9-21-24 From Aerobic to Explosive

Warm-Up 800/20:00
300 Choice
200 -25 Double Arm Back Stroke -25 Free Fingertip Drag Drill
4x50 Choice Kick
100 Choice

Pre Set 300/6:00
4x75 @:15s Rest  I.M.O -25 FrontScull -25 Kick -25 Swim 

Main Set 2300/55:00
200  @:15-:30s Rest Free -100 Breathing every 3 100 Breathing every 5
3x50 @:15s Rest Choice Stroke Build Each to Fast
200  @:15-:30s Rest Free 100 Breathing every 3 100 Breathing every 5
6x50 @:15-:30s Rest Choice Stroke Desc.1-3,4-6
200  @:15-:30s Rest Free 100 Breathing every 3 100 Breathing every 5
9x50 @:15s Rest Choice Stroke 1-3=65% 4-6=75% 6-9=85%
200  @:15-:30s Rest Free 100 Breathing every 3 100 Breathing every 5
12x50 @:10-:30s Rest Choice Stroke 1-3 Aerobic 4-6 Sprint 7-9 Aerobic 10-12 Sprint 

Warm Down 400/10:00
2x50 Choice Stroke 70% Effort
2x50 Choice Stroke 60% Effort
2x50 Choice Stroke 50% Effort
2x50 Choice Stroke As Slow As Possible

3800 Yards 91 Minutes 

9-18-24 Descend to Dominate

Warm-Up 600/15:00
300 Choice 
100 Kick
100 Pull
100 Weak Stroke -25 Drill-25 Swim 

Pre Set 600/15:00
4x50 @10:15s Rest Choice Kick Done as Sprint Cycle
3x50 @:10s Rest Backstroke 3 Strokes 6 Kicks 
3x50 @:10-15s Rest Free Breathing 3/5/7 By 50 
2x50 @:10s Rest 3 Strokes Free 4 Strokes Back 3 Strokes Free 

Main Set 2300/50:00
1x200 @:30s Rest Fins and Paddles Stretch it out
2x50 @:15s Rest Build Each to 85%
1x100 @:20-:30s Rest  Choice EZ
8x50 @:15-20s Rest Choice Stroke Descend by pairs
1x400 @:30-1:00 Rest Choice Increase Your Dolphin Kicks Or Pullouts per 100 
6x50 @:15-20s Rest Choice Stroke Descend by pairs
1x300 @:30-1:00 Rest Choice  Increase Your Dolphin Kicks Or Pullouts per 100 
4x50 @:15-20s Rest Descend 1-4
1x200 @:30s Rest Choice Ez
2x50 @:30s Rest Free Fast

Cool Down 300/6:00
2x50 Choice Fast Break out - Smooth the Rest
1x100 Kick Ez
1x100 Choice Loosen

3800 Yards 86 Minutes

9-16-24 Shooting for Speed

Warm-Up 700/20:00
200 Swim 
200 Kick
200 Pull
100 Choice

Kick 300/10:00
12x25 @:5-10s Rest I.M Order Kick 3fly-3Flutter-3br-3flutter

Drill 400/10:00
2x50 @:10-15s  Fly 2/2/2
2x50 @:10-15s Double Arm BackStroke
2x50 @:10-15s Breast Stroke 1 Pull 3 Second Glide
2x50 @:10-15s Freestyle 3 Strokes 3 Second glide on your side

Main Set 1600/30:00
2 Rounds
4x100 @:10-15s Rest Choice Stroke -50 Kick -50 Drill
4x25  @:10-15s Rest Choice Stroke Desc. 1-4
2x100 @:10-15s Rest I.M Desc. 1-2
1x100 @:20s Rest Choice Easy 

Speed/Shooters 400/10:00
16x25 @:10-15s Rest Dolphin kick as far as possible—great break out. Swim fast to the wall. May use fins. For Breaststroke do a double pullout.

Cool Down 300/6:00
2x50 -25 Dolphin dive -25 Scull
2x50 -25 Double Arm Back -25 Back Stroke
2x50 - Choice 

3700 Yards 86 Minutes

9/14/24 Crawl, Fly, Flop: It's All Swimming!

Warm-Up 800/25:00
200 Loosen 
8x25 @:10-15s  Choice Kick Build
4x50 @:10-15s  I.M Order.
-25 Right Arm
-25 Left Arm 
100 I.M
100 Pull Choice

Drill 400/10:00
4x25  @:10s Rest Back 6 Kick Switch   
1x100 @:20s Rest Backstroke -Max Underwaters Off walls Back Stroke 
4x25  @:10s Rest Back -O Right Arm -E Left Arm (Arm @ Side that isn't moving)
1x100  Backstroke -Focus on rotation and steady kick

I.M Set 1000/25:00
2 Rounds
4x75  @:10-15s Rest Rolling I.M (Fly/Bk/Br-Fs/Fly/Bk-Br/Fs/Fly-Bk/Br/Fs)
2x100 @:20s Rest Free #1. -50 Build-50 Smooth #2.-50 Fast-50 Smooth

Speed 900/25:00
2 Rounds
8x25 @:10-15s Rest: Free -O Fast -E Smooth
3x50 @:10s Rest I.M Switch -Fast 
1x100 @:20-30s Rest Free Smooth

