Tuesday 9/29
Saturday 9/26
Thursday 9/22
Thursday 9/22
The LTHS Girls’ Swim Team has a meet tonight. We will get in as soon as we can at the conclusion of the meet.
Warm up:
400/300 swim
200 pull
4x50 free build
Main set:
1x200/100 IM
3x50 fly drill
4x25 fly with fins(fast)
1x200/100 IM
3x50 back drill
4x25 back with fins(fast)
1x200/100 IM
3x50 breast drill
4x25 breast (perfect pullouts)
1x200/100 IM
3x50 free drill
4x25 free with fins(fast)
Cool down:
200 easy
Total is 2800/2300
It was also requested I get back on schedule with the last Thursdsy of the month being a double practice so here it is:
Please join us at Brixie's (9526 Ogden Avenue, Brookfield, IL) after practice for a little social get-together if you can.
No purchase necessary.
Brixie's Thursday Specials:
3/$4 Tacos
$1 OFF craft cocktails
$3 Shots of Buffalo Trace Bourbon
Tuesday 9/22
Tuesday 9/22
This Week's Focus: STREAMLINES!
Streamline is the most efficient and fastest way to move through the water. We use this off of every wall—starts, push-offs, turns.
Throughout all workouts concentrate on long streamlines--doing 3-4 dolphin kicks underwater every time you push off the wall!
Warm Up:
300 free…every 4th 25 is drill
CHOOSE YOUR INTERVAL: @:50/1:00/1:15
*unless otherwise specified, these are all FREE
5/4 x 50 all FREE descend 1-5
5/4 x 50 #3 is FLY
5/4 x 50 #2 & 4 are BACK
5/4 x 50 #1, 3, & 5 are BREAST
25s: @:30 / :40 / :50
150 FR last 50 is ALL OUT
10/6 x 25 streamline kick w/6-8 dolphin kicks then flutter to surface
odds-on your stomach
evens-on your back
150 FR last 100 is ALL OUT
10/6 x 25 choice build
150 FR first 50 is ALL OUT
10/6 x 25 IMO odds-drill; evens-swim
10/6 x 25 FR odds-build; evens-FAST
4 x 50 FR concentrate on long streamlines and strokes...maximizing your distance with the minimal effort :)
Saturday 9/19
200 kick
8 x 25 sprint cycle
Main set:
Thursday 9/17
Thursday 9/17
Please join us at Kenny's (917 West 55th Street, Countryside, IL) after tonight's practice.
Kenny's Thursday Specials:
$3 U-Call-It's *no shots & no rocks*
$4.95 Wraps (Chicken Caesar, or Buffalo Chicken) w/fries or chips
300 free
200 pull
100 IM drill
8x50 run to half, build middle 25, fast last half @:55/1:00
Shallow end- run to the middle
Deep end- scull feet first to the middle
Main set...3xs thru:
8x25 @:35 kick
Fast, easy by 25
Rest 1:00
Rd. 1: 25 fly drill, 25 free, 25 fast fly, 25 free @ 1:40/2:00
Rd. 2: Descend 1-3 free @ 1:25/1:45
Rd. 3: Choice: 25 fast,25 easy @ 1:30/1:50
25s Kick:
Rd. 1: dolphin kick
Rd. 2: breaststroke kick
Rd. 3: flutter kick
12x25 @:30/:35
3 fast, 1 easy
Alternate 4 free, 4 choice no free
200 cool down
Saturday Practice!
Tuesday 9/15
Tuesday 9/15
This week's focus: BUTTERFLY! Watch this video:
Warm up:
6/4 x 100 FR dec 1-4/3, 5-easy, 6-fast @1:30 / 1:45 / 1:50
12/10 x 25 @ :35 / :40 / :45 Butterfly drill (w/fins optional).
