1-30-24 Buoy, Oh Buoy, It’s Swim Time!

Warm-Up 900/25:00
300  Freestyle 
4x75 @10s Rest Rollin I.M
100 Kick
4x50 @10s Rest Free Desc. 1-4 

Drill 400/10:00
4x25 @(fins) Fly Drill  Fly arms with a flutter Kick
4x25 @ Double Arm back
4x25 @ Breast Drill -O Breast arms Fly kick -Br arms Free Kick
4x25  @Overcharge (Catch-Up Arms Kicking as fast as you can)
Endurance(Choice Equip) 1200/30:00
3x200 @10-15s Rest Desc.1-3
4x100  @10-15s Rest Build to fast -O Swim -E Kick 
4x50   @10s Rest  -25 Fast -25 Smooth
Main Set 1200/30:00
2x200 @15s Rest Free Neg Split 
8x50 @10-15s Rest Free   - O Sprint -E Smooth
4x75 @10s Rest Build to fast     
4x25 @10-15s Rest All out 

Cool Down 200/4:00
200 loosen

3900 yards 99 Minutes

1-27-24 Kick, Pull, Gasp, Repeat!

Warm-Up 700/15:00
300 Free
200 -50 Free-50 No Free
200 Free Build

Free Drill 600/15:00
6x100 @10s rest
1. Single Arm
2. Catch-Up
3.Fist Drill

Pull 900/20:00
1x300 @20s Rest Negative Split 
3x100 @10-15s Rest Desc.1-3 
6x50 @10s Rest Desc. 1-3 4-6

Kick 600/15:00
3x100 @10s Rest Steady Kick
4x50  @10s Rest Desc. 1-4
4x25  @15s Rest all out

Main 1000/25:00
4x100 @10-15s Rest -25 Fast -25 Ez -25 Build -25 Sprint
4x100 @10s Rest I.M
2x100 @10s Rest Free Build to Sprint

Sprint 200/5:00
8x25 @ 15s Rest All out 

Cool Down 200/5:00
200 Loosen
4200 Yards 100 Minutes 

1-25-24 New Year, Fast Gear!

Warm-Up 900/25:00
200 Free
100 I.M
200 Kick
100 Pull
200 No Free -Mix it up
100 Choice Stroke Build to 80-90%

Drill Set 600/15:00
8x25 @ 5-10s Rest I.M.O, -O Drill -E Swim.
4x50 @ 5s Rest Free Fist Drill 
4x50 @5-10s Rest Free Breathing every 3/5/5/3 by 50 

Pre-Set 500/12:00
4x75 @10s Rest -50 Free Build to 80% -25 I.M
4x50 @10s Rest -25 Free -25 I.M

Main Set 1200/25:00
4x50  @5-10s Rest Free Pull
2x150 @10s Rest -50 Free Build-50 No Free-50 Free Fast
4x50  @5-10s Rest Free Desc. 1-4
3x100 @10s Rest Build each 100 to fast
8x25  @5-10s Rest  -O 1/2 F 1/2 Smooth -E 1/2 Smooth 1/2 Fast

Speed 600/15:00
12x25 @10-15s Rest Free All Out
1x200  Kick Or Swim EZ/Active Recovery
4x25  O.T.B Sprints

Cool Down 200/5:00
200 Loosen 

1-23-24 Tidal Tactics

Warm-Up 800/20:00
200 -3 Free Stokes 4 Back Strokes(3/4/3)
200 Reverse Free I.M
200 Pull
200 Kick

Drill 800/20:00
4x100 @ 10s Rest
-O Zipper W/ Catch up -E Fingertip Drag W/ Catch-up
4x100  @ 10s Rest
-O Free Flick Drill -E 3 Strokes 6 kicks

Main Set 1500/35:00
3 Rounds
1x200  @10-15s Rest Choose your own order I.M
4x50  @5s Rest 80% Effort Free 
4x25  @10s Rest I.M Order Fast

Speed (Fins) 800/20:00
100= @5-10s Rest Rest 1p 6K
50= @10s Rest Build to Sprint
25= @10s Rest Sprint

Cool Down 200/4:00
200 Loosen
4100 Yards 99 Minutes

1-20-24 Dive In, Freak Out

Warm-Up 800/25:00
4x200 @10-15s rest
-O -50 Free-50 Back -50 Br -50 Free
-E 100 Free -50 No Free -50 Free
Tech And Drill 600/15:00
6x50 @5-10s Rest Free Drill/ Zipper With Fingertip Drag
6x50 @5-10s Rest Back Drill -25 Right Arm -25 Left arm
Kick 400/10:00
8x50 @10s Rest
-O Flutter Kick
-E Fly or Breast
Main Set 1400/30:00
2x200 @15s Rest  I.M
4x100 @10-15s Rest  -25 Fast Free -25 Ez Bk -25 Fast Free -25 ez Breast
4x50  @10s Rest Free -O Build - Sprint
4x100 @ 10s rest-75 Smooth -25 Sprint
Sprint 600/15:00
3x100 @10-15s I.M
6x50 @:30 Seconds Free Sprint
Cool Down 200/5:00
200 loosen
4000 Yards 100 Minutes

1-18-23 Swimming Through Winter

Warm-Up 1000/25:00
3x100 @10s Rest  Last 25 No Free 
12x25 @ 5-10s Rest
- O Streamline Kick -E Choice Stroke Drill 
3x100 @ Pull W/ a Buoy  
4x25  @ Sprint Cycle  

Underwater Power 400/10:00
16x25 @5-10s Rest  
- Odd: Underwater Dolphin Kick as far as Possible-Into Smooth Free, -E Fly or Back Stroke 

