300/200 swim
200 IM drill/kick
4 x 50 FR perfect, long stroke!
4 x 25 sprint cycle
200 pull w/paddles breathe 3-5 by 50
Choose an interval:
75s: 1:20 / 1:30 / 1:40
50s: :50 / 1:00 / 1:10
50 choice at a moderate-fast pace
8/6 x 50 drill/swim ODDS: free EVENS: IMO
8/4 x 75 pull 25 hard and fast (no paddles), drop your buoy and go right into
50 choice at a moderate-fast pace
8/6 x 50 ODDS: 25 scull / 25 FR build
EVENS: 25 dolphin/breast kick combo / 25 non-FR build