10-3-20 - Sprint IM

Warm-up: 800/15:00

4x100 as: 50 Best Tech. Fr, 50 Strong Bk @ 1:45+

8x50 as: 25 Streamline K on Bk, 25 Catch-up w/O-K @ 1:00+

IM Skill: 1400/29:00

2 Rounds: 

4x50 IMO - 25 K, 25 Dr @ 1:10

4x50 IMO - 25 Dr, 25 Best Tech. @ 1:05

3x(1x50 Best Tech. Fr @ :50

    (1x50 IM Switch - Race Turn + U/W @ 1:00

IM Sprint: 1600/28:00

4 Rounds: 

4x75 Strong - O:Fl, Bk, Br  E:Bk, Br, Fr @ 1:15+

4x25 RQ Str - R1.Fl  R2.Bk  R3.Br  R4.Fr @ :30

Warm-down: 300/6:00

300 Active Recovery 

10-2-20 - Freestyle Skill & Over-Distance

Warm-up: 1000/18:00

200 Loosen

200 Steady K

200 IM - Dr/Build

200 P - Count Strokes

8x25 Sprint Cycle @ :30

Skill: 600/12:00

6x50 as: 25 Single Arm, 25 Catch-up @ 1:00

6x50 as: 25 Catch-up, 25 Best Tech. @ 1:00

Pre-Set: 600/12:00

12x25 Strong - Maintain Stroke Count @ :35

3x100 Desc. 1-3 @ 1:40

Over-Distance: 1500/22:00

12x125 @ 1:50+

O: 75 Best Tech. Fr, 50 Fast

E: 100 Best Tech. Fr, 25 Fast

Warm-down: 300/6:00

300 Active Recovery

9-29-20 - Over-Distance & Sprint

Warm-up: 1200/23:00

400 Loosen

200 IM - Dr/Build

6x50 Desc. 1-3; 4-6 @ 1:00

4x25 Front Sc @ :35

4x25 U/W Max to easy @ :35

4x25 Sprint Cycle @ :35

Main Set: 1200/20:30

1x300 P - Last 150 Drop PB, Add Strong K @ 4:30+

2x150 as: 100 Best Tech. Fr, 50 Fast Str @ 2:30+


6x50 Best Tech. Fr - 25 Drag Legs, 25 Build K @ :50+

2x150 as: 100 Best Tech. Fr, 50 Fast Str @ 2:30+

Sprint: 900/21:00

3 Rounds: 

6x25 All Out K @ :35+

6x25 All Out @ :35+

Warm-down: 300/6:00

300 Active Recovery 

9-26-20 - Back-end Speed

Warm-up: 1200/22:30

6x100 Best Tech. Fr - 3 Dolphins @ 1:35/1:45

6x50 Strong Fr K @ 1:00+

6x50 IM Switch or Desc. 1-3; 4-6 @ 1:00+

Skill: 900/19:30

3 Rounds: 

2x50 as: 25 Dr1, 25 Best Tech. @ 1:05

2x50 as: 25 Dr2, 25 Best Tech. @ 1:05

2x50 Build @ 1:05

Drill Suggestions: 

