Saturday 12/1 Happy December! NO Sunday practice this week bear down

500 every 4th 25 choice
4x100 @1:40 IMO: 25 kick,50 drill,25 swim
4x25 sprint cycle @:30

6x75 Free @1:05/1:10/1:15
1,2: fast,fast,easy
3,4: easy,fast,fast
5,6: fast,easy,fast

6x25 uw dolphin kick with fins @:35

6x75 IM, no free @1:15/1:20/1:25
1,2: fast,fast,easy
3,4: easy,fast,fast
5,6: fast,easy,fast

6x25 uw dolphin kick with fins @:35

6x75 Free
1,2 @1:00/1:05/1:10
3,4 @:55/1:00/1:05
5,6 @:50/:55/1:00

6x25 uw dolphin kick with fins @:35

4x100 @1:30
1: 3 uw dolphin kicks off each wall
2: 5 dolphin kicks off each wall
3: 7 dolphin kicks off each wall
4: 9 dolphin kicks off each wall

100 easy
Thursday 11/29 South Campus 8-9pm NO SUNDAY! 12/2

300 free
200 IM
100 kick choice
4x25 sprint cycle @:30

500 free descend 100s @6:30

10x50 12.5 yds progression (#4,5,9,10 are all fast) @:50

400 IM, 50 kick, 50 fast swim @7:30

8x50 @:55
1. Fly build
2. Fly/Bk by 25 fast
3. Bk build
4. Bk/brst by 25 fast
5. Brst build
6. Brst/free by 25 fast
7. Free build
8. Free/fly by 25 fast

300 pull @4:30, 50 smooth, 50 fast
4x50 @:50
1,2: 3-4 breaths
3,4: 2-3 breaths

Cool down

100 easy
Sunday 1:30-2:30pm no practice Tuesday or Thursday

500, every 4th 25 is choice
300, 50 IMO, 25 free kick
4x25 sprint cycle @:30

8x50 free @:50
1 fast, 3 pace (+:02 from fast 50)

4x75 kick build, choice @1:30

Rd 1: @:20 free
Rd 2: @:25 IM (2 of each stroke)

100 fast @1:30
Rd 1: Free
Rd 2: IM

100 easy @2:00

Rest 1 min after 1st round

Cool down
100 easy

Saturday have fun

300 free
4x75 k,d,s IMO @1:30
8x50, 1 easy,2 build,1 fast @:50

5x100 @1:15/1:20/1:25
8x25 fast, 2 of each stroke @:30
1 min rest

5x100 pull @1:20/1:25/1:30
8x25 fast kick @:30
1 min rest

5x100 fast IMO,easy free by 25, 5th one=all fast IM @1:30/1:35/1:40
8x25 fast free @:30 (0-1 breaths on #4 and #8)

100 easy
Happy Thanskgiving
Gobble gobble

1x500 pull descend 100s

2x400 50 fly,50 easy free,50 bk,50 Easy Free,50 brst,50 Easy Free,50 Free,50 Easy Free @6:00
1. Fly and Brst=Fast
2. Bk and free=Fast
(If not fast, Other IM 50s are strong.)

3x300 @5:15
Odds: 100 kick,100 skull,100 free
Evens: 100 Kick,100 skull,100 IM

4x200 50 Fast,25 Easy Free,50 Fast,25 easy Free,50 Fast @3:00
Fast 50s:
Odds: IMO by 50
Evens: Free

5x100 Free @1:30
Odds: Fast
Evens: Easy

100 easy
Tuesday 11/20

3x200 every 4th 25 is no free
4x100s choice @1:50/2:00
50 drill/50 swim
6x50s @ 1:00 build/drill 
Build into a fast turn

10x50s @ :55 pull breathing 5/7 by 25
Make sure fingertips enter the water first, catch water at surface! 

Main set:
5x125s @ 2:00 free 
Odds- 75 fast 50 easy
Evens- 75 easy 50 fast
5x75s @ 1:15 
Odd- IM no free
Evens- free 

12x25s @ :35
Odds- underwater
Evens- choice fast

Cool down

Thursday 11/17 "To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift."S.P.

