Saturday 1001

Masters 10/1

Warm up-

           150 Free @ 1:40

4/3 x {100 IM drill @ 2:00

            50 IMO build @ 1:00


Skill set-

8 x 50 @ 1:10

25 3/4 catchup down, 25 overkick 



Main set-

Do 4/3Xs

Rds 1&3 choice stroke @ 1:00/1:10

Rds 2&4 free @ :50/55

4x50 #1 drill, descend #2-4

6x25s @ :40 kick rds 1&3, pull rds 2&4


100 cool down

Thursday 0929

Thursday 9/29

Double practice at Hillgrove Tap tonight!

Warm up:

300 swim

200 pull breathing 3-5 by 50

200 kick

100 IM 


Drill set:

8x50s @ 1:00 fly with fins

Odds- 1 pull 4 kicks

Evens- 2 right-2 left- 2 together

Focusing on the catch, press, and kicks-


Main set-

Do 2/1X-

1x200 @ 3:00 free negative split the 100s

2x100s @ 2:00 IM 1-drill, 1-fast

3x50s @ 1:00 choice no free

2x100s @ 1:30 free descend 1-2

1x200 IM @ 4:00 25 drill/25 swim


100 cool down


Tuesday 9/27

Masters 9/27/16

Warm up-
400/300 free
300 IM...75 of each stroke
25 streamline kick/25 drill/25 swim
200 kick choice
8x25s sprint cycle @ :30

Sailboat Drill-
The lead arm is the boat; the recovering arm is shaped like a triangular sail, with the fingers just barely touching the water. Kick 6 times in this position…and then switch to the other side. The hand should be positioned for a perfect high-elbow entry with the wrist slightly flexed. As the other arm pulls, the entering arm extends to a glide position. You’ll need a strong kick and good body balance to maintain this position.

Drill set-
8/6x50s @ :55/1:05 with fins
25 sailboat drill/25 swim

Main set-
1x300 pull @ 4:30/5:15
4/3x50s @ :50 swim descend 1-3/4
3/2x100s fast @ 1:40/2:00 25 no free/75 free

100 easy

Total- 3200/2600

Saturday 9/24

Saturday 9/24/16

Warm up:
6 x 100s on 1:40 50 drill, 50 build                           
6 x 50s on :50 descend 1-3, 4-6

Main set:
4/2x175s swim..100 free 75 IM or choice no free @ 2:45/3:25
6/4x125s 50 drill 50 build last 25 is fast @ 2:00/2:20
8/x75s @ 1:15/1:30
Pull #1-4, swim ascend #5-8 

2X 2 person 200 free relays

100 cool down

Thursday 9/22

Masters 9/22

1x300 @ 4:45/5:45
3/2x150s @ 2:30 IM no free build/drill
3x100s @ 2:00 choice...alternate 25 streamline kick/25 swim

Four times thru IMO:
3x50s @ :55 free, descend 1-3
12/8x25s @ :30/:40 IMO by round
Odds- drill
Evens- swim
Fly (fins) & Breast @ :40
Back & Free @ :40

10/6x25s choice, 10 seconds rest
Odds- from the blocks choice
Evens- free, only 2 breaths

100 cool down

Total: 3200/2550

Tuesday 9/20/16

Tuesday 9/20/16


Warm up-

600/400 warm up (200 swim/200 drill/200 swim)

8X25s @ :30/:40 Choice

Odds- drill, evens- swim 


This article contains some good information about common mistakes made in freestyle and how to fix them. Let the coaches know if you have any questions!


Kick/Pull set-

8x50 kick with fins @ :55/1:10 (25 dolphin/25 flutter)

3x200 pull @  (50 zipper drill/150 pull)



Main set-

12/8x75s swim 3 fast, 1 easy 

1-4 free @ 1:10/1:20

5-8 IM no free @ 1:20/1:30 

9-12 free @ 1:10



8/6x50 @ 1:10 (25 non-free/25 free)



100 choice cool down




Saturday 9/17


Saturday 9/17

Warm up:
600/300 choice (50 swim / 50 drill / 50 swim)
8 x 50 
       #1-2: 3 FL fast / 3 BR easy
       #3-4: 4 BK fast / 5 FR easy
       #5-6: 3 BR fast / 3 FL easy
       #7-8: 4 FR fast / 5 BK easy

Main set:
3/2 swim @ :50/1:00
3/2 kick @ 1:10/1:20
3/2 pull @ 1:00/1:10
3/2 swim @ :45/:55
#1-12/8 free
#13-24 stroke

8x100s free @ 1:30/1:50 
rotate the fast 25 
All choice- free, IM, stroke, pull

200/100 cool down

Total 3200/2400

Thursday 9/15

Thursday 9/15/16

Warm up:
500/300 swim every 4th 25 stroke no free
300/200 pull breathe by 3s the entire way!
8x25s IMO @ :35
Odds drill
Evens build

There's been a lot of talk about flip turns. 
Freestyle flip turns-

Kick set:
10/6x50s @ :50/1:00 kick with fins
Odds- whitewater 
Evens- no whitewater

