7-8-24 Smooth and Strong

Warm-Up 500/15:00
300 Choice Swim
100 Kick Fins/Board Optional
100  Choice Stroke-25 Drill -25 Swim

Pre Set 500/15:00
2x50 @:15s Rest Choice Kick Build
2x50 @:15s Rest Back Stroke #1. 6 kick Switch #2. Swim
2x50 @:15s Rest  Free #1. 3 Strokes 1-3 Second glide. #2. Swim
2x50 @:15s Rest  Breast #1.-#2 .1 Pull 3 Second Glide
1x100 Best Stroke-Best Technique

Main Set 2100/45:00
3 Rounds
1x100 @:10s Rest  Steady Kick
2x50  @:10s Rest Choice Stroke Build to Moderate
1x300 @:20s Rest Free Steady Pace
1x100 @:5s Rest  -Free -Fast!
1x100 @:30s Rest  Choice Stroke Smooth

Cool Down 200/5:00
200 -Break it up as you wish

80 Minutes 3300 Meters