3-8-24 The Lactate Lab

Warm Up 1000/25:00
400 Free Loosen
300 -50 Back -25 Breast
200 -50 Breast -25 Back
100 I.M

Threshold Test Set 600/10:00
3x200 @:30s Rest Best Average(As Fast as you can Hold)
-Average 100 Pace = Threshold Pace
*Example If you Go 2:30 your T Pace is 1:15

Main Set 2250/50:00
3x300 @:30s Rest  -Threshold Pace +3/100 -Control Stroke Rate 
2x200 @:10-20s Rest Threshold Pace
4x100 @:10-20s Rest Threshold pace -1 
4x50 @:15s Rest Threshold Pace -2
6x25 @:15s Rest Sprint
1x200 Pull Breathing 3-5-7-3 by 50 

Cool Down 300/5:00
50 Double Arm Back Stroke W/ a Breast Kick
100 Free
100 Kick
50 Scull

4150 Yards 90 Minutes

3-6-25 Suffering with Style

 Warm-Up:900/ 20:00
300 loosen
6x50 @:10s Rest I.M Switch 
4x50 @:10s Rest Free Descend. 1-4 
4x25 @:10-15s Rest Rest Sprint Cycle 

3x(3x50)@:10s Rest Descend 1-3 Within Rds 
*Change Strokes Per Rd

Kick Set:400/10:00
16x25@:10s Rest
Odds: Fly Kick OR Breast Kick
Evens: Free Kick Sprint to mid-pool -Steady after

Pull Set:600/15:00(Snorkel)
3x200@:15s Rest Free Build 
#1: Buoy
#2: Buoy and Paddles
#3: Paddles and Fins

Main Set1125/25:00
5 Rounds:
1x100 @:10-15s Rest lowest Stroke Count possible per 25
1x50  @:5s Rest Build 
3x25  @:10s Rest Fast

Sprint Set:225/8:00
9x25 @:15s Rest
Odds: Underwater max distance into smooth 
Evens: Sprint 

Cool Down:200/5:00
200 Loosen
3900 Yards 95 Minutes

3-4-25 Lap by Lap

 Warm Up 900/20:00
300 Free Loosen -Every 3rd 25 No Free
6x50 @:10-15s Rest -Odds Choice Kick -Evens Pull
4x50 @:10-15s Rest I.M Order Drill/Swim
4x25 @:10-15s Rest -Odds Scull -Evens Build

Drill 500/10:00
8x25 @:10-15s Rest -Odds Breast Stroke 1 Pull 2 Kicks -Evens Butterfly W/ a flutter Kick
8x25 @:10-15s Rest -Odds Backstroke 3Pulls 6Kicks  -Evens Freestyle Flick Drill
1x100 I.M

Main Set 2100/50:00
3 Rounds
1x200 @:20-30s Rest Pull Negative Split
4x50 @:15s Rest -Odds Sprint Kick -Evens Swim Build
2x100 @:10-15s Rest I.M
4x25 @:15s Rest Sprint 

Cool Down 300/5:00
4 Rounds
1x25 Drill
1x50 Smooth Swim

90 Minutes 4000 Yards