Saturday 2/27

Masters 2/27


Warm up:
400 swim last 25 of each 100 is drill
300 pull breathing 3,5,7,3 by 25 
8x25s sprint cycle @ :30/:40
1-4 free
5-8 no free

Kick set
5x50s @ 1:05
4x50s @ 1:00
3x50s @ :55
2x50s @ :50
1x50 ALL OUT

Breaststroke work-
9x50s @ 1:00
3 of each 
kick, pull, kick
3 second glide
Regular breast, count your strokes, goal is 7 strokes!

6x75s @ 1:20
Evens-IM or Choice (no free)
Descend in groups of 2 (5&6 are fast!)

9x50s @ 1:10
2 fast 1 drill

100 easy

Thursday 2/25

Thursday 2/25

400/300 swim...last 25 of each 100 drill
6/4x50s @ 1:00 build/drill choice
200 pull 100 free/100 choice

Kick set:
7x75s kick w/fins @ 1:20/1:30
Odds-25 easy/50 fast
Evens-25 fast/25 easy/25 fast
#7 all out **
**try and beat your fastest 100 free swim time

1x300/200 Free @ 4:15/4:45
6x50s @ :50/:55, descend 1-3, 4-6
1x200/100 IM @ 3:15/4:00
6x50s IMA @ :55/1:00 fly/BK, BK/BR, BR/fr
1x100 Free @ 1:25/1:45
12x25s @ :30/:40 choice, groups of 4
1-smooth, 3-fast

50 easy


Tuesday 2/23

Tuesday 2/23

Warm up:
300 free
200 kick
200 IM drill/swim
100 kick

Drill set: single arm freestyle focusing on breathing, see video
4x50s @ 1:00 
25 right arm only, 25 left arm only

Pull set:
6x75s Pull @ 1:20
1st 25- 2 breaths only!
2nd 25- easy, nice long strokes, think about breathing
3rd 25- fast

Main set:
4x50s @ 1:00
2-IMO FAST by round round 1-fly, round 2-back, round 3- breast
4-IMO BY ROUND drill
3x100 IMs @ 1:45

50 easy

Saturday 2/19

Saturday 2/19/16


        100 Free
4 x {100 IM drill
        50 IMO kick

3x50s backstroke drill, 3 pulls 6 kicks @ 1:00
*think about hands entering just outside the shoulders and fingertips pointing out to the side with the thumb up on the pull*
3x50s breaststroke drill, kick-pull-kick @ 1:00
3x50s free drill, 3/4 catch up @ 1:00


1 x 200 IM drill @ 3:30

4 x 50 FL w/fins...25 drill/25swim @ 1:00

4 x 50 BK pull @ 1:00

4 x 50 BR kick w/board @ 1:00

1 x 200 FR drill @ 3:10

4 x 50 @ :55 free

4 x 50 @ :50 free

4 x 50 @ :45 free

50 easy

Thursday 2/18

Thursday 2/18

Butterfly day ;). Don't be afraid.

Butterfly Breathing-
Butterfly Kicking-

Warm up-
400 free last 100 drill
300 IM...kick(no board)-drill-swim
8x50s CHOICE @ 1:00 
25 drill/25 swim

4x100 kick @ 2:00
Alternate 25 fast/25 easy

Drill set-
16x25s @ :40 with fins
1-4...superman arms, fly kick, make sure to press chest
5-8...1 pull 4 kicks
9-12...3 right arm, 3 left arm arms, flutter kick, stay low when breathing

Main set:
8x75s with fins @ 1:20
1st 25...5 fly strokes then free
2nd 25...6 fly strokes then free
3rd 25...7 fly strokes then free

8x50s @ :55
25 IMO/25 free

100 easy

Upcoming Meets!!

Upcoming meet information 

Please let me know if you have any questions about these upcoming meets or need help signing up. 

High Ridge Dolphins Masters Meet
Sunday, March 13th, warm-ups 7:30am
High Ridge YMCA, Chicago
Entries due Wednesday, March 9th
Deck entries accepted!!

