10-16-24 Smooth Strokes, Fast Sprints

Warm Up 900/20:00
200 Choice
200 Kick - Mix up the kicks
200 Pull -Bi lateral Breathing
2x75 @:15-Rest -25 Scull -50 Build
2x25 @:30s Rest As No Breath
4x25 @:10-15s Rest Choice Stroke Sprint Cycle 

Main Set 2600/60:00
2 Rounds
1x300 @:20-30s Rest Pull Cruise
6x50 @:10-15s Rest Choice Stroke Desc.1-4 Hold Pace for 5 and 6
1x200 @:20-30s Rest Swim Or Pull Must be Faster Pace than 300
4x50 @:10s Rest Choice Stroke -Odds Fast -Evens Smooth
1x100 @:15-20s Rest Choice 80% Effort Max U/W Minimal Strokes-Breast Double Pull Outs
2x50 @:15-30s Rest Fast 
1x100 @:30s Rest EZ Recovery Swim or KicK

Cool Down 300/10:00
3x50 @:10-15s Rest Ascend
1x50 Double Arm Back
1x50 Dolphin Dive
1x50 Choice

3800 Yard  90 Minutes

10-12-24 Stroke Warriors

Warm Up 700/20:00
300 Choice
4x50 @:15s Rest Kick Desc. 1-4
8x25 @:15-20s Rest Fins - Kick as far as possible before surfacing- swim fast to the wall. -O, Free -E, Fly or Back

Main Set 2800/60:00
2 Rounds
1x100  @:20 Rest I.M Fast
1x100  @:20 Rest Free Cruise
2x200 @:30s Rest I.M Fast
1x200 @:20s Rest Free Cruise
3x100 @10s Rest I.M fast
1x300 @:20s Rest Free Cruise

Pull 300/5:00
1x300 Pull W/ Paddles -25 Scull -50 Swim

Cool Down 200/5:00
4x50 @ Ascend 

4100 Yards 100 Mins

10/9/24 Take It Slow, Then Go-Go-Go!

Warm-Up 800/20:00
300 Swim Choice
100  Choice Kick
200  Pull
4x25 @:5-10s Rest Choice Kick 1/2 Ez 1/2 Fast
4x25 @:5-10s Rest Choice Kick 1/2 Fast 1/2 EZ

Drill 600/15:00
8x25 @:5-10s Rest Fist Drill w/ Catch Up
4x50 @:10s Rest -Fins,Fingertip Drag w/ Delayed Catch
2x100 @:10s Rest Delayed Catch W/ Paddles and Fins

Main Set 2400/55:00
2 Rounds
1x300 @:30-45s Rest Choice 80%
4x75 @:10-15s Rest  1st round descend 1-4 free, 2nd round stroke or Rolling IM
1x50 @:30s Rest EZ
1x200 @:30s Rest moderate pace 80%
4x50 @:15s Rest 1st round descend 1-4 free, 2nd round stroke or IM
1x50 @:30s Rest EZ
1x100 @Reset moderate pace 80%

Cool Down 250/5:00
250 Free breathing 3/5/3/7/3

4050 Yards 95 Minutes

10-7-24 Drill, Sprint, Survive

Warm Up 850/20:00
300 Choice Swim
100 Choice Kick
4x50 @:10s Rest I.M Order Drill/Build
8x25 @:5-10s Rest Choice Desc. 1-4/5-8
1x50 EZ

Drill 300/6:00
4x25 @:5-10s Rest Free w/ A Dolphin Kick
4x25 @:5-10s Rest Fly Drill 1R-1L-1B 1/1/1
4x25 @:5-10s Rest 1 Fly stroke 2 Kicks 1 Breast Stroke w/ 1 Fly Kick

Main Set 2400/55:00
4 Rounds *Sprints Reverse I.M Order by Round- Free/Br/Bk/Fly
1x25 @:15s Rest Sprint get your time
1x75 @:20-30s Rest EZ
12x25 @:15s Rest Sprint -Stay within 2-3 Seconds of your 25 Sprint
1x200 @:45s-1:00 Min Rest Ez

Cool Down 300/5:00
3x100 Ascend Choice

3850 Yards 86 Minutes