10-12-23 Splish, Splash, Speed! Dive into Strategy

Warm-Up 700/20:00
300 Free: Loosen, emphasizing efficient strokes and a relaxed rotation.
4x100 @ :20s rest: Alternating by 100 (Free, Kick, Free, Kick), maintaining a steady pace.

Technique and Drill Set 650/18:00
3x100 Free @ :20s rest: -Bilateral Breathing.
4x50 @ :15s rest: Free -Drill -25 Right Arm -25 Left Arm
6x25 @ :10s rest: -Odds Back -Evens Free

Kick Intensity Set 300/10:00
3x100 Free Kick @ :15s rest: Emphasis on maintaining a consistent speed. 

Race Strategy Set 1500/35:00
4x100 @ :15s rest: 1st 50 at 80% effort, 2nd 50 at 90% effort.
8x50 Free @ :20s rest: Sprint Cycle by 50. (Fast/Ez, Ez/Fast, Build, Sprint.)
2x150 @ :20s rest: Freestyle, focusing on negative splitting by 75 (2nd half faster than the 1st).
6x50 @ :10s rest: Odds are smooth and controlled, and Evens are all-out sprints.

Sprint & Turn Work 300/8:00
12x25 @ :10s rest: Sprint cycle

Cool Down 200/4:00
2x100 @ :15s rest: Choice Stroke 

Total: 3650yrds 94 Minutes.