Tuesday 10/31

Masters 10/31

Warm up: (900)
400 Swim
200 kick
6x50s @ :55 build/drill choice

MAIN SET: (2400)
8 x 25 FR @ :35
Odds fast fly
Evens easy free

3 x 300s FR @ 4:30/4:45
Rotate the fast 100

8 x 25 FR kick w/board (sprint) @ :35

3x200s FR @ 3:00/3:15
Descend 1-3

8 x 25 pull focus on catch @ :35

3x100s FR @ 1:30/1:40

Saturday 10/28/17

Saturday 10/28/17
Out by 7:00AM!!

Warm up-
500 swim...150 free 100 IM drill
200 kick with fins
6x50s pull @ 1:10 no more than 6 breaths 

Do 2X's
1x100 @ 2:00 EASY swim
2x200 @ 3:20/3:40 free fast middle 100
3x100s @ 1:45/2:00
1-50 fly-50 back
2-50 back-50 breast
3-50 breast-50 free
4x50s @ :50/1:00 free descend 1-4

Total- 3200

Thursday 10/26

Masters Thursday 10/26/17

Warm up
400 free
6x50s @ 1:00 kick/drill 
3-Free 3- choice
6x50s @ 1:00 
Descend 1-3
3- Free, 3- choice
8x25s sprint cycle...4 Free 4 choice

Kick set
5x100s @ 1:50/2:00 kick with fins
1- just make, 100 kick
2- 25 fast/75 easy
3- 50 fast/50 easy
4- 75 fast/25 easy
5- all fast

Main set
6 x 150 @ 2:30
1 - first 75 fast
2 - middle 100 fast
3 - last 75 fast
4  - 6 descend
10 x 50 @ Free 
5 @ :55
5 @ :45

100 cool down

Tuesday 10/24

Tuesday 10/24

Warm up:
400 free
200 50drill/50swim choice 
2x200 pull paddles
8x25 sprint cycle

Main set:
5x100 free @ 1:35
4x25 3 fast 1 easy :35
4x100 hold under 1:25 @ 1:40
4x25 3 fast 1 easy :30
3x100 negative split @ 1:40
4x25 all 4 fast :25
3x100 dec 1-3 @ 1:30

100 cool down 

Saturday 10/21

Masters 10/21, 5:30-6:30AM!!!

Warm up-
400 swim
6 x 75 choice, drill-swim-drill @ 1:15 
4 x 50 build free @ :50/1:00
8 X 25 sprint cycle @ :35 4-free, 4-no free

Main set-
1 X 200 free @ 3:00 descend by round
5 x 50 free @ :50 2 fast 1 easy 2 fast
1 X 200 IM @ 3:30 faster by round
5 x 50 choice @ :55 descend 1-5

100 cool down

Thursday 10/19/17

Masters 10/19/17

Warm up-
400/300 swim
200 kick with fins
6x50s @ 1:00 build/drill

Drill set- butterfly with fins
8x25s @ :35
Rd 1- 1/1/1 butterfly
1 left arm 1 right arm 1 together
Breath on the one arm strokes, head down on full stroke, exit palms up
Rd 2- 2 pulls/5 kicks
2 regular strokes then dive down and do 5 kicks in superman focusing on the dolphin undulation 

Main set-
4/2x100s alternate 25 fly/25 free @ 1:50
2/1x200 free @ 3:20
1x400/300 swim with fins @ 6:00
2/1x200s pull @ 3:30 breath by 3s!!
4/2x100s descend 1-4 @ 1:30


Tuesday 10/17

Masters 10/17/17

Warm up-
300 free
300 IM kick,drill,swim by 25
300 pull
300 kick 

Drill set
12x25 @ :35
odds- left arm free, evens right arm free
Focus on fingertip first entry and full extension

Main set:
4x50 free @ :55
1x100 all out @ 2:00 
8x25 pick 4 to get 100 time @ :30

4x50 free @ :50
1x100 all out @ 2:00 
8x25 100 pace @ :30

4x50 IM build/drill @ 1:00 IMO
1x100 IM all out 2:00 
8x25 pick 4 to get 100 time :30 choice 

