Saturday 4/1

Masters 4/1/17

400 swim
200 pull

24x25s choice @ :35
1-8...3-4 fast breakout strokes
9-16...flag to flag fast on closing speed- fast finish
300 kick with fins

8 x 125 FR...25 w/12.5 fast/75 build/25 w/12.5 fast @ 2:00

12x25s free 3 fast 1 easy @ :30
300 pull

100 Cool down

Thursday 3/30

Thursday 3/30

Warm Up:
200 S.K.I.P.S (Swim, Kick, IM, Pull, Swim)
4 x 100 @ 1:40/1:50
Free swim breathing 3-5-7-5 by 25
8 x 25 @ :30 sprint cycle 4-free, 4-choice

Main set:
1x75 @ 1:15 free Race pace focus on good streamlines with u/w dolphin kicks (or pull outs) & good breakouts
1x25 @ :45 easy
1x25 @ :45 Underwater dolphin or pull outs
1x50 @ 1:00 choice Race pace
1x50 25 distance-per-stroke, 25 underwater dolphin or pullouts halfway then fast to the wall-good finish!
Rest :30 seconds rest then repeat

20x25s @ :35

200 Cool down

Tuesday 3/28

Tuesday 3/28

Don't forget that today is the last day to register for the Masters State Swim Meet!

Warm up-
Do 2X's 
1 x 200 @ 3:15 focus on DPS (distance per stroke)

3 x 100 @ 1:45 50 drill/50 swim
4 x 50 @ :50/1:00 descend 1-4
Rd1- swim
Rd2- pull


Drill set-
Focus: backstroke rotation
12/8x50s with fins @ :55/1:05
#1-6...25 back rotation drill, arms at side, rotate every 6 kicks/25 regular backstroke
#7-12...4 strokes right arm/4 strokes left arm/8 strokes together

Main set-
4/3x300s @ 4:30
#1 free

#2 200 free /50 bk/50fr

#3 150 free/100 bk/50fr 
#4 100 free/200 Back


Sunday 3/26

Sunday 3/26/17

Don't forget we  have only the 6 lanes in the shallow end from 6-7pm. We will have to put lanelines in today and take them out since age group swimming hasn't started yet.

400 swim
200 pull
200 kick

Breaststroke drill-
16x25s @ :40
4-breast kick on back
4-3 second glide (focus on head position)
4-1 pull 2 kicks
4-breaststroke (focus on distance per stroke)

Main set:
3 x 50s @ :50 Free descend 1-3
3 x 100s @ 1:55 Choice stroke
6 x 25s @ :30 choice goal 100 pace
3 x 100 @ 1:35 Free with fins, 75 fast 25 easy
Rest 1 minute
3 x 50 @ :55 stroke descend 1-3
3 x 100 @ 1:45 IM
3 x 50 @ :50 choice build into fast turn/drill
3 x 100 @ 1:25 Free

Cool down: 100 easy

Saturday 3/25

Saturday 3/25/17

4x125 @ 2:10 100 free, 25 stroke drill (IM order)
12x50 @ :55 (25 drill/25 swim choice)
5x100 kick (fins) @ 1:30

5x200 IMs @ 3:20/3:40
    1- 25free/25drill IMO
    2- 25kick/25swim
    3- 25drill/25swim
    4- 25free/25swim IMO
    5- 200 IM

 4x100 Pull breathing 3,5,3,5 by 25 @ 1:35/1:50

200 cool down

Thursday 3/23/17

Thursday 3/23/17

200 swim, kick, IM drill, pull, swim

Main set- both groups- Pick distance or stroke focus
3 x 200 on 3:00/3:30
8 x 100 on 1:30/1:45
12 x 50 on :50/1:00
Intervals- distance/stroke

200’s Descend 1-3
100’s Best possible average
50’s Odds: Easy, Evens: Fast

200’s 25 stroke/25 free
100’s Odds: 4 x 25 fast stroke rest :05 @ each 25, Evens: 75 smooth free, 25 race stroke
50’s Odds: Easy, Evens: Fast

200 cool down

Tuesday 3/21

Tuesday 3/21/17

300 swim
200 kick
300 pull
6 x 50s build/drill choice @ 1:00

Main set – PICK ONE

1)Sprint and IM (2 rounds):
2 x 150 free @ 2:15
3 x 100 free or IM 1:45
4 x 50 – stroke (or all free depending on swimmer) @ :50 / 1:00

16 x 50 @ :50 – 500 pace, pick a 500 Free goal time and divide by 10 to find pace
4 x 200 done as 4 x 50 with :10 rest each 50; descend 1-4 @ 1:00 rest between 200s

All Groups (3 rounds):
25-50-75 (75’s are FAST) @ :30, :55, 1:20
1 min rest after 2 rounds

