
In the past, several members have expressed an interest in hosting or co-hosting a Masters Swim Meet in the fall/winter.  In order to host a meet, we would need volunteers to help organize and run the meet. 

Is this something you'd be interested in doing? 

Please VOTE on the sidebar polls and let us know what you think.   If a majority of the team would like to host/co-host a meet, we will work on logistics.

Swim Across America 2013

Congratulations to our three swimmers - Dan, Jackie, and Kyleen!

Together they were able to raise $2,293 for the Rush University Medical Center.

Thanks to everyone who supported their effort! 


600 FR (50 left arm, breath right / 50 right arm, breath left / 100 breath 3’s)

6 x 150
#1&4: IM-FR
                #2&5: IMS
                #3&6: FR

6 x 100 FR pull w/paddles
                #1&4: w/buoy regular
                #2&5: w/buoy at ankles
                #3&6: no buoy, legs crossed

6 x 50 IMO-FR w/fins (50 MDPS take stroke count, 50 fast holding stroke count for each stroke)

100 EZ


1.  Tonight (7/18) is the last practice of the summer session due to the closing of the pool for summer cleaning.  You should have received an email from the Lyons Bookkeeper (Janet) regarding the $16.25 credit they will be processing to the credit card they have on file for you.  If you have any questions, please email

2.  If you'd like to have the shower heads in the locker room cleaned out, please email  All the emails will be taken to help motivate action.

3.  Double practice tonight at Irish Times Pub & Restaurant in Brookfield, IL (intersection of Burlington Ave. and Prairie Ave.).

4.  Registration for the fall session will open August 1st. 

5.  On Saturday, we have a couple swimmers participating in Swim Across America (SAA)!  Please be sure to check out the team page and show your support (i.e., $5, $10).  Each swimmer needs to raise $500.

6.  If you plan on swimming in the lake this weekend, be sure to wear your team t-shirt and say hello to our SAA swimmers (Jackie, Kyleen, and Dan).  Registration opens at 6:45am with the 3-mile/1.5-mile swims starting at 8:00/8:45am and the 1-mile/0.5-mile swims starting at 9:00/9:15am.  Oak Street Beach will be busy.


Warm Up: 900

500 choice

4 x 100 IMO (50 drill / 50 4-4-4/6 then kick to the wall)

Main Set: 1500

Do the following 3x;

200 FR

2 x 50 no FR pull (5 push ups before each 50)

100 FR

2 x 50 choice kick (hold buoy straight up, 10 squats after each 50)

*Get your total time for each round and try to descend your time by each round*


Sorry, I had a little brain fart and seriously miscalculated the yardage on the last post

Warm Up: 600

600 (100 IMO drill / 100 TSFGC-up)

Main Set: 2100

Do the following 3x through;

3 x 200

100 kick w/board

                Round 1: 6/5/4/3 fast FL breakout strokes by 50, then FR to the wall

                Round 2: 12/10/8/6 fast BK breakout strokes by 50, then FR to the wall

                Round 3: 6/5/4/3 fast BR breakout strokes by 50, then FR to the wall



Warm Up: 500

500 FR (100 drill / 100 kick / 100 swim / 100 kick / 100 TSFGC-up)

Main Set: 2000

Do the following 2x;

4 x 50
3 x 100
2 x 150
1 x 200

                Round 1: 50’s = FL w/fins
                                 100’s = BK pull
                                 150’s = BR (3k1p, 2k1p, swim by 50)
                                 200 = FR w/paddles

                Round 2: 50’s = IMO
                                 100’s = IMT
                                 150’s = IM-FR

                                 200 = IMS


Warm Up: 600

4 x 100 RIMO (50 drill / 50 kick)

4 x 50
            Odds: 3 FL strokes / 3 BR strokes (no breathing on FL)
            Evens: 5 BK strokes / 4 FR strokes (no breathing on FR)

Main Set: 2000

4 x 500 FR

            #1: pull breathing 3’s
            #2: 25 IMO (fast) / 75 FR (MDPS)
            #3: w/fins (4 FL kicks off walls)

            #4: 75 easy / 25 fast


Warm Up: 600

300 choice (50 drill / 50 fist)

300 kick w/fins & board

Main Set: 1800

Do two rounds of the following, I recommend doing the 50’s IMO;

50 choice fast w/dive
150 FR (MDPS)

50 choice fast w/dive
250 FR (MDPS)

50 choice fast w/dive

350 FR (MDPS)