Cool Down 300/10:00
4x75 Choice Stroke D/K/S 

3400 Yards 95 Minutes

9-11-24 Drills and Thrills

Warm-Up  600/15:00
300 Choice Loosen
6x50 Kick -25 Flutter -25 Dolphin Kick

Pull-Drill(Pullbuoy) 300/10:00
6x50 @:10s Rest 
-25 Free Touching buoy Behind the hip 
-25 Double Arm Back 

2x50 @:10s Rest Breast Pull W/ Dolphin kick (1 Kick Per Stroke)
1x100 @20s Rest  Free Catch-up Drill W/ and Over Kick
2x50 @:10s Rest Breast Pull w/ a Flutter kick(Fast Pull-No Glide)
1x100 @:20s Rest Free Catch-up Drill W/ and Over Kick
2x50 @:10s Rest Breast Stroke 
1x100 @20s Rest  Catch-up Drill W/ and Over Kick

Set 1 I.M Ladder 750/20:00
25= @:10s Rest Fly 
50= @:10s Rest Back 
75= @:10s Rest Breast 
100=@:10s Rest Free( Descend by Round 3rd round all out)

Set 2 1500/40:00
3 Rounds
1x50 @:10s Rest Choice Stroke -25 Fast -25 Ez
1x100 @:10-15s Rest Choice Stroke Cruise
1x150 @10s Rest Choice Stroke -50 Build-50 Strong-50 Ez
1x200 @:15-20s Rest Choice Stroke Ascend - Start Fast end Smooth

Cool Down 200/5:00
4x50 Free 4 Breaths per 50

3900 Yards 105 Minutes 

9-9-24 Build and Descend

Warm-Up 800/25:00
2x150  Choice Stroke Loosen
4x50 @:10s Rest Rest -O Choice Kick - E 25 Scull 25 Swim
1x100 @:20s Rest Rest Pull W/ Buoy
1x100 @:20s Rest Rest I.M
4x25 @:15s Rest Rest Choice Stroke Build Each to Fast

Kick/Pull 1000/20:00
8x25 @:10s Rest Kick -O Build -Evens Smooth
4x50 @:10-15s Rest Pull W/ Paddles Count Strokes, Try to Decrease Per 50, Remember Number.
4x50 @:10s Rest Kick W/ Fins Descend 1-4.
4x50 @:10s Rest Swim Match Stroke Count of Pull Set
8x25 @:10s Rest -Free Fist Drill, Try to match earlier stroke count.

Main 2000/45:00
2 Rounds
4x25  @:10-15s Rest No Free build to Fast
4x150 @:10-15s Rest -50 Free-50 Choice Stroke-50 Free
3x50 @:10s Restr Choice Stroke Desc. 1-3
6x25 @:10s Rest Choice Stroke -O Fast -E Recover

Cool Down 200/5:00
1x100 Choice Loosen
1x50 Double Arm Back Stroke
1x50 Dolphin Dive

4000 Yards 90 Minutes 

9-8-24 Cruise, Build, Recover

Warm-Up 600/15:00
200 Swim
200 Kick
200 Pull

Main Set 2850/60:00
3 Rounds 
3x100 @:10-15s Rest Descend 1-3
3x75  @:10-15s  -50 Cruise-25 Fast
1x50  @:30s Rest Choice Stroke Recovery
3x50  @:15s  Rest Build Each to 90%
1x50  @:30s Rest Choice Stroke Recovery
3x25 @:15s Rest 1,3 Fast 2, Recover
1x50  @:30s Rest Choice Stroke recover

Cool Down 300/10:00
2x50 Kick
2x50 Dolphin Dive
2x50 Swim

85 Minutes 3750 Yards

9-4-24 Rebuild Your Rhythm

Warm-Up 700/20:00
2x100 @:10-15s Rest Choice Stroke- Loosen
4x50  @:10-15s Rest -Odds Pull -Evens Kick
2x75  @:15s Rest -25 Scull -25 Swim -25 Build
4x25  @:10s Rest I.M Swim
4x25  @:10-15s Rest Choice Stroke, Build your Speed to Fast.

Kick 300/8:00 With or Without Fins
6x50 @:10-15s Rest Choice Kick Desc.1-2,3-4,5-6

Freestyle Drill  400/10:00
2x50 @:10s Rest Catch-up Drill
2x50 @:10s Rest Finger Tip Drag
2x50 @:10s Rest Zipper Drill
1x100 @:10s Rest Perfect Freestyle

Main Set 1600/40:00
2 Rounds
1x150  @:15s Rest  -Free Pull W/ a Buoy (Pads Optional)
4x75  @:15s Rest  -Odds Free/Stroke/Free by 25 -Evens Stroke/Free/Stroke by 25
8x25  @:10s Rest -Evens Free Build to Fast -Odds Choice Stroke Recover
1x150 @:15s Rest Pull W/ Pads 

Cool Down 300/6:00
3x50 @5-10s Rest Free Hr 150 
2x50 @5s Rest Double Arm Backstroke
1x50   Dolphin Dive.

3300 Yards 84 Minutes