Cool down

Saturday 10/14/17

Masters 10/14/17

Warm Up:  
500 (150 swim/100 kick)
6/4x 50 @ 1:00 build/drill
8/4x25s sprint cycle @ :40

Main Set: 
1x200 FR @ 3:00/3:30
4 x 50 FR @ :50/1:00 swim w/paddles (hold long stroke count, descend 1-4 by increasing kick each 50)

1x200 FR @ 3:00/3:30
4 x 50 Breast @ 1:00/1:00

1x200 FR @ 3:00/3:30
4 x 50 Back @ 1:00 (descend 1-4 by increasing arm speed each 50)

1x200 FR @ 3:00/3:30
4 x 50 FL w/fins (increase number of kicks off wall each 50, descend 1-4)

20x25s choice @ :30/:40
1-4...3-4 fast breakout strokes
5-10...flag to flag fast
11-15...work on closing speed- fast finish
16-20...all fast, add up for 100 time!

100 cool down

Thursday 10/12/17

Masters 10/12/17

Warm up: 
        100 swim
4 x {100 drill/build/drill/build choice 
        50 IMO kick

Kick set:
9 x50s @ 1:00 
Every 3rd 50 is all out (3,6,9)- see how fast you can go, get faster each one!!

Main Set: 
500 FR swim w/paddles

5 x 100 IM (descend 1-5) @ 1:50/2:10

10 x 50 FR pull @ 1:00
(1 fast , 2 easy focusing on distance per stroke)

20 x 25 5 of each stroke @ :40 
(25 fast, 25 drill, 25 fast, 25 streamline kick, 25 fast do that pattern for each stroke)

Cool down

Tuesday 10/10/17

Masters 10/10/17

Warm up-
400/200 swim
300/200 pull
300/200 kick

Drill set: (freestyle drill)
6x75s @ 1:30 50 free drill/25 swim
2- 25 right arm/25 left arm
2- 3pull 6kick
2- 3/4 catch up

Skill set:
10/6 x 50s @ 1:10 WITH FINS!
25 underwater at least halfway then easy free
25 fast free 2 breaths only

Main set:
10 x 25 
1 x 100 easy between rounds
Rd1- free @ :30
Rd2- back @ :35
Rd3- fly or breast @ :40
(1-drill, 4-fast, 1-drill, 4-fast) 
Fast ones add up for 100 time

100 easy 

Total- 3200

Saturday 10/7

Masters 10/7/17

Warm up:
400 free
200 kick 
300 pull

Drill set all with fins:
3x50s @ :55
1 pull 4 kicks
3x50s @ :55
3pull 6kicks
3x50s @ :55
Dolphin kick breast arms
3x50s @ :55
3/4 catch up

Main set:
Do 4 times
1x100 fast free @ 2:00
Descend by round
3x50s fl/BK, BK/BR, BR/fr @ 1:00
Good streamlines!
6x25s choice @ :35
4 fast, 2 Easy...add up to fast 100 time

100 cool down

Thursday 10/5/17

Masters 10/5/17

Warm up-
500 swim 
300 kick
300 pull

Set 1-
2x thru:
2x100 IM@ 1:35
2-swim fast
1x200 Free @ 2:45
Swim, round 2 faster than round 1
4x75 @ 1:20
1-50 fly 25 back
2-50 back 25 breast
3-50 breast 25 free
4-all free

Set 2-
12x50s @ :50
Choice stroke in groups of 4: 
1-easy, 1-build, 2-fast

100 cool down

Tuesday 10/3/17

TUESDAY 10/3/2017

Warm up:
500 swim
200 IM drill
8x25s @ :30 sprint cycle 1-4 free, 5-8 choice
Main set:
1 x 200 free alternate 25 swim/25 drill, focusing on technique @ 3:15
3 x 100 free @ 1:40 descend 1-3
4 x 50 
Rd 1&3 kick...25 easy 25 hard @ 1:00
Rd 2 pull @ :50
2 x 25 underwater dolphin kick or pull outs @ :30
Rest 1 minute
50 Easy

Total 3200