odds-1 pull 4 kicks
evens-3-3-3 (3 strokes right, 3 strokes left, 3 whole strokes fly)
Main set:
4 x 125 (50 FR/25 IMO/50 FR) @1:45 / 1:50 / 2:00
3/2 x 100 FR rotate 50 fast (#1-50 fast/50 ez; #2- 25 ez/50 fast/25 ez; ...) @1:30 / 1:45 / 1:50
2 x 75 IM no free @ 1:20 / 1:30 / 1:40
1 x 200 PULL breathe 3-5-7-3 by 25
2 x 75 choice @ 1:20 / 1:30 / 1:40
3/2 x 100 swim @1:30 / 1:45 / 1:50
4 x 125 (50 IMO / 75 FR) @1:45 / 1:50 / 2:00
100 easy cool down
yards: 3100/2500
Saturday 9/12
Thursday 9/10
200 kick
200 pull
100 IM drill
Main set:
Tuesday 9/8
Masters 9/8/15
Focus Week #4: review back, breast, free
Warm up:
500/400 your choice…mix it up (swim, kick, & pull)
3x50s favorite stroke descend 1-3 @ 1:00
3x50s least favorite stroke descend 1-3 @ 1:00
Drill Set:
4/3x50s @ 1:00 Backstroke drills:
2- 25 right arm only/25 left arm only
2- closed fists
4/3x50s @ 1:00 Breaststroke drills:
2- 3 second glide
2- kick paul kick
4/3x50s @ 1:00 Freestyle drills:
2- 3pulls 6kicks
2- closed fists
Emphasizes the power of the hand in the pull through and proper arm pull through.
• Pretty simple to describe. Swim backstroke or freestyle with your hands in a closed fist. Notice how much harder it is? This demonstrates the important role your hands have in feeling and sculling the water when pulling through. However, you are getting somewhere right? This drill also emphasizes that your forearms contribute to the pull through. In fact, your hands and forearms work as one unit. When your hands are clenched, try to press on the water with the palm side of your forearm. In all the strokes, the lower arm, from elbow to wrist, is an extension of your hand, or one unit.
• When doing fist swimming, take the time to work on the angle of your pull through, making sure to find the sweet spot where you draw the elbow in close to your body, and “throw something at your feet”.
Main Set:
Round #1- back, breast, or IM no free
3/2x(6x25s @ :40
1x50 easy between rounds
1x100 All Out
Round #2- all free
3/2x(6x25s @ :30 hold threshold pace 100 time per 25
1x50 east between rounds
1x100 All Out from the blocks!
Think about your 100 free swim:
1st 25 keep it long and strong, including streamlines
2nd 25 build and accelerate including the turn
3rd 25 hard and strong legs
4th 25 everything you have left
200 cool down
Saturday 9/5
Thursday 9/3
Warm up:
5/3 x 200 @ 3:20/3:45
3 x 300 @ :30 rest
- Each swim should be within 15 secs of each other.
- T-pace = add all 300s and divide by 9. (4:05, 4:10; 4:15 = 12:30 / 9 = ~1:13)
Main Set Part 2:
Best Average (BA): Holding the fastest time that you can consistently swim each swim. Your pace on a best average set should be faster than your T-Pace, but not as fast as sprint pace.
6/3 x 100 FR holding BA @ :30 rest
6 x 75 IMO no free kick/drill/swim
100 easy
Tuesday 9/1
Tuesday 9/1/15
Focus Week #3: Breaststroke
Drill #1: 3 Second Glide Breaststroke
Three Second Glide Breaststroke-Hold the streamlined (stretched) position of the stroke for a full count of three. Keep your head down and neck straight. In the breaststroke, be sure not to stop your hands under your body, but only in the extended position. Then, start the pull slowly, pitching the hands outward until they are shoulder width apart, and then accelerate your hands through the power phase (the in sweep), continuing all the way through to the recovery.
Drill #2: Kick Pull Kick Breaststroke
This drill lets you focus on your kick and improve your streamline position under water.To do this drill you basically execute the movements of the normal breaststroke cycle. But instead of kicking once with your legs and pulling once with your arms per stroke cycle, you kick twice with your legs and then pull once with your arms per cycle starting with a kick then pull then kick and repeat.
Warm Up:
400/300 every 4th lap is non-free
300/200 pull breathe 3-5-7 by 25
6/4 x 50s kick choice…25 fast/25 easy
4 x 75…25 breast 3 second glide/25 breast kick-pull-kick/25 breast
4 x 75 free rotate 25 fast; last 75 is all fast
4 x 75 IM odds:fly/back/breast; evens: back/breast/free
4 x 75 free concentrate on distance per stroke and long streamlines
4 x 75 breaststroke kick with a board or on back
4 x 75 swim w/fins free or your choice ALL OUT FAST
4 x 75 ascend 1st one fast, last one easy