Tuesday 11/11

With my brother, an active member of the US Navy, I feel this practice should honor those who served and are serving our country! Happy Veteran's Day, America!

[100 S-C-K-I-P-S]
     100 swim
     100 combat swim *BE SURE TO WATCH THIS VIDEO!* switch side by 25
     100 kick
     100 IM drill
     100 pull
     4 x 25 sprint cycle

Modified Navy Seals Workout:

3/2 rounds of: [5 x 100 @ 3:00 or at least :30 secs rest]
  • These are broken with 5 secs rest.
  • Round 1 & 3 are freestyle. Round 2 is IM or choice stroke
  • 25s are fast; 50s are long and strong; 75s are build

  • 25 / 25 / 50
:20 sec plank
  • 25 / 75
10 squats
  • 50 / 50
:20 sec kicking holding onto the wall
  • 75 / 25
10 push-ups or dips on side of pool
  • 50 / 25 / 25
rest 1 min

4 x 100 choice 25 kick / 25 drill
