9-16-24 Shooting for Speed

Warm-Up 700/20:00
200 Swim 
200 Kick
200 Pull
100 Choice

Kick 300/10:00
12x25 @:5-10s Rest I.M Order Kick 3fly-3Flutter-3br-3flutter

Drill 400/10:00
2x50 @:10-15s  Fly 2/2/2
2x50 @:10-15s Double Arm BackStroke
2x50 @:10-15s Breast Stroke 1 Pull 3 Second Glide
2x50 @:10-15s Freestyle 3 Strokes 3 Second glide on your side

Main Set 1600/30:00
2 Rounds
4x100 @:10-15s Rest Choice Stroke -50 Kick -50 Drill
4x25  @:10-15s Rest Choice Stroke Desc. 1-4
2x100 @:10-15s Rest I.M Desc. 1-2
1x100 @:20s Rest Choice Easy 

Speed/Shooters 400/10:00
16x25 @:10-15s Rest Dolphin kick as far as possible—great break out. Swim fast to the wall. May use fins. For Breaststroke do a double pullout.

Cool Down 300/6:00
2x50 -25 Dolphin dive -25 Scull
2x50 -25 Double Arm Back -25 Back Stroke
2x50 - Choice 

3700 Yards 86 Minutes