A couple notes from Tuesday:
1. Provide me with a copy (via e-mail or a paper copy) of your USMS registration before next week.
2. Goal sheet will be posted later today--please return to me via e-mail, lyonsmasters@gmail.com, or a paper copy.
3. Read about the USMS Speedo 3000/6000-yard Postal National Championship and let me know if this is something any of you would be interested.
4. The next 2 Saturday practices will be held at NORTH CAMPUS! The LT girls swim team will be in the water during our practice time for these 2 Saturdays. Starting in October all Sat. morning practices will remain at South Campus from 6-7 AM.
100 free
100 kick
100 IM
100 pull
4 x 25 sprint cycle
3 x 100 choice kick
1-50 fast 50 ez
2- 25 ez 50 fast 25 ez
3-50 ez/50 fast
6/4 x 50 free 25 fists/25 finger tip drag
4 x 25 fast free
6/4 x 50 25 free/25 IMO
4 x 25 fast free
6/4 x 50 w/fins 25 underwater/25 choice
4 x 25 fast free
6/4 x 50 free dec 1-3
4 x 25 fast free
6/4 x 50 IMA
4 x 25 fast free
100 cool down