Warm up:
200 skips

4x50 descend 1-4 @:50/1:00
4x50 IMO build,drill @1:00

50 fast @:50
100 IM @1:40
50 fast=IMO
100 IM=Fast 25 is IMO per round

4x75. Odds fly back breast evens back breast free
1x400 IM neg split each stroke all swim extra points or drill/swim 6:45/7:00

6x50 @:55
Easy/fast! (fast=1 breath) (zero extra points) :)

Cool down 
100 easy
Thursday 11/15

400free -75free 25 rimo kick on back
300 pull paddles
6x50free dec 1-3 asc 4-6 :50
4x25 kick fast easy by 25 :35

4x75 @1:10
1x100 @ 1:25
3x75 @1:10
1x100 @1:20
Min rest
2x75 @1:05
1x100 1:15
Min rest
1x75 @ 1:00
1x100 afap

Main set 2
2x200 pull paddles3/5/7/9
2x100 pull paddles 3/5/5/7
2x50 pull paddles 7/9 breathing

100easy cool Down
Tuesday  11/13

400 every 4th 25 choice
200 IM drill swim by 25
100 kick choice
2x50 build @:50

3x100 free descend 1-3 @1:30
4x50 uw to half, 3 fast breakout strokes, rest easy both ways @:50
3x100 kick, choice descend 1-3 @2:10
4x50 dolphin kick on back down, overkick freestyle back @:55
3x100 IM descend 1-3 @1:35
4x50 Free - Odds: Fast, evens: easy @:45
3x100 pull descend 1-3 @1:30
4x50 sculling with flutter kick down, IMO back @1:00

100 easy.  

(2900) if you want to know
Saturday 11/10

300 free
8x50 to easy 2.easy to fast 4.easy :50
4x25 sprint cycle choice :30

100IM/100free 2:10
4x25 kick choice fast! :30

Main set
3x100 IM 1:35
1x500 free 200smooth/100build/100neg split/100fast! 7:00
3x100 IM 1:35
1x600 free 200smooth/200build/100neg split/100fast!

Cool down

Thursday 11/8 IMO night please take the lane lines out when finished

300IM kds by 25
6x50free free dec 1-3 asc 4-6 :50
8x25 2 each stroke :35

4x IMO first round is fly, 2nd back 3rd breast 4th free
2x75 stroke/free/stroke 1:15 last round free on 1:05
3x50 stroke easy fast by 25 1:00 free on :50
4x25 fast break out odds evens fast finish :30/:35breast

2x100 pull paddles 50fast/50easy 1:30

Cool down
100 easy
Tuesday 11/6

Focus: Faster pace freestyle

400 free
300 pull
100 kick choice
3x50 build @:50

5x100 @1:30
1. Long, minimal kick
2. Long, building kick
3. Build
4. Fast, maintain long stroke
5. Fast (try to make fastest 100, or same time as #4)

100 easy @2:30

4x75 @1:10
Goal time: Take fastest 50 free time, double it - maintain long stroke

100 easy @2:30

8x50 @:50
1 easy, 1 build, 2 fast

100 easy @2:30

12x25 @:40
Fast kick on wall for 10 sec, sprint 25

100 easy
Saturday November 3rd lane lines out please and thanks!

400 swim
200 IM drill/swim

100 IM kick on back 
4x25 sprint cycle kick choice
4x25 sprint cycle swim choice

8 x 50s pull paddles @ :50 breath 5/7 by 25 or breath 3/5

Do 4 times: 
rd 1&3 free 2&4 IM for 3x50free 
4 x 25 @ :30/:35
3 x 50 1:00 5breaths total or less the better
1 x 100 1:30 distance per stroke count strokes

Cool down 

100 easy

November 1st Thursday! 

400 free
200 pull
200 IM k drill

3x50 build @:50

Just make freestyle aggressive pace get heart rate up!
1x200 @2:50
2x150 @2:00
3x100 @1:20 
4x50 @:40

8x50 2 each stroke @1:00
Odds: Fast,Easy
Evens: Easy,Fast

8x50 free 
1 fast @1:00
7 pace, +2/3 from fast 50 @:50

4x75 @1:10 uw to half each 25, easy rest of way, IMO 1 of each story

100 easy