Tuesday 9/27

Masters 9/27/16

Warm up-
400/300 free
300 IM...75 of each stroke
25 streamline kick/25 drill/25 swim
200 kick choice
8x25s sprint cycle @ :30

Sailboat Drill-
The lead arm is the boat; the recovering arm is shaped like a triangular sail, with the fingers just barely touching the water. Kick 6 times in this position…and then switch to the other side. The hand should be positioned for a perfect high-elbow entry with the wrist slightly flexed. As the other arm pulls, the entering arm extends to a glide position. You’ll need a strong kick and good body balance to maintain this position.

Drill set-
8/6x50s @ :55/1:05 with fins
25 sailboat drill/25 swim

Main set-
1x300 pull @ 4:30/5:15
4/3x50s @ :50 swim descend 1-3/4
3/2x100s fast @ 1:40/2:00 25 no free/75 free

100 easy

Total- 3200/2600