pull Set 300/8:00
4 x 50 Free pull with pull buoy @15s rest - 
2 x 50 Back pull with pull buoy @15s rest -.
Cool Down 100/ 2:00
100 Choice Loosen

3300 Yards 76 Minutes

9-14-23 Freestyle Frolics & Flutter Frenzies

Warm-Up 500/12:00
300 Freestyle, loosen
8x25 Streamline Flutter Kick 
Freestyle Drills 400/10:00
8x50 @:10-15 rest
-Odds 6 Strokes 3 Second Glide Freestyle 6/3/6
-Evens -25 Zipper -25 Regular Freestyle
Main Set Speed & Endurance 1700/40:00
5x100 Freestyle @ 10-15 Rest  Focus on maintaining a consistent pace.
4x50 @ 10 Rest flutter kick, using a kickboard.
4x200 Freestyle Pull(Choice Equip)  @ :15-20 Rest . Concentrate on stroke efficiency.
8x25 @:10-15 Rest. Build to a sprint by the end of each 25. 
4x100 Freestyle @ 10-15 Rest. Aim for a faster pace than the initial 5x100.
Race Focus 400/12:00
2 Rounds - Round 1 Free.Round 2 Choice Stroke.1 Min Rest between rounds.
4x50 @ 1:00
#1: -25 Fast -25 Easy
#2: -25 Easy -25 Fast
#3: Build
#4: Sprint
Cool Down 200/4:00
4x50 Freestyle @ :10 rest. Focus on long, smooth strokes 

3200 Yards 78 Minutes

9-12-23 Freestyle and Backstroke with Drills and Race-Pace Strategies

Warm-Up 600/15:00
200 Free
100 Back Stroke.
4x50 Flutter Kick W/ a board. @ 10 Seconds Rest
2x50 Back Stroke Drill, 5 Strokes 6 Kicks 5 Strokes (5/6/5) @10 Seconds Rest

Drill/Preset 400/10:00
4x50 Single Arm Back Stroke - 25 Right arm -25 Left Arm @ 10 Seconds Rest
2x50 Back Stroke Drill 6 Kicks 1 Stroke (6 Kick Switch) @ 10 Seconds Rest
4x25 Distance Per Stroke Backstroke -Try to decrease stroke count every 25 @ 10 Seconds Rest

Main-Set (Choice of equipment) 2100/ 45:00
2x200 Freestyle Steady Pace @10-15 Seconds Rest
4x100 - Odds Back Stroke - Even Freestyle @10-15 Seconds Rest
4x50 Free Style Desc. 1-4  @ 10 Seconds Rest
4x50 -Odds Free - Evens Back Stroke @ 10 Seconds Rest
4x25 Your Choice of Stroke - Fast @ 20 Seconds Rest
4x50 -25 Fast Free-25 Smooth Backstroke @ 10-15 Seconds Rest
4x100 Back Stroke -50 Smooth -25 Build -25 Fast  @ 15 Seconds Rest
4x50 Streamline Kick on back @ 10 Seconds Rest

Cool Down 200/4:00
200 Smooth mix up your strokes 

3300 Yards 74 Minutes 

9-9-23 Splish, Splash, I Was Taking a 3100 Yard Class!

Warm-Up 600/15:00
200 free easy, focus on long strokes.
#1: 75 free/25 back
#2: 50 free/50 back
#3: 25 free/75 back
#4: 100 free
Rest 15 seconds between each.

Technique Set 400/10:00
8x50 @ 1:00-1:30
-Odds Fist Drill
-Evens Catch-Up Drill

Main Set (Choice of Equipment) 1900/ 45:00
5x100 freestyle as -25 Right arm freestyle -25 Left arm Freestyle -50 Smooth Free @ 10-15 Seconds Rest
1x200 Free every 4th length Fist Drill @15-20 Seconds Rest
4x150 freestyle @ 10-15 Seconds Rest
Break each 150 into:  
-100 Smooth 
-50 Build your speed with a strong flutter kick 
4x150 @ 10-15 Seconds Rest
1st 50: Breathing every 3
2nd 50: Breathing every 5
3rd 50: Easy swim, emphasizing good body position and technique.
Speed Work(Fins on) 200/6:00
8x25 on 30-:45
Build to a moderate pace 

Cool Down 200/4:00
200 Easy, Choice of Stroke.

3100 Yards 74 Minutes

9-6-23 Building Blocks to Speed Bombs

200 Swim
8x25 Streamline kick Choice of stomach or Back.
4x25 I.M order
1x100 Pull
1x100 choice of stroke.
Drill 400/10:00 (Fins Optional)
2x50 Catch-up Drill
2x50 Fist Drill
2x50 Catch-Up W/ Finger Tip Drag
2x50 Freestyle Breathing every 3rd Stroke.
10-15 Seconds Rest in between 50's
Kick 300/8:00
6x50 @10-15 Seconds Rest
-Odds Flutter Kick
-Evens Dolphin Kick
Main Set 1400/32:00
3 x 100 Freestyle:
1: 75 steady / 25 Build to a Moderate Pace.
2: 50 steady / 50 Build to a Moderate Pace.
3: 25 steady / 75 Build to a Moderate Pace.
15 seconds rest between each

4 x 50 Freestyle:
Odd: Build Each 50 to a  Moderate Pace.
Even: Ascend 50 From Moderate to Easy pace
10 seconds rest between each

2 x 100 Freestyle:
Focus on technique and maintaining a consistent pace.
20 seconds rest

4 x 25 Freestyle Done as a Sprint cycle 
1st 25 1/2 Fast 1/2 Easy
2nd 25 1/2 Easy 1/2 Fast
3rd 25 Increase your Speed 
4th 25 Fast
10 seconds rest between each

2 x 150 Freestyle:
Pull with buoy Drop  Buoy Last 50 and engage legs
20 seconds rest

2 x 75 Freestyle:
1st 25 easy / 2nd 25 medium / 3rd 25 easy
15 seconds rest between each
Cool  Down 200/4:00
1x100 Kick
2x50 Smooth Free

3000 Yards 72 Minutes

9-5-23 Kicking Off the Masters Season: Dive Into Our First Practice!

Warm-Up 750/16:00
4x100 Free @ 15 Seconds Rest
1x50 Breast Stroke
1x50 Back Stroke
2x25 Choice Stroke - No Free. @ 15 Seconds rest
8x25 Flutter Kick @ 10-15 Seconds Rest.
Drill 400/10:00
8x50 @ 10-15 Seconds Rest
-Odds Catch-up Drill 
-Evens 5 Free Strokes 6 Kicks , 5/6/5 ( Preform the kicks with a single arm pointed towards the opposing wall and your other at arm along your side.)
Equipment Familiarization 700/20:00
4x50 Free Swim With Paddles @10-15 Seconds Rest
2x100 Free with Fins @15-20 Seconds Rest
6x50 Free with Fins and Paddles @10-15 Seconds Rest
Free Ladder 900/22:00
1x100 @15 Seconds Rest
1x200 @15-20 Seconds Rest
1x300 @20 Seconds Rest
1x200@15-20 Seconds Rest
1x100@15 Seconds Rest
Cool Down 200/4:00
4x50 -Odds Choice Stroke - Even Free Style 

72 Minutes 2950 Yards