8-3-24 End of Season Mastery

Warm-Up 1000/25:00
300 Choice Loosen
6x50 @:10s Rest Choice Stroke  D/S 
4x50 @:15s Rest I.M.O K/D
1x100 I.M
4x25 @:10s Rest Choice Stroke Build to Fast

Kick/Speed 750/20:00
6x(75+2x25) @:15s/:10s/:15s Rest
75= Kick, Last 10 Yards Fast 
1.25= Swim Last 10 Yards Fast 
2.25= Swim Build To fast - Max 3 Breaths

Sprint 300/10:00
4x(3x25) @:5/:10/:15s Rest 
1.25= Last 10 Fast
2.25= Last 15 Fast
3.25=  25 Fast

Paddles And Fins 800/20:00
8x100 :15s Rest
-75 U/W Kick to 4th Line 4 Fast Strokes Into the wall
-25 U/W Kick to 4th Line Fast Swim to wall.

Fins 800/20:00
4x[(3x50)+50] @:10s/:30s Rest
1.50=-Swim, -Over Kick-15 Yards Into the wall/15 Yards Out of the wall 
2.50 = 50 Fast Hr 25+

Cool Down 300/10:00
6x50 @:10s Rest Hr 15

105 Minutes 3950 Yards