Tuesday 9/12/17

Tuesday 9.12.17

Reminder--- the age group program started back up so only the 6 shallow lane will be open at 7:45pm (this is Tuesday only). Diving will be in the deep end until 8pm this evening. Please plan accordingly. 

Also, water polo conditioning will be taking a couple of lanes starting this evening so please swim 3-4 in a lane in both ends of the pool. Make sure to be out of the pool by 9:00pm and help with the lanelines if we need to take them out. Thank you.

Warm up-
1x400 swim
Alternate 100 free 100 IM
5x100s @ 1:40 choice
Kick, swim, drill, swim
6x50s pull @ :50
Breathing 3,5 by 25

Kick set-
6x75s @ 1:20
50 choice kick 25 fast free kick

Main set-
12x50s free @ :50
Odds- easy
Evens- fast

9x50s choice no free @ :55
Every 3rd 50 fast

6x50s choice, different stroke @ :55
Every 3rd 50 fast

3x50s choice, again different stroke @ :55
Descend 1-3

100 cool down