Main set:
4 x 25 @ :40 build
2 x 100 
Rd1&3- IM @ 1:45/2:00
Rd2&4- Free @ 1:30/1:45
4 x 25 @ :30 fast

100 cool down
Total- 3200/2300

Tuesday 9/13/16

Masters 9/13/16

Lets do some more breaststroke work today :)

Here is a short video and an article to give you something to focus on tonight:

Warm up:
400/300 free
5/3x100s @ 1:45/2:00 with fins 50 breast arms with dolphin kick/ 50 breast arms with fast flutter kick
4x75s @ 1:45/2:00 breaststroke kick on back or with board
4x50s breast drill...kick-pull-kick @ 1:00/1:10

Main Set:
8/6x75s...50 br/25 free on 1:20/1:30

10/8x50s...25 br/25 fr on 1:00

12/8x50s...pull on :50 

100 Cool down

Total 3200/2450

Saturday 9/10 5:30-6:30AM

Masters 9/10/16 5:30-6:30 AM!!!

Warm up:
6 x 100s @ 1:40/2:00 50 drill, 50 build choice of stroke                        
8 x 50s @ :55 descend 1-4, 5-8
8 x 25s @ :40 streamline kick breaststroke on back 

Pull set:
12/6x50s @ 1:00
Odds- pull buoy at ankles
Evens- pull think about hip rotation
Nice and strong long freestyle, engage your core and focus on rotation

Main set:
5/3x200s @ 4:00 done like this:
1x75 @ 1:15 long and strong
3x25s @ :30 work the kick
1x 50 @ 1:15 fast

6/4x50s @ 1:15
25 underwater/25 swim

100 cool down

Saturday Masters!!



Thursday 9/8

Masters 9/8/16

Warm up-
500/300 swim
300/200 pull breathing 3,5 by 25
Focus on Early Vertical Forearm:
8x25s sprint cycle @ :30/:40
1-4 free
5-8 choice

Drill set: Breaststroke
3x50s 3 second glide
3x50s kick pull kick
3x50s regular breast

Kick set with fins-
16x25s @ :40
1-4 fast kick no splash
5-8 easy
9-12 all out
13-16 fins off, breaststroke kick

Main set:
10/6x75s @ 1:40/1:50
Odds: free take at least 3 dolphin kicks, last 25 go as far as you can u/w dolphin
Evens- IM no free

12x50s @ :55/1:00 in groups of 4
1- easy
1- drill
2- fast
Last round choice, all others free

Cool down

Tuesday 9/6

Tuesday 9/6/16

Warm up-
Do 2X's 
1 x 200 medium pace @ 3:10 focus on DPS (distance per stroke)
3 x 100 @ 1:35 50 drill 50 swim
4 x 50 @ :50/1:00 descend 1-4
Rd1- swim
Rd2- pull

Drill set-
Focus: backstroke rotation
12/8x50s with fins @ :55/1:05
#1-6...25 back rotation drill, arms at side, rotate every 6 kicks/25 regular backstroke
#7-12...4 strokes right arm/4 strokes left arm/8 strokes together

Main set-
4/3x300s @ 4:30
#1 free
#2 200 free /50 bk/50fr
#3 150 free/100 bk/50fr 
#4 100 free/200 Back


Saturday 9/3

Masters 9/3/16
Warm up:
5/3 x 200 @ 3:20/3:45
odds: 75 swim/25 streamline breast kick on back...repeat 
evens: 50 FR/100 IM drill/50 FR

Main Set Part 1:
During this main set you will find your Threshold Pace (T-Pace):

3/2 x 300 @ :30 rest
* Each swim should be within 15 secs of each other. 
* T-pace for 100 = add all 300s and divide by 9. (4:05, 4:10; 4:15 = 12:30 / 9 = ~1:13)
* Remember this pace time you will use it in the next main set below

6x50s 3/4 catch up drill @ :55/1:05
Focus on early vertical forearm

Main Set Part 2:
Best Average (BA): Holding the fastest time that you can consistently swim each swim. Your pace on a best average set should be faster than your T-Pace, but not as fast as sprint pace. 

6/3 x 100 FR holding BA @ :30 rest

6x50 Choice drill @1:00

100 ez


Thursday 9/1

Lets try this one again...see you tonight!

Thursday 9/1/16

Warm up-
8/4x50s @ :55 pull, breathe 3,5 by 25
5/3x100s @ 1:50 kick with fins

Drill/main set:
6/4x50s @ 1:00 fly...25 drill/25 swim
Drill=4 kicks 1pull
3x100s free @ 1:30/1:50 descend 1-3

6/4x50s @ 1:00 back...25 drill/25 swim
Drill=3 strokes right arm, 3 strokes left arm
3x100s IM @ 1:50/2:00

6/4x50s @ 1:00 breast...25drill/25 swim
Drill=2kick 1pull
3x100s free @ 1:30/1:50 descend 1-3

100 Cool down