Saturday 10/31

Saturday 10/31
Happy Halloween!

Warm up:
300/200 swim
200/100 pull
3 x 100 50 drill/swim @ 1:45
4 x 50 build each 50 choice @ 1:00

Main set:
5/4 x 200  @ 3:15 count your stroke on the first length and then try to reduce your number by one or two for the rest of your 200.  

16/12 X 50s @ 1:00 
1- build keep strokes nice and long
2- fast, hold you time
1- easy free recovery

100 easy

Thursday 10/29

Thursday 10/29/15


400/300 swim

200/100 kick

8 x 25 @ :45 breast kick on back

8 x 25 @ :40 kick-pull-kick

4 x 25 sprint cycle


Breast kick on back

- arms at your side

- kick your heels to your palms




- small pull with breathe to streamline

- kick

- repeat


20/16 x 50s @ :55/1:00

1- 4 = pull

5- 8 = choice drill

9- 12 = breast/free

13- 16 = swim choice

17-20 = FAST FR


8/6 x 100s @ 1:25/1:50

1-3 = descend

4-5 = 50 build/50 drill choice

6 = fast choice

7 = easy choice

8 = fast free


100 easy

Tuesday 10/27/15

Tuesday 10/27/15


Weekly Focus: Breaststroke


Arm pull:



Drill #1: 3 Second Glide Breaststroke


Three Second Glide Breaststroke-Hold the streamlined (stretched) position of the stroke for a full count of three. Keep your head down and neck straight. In the breaststroke, be sure not to stop your hands under your body, but only in the extended position. Then, start the pull slowly, pitching the hands outward until they are shoulder width apart, and then accelerate your hands through the power phase (the in sweep), continuing all the way through to the recovery.


Drill #2: Kick Pull Kick Breaststroke


This drill lets you focus on your kick and improve your streamline position under water.To do this drill you basically execute the movements of the normal breaststroke cycle. But instead of kicking once with your legs and pulling once with your arms per stroke cycle, you kick twice with your legs and then pull once with your arms per cycle starting with a kick then pull then kick and repeat.


Warm Up:


400/300 every 4th lap is non-free


300/200 pull breathe 3-5 by 25


6/4 x 50s kick choice…25 fast/25 easy



4 x 75 @ 1:40…25 breast 3 second glide/25 breast kick-pull-kick/25 breast


4 x 75 @ 1:15 free rotate 25 fast; last 75 is all fast


4 x 75 @ 1:30 IM odds:fly/back/breast; evens: back/breast/free


4 x 75 @ 1:15 free concentrate on distance per stroke and long streamlines


4 x 75 @ 1:45 breaststroke kick with a board or on back


4 x 75 @ 1:10 swim w/fins free or your choice ALL OUT FAST 


4 x 75 @ 1:20 ascend 1st one fast, last one easy




Saturday 10/24

Warm up:
4x100s free descend 1-4 @ 1:40/1:55
6/4x50s kick with fins @ 1:00
8/4x25s @ :35/:45 sprint cycle
1-4 free
5-8 choice

Main set:
4x175s swim..100 free 75 IM or choice no free @ 2:45
6/4x125s pull last 25 is fast @ 2:00
8/6x75s @ 1:15 swim choice same stroke for 4/Descend 1-4, Ascend 5-8 

Thursday 10/22

500 FREE
5 X 100 ( 50 DRILL, 50 SWIM )
400 PULL alternate 100 back 100 free
4 X 100 @ 1:45
Odds- 50 fly/50 back
Evens- 50 back/50 breast
300 KICK
3 X 100 @ 1:20 FREE FAST
200 IM
2 X 100 IM @ 1:45 1-drill, 2-fast
100 alternate 25 breast:25 free
4 X 25 @ :40 UNDERWATER pull outs

Swim meet?

Masters Swimmers,

Please look at the link below and let me know if you would be interested in swimming in this meet on Sunday, December 13th. Email me if you would like to swim and we will talk about events. My email is

Tuesday 10/20/15

This week we are going to work on backstroke through out our workouts.  Here is a great video to watch if you have time.

Warm up-
400/300 swim
6 x 75 back drill #1, #2, backstroke
4 x 50 build free on 1:00/1:10
8 X 25 sprint cycle @ :35 4-free, 4-back 

Main set- 2 times thru:
1 X 200/100 back @ 3:40
4/2 x 50 free @ :50
1 X 200/100 free @ 3:15
4/2 x 50 back @ :55
100 cool down

Saturday 10/17

Masters 10/17

Warm up:
300 swim
4 x 75 kick with fins @ 1:20
4 x 50 build/drill choice @ 1:00
4 x 25 sprint cycle @ :30
Main set-3/2 rounds of:
1x 300 free...100 strong/100 build/100 fast @ 3:55/4:15
1x 150 IM NO FREE @ 2:30/3:00
1x 100 free...50 build/25 fast kicking/25 fast @ 1:20/1:30
1x 50 choice @ 1:00/1:10
100 cool down

Masters Practices this week

NO PRACTICE on Thursday due to Senior Night for the LTHS Girls.

