Saturday 3/31/18

Masters 3/31/18

Warm up-
400 free
300 IM drill-swim-drill 
200 descend by 50 – choice of stroke

Kick Set: with fins
4 x 100 @ 2:00 Negative Split kick 
Easy 100 swim 

Main set-
10 x 50 FR  @ :55 
swim or pull w/paddles (2 fast , 1 easy)

Rotate fast 50 
1-6 free @ 1:35
7-9 IM @ 1:45
10-12 choice @ 1:50

100 easy

Thursday 3/29/18

Thursday 3/29/18

Warm up-(1000)
200 swim, kick, pull, IM, swim
8x25 cycle 4-free 4-IM

Kick Set-(400)
16x25s @ :40
evens- no white water

Main Set- (1400)
4x75 @ 1:10 dec 1-3 hold 4 free
4x25 @ :30 fly 
odds- fast evens- distance per stroke
6x50 @ :50 free dec 1-3 ascend 4-6
4x25 @ :30 back 
odds- fast evens- DPS
3x100 @ build each 25 to fast finish 
4x25 @ :30 breast 
odds- fast evens- DPS
8x25@ :30 free 
odds- fast evens- DPS

Cool down- (600)
3x200 @ 3:15 

pull breath 3,5,7,9 by 25

Tuesday 3/27/18

Tuesday 3/27/18

Warm up-(700)
300 Swim-200 Kick- 200 Pull

Set #1-(1800)
1x Pull, 1x Kick, 1x
200 smooth
2x100 @ 1:30, 2nd 100 faster
4X50 @ 45 desc 1-3, hold 4th

Set #2-
descend 50’s 1-3
3x50 @ 50
25 easy @ 1:00
3x50 @ 50 25smooth/25fast

100 cool down

Saturday 3/24/18

Masters 3/24/18

Warm up-
500 swim
300 pull breathing 3,5 by 25
8x25s sprint cycle @ :30
1-4 free
5-8 choice

Drill set: Breaststroke
3x50s 3 second glide
3x50s kick pull kick
3x50s regular breast

Kick set with fins-
16x25s @ :40
1-4 fast kick no splash
5-8 easy
9-12 all out
13-16 fins off, breaststroke kick

Main set:
10x75s @ 1:30
Odds: free take at least 3 dolphin kicks, last 25 go as far as you can u/w dolphin
Evens- IM no free

12x50s @ :55 in groups of 4
1- easy
1- drill
2- fast
Last round choice, all others free

Cool down

Thursday 3/22/18

Thursday 3/22


Butterfly Breathing-

Butterfly Kicking-

Warm up-
400 free last 100 drill
300 Pull
8x50s CHOICE @ 1:00 
25 drill/25 swim

5x100 kick @ 2:00
Alternate 25 fast/25 easy

Drill set-
16x25s @ :40 with fins
1-4...superman arms, fly kick, make sure to press chest
5-8...1 pull 4 kicks
9-12...3 right arm, 3 left arm arms, flutter kick, stay low when breathing

Main set:
8x75s with fins @ 1:20
1st 25...5 fly strokes then free
2nd 25...6 fly strokes then free
3rd 25...7 fly strokes then free

10x50s @ :55
25 Fly/25 free

100 easy

Tuesday 3/20

Tuesday 3/20/18
Coach Colleen will be there this evening for practice!

Warm up-
400 swim; 4 or more UW kicks off wall
300 IM; 75 of each stroke- kick, drill, swim
300 kick

12 x 50 @ 1:00 
sprint cycle by 50
25 Easy/25 fast
25 Fast/25 easy
All easy
All fast

8 x 100s @ 1:45
Middle 50 is fast with the first and last 25 focusing on distance per stroke!
50 Fly/50 BK
50 Bk/50 Br
50 Br/50 Fr 
All free

6 x 150s free @ 2:30
Odds- 50 fast 50 easy 50 fast
Evens- 50 drill 100 fast

200 easy

Illinois Masters State Meet Info

The Illinois State Meet is fast approaching with meet registration open at the following on line site:

The 1000 free, 500 free and 400 IM tend to close out quickly so do not wait on registering for these events if you want to swim them.