Fly - Single Arm, Single/Double, 2R-2L-2B

Back - Single Arm, Triple Switch, 2R-2L-4B

Breast - Br w/Dolphin, 1P/2K, 2Br-2Fl

Free - Catch-up, Triple Switch, Zipper

Back-end Speed: 2400/43:00+

3 Rounds: 

4x150 as: 100 Best Tech. Fr, 50 Fast @ 2:00/2:30+

4x50 @ 200P (All Out?) @ 1:05

9-25-20 - Capacity & IM

Warm-up: 1100/18:00

300 Loosen

4x75 O:Streamline K on Bk  E:Catch-up w/O-K @ 1:30+

300 P - Count Strokes

4x25 Sprint Cycle @ :30

Capacity: 800/17:20

2 Rounds: 

8x50 Best Tech. Fr - Maintain Stroke Count, Dolphin K Count, & HR @ :40/:45/:50+


IM: 900/18:30

6x25 O:Strong Fl  E:Best Tech. Fr w/O-K @ :30+

2x50 IM Switch - Fl/Bk - Race Turn + Push U/W @ 1:00

6x25 Fast Bk - Maintain Tempo + U/W @ :30+

2x50 IM Switch - Bk/Br - Race Turn + Push U/W @ 1:00

6x25 O:Max DPS Br  E:Build Br @ :35+

2x50 IM Switch - Br/Fr - Race Turn + Push U/W @ 1:00

6x25 All Out Fr @ :30+

Aerobic IM: 900/18:00

1x200 IM - 25 Fr/25 Str @ 3:00/4:00

2x75 as: 25 Fl, 25 Bk, 25 Br or 25 Bk, 25 Br, 25 Fr @ 1:30

1x200 IM - 25 Str/25 Fr @ 3:00/4:00

3x50 IM Switch @ 1:00

1x200 IM @ 3:00/4:00

9-22-20 - Pull & Best Average

Warm-up: 1000/20:00

400 Loosen

200 Kick

200 IM - Dr/Build

8x25 Sprint Cycle @ :30

Pull: 1400/22:00+

2 Rounds: 

2x300 P - Count Strokes @ 4:30+

2x50 Catch-up w/O-K @ 1:00

Main Set: 900/17:00+

4 Rounds: 

1x75 Build @ 1:15+

3x50 Best Average @ 1:00

Speed: 600/12:00

4 Rounds: 

2x25 P w/PB @ Knees @ :30

2x25 as: 12.5 All Out HL Fr K, 12.5 Fast @ :30

2x25 All Out @ :30

9-19-20 - IM, Capacity, & Finishing Speed

Warm-up: 900/17:00

200 Loosen

4x100 O:IM  E:Rev. IM @ 1:45

6x50 U/W Max to Front Sc @ 1:10

IM: 1100/22:30

6x25 O:Max DPS Fr  E:Fast Fl @ :30

3x50 as: 25 Strong Fl, 25 Build Bk @ :50/1:00

3x50 Bk - Desc. 1-3 @ :50/1:00

3x50 as: 25 Fast Bk, 25 Build Br @ :50/1:00

6x25 O:Max DPS Br  E:Fast Br @ :35

3x50 as: 25 Fast Br, 25 Fast Fr @ :50/1:00

8x25 All Out Fr - Focus on Finish @ :30

Capacity: 1400/28:00

4 Rounds: 

4x75 Best Tech. Fr - Hold Stroke Count + HR @ 1:05/1:10/1:15

1x50 Reset @ 2:00

Finishing: 400/8:00

2 Rounds: 

2x25 as: 12.5 Fast, 12.5 easy @ :30

2x25 as: 12.5 easy, 12.5 Fast @ :30

2x25 Max DPS @ :30

2x25 All Out @ :30

Warm-down: 200/3:00

200 easy

9-18-20 - Kick, Pull, & Back-end Speed

Warm-up: 900/16:00

300 Loosen

300 Strong K

300 P - Count Strokes

Kick: 800/16:00

4 Rounds: 

2x25 All Out Fr K @ :35

2x75 Best Tech. Fr w/Build K @ 1:25

Power & Pull: 1500/24:00

3 Rounds: 

2x25 P - PB @ Ankles @ :35

2x25 P - PB @ Knees @ :35

2x200 P - Last 100 Drop PB, Add Strong K @ 2:35/2:50/3:05

Back-end Speed: 1200/20:00

2 Rounds: 

3x150 as: 100 Best Tech. Fr, 50 Fast Str @ 2:05-2:20

3x50 All Out Str @ 1:00

Warm-down: 200/3:00

200 easy

9-15-30 - Capacity Free or IM Speed

Warm-up: 1200/22:00
400 Loosen
200 IM - Drill / Build
400 P - Count Strokes
8x25 Sprint Cycle @ :30

Pre-Set: 1200/22:00
2 Rounds: 
3x100 as: 75 Best Tech. Fr or Bk - Count Strokes, 25 All Out K @ 1:30/1:40/1:50
6x50 Desc. 1-3; 4-6 @ 1:00
50s can be: 
1.All Free
2.IM Switch
3.25 Free, 25 Stroke

Main Set: 
Free: 1500/27:00
3 Rounds: 
3x50 Best Tech. Fr - Hold Stroke Count & HR @ 1:00
3x50 Best Tech. Fr - Hold Stroke Count & HR @ :50
3x50 Best Tech. Fr - Hold Stroke Count & HR @ :40
Hold consistent Time/Speed throughout
1x50 Active Recovery @ Reset


