
400 FR (50 TSFGC-up [thumbslide field goal catch up] / 50 swim w/fist)

300 (100 IM drill / 50 choice kick streamline on back)

200 FR (breathing 3,5,7 by stroke)

100 choice kick w/board

MAIN SET: 1800
I like to make swimmers think while they swim so here is a set that will help you think about your bodyline while swimming the long axis strokes. Try to keep a straight line from the head to the toes with the waterline on the top of the head, no bend at the neck or waist.

Four rounds of the following;
1 X 50 BK kick w/fins (streamline on back, hands under water, palms skimming surface)
1 X 100 BK swim w/fins (50 dbl arm, thumbs up- fingers out / 50 swim, keep wide arm pull from dbl arm into regular swim)

Four rounds of the following: Paddles optional
1 X 50 FR pull (hold pull buoy at ankles)
1 X 100 FR swim (no kicking use the core to stabilize your body, focus on swimming straight without letting the legs swing side to side)

Four rounds of the following:
1 X 50 BK/FR swim (alternate 4 strokes BK / 3 strokes FR, focus on seamless transitions by rolling on a long axis)
1 X 100 BK/FR swim (50 BK / 50 FR, build each 50 by kicking faster to increase stroke rate)

200 EZ