Saturday 11/29


 5 x 50 Maximum Distance per Stroke (MDPS)

10 x 25   odds: Drill
            evens: Build

5 x 50 Minumum Stroke Maximun Effort 

5 x 50 Kick

10 x 25  odds: MDPS
              evens: Build

 5 x 50 Long Arms Fast Kick

10 x 25 Fast

Saturday 11/22

Today's workout we are focusing on increasing our endurance for longer distances. This is a good opportunity to concentrate on your Distance Per Stroke (DPS), STREAMLINES!, and flipturns.


8 x 50 swim dec 1-4 @ 1:00
200 kick
200 pull

For shorter workout (900 yards):
  • 200 free knock off 25 each time until at 25.
  • Increase your effort until you are sprinting the last 25!
  • Rest :15 secs between each distance
  • Feel free to incorporate other strokes besides FR

200, 175, 150, 125, 100, 75, 50, 25

For longer workout (1950):
  • 300 free knock off 25 each time until at 25.
  • Increase your effort until you are sprinting the last 25!
  • Rest :15 secs between each distance
  • Feel free to incorporate other strokes besides FR

300, 275, 250, 225, 200, 175, 150, 125, 100, 75, 50, 25


200 Cool down choice [25 drill / 25 swim]

Thursday 11/20

100 swim
100 kick
100 IM drill
100 pull
4 x 25 sprint cycle


The fast 50s can be your choice (FR, IMO, Stroke, ...) I recommend 25 fly/25 fr...FAST, of course!

16 x 50 @ :50 every 4th one is ALL OUT FAST!

rest 1:00

12 x 50 @ :55 every 3rd one is ALL OUT FAST!

rest 1:00

8 x 50 @ 1:00 every other is ALL OUT FAST!

rest 1:00

4 x 50 @ 1:05 ALL OUT FAST!


cool down remaining time

Double Practice 11/20

Tonight is our DOUBLE PRACTICE for November since next week is Thanksgiving. I hope that everyone can join us!

Tonight's double practice will take place at BUCKLEDOWN BREWERY on 8700 W 47th St. It's a small craft brewery and taproom that does not offer food. However, you are welcome to bring your own or order take-out :)

Currently, there are ~7 crafted beers on tap! Check out their website for more information!

Tuesday 11/18

300 swim every 3rd lap is kick

300/150 pull [breathe 3-5-7 by 25]

4/2 x 75 [FR / IMO drill / FR]


12/8 x 25 FR [odds-fast; evens-EZ]

6/5 x 50 CHOICE

12/8 x 25 IMO

6/5 x 50 FR

12/8 X 25 CHOICE

6/5 x 50 kick / choice


4/2 x 75 CHOICE [drill / kick / swim]


Saturday 11/15

6/3 100 FR dec 1-3

pick an interval: 1:20 / 1:30 / 1:45

4 X 75 FR [drill / kick / swim]

4 X 75 IMO [drill / kick / swim]

4 X 75 FR [hypoxic rotation: 3 breaths-2 breaths-1 breath by 25]

4 X 75 IM no FR [FLY & BK= 8 underwater dolphin kicks; BR=double
underwater pullouts]

4 X 75 FR [rotate the fast 25--last one fast one!]

4 X 75 IM no FR [rotate the fast 25--last one fast one!]


10/6 x 50 w/fins [underwater / choice] @ 1:00 / 1:15

100 cool down



Thursday 11/13

500 mix **for shorter workout: begin main set**

*Shallow end: you will only be able to vertical in the deep end! So, odds only for 25s. Stop at the 25 for the 50s and vertical kick*


2 x 100 FR swim / drill by 25 @ 1:30 / 1:40 / 1:45

1 x 200 pull @ 3:00

4 x 75 FR rotate 25 fast; last one fast one @ 1:20 / 1:30

50 ez
4 x 25 FLY right into :20 sec vertical fly kick @ 1:00

2 x 50 BK right into :20 sec vertical flutter kick @ 1:30

2 x 50 BR right into :20 sec vertical breast kick @ 1:30

4 x 25 FR right into :20 sec vertical flutter kick @ 1:00

200 Cool down

Tuesday 11/11

With my brother, an active member of the US Navy, I feel this practice should honor those who served and are serving our country! Happy Veteran's Day, America!

