Pace Mastery 5-25-24

Warm-Up 1200/25:00
200 Free
6x50 @:15 Pull Ascend 1-3 Desc 4-6
300 Free -50 3 Strokes 1 Second Glide -50 Catch-Up Drill
4x50 @:15 I.M.O D/B
8x25 @:10 Choice Desc.1-4,5-8

Main Set 2400/55:00
This set is designed to work on pacing and efficiency. 
If you "play the game" it can be an effective workout. 
If you start out too hard the set can be very challenging.

40x50 @:50-2:00

Get your time for the first 50. 
The goal of the rest of the set is to maintain that pace or lower. 
If you miss a 50 at pace or lower sit out for 50 and begin again on the send-off interval. 
If you start out too hard on the first 50 it makes the set extremely challenging. Start out easy to moderate with a goal of descending pace

1x400 Free -Pull Equip Optional - Descend by 200 

Warm-Down 300/6:00
1x100 @:30 Free Right Fin Left Paddle 
1x100 @:30 Free Left Fin Right Paddle 
1x100 Choice 

3900 Yards 86 Minutes