Main Set 1600/40:00
    2 Rounds (RD1 No Equip RD2 Choice Equip)
1x200  @10s Rest Free, Steady/Slightly Uncomfortable pace 
4x25   @15s Rest-1 Free All out  
4x100  @10s rest Desc. 1-4
4x25   @15s Rest All Out Free  

Speed Set 700/20:00
3x100 @10-15s Rest I.M
6x50  @10s rest Free,3-6 U/W Dolphin Kicks Desc. 1-3,4-6 
4x25  @15s Rest  -Choose Stroke, Sprint 

Cool Down 200/5:00
8x25 Dolphin Dive

3900 Yards 100 Minutes

1-16-23 Splash into Speed and Stamina

Warm-Up 900/25:00
300 Loosen every 3rd 25 Backstroke
4x100 @10s Rest Free -25K-50D-25Build
4x50 @10s Rest Desc. 1-4

I.M 400/10:00
4x100 @10s Rest I.M 
-O Drill -E Swim

Kick 400/12:00
1x400 Steady Kick

Pull (Choice Equip) 400/10:00
1x200 @10s Rest  Focus on Technique and powerful Pulls
4x50  @ Build each to Fast

Main Set 1350/30:00
3x200 @10s Rest Desc.1-3
3x150  @10-15s Rest Build each 150 to Fast by 50's
3x100 @ 30s Rest All out

Speed 300/6:00
12x25 @10s Rest
-O All out  -Even Smooth

Cool Down 200/4:00
4x50 Choice Stroke Smooth

3950 Yards 97 Minutes

1-11-24 Winter Water Warrior Workout

Warm-Up 1000/25:00
300 Loosen
4x50 @10s Choice Stroke -25 K-25 Drill
4x50 @10s Choice Stroke -25 Drill -25 Swim
8x25 @10s rest Free Drill Overcharge Drill (catch-up Arms Fast kick)
4x25 @10s Rest Sprint Cycle

Pre-Set 800/20:00
1x200 Kick
4x50  @5-10s Rest Pull 
2x100 @10s Rest Build Each 100
8x25  @5-10s rest
-O F
-E Smooth

Main Set 1900/45:00
4x200 @10-15s Rest 70% Effort Choice Equip
4x100 @10s Rest I.M
8x50  @10-15s Rest -Odds Fast -Evens Smooth
4x75  @10s Rest Fly/bk/br 
2x150 @5-10s Rest Negative Split by 75
4x25 @ 10s Rest Free  All Out

Cool Down 200/5:00
4x50 Choice Stroke Smooth

4100 Yards 95 Minutes

1-6-24 Poolside Power in '24

Warm-Up 950/25:00
300  Free 
4x75  @10s Rest -O: 50 Single-Arm Freestyle-25 D.P.S -E 50 Single Arm Back Stroke -25 DPS
2x75  @10s Rest Free or Back Build to Fast
2x100 @10s Rest I.M 
Pre-Set 850/25:00
3x50    @10s Rest Backstroke (Focus on a Strong Kick)
1x150  @15s Rest Freestyle Breathing every 3 
4x75    @10s Free Rest Descend 1-4
1x200  @20s Rest Free Breathing every 3/5 by 50
2x25   @5s Rest Breaststroke with emphasis on glide
Main Set 1850/45:00
3x150  @15s Rest Freestyle Pull 
10x25  @10s Rest Choice stroke, Sprint
4x100  @20s Rest Freestyle, each 100 with a different breathing pattern
8x25    @10s Rest -O fly, -E Free All out 
1x400  @30s Rest Freestyle, building each 100
6x25    @10s Rest Backstroke, Fast
Cool Down 200/4:00
200 loosen

3850 94 Minutes

1-4-23 Early Year Endurance

Warm-Up 1000/25:00
300 Loosen
5x50 @5-10s Rest  -O Finger Tip Drag -Evens Fist Drill
200 Pull
3x50 @5s Rest Kick
100 I.M

Pre-Set 700/15:00
2x50  @5-10s Rest Free Drill -5 Strokes 6 Kicks
1x200 @10s Rest Free Breathing every 3 W/ a Steady Kick
4x50  @10s Rest Free Desc. 1-3. Hold 4
1x100  @10s Rest Free Breathing Every 5 W/ a Steady Kick
4x25  @5-10s Rest Scull w/ a Steady Kick

Main Set 2300/50:00
4x200 @15s Rest Steady Pace Consistent Technique  
8x25   @10s Fast 
3x200 @20s Negative Split  
6x25   @10s Fast 
2x200 @20s Rest Build Each 50 
4x25   @10s Rest Fast 

Cool Down 200/4:00
200 Loosen

4200 Yards 94 Minutes

1/2/23 Splash into the New Year

Warm-Up 900/25:00
300 -100 Free -50 Back
6x50 @5-10s rest -25 Kick -25  Free Drill.
4x50 @10s Rest Desc 1-4
4x25 @10s rest Sprint Cycle. 

Drill  700/20:00
8x25 @5-10s Rest -O Right Arm -E Left Arm
4x50 @10s rest Free Drill 3/6/3 (3 Strokes 6 Kicks)  
4x75 @10s Rest -50Fist Drill -25 Build.

Kick 400/12:00
1x200 @15-20s Rest Free kick without fins
1x200  Free kick w/ fins Build the 200 to fast

Main Set 1500/35:00
4x75 @10s Rest Rolling I.M
3x200 @5-10s Rest Free Pull Steady Pace
4x100 @10s Rest  Free Desc. 1-4
4x50 @5-10s Rest -25 Fast -25 Smooth

Speed(Mix up strokes and Equipment) 400/10:00
4 Rounds
1x50  @10s rest All Out
2x25  @10s Rest All out
:30-1:00 Min Rest in between Rounds

Cool Down 200/4:00
200 EZ
4100 Yards 116 Minutes