Saturday 8/25
400 free
300 pull
200 IM drill/swim
4x25 sprint cycle choice
6x75 kick,drill,build by 25 1:20
4x100 free rotate fast 50, 4th one is fast @1:30
Rest 1 min
6x50 five uw dolphin kicks to 3 break out strokes, rest easy both ways 1:00
Rest 1 min
4x100 IM rotate fast 50, 4th one is fast 1:40
Rest 1 min
6x50 IMO no free, 2 of each stroke 1:00
Fly,Bk: 5 uw dolphin kicks to 3 fast break out strokes each way, rest is easy free for fly or do it all fly
Brst: 2 uw pullouts to 3 fast breakout strokes, rest is easy
100 easy