6-22-24 Descend and Dominate

Warm-Up 700/20:00
300 loosen
200 Kick
100 I.M
4x25 Choice Stroke Sprint Cycle @ :30 rest

Main Set 3000 60:00
Change your strokes up by round
3 Rounds:
4x50 Drill @ 15 rest (focus on technique and form)
2x100 @ 20 rest (Build Speed by each 25)
4x50 @ 15 rest (Descend 1-4: get faster each 50)
2x200 @ 30 rest (Negative Split: second half faster than the first half)

Cool Down 200/5:00
2x50 Choice @ :20 rest
4x25 Dolphin Dive @ :10 rest

3900 Yards 85 Minutes