9/14/24 Crawl, Fly, Flop: It's All Swimming!

Warm-Up 800/25:00
200 Loosen 
8x25 @:10-15s  Choice Kick Build
4x50 @:10-15s  I.M Order.
-25 Right Arm
-25 Left Arm 
100 I.M
100 Pull Choice

Drill 400/10:00
4x25  @:10s Rest Back 6 Kick Switch   
1x100 @:20s Rest Backstroke -Max Underwaters Off walls Back Stroke 
4x25  @:10s Rest Back -O Right Arm -E Left Arm (Arm @ Side that isn't moving)
1x100  Backstroke -Focus on rotation and steady kick

I.M Set 1000/25:00
2 Rounds
4x75  @:10-15s Rest Rolling I.M (Fly/Bk/Br-Fs/Fly/Bk-Br/Fs/Fly-Bk/Br/Fs)
2x100 @:20s Rest Free #1. -50 Build-50 Smooth #2.-50 Fast-50 Smooth

Speed 900/25:00
2 Rounds
8x25 @:10-15s Rest: Free -O Fast -E Smooth
3x50 @:10s Rest I.M Switch -Fast 
1x100 @:20-30s Rest Free Smooth

Cool Down 300/10:00
4x75 Choice Stroke D/K/S 

3400 Yards 95 Minutes