Naperville Super Sweet Red Hot Meet
Sunday, March 20th, warm-ups 7:00am
Naperville Central HS, Naperville
Entries due Friday, March 18th

Illinois Masters State
Friday 4/15- Sunday 4/17
Munster HS, Munster, IN
Entries online open 2/22!

Tuesday 2/16

Tuesday 2/16/16

Warm up:

400/300 swim

200/100 kick

8 x 50s choice, drill/swim @ 1:00

Pull set:

Here is a great video demonstrating the power of the elbow and early vertical forearm in the freestyle pull.

6 x 75s pull @ 1:40 25 free/25 IMO (no free)/25 free

Main set:

6/4 x 100 free @ 1:25/1:40

10 x 25 choice @ :40 odds-swim evens-underwater

6/4 x 100 choice, can be IM, no free @ 1:45/2:00

Cool down:

100 easy


Saturday 2/13

Saturday 2/13/16 
5:30-6:30 AM!!

Warm up:
500/400 alternate 100 swim/100 drill
300 kick with fins
8 x 25 sprint cycle

Main set: 
7x200/150s @ 3:00/3:30
3-pull with paddles
4-swim with paddles
5-swim with paddles and fins
6-swim with fins

6 x 100 IM @ 1:45/2:00
odds-drill; evens-swim


Thursday 2/11

Masters 2/11/16

Warm up:
300 free
200 kick 
300 pull

Drill set all with fins:
3x50s @ 1:00
1 pull 4 kicks
3x50s @ 1:00
3pull 6kicks
3x50s @ 1:00
Kick pull kick
3x50s @ 1:00
3/4 catch up

Main set:
Do 4 times
1x100 fast free @ 2:30
3x50s fl/BK, BK/BR, BR/fr @ 1:00
6x25s choice @ :40 

Tuesday 2/9

Great job at the meet this weekend!!

Tuesday 2/9/16

Warm up:
5x100s free @ 1:35/1:50
6/4x50s kick with fins @ 1:00
8/4x25s @ :35/:45 sprint cycle
1-4 free
5-8 choice

Main set:
4x175s swim..100 free/75 IM or choice no free @ 2:40/3:00

6/4x125s pull last 25 is fast @ 2:00

8/6x75s @ 1:15 swim choice same stroke for 4/Descend 1-4, Ascend 5-8 


Saturday 2/6


Nice job with the practices this week! Today, we will shorten it up a little and work on our speed. For those going to the meet on Sunday, this will be a good time to practice some starts from the blocks the last 10 minutes of practice.

Warm up-
300 swim
200 IM drill
6 x 50s kick @ 1:00 descend 1-3, 4-6
4 x 25 sprint cycle @ :30

Main set-
4 x 50 RIMO drill/kick @ 1:00/1:10
4 x 50 FR dec 1-4 @ :50/1:00

4 x 50 IMO drill/swim @ 1:00:1:10
4 x 25 FL fast @ :30/:40

4 x 100 pull breathe 3-5-5-7 by 25 @ 1:30/1:40
4 x 25 FR all-out, fast turnover! @ :30/:40

4 x 50 FR 200 free pace, hold same time, not all out @ :50/1:00
4 x 25 BK fast @ :30/:40

4 x 100 FR dec 1-3, #4 is fast @ 1:30/1:40
4 x 25 BR fast @ :40 

Thursday 2/4

Warm up
300 swim
300 kick
300 pull

Main set
2x thru:
2x100 IM@ 2:00
1x200 Free 3:30...25 kick/25 swim
1-50 fly 25 back
2-50 back 25 breast
3-50 breast 25 free
4-all free

12x50s @ 1:00 Free 1-drill, 1-build, 2-fast

100 easy

Tuesday 2/2/16

Warm up-
400/300 swim
6 x 75 choice, drill-swim-drill @ 1:15 
4 x 50 build free @ :50/1:00
8 X 25 sprint cycle @ :35 4-free, 4-no free

Main set- 2 times thru:
1 X 200/100 free @ 2:50
5/3 x 50 free @ :50
1 X 200/100 IM @ 3:10
5/3 x 50 choice @ :55
50 cool down