- Doors Open: 6:45 am
- Warm Up Begins: 7:00 am
- Competition Begins: 8:00 am
meet this weekend
Tuesday 1129
saturday 11/26
Saturday 11/26/16
Warm up-
500/300 swim...every 4th 25 underwater dolphin kick or pull outs
6/4x75s kick with fins @ 1:20 50 medium/25 fast
6x50s pull @ 1:00 breathing 3,5
Drill set-
8x50s @ 1:00
2 of each stroke, focus on tight streamline, at least 3-4 dolphin kicks off each wall, and good underwater pull outs!
Main set-
300/200...75% effort
6 x 50 @ :45/1:00
200/100...90% effort
300/200 pull
6 x 50 kick @ 1:15
100 cool down
Happy Thanksgiving!
Warm up 5-8 minutes, we will start at 6:10am!
50x100s/75s/50s @ 1:50
Let's do it! Have fun
tuesday 11/22
Masters 11/22
Warm up-
400/300 swim
6/4 x 75 choice, drill-swim-drill @ 1:15
4 x 50 build free @ :50/1:00
8/4 X 25 sprint cycle @ :35 4-free, 4-no free
Main set- 2 times thru:
1 X 200/100 free @ 3:10
5/4 x 50 free @ :50
1 X 200/100 IM @ 3:40
5/4 x 50 choice @ :55
150/100 cool down
Total 3200/2200
saturday 11/19
Saturday 11/19
freestyle flutter kick refresher-
Warm up:
400/200 swim
200/100 kick
200/100 IM drill/swim
8/4 x 25 sprint cycle @ :35
Main set:
4/3 x 50 Free dec 1-4 @ :50/1:00
4/3 x 100 IMO drill/swim by 25s @ 1:45/2:00
4 x 25 free fast @ :30/:40
4/3 x 50 choice, all the same stroke descend 1-4 @ 1:00
4/3 x 100 pull breathe 3-5-5-7 by 25 @ 1:45/2:00
4 x 25 fly or breast fast @ :40
4/3 x 50 Kick @ 1:10
4/3 x 100 FR dec 1-3, #4 is fast from the blocks, free or IM @ 1:30/1:40
4 x 25 back fast @ :35
cool down 100/50
thursday 11/17
Thursday 11/17
1 x 200/100...150 Free/50 fl kick
4/3 x 50 Fly Drill/swim @ 1:00
1 x 200/100...150 Free/50 bk kick
4/3 x 50 Back Drill/swim
1 x 200/100...150 Free/50 br kick
4/3 x 50 Breast Drill/swim
Main set:
Kick/Swim with fins, get that heart rate up on the 50s!
150 kick @ 10 sec rest
3x50 swim @ :45/:55
200 kick @ 10 sec rest
3x50s swim @ :40/:50
250 kick @ 10 sec rest
1x50 swim all out
Pull/Swim -
300 Pull @ 10 sec rest
3x50s Swim @ :45/:55
200 Pull @ 10 sec rest
3x50s Swim @ :40/:50
100 Swim EZ @ 10 sec rest
1x50 swim all out
100 cool down
tuesday 11/15
Tuesday 11/15
Warm up:
6/4 x 100s @ 1:45/2:00 50 drill, 50 build choice
6/4 x 75s @ 1:15/1:30 pull 25 fr/25 stroke/25 fr
8/6 x 50s @ :55/1:00 descend 1-4, 5-8
Drill set:
Backstroke kick with pull buoy, let's try it!
Do 2Xs-
4x25s back kick with pull buoy @ :45
3/2x50s swim back @ 1:00
Main set:
10x100s @ 1:40/2:00
1-all free
2-25 back 75 free
3-50 back 50 free
4-75 back 25 free
5-all back
Repeat, you can replace back with a different stroke for #6-10
6x25s @ :30
Any 4 fast, 2 easy
Add up for 100 time
100 cool down
Total 3200/2750
saturday 11/12
Warm up-
400 FR
200 25 IMO / 25 FR
300 KICK
6 X 50 FR 25 DRILL/ 25 SWIM
Main set-
3/2 X 200 PULL @ 3:30/4:00
3/2 X 150 FR build by 50 @ 2:30/3:00
3/2 X 100 FINS kick/swim @ 1:45/2:00
3/2 X 75 IM (fly,back,breast) @ 1:30/1:45
3/2 X 50 choice @ :50 descend 1-3
3/2 X 25 fast @ :30 free no more than 2 breaths
200 easy
Thursday 1110
tuesday 11/8
Masters 11/8
Munster Meet is Saturday! Warm ups 7:30-8:45am, meet starts at 9:10am. You can deck enter. See meet information at link below-
Warm up-
400/300 swim
300/200 kick
6/4 x 50 @ 1:10 - build/drill
8 x 25 @ 30 - sprint cycle
10 x 50s @ 1:15
12.5 front scull/25 fast turn/12.5 easy
8 x 25 @ :35/:40
2 drill
2 build
4 fast ~100 pace
1 x 100 @ 2:00 easy
6 x 50 @ 1:00 descend 1-3, ascend 4-6
Total- 3200/2600
saturday 11/5
Masters 11/5
Warm up:
400/300 swim
200/100 pull
4 x 100 50 drill/swim choice @ 1:40/2:00
6 x 50 descend 1-3 choice @ 1:00
Main set:
5/4 x 200 @ 3:15 count your stroke on the first length and then try to reduce your number by one or two for the rest of your 200.
16/12 x 50s @ :50/1:00
1- build, keep strokes nice and long
2- fast, hold you time
1- easy free recovery
100 easy
Total- 3200/2600
thursday 11/3
Thursday 11/3/16
200/100 SKIPS- swim, kick, IM, pull, swim
16/12x25s @ :35/:40 IMO
Fly, back, free- 6 underwater dolphin kicks!
Underwater dolphin-
Breast- double pull outs
Pull outs-
1 x 200/100 IM drill/swim @ 3:30
4 x 50 FL w/fins...25 drill/25swim @ 1:00
4 x 50 BK @ 1:00
4 x 50 BR @ 1:00
1 x 200/100 FR drill/swim @ 3:15
4 x 50 @ :55 free
4 x 50 @ :50 free
4 x 50 @ :45 free
200 cool down
tuesday 11/1/16
Butterfly day ;). Don't be afraid.
Butterfly Breathing-
Butterfly Kicking-
Warm up-
500/300 free...alternate 75 swim/25 drill
300 IM...kick(no board)-drill-swim
8/4x50s CHOICE @ 1:00 25 drill/25 swim
5/3x100s kick @ 2:10
Alternate 25 fast/25 easy
Drill set-
16x25s @ :40 with fins
1-4...superman arms, fly kick, make sure to press chest
5-8...1 pull 4 kicks
9-12...3 right arm, 3 left arm
12-6...fly arms, flutter kick, stay low when breathing
Main set:
8x75s without without fins @ 1:20/1:30
1st 25...5 fly strokes then free
2nd 25...6 fly strokes then free
3rd 25...7 fly strokes then free
8x50s @ :55
25 IMO fast/25 free
100 easy