New Year

I hope everyone has a great weekend!  Be Safe!

For those of you that are attending practice on New Years Eve @ 7:00am.....

Here is a hint for your last official Holiday Madness Practice, as its back to business starting next week:


Happy New Year
Coach Steve

Festivus for the Rest of Us

Tonight we will be celebrating Festivus in our own way.  For those of you that don't know what Festivus is, you can watch the video below.  The main principles of Festivus are:
  1. The Airing of Grievances
  2. Feats of Strength
We will be doing a "normal" workout in the shallow end and maybe a few lanes in the deep end, but for those of you up for the challenge.....come celebrate Festivus with me.

Happy Holidays!

Thanks everyone for all your generosity and kindness this year!  It was great to see you all this morning.  I hope you have a wonderful weekend, but be prepared for Tuesday.

Holiday Madness continues!

We will be celebrating another Holiday, one maybe not so familiar to you.  I hope you are up for the challenge!  Stay tuned for details after Xmas!

What a Team!  Here is Today's Practice for those that missed:

Ho Ho Ho!

The Madness Continues!

Tonight will be the following:

Shallow - A lot of 100's
Deep = Deep End Torture!

Don't forget we are going to Kenny's tonight for a "second" practice

REMEMBER - We have practice from 7:00 - 8:00 am on Xmas Eve!  Any volunteers to bring some coffee and/or donuts for a quick after practice social gathering??  If you are interested in bringing me.

Next week will also be the same schedule.......Details for next week coming soon....

And so it begins

With the Holidays quickly approaching.....

Stress levels continue to rise.....

as does your Holiday cookie consumption....

It is time to declare that our 2 weeks of
Holiday Madness Begins!

Tuesday Night's Practice is:

50 x 50's on the :50

That's all you need to know right now.  See you tonight!



On Thursday Night @ 9:15pm we will be bringing our Holiday Madness to Kenny's Tavern.  Come.  Be Social.  Be Merry.  If, of course, you have any energy left from the madness.....
We will be having normal practice times for the next 2 Saturday workouts.  7:00am-8:00am 



Announcement - NEW EQUIPMENT

I have put in my request for a new piece of training equipment. Lets keep our fingers crossed that we get one!

Week of Dec 13th

Hello All,

We are welcoming a new coach to the team this week, Mark.  Please be nice to him for at least the first week!

Deep End Workout Tonight, get ready!

For a downloadable/printable copy of the workout click HERE


Choose your own adventure

For those of you that are coming to practice tomorrow am @ 7am, here's a hint as to what to expect:

Warm Up for all lanes

Then each lane has these "adventures" to choose from:

1 = "Weber Mile"
2 = "IM Goodness"
3 = "Katy's Crossfit Swim"
4 = "Race Simulation"

Good Luck to All

See you in the Morning!

Week of Dec 6th

See you this week!

For a downloadable/printable copy of the workouts, click HERE