IM / Stroke: 1400/27:00
2 Rounds: 
4x75 as: 25 Fl, 25 Bk, 25 Br or 25 Bk, 25 Br, 25 Fr @ 1:25
8x25 O:Fast Str  E:Strong Str @ :35
2x100 IM @ 1:35

Warm-down: 200/3:00
200 easy

9-12-20 - Pull, Capacity, & Finishing Speed

Warm-up: 1000/19:00

400 Loosen

6x50 as: 25 Strong Bk, 25 Catch-up Fr w/O-K @ 1:00

6x50 Desc. 1-3; 4-6 @ 1:00

Power & Pull: 1200/20:00

6x25 as: 12.5 All Out HL K, 12.5 Max DPS Fr - Maintain K @ :35

2x75 Best Tech. Fr - Count Strokes - 25 Drag Legs, 25 2-Beat K, 25 4-Beat K @ 1:30

3x300 P - Last 100 Drop PB, Add All Out K @ 4:30+

Capacity & Efficiency: 1500/26:30

6 Rounds: 2:00r after R3

1x50 Max DPS - Count Strokes @ 1:05

4x50 Best Tech. Fr - Hold Stroke Count @ :40/:50/1:00

Finishing Speed: 500/11:00

2 Rounds: All Out is always Choice

1x100 as: 75 Best Tech. Fr, 25 All Out @ 1:45/2:00

2x25 as: 12.5 easy, 12.5 All Out - Focus on Finish @ :35

2x25 Max DPS @ :35

2x25 All Out @ :35

9-11-20 - IM Skill, IM, & Capacity

 Remember it’s Short Course Meters!

Warm-up: 700/15:00

200 Loosen

6x50 as: 25 Streamline K on Bk, 25 Catch-up w/O-K @ 1:10

200 IM - 25 Drill, 25 Build

IM Skill: 900/20:15

3 Rounds: IMO - No Fr

3x25 K @ :40

3x50 as: 25 Drill, 25 Best Tech. @ 1:05

3x25 Strong Str @ :30

IM: 1800/33:45

1x150 P - Count Strokes @ 2:15+

3x50 IM Switch - Push U/Ws @ 1:05

1x150 P - Count Strokes @ 2:15+

6x25 Fast - IMO - No Fr  @ :35

Capacity: 600/11:30

3 Rounds: 

4x50 Best Tech. Fr - Count Strokes @ :45/:50+


Warm-down: 200/4:30

200 easy

9-8-20 - Power & Pull and Capacity or IM

 Remember it’s Short Course Meters!

Warm-up: 1200/24:00

300 Loosen

6x50 as: 25 Streamline K on Bk, 25 Catch-up w/O-K @ 1:10

300 IM as: 25 Kick, 25 Drill, 25 Build

6x50 Desc. 1-3; 4-6 or IM Switch @ 1:05

Freestyle Power & Pull: 1800/30:00

2 Rounds: 

3x50 as: 25 Double Catch-up, 25 Best Tech. Fr @ 1:05

1x300 P - Count Strokes @ 3:45/4:00/4:15

3x50 as: 25 Triple Switch - 8-K + 3 Exaggerated Strokes, 25 Best Tech. Fr @ 1:05

1x300 P - Count Strokes @ 3:45/4:00/4:15

Capacity: 800/15:00

2 Rounds: 

4x75 Best Tech. Fr - Hold Stroke Count + HR150-180 @ 1:05/1:10/1:15

1x100 Active Recovery @ 2:30


IM: 900/19:30

6 Rounds: IMO - No Free

3x25 Strong Str @ :35

1x75 Fast as: 25 Fl, 25 Bk, 25 Br @ 1:30

Warm-down: 200/3:30

200 easy

9-2-20 - IM/Stroke Sprint & Pull

Warm-up: 1000/17:30
200 Loosen
200 Strong K
200 IM - Dr/Build
200 P - Count Strokes
8x25 Sprint Cycle @ :30

IM & Stroke: 800/15:20
4 Rounds: IMO or O:Str  E:Fr
3x25 Fast Str - think easy Speed @ :35
1x125 IM (50 of Str) or 75 Best Tech. Fr, 50 Fast Str @ 1:45/1:55/2:05

Power & Pull: 900/14:15
3 Rounds: 
2x50 as: 12.5 HL K, 12.5 Catch-up, 25 Best Tech. Fr - Count Strokes @ 1:00
1x200 P - Maintain Stroke Count @ 2:45

Warm-down: 300/6:00

300 easy