For more meet information including the order of events, click on the link above, or  

Thursday 3/15/18

Masters 3/15/18

Freestyle catch video-

The catch is the most technical part of your stroke, and an area where small changes can lead to large improvements.

Warm up:
600 swim—-
100 FR/100 drill/100 choice
4x100s @ 1:40 Pull
25 scull/75 free
12x25s kick sprint cycle @ :40

Main set:
Focus on an early vertical forearm 
4x50s free drill superman catch up @ :55
6x75s free pull @ 1:20
8x125s Free rotate the fast 50 @ 2:00

16x25s @ :30
4- fly, 4- free, repeat
3 fast, 1 easy

100 easy

Tuesday 3/13/28

Tuesday 3/13/18

Warm up:
500/300 swim every 4th 25 stroke no free
300 pull breathe by 3s the entire way!
200 kick
8x25s IMO @ :35
Odds drill
Evens build

Kick set:
10/6x50s @ :50/1:00 kick with fins
Odds- whitewater 
Evens- no whitewater

Main set:
4 x 25 @ :30/:40 build
2 x 100 
Rd1&3- IM @ 1:45/2:00
Rd2&4- Free @ 1:30/1:45
4 x 25 @ :30 fast

200 cool down
Total- 3400/2300

Saturday 3/10/18

Masters 3/10/18

400...75 swim 25 drill
300 kick with fins descend by 100s
6x50s pull @ 1:00 breath 3, 5 by 25s

Main set 4Xs-
1x200 descend by rounds @ 3:15
1x100 IM drill @ 2:00
4x50s @ :55 IMO 
50 easy


Thursday 3/8/18

Thursday 3/8/18

Warm up-
400 Free
2x200 pull @:10 sec rest
4x100 50 IMO build, 50 Free @1:30
6x50 descend 1-3,4-6 @:50

X3 Free, IM, choice by round
1x100 @ 1:30 
2x75 Build @ 1:15 
3x50 fast/easy by 25 @ 1:00
4x25 fast IM @ :30
Rest 1 min btwn each round

Cool down-

4x100 50 scull with free kick,50 build free @ 1:40

Tuesday 3/6/18

Masters 3/6/18

Warm up: (1500)
300 swim
6 x 100s @ 1:40 50 drill, 50 build choice                           
8 x 50s @ :55 descend 1-4, 5-8
8 x 25s @ :40 streamline kick on back choice

Pull set: (600)
12x50s @ 1:00
Odds- pull buoy at ankles
Evens- pull think about hip rotation
Nice and strong long freestyle

Main set: (1200)
12x75s @ 1:15/1:30 choice
50 build rest 5 seconds 25 fast
12x25s @ :30 3 fast/1 easy choice, groups of 4

100 Cool down

Saturday 3/2/18

Masters 3/2/18

Warm up-(1000)
400 free
300 reverse IM kick-drill-swim

Breath control set-
1-breath 3:5 by 25
2-Breath 5/7 by 25
3-breath 7/9 by 25

Set 1-
4x75 @ 1:40 50 kick on back 25 fast swim 
8x25 @ :30 choice pull

Set 2-(1175)
Pick a stroke 
1. Focus good turns
2. Build by 25
3. Fast 


100 cool down

Thursday 3/1/18

Masters 3/1/18

Warm up:
400 swim; focus on 3 UW kicks off wall
300 IM; 75 of each stroke, kick-drill-swim
200 pull

6 x 75s @ 1:30 kick with fins
Odds- 50 easy 25 fast
Evens- 50 fast 25 easy

12 x 50 @ 1:00 
sprint cycle by 50, can switch strokes every cycle
All easy
All fast

Main set:
6 x 100s @ 2:00/2:15
IM around for 200 IM – Build
50 Fly/50 BK
50 Bk/50 Br
50 Br/50 Fr 

6 x 150s free @ 2:40/3:00
Odds- 50 fast 50 easy 50 fast
Evens- 50 drill 100 fast

100 cool down