Cool down 50 easy

Saturday 3/18

Saturday 3/18/17

Warm up-
3x150s @ 2:30/3:00 build last 50
3x100s @ 1:45/2:00 50 breast/50 free
3x50s @ :50 descend 1-3
8/6x25s @ :40 freestyle drill...3/4 catch up or 3pull/6kicks

Free technique video-
Focus- finger tips down, high elbow, palm facing back pushing water

Main set-
6/4x100s swim w/paddles free @ 1:30/1:50
6/4x75s kick @ 1:30- 50 choice last 25 all out free
6/4x50s pull free breath by 3s @ :55/1:05
6/4x25s kick choice streamline on back build @ :40/:50

10/5x50s swim w/fins @ :50 1-5 free, 6-10 choice

100 easy

Illinois Masters State Meet

Registration closes March 28th!!
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Anyone wanting to swim a distance event we can do the split sheets at practice.
Please let Coach Paul or myself know.

Illinois Masters State Meet Packet-

Illinois Masters State Meet Sign Ups-

Thursday 3/16/17

Happy Almost St. Paddy's Day!
Thursday 3/16/17
600/400 swim
300/200 pull
200 kick 
8x50s @ 1:00 drill/swim choice
4 x 25 @ :30 sprint cycle
Any of the 25s highlighted in ORANGE will be ALL OUT SPRINTS! @:30

All 75s are IM no FR @1:30
All 50s are KICK @ 1:10
All 100s are FR build by 25s


Tuesday 3/14

Tuesday 3/14

Warm up:
1x300 swim
2x200s IM @ 3:30
3x100s free @ 1:45 choice 75 build, 25 drill

2x200s @ 3:10 pull

4x100s kick with fins
8x50s build swim IMO

3x300s @ 4:30/5:30
100 drill, 100 build, 100 fast

100 cool down
Total 3200

Saturday 3/10

Saturday 3/10

500 every 4th lap is streamline kick on back
5 x 100 rotate 25 fast; last one fast one @ 1:40

400 pull breathing 3-5-7 by 25
4 x 100 choice @ 1:50

300 swim alt 100 FR / 100 IM drill / 100 FR
3 x 100 FR dec 1-3 @ 1:30

200 FR alt 25 fast / 25 east
2 x 100 IM @ 1:45

100 FR fast but effortless--focus on perfect technique
1 x 100 FR ALL OUT from the BLOCKS

200 cool down

Thursday 3/9/17

Thursday 3/9/17

300 Swim
6x75s @ 1:20
Descend in groups of 2
8x25s @ :30 sprint cycle
1-4 free
5-8 choice

Rd 1-kick with fins build by 100 rest 30 seconds
Rd 2-pull Build by 100

4x50s swim with fins
Rd1-  @ :50
Rd2- @ :40
4-all fast

Main set:
8 X 50 @ :50 choice
Odd- build/drill
Even- fast
8 X 25 @ :30 choice
Odds- build
Even- fast

50 easy

Total 3200

Tuesday 3/7

TUESDAY 3/7/2017

Warm up:
200/100 Swim, IM Drill, Pull, Swim
8 x 50 @ 1:00 Kick, FAST with fins! 5 w/board, 5 no board

Drill set:
3 x 50 on 1:00 25 back drill 3P6K/25 back build
focus on rotation, relax shoulders- keep them open and back, enter pinkie first and pop the opposite hip
3 x 50 on 1:00 25 fly drill (1right-1left-1together)/25 free
3 x 50 on 1:00 25 breaststroke 1pull-2kick down/25swim breast

Main set:
2/1 rounds:
3 x 50s @ 1:00 IM transition (fly/bk, bk/br, br/fr) 
1 x 100 free @ 1:45 focus on distance per stroke
1 x 200 IM @ 3:30
1 x 100 Free @ 1:45 focus on distance per stroke
2 x 100 IM fast @ 2:00


Saturday 3/4

Saturday 3/4/17

Warm up-
400 free
300 IM (25 kick, drill swim)
8x50s pull @ :55
Odds- free

6 x 150 (100 swim/50 kick) @ 2:50 #3,5,8 fast

Main set-
4x50 @ :50 descend 1-4

2 x 100 build by 25s @ 1:40

1 x 200 @ 3:00

2 x 100 1-easy 1-fast @ 1:40

4 x 50 @ :45 build

200 Cool Down

Thursday 3/2

Thursday 3/2/17

Warm up-
400 swim every 4th 25 is drill
300 pull
200 kick
8x25s sprint cycle @ :30

Main set-
6 x 50  Kick/swim  @1:00
            odds FR
            Evens IMO (fly, back, breast)

12/8 x 25 FR @:30
            dec 1-4 and then hold pace

6 x 50 fast/ez @ :50
            odds FR
            Evens IMO (fly, back, breast)

12/8 x 25 @:30 w/fins
            Odds underwater
            Evens Fast FR

6/3 x 50 IM switch fast @1:00

12/8 x 25 FR @:30
            dec 1-4 and then hold pace

200 choice drill/swim cool down