Saturday's practice will be from 5:30-6:30am due to the Pride Meet this weekend. 

See you on Saturday!

Tuesday 10/13

Masters 10/13/15

Weekly Focus: Freestyle Rotation

Rotation is an extremely important part of freestyle. The best freestylers rotate their shoulders to either side about 30 degrees from the surface, meaning that they never even rotate halfway onto their side (which would be 90 degrees). It is beneficial for two main reasons: 

(1) Longer stroke / greater distance per cycle: Rotation allows you to extend your arm further in front of you and therefore enables you to hold onto water for a longer amount of time during each arm stroke. 

(2) More powerful stroke: A freestyle stroke with rotation can be much more powerful because rotation allows a swimmer to use their hips and core muscles – in addition to their arm muscles – during the arm stroke.


However, there are also two big reasons why you should be mindful about how much you rotate 

(1) If you rotate a lot, it’s still very possible to get a great high elbow catch underwater.  However, the more you rotate, the more you’ll have to pay attention to when you start the underwater catch.  If you start your catch while you are rotated too much, your shoulder will be down and you will very likely catch the water with a straight arm or dropped elbow.  If you start your catch when you’re rotated about 30 degrees, your shoulder will be more to the side of your body, and you’ll be in a much better position to get a great catch with a high elbow.

(2) The more you rotate, the slower you’ll be able to move your arms.  You must be able to find a balance between rotation and your stroke rate (how fast you can move your arms).

Warm Up:
3x150s @ 2:30/2:50 descend 1-3

3x100s @ 1:30/1:45 descend 1-3

3x50s @ :50/:55 descend 1-3

Main set:
16 x 25’s freestyle @ :30
#1 – half fast half easy
#2 – half easy half fast
#3 – all easy
#4 – all fast

12 x 50’s (One round of each stroke, no free) @ 1:00
#1 – 25 fast 25 easy
#2 – 25 easy 25 fast
#3 – all easy
#4 – all fast

6 x 100’s Free @ 
#1 – 50 fast 50 easy
#2 – 50 easy 50 fast
#3 – all easy
#4 – all fast

4 x 75’s pull @ 1:30 rest
Breath control 5 breaths first 25, 4 breaths second 25, 3 breaths third 25

200 easy

Saturday 10/10

Saturday 10/10

500/300 swim
200 kick
200 pull
100 IM drill
3/2 Rounds of:
1 X 200 free @ 3:10
2 x 100 choice @ 1:45
2 x 50 free @ :55
4 x 25 @ :40
odds- underwater dolphin kick
evens- underwater pull outs
200 Easy

Thursday 10/8

Masters 10/8

Warm up-

200 free

100...50 fly/back

200 IM drill

100...50 back/breast

200 kick

100...50 breast/free

4x4x75 one round of each stroke

1. all drill (or drill-kick-drill)

2. drill-drill-swim

3. swim-drill-swim

4. all swim

8x100s @ 1:40

Odds: IM 

Evens: stroke

100 cool down

Tuesday 10/6

Masters 10/6


Focus: Freestyle Recovery (see article and videos)


Warm up:

3/2x200s @ 3:10/3:30


2-swim & negative split 100s (the second 100 is faster than the first)

3-swim & descend by 50s within the 200


5/4x100s Pull w/paddles @ 1:30/1:40- focus on the recovery and where the hand is entering the water


6/4x75s kick with fins @ 1:10/1:20 (25fast/25 easy/25 fast)


Main set:

5/4 x 50 FR @ :55/1:05 focus on good streamlines, MDPS, recovery & keeping your elbow up underwater, do not let it drop


5/4 x 50 FR @ :50/1:00


5/4 x 50 FR @ :45/:55


5/4 x 50 FR @ :40/:50


5/4 x 50 FR @ :55/1:05 hold faster time than 4th set of 50's


200 cool down




Saturday 10/3

Saturday 10/3

400/300 swim
300/200 pull
200/100 kick
100 IM drill
12 x 25 IMO @ :35/:40
8/6 x 50 choice @ :55/1:00
12 x 25 free @ :30/:35
8/6 x 50 free @ :50/:55
6 x 75 @ 1:20/1:30
Odds- free/drill/free 
Evens- stroke/drill/stroke

100 easy

Thursday 10-1

Thursday 10/1

Another EVF video:


Warm Up: 1100

400/300 choice (50 drill / 50 fist)

300/200 kick w/fins & board

     8 x 25 w/fins 

      Odds- right arm Evens- left arm

      Off arm out front, think about setting  

      up early vertical forearm

200/100 pull


Main Set: 1800

Do two rounds of the following, 50s could be done IMO, focus on having an early vertical forearm!


1x50 choice fast w/dive

1x150/100 FR (MDPS, shoot for 15-20 strokes a length)

1x50 choice fast w/dive

1x250/200 FR (MDPS, shoot for 15-20 strokes a length)

1x50 choice fast w/dive

1x350/300 FR (MDPS,shoot for 15-20 strokes a length)


100 cool down

