6-24-24 Dynamic Distance Swim

Warm-Up 800/20:00
400 Free Or 2x200
200 I.M Or 2x100 I.M
200  Chocie Kick

Main Set 2600/50:00
2 Rounds
1x400 @:30 Choice Stroke And Equipment -Smooth (Round 2 Try to egative Split)
3x100 @:15 Free Pull Desc.1-3
1x300 @:20 Choice Stroke And Equipment -Smooth
4x50  @:10 Free Pull Desc. 1-4  
1x100 @:30 Choice Smooth

Cool Down 100/2:00
1x50 Double Arm Back Stroke
1x50 Dolphin Dive

72 Minutes 3500 Meters