
I can't take credit for this workout, I just liked it and thought we should do it.


This week’s swim workout comes from Atlanta-based coach Andrew Shanks, who is pursuing his Masters in Exercise Science at George State and works for Dynamo Multisport. Dynamomultisport.com Shanks gave two options for swimmers of different speeds.

Jacob’s Ladder: 2600 swim workout

200 swim
200 streamline kick w/ fins
200 pull
2×50 drill of choice
Main Set
Do three rounds of the following, with 10 secs rest between each interval, 40 secs between each round. All freestyle (minus the noted 100 kick at the end of each round) with a hard but clean effort.
25 / 50 / 75 / 100 / 100 / 75 / 50 / 25 / 100 kick
100 easy


Jacob’s Ladder extended: 3100 swim

200 swim
12×75 w/ fins as 50 drill/25 swim
#1-4: Fly kick with freestyle stroke
#5-8: Straight Arm Recovery
#9-12: Single Arm by 25s
Main Set
3×300 pull w/ 30 sec rest. Push every third 25, otherwise steady effort.
Two rounds of the following, with 10 sec rest between interval and 40 sec rest between rounds. All freestyle with a hard but clean effort.
25 / 50 / 75 / 100 / 100 / 75 / 50 / 25
100 choice

source:    http://triathlon.competitor.com/2013/02/training/one-hour-workout-jacobs-ladder-swim-workout_70101