[100 S-C-K-I-P-S]
     100 swim
     100 combat swim *BE SURE TO WATCH THIS VIDEO!* switch side by 25
     100 kick
     100 IM drill
     100 pull
     4 x 25 sprint cycle

Modified Navy Seals Workout:

3/2 rounds of: [5 x 100 @ 3:00 or at least :30 secs rest]
  • These are broken with 5 secs rest.
  • Round 1 & 3 are freestyle. Round 2 is IM or choice stroke
  • 25s are fast; 50s are long and strong; 75s are build

  • 25 / 25 / 50
:20 sec plank
  • 25 / 75
10 squats
  • 50 / 50
:20 sec kicking holding onto the wall
  • 75 / 25
10 push-ups or dips on side of pool
  • 50 / 25 / 25
rest 1 min

4 x 100 choice 25 kick / 25 drill



Welcome Baby Bradford!

Congratulations to Katy and Steve Roessler--They welcomed baby boy Bradford Allan to the family this past Friday, November 7th!

Thursday 11/6

INTERVAL: 2:15 / 2:30 / 3:00
3/2 x 150 dec 1-3
3/2 x 150 pull breathe by 3
3/2 x 150 25 IMO/25 streamline kick on back (6-8 dolphin kicks u/w first)

4 x 25 FAST FR @ :30 / :40 / :50

INTERVAL: 1:30 / 1:40 / 1:50
3 x 100 dec 1-3
3 x 100 pull breathe by 5
3 x 100 Drill/Kick/Drill/Swim (1-FLY; 2-BACK; 3-BR)

4 x 25 FAST FR @ :30 / :40 / :50

INTERVAL: :50 / 1:00 / 1:10
3 x 50 dec 1-3
3 x 50 pull breathe by 7
3 x 50 IMA (FL/BK; BK/BR; BR/FR)

4 x 25 FAST FR @ :30 / :40 / :50



Tuesday 11/4

This Week's Focus: STREAMLINES!  

Streamline is the most efficient and fastest way to move through the water. We use this off of every wall—starts, push-offs, turns. Be sure to watch the videos (they're pretty cool!) linked to the post on the blog about streamlines posted this week--there are 3!

Throughout all workouts concentrate on long streamlines--doing 6-8 dolphin kicks underwater and flutter kick to the surface every time you push off the wall!

CHOOSE YOUR INTERVAL: @:50 / 1:00 / 1:15
*unless otherwise specified, these are all FREE

5/4 x 50 FREE

5/4 x 50 #3 is FLY
5/4 x 50 #2 & 4 are BACK
5/4 x 50 #1, 3, & 5 are BREAST

          25s: @:30 / :40  / :50
          200 @ 3:00 / 3:30 / 4:00

200 FR last 50 is ALL OUT
10/6 x 25 streamline kick w/6-8 dolphin kicks then flutter to surface
          odds-on your stomach
          evens-on your back

200 FR last 100 is ALL OUT
10/6 x 25 choice build

200 FR last 150 is ALL OUT
10/6 x 25 IMO odds-drill; evens-swim

10/6 x 25 FR odds-build; evens-FAST


4 x 50 FR concentrate on long streamlines and strokes...maximizing your distance with the minimal effort :)



Saturday 11/1

RIMO = Reverse IM Order

300 swim
300 pull
4 x 75 RIMO drill / kick / swim by 25
300 kick

200 swim
200 pull
4 x 50 RIMO drill / swim by 25
200 kick 

100 swim
100 pull
4 x 25 RIMO swim
100 kick

10 x 50 choice
evens- easy