Saturday Distance Day Stay Warm & Have Fun!
Funny Joke- What did the ocean say to the beach?

100SKIPS- swim, choice kick, IM, pull, Swim
200 pull paddles breath 3/5 by 50. @3:00
8x25 sprint cycle :30

2x100 @1:15/1:20/1:25
200 neg split @2:45/2:50
50swim recovery 1:10
3x100 @1:15/:1:20/1:25
300 neg split @ 4:00
50swim recovery 1:10
4x100 @ 1:15/1:20/1:25
400neg split @5:15/5:30
50 swim recovery 1:10

cool down
150 swim

Answer- Nothing. It just waved.