Tuesday 6/30

Masters Tuesday 6/30

Warm up:
6 x 100s on 1:40 50 drill, 50 build                          
6 x 50s on :50 descend 1-3, 4-6

Main set:
7x200s @ 3:15/3:45 All Free
Two cruise
Two negative split 100's
One fast
One easy
One fast

12x50s @ 1:00 
Odds- choice stroke
Evens- 25 underwater/25 free

100 easy

Saturday 6/27

Saturday 6/27/15

200 free, 200 kick/swim IM, 200 pull

4x100 kick: 25 fast,25 easy; 25 easy,25 fast; 25 builds; 50 fast,50 easy @2:30/2:45

Rd #1:
3x100 @1:35/1:45, hold 1:25/1:35
2x100 @1:25/1:35, hold 1:15/1:25
1x100 @1:15/1:20, go under 1:08/1:15

1 min rest

Rd #2:
3x100 IMs: 50 fly, 25 bk, 25 brst, 25 free @1:45/1:55, hold 1:40/1:50
2x100 IMs: @1:35/1:45, hold 1:30/1:40
1x100 IM: @1:25/1:35, hold 1:20/1:30

8x50 @1:15: 2 @10 breaths,
2 @8 breaths, 2 @6 breaths, 2 @4 breaths
4x50 @1:20: 1 @10 breaths, 1 @8 breaths, 1 @6 breaths, 1 @ 4 breaths

100 easy 

Thursday 6/25

Masters Thursday 6/25/15

Warm up:
4x100s @ 1:45 descend 1-4
8x50s @ 1:00 streamline kick/drill IM Order

Drill set:
4x50s breaststroke 1 pull 2 kicks
4x50s 25 breast pull with dolphin kick/25 breast pull with flutter kick

Main Set:
Do 4 times:
1x200 swim free @ 3:20/3:40
4x50s @ 1:00 choice stroke

Cool down:
4x100 @ 1:45 ascend time 1-4
Fast to Slow by 100

Tuesday 6/23

Please make sure you are registered for the Summer Session if you have not already signed up! 
I will have the most up to date roster tonight so that you can check.

Masters Practice 6/23/15

500 FREE
5 X 100 CHOICE (50 DRILL, 50 SWIM) @ 1:40/1:50

400 PULL
4 X 100 IM @ 1:50/2:10

300 KICK
3 X 100 FREE FAST 1:30/1:45

2 X 100 BUILD CHOICE @ 1:45/2:00

100 25 BREAST/25 FREE

YARDS: 3000

Saturday 6/20

Saturday 6/20

200 free
100 kick
100 IM
4x50 fast easy by 25 @:55/1:05

4X/3X (IMO by rd)
50 kick on back @1:15/1:20
100 build free @1:40/1:50
150 pull count strokes @2:20/2:40
200  25 IMO, 25 free (Stroke needs to be at about 85%) @3:15/3:30
1 min rest

4x50  @:50/1:00
Odds: 1 pull, 3 kicks butterfly
Evens: Fast freestyle

200 easy (3000/2500)

Thursday 6/18

Masters 6/18

Warm up:
400 Swim 50 drill/50 swim
4/3 x 100 25 hard/25 easy/25 build/25 fast choice stroke @ 1:50/2:00
8/6 x 50 IMO @ 1:10/1:20
    Odds: streamline kick on back
    Evens: closed fists

SET #1: FR Aerobic w/fins (2x)
100 (MDPS) @ 1:45 count strokes per 50
200 (hold stroke count) @ 3:00
300 (hold stroke count) @ 4:30

100 easy

SET #2
8/4 x 50s pull @ 1:10
#1-4 only 5 breathes total
#5-8 only 4 breathes total

100 easy

Tuesday 6/16

Masters 6/16


1 x 300 

3 x 100 @ 2:00 pull

6 x 50 @ 1:00 descend 1-3, 4-6

3 free, 3 choice


4/2 x 150s free with fins @ 2:40/3:00

50 right side kick

50 left side kick

50 3 pull 6 kick

10/8 x 100s

4 @ 1:40 

4 @ 1:30

2 @ 1:25

Try to hold the same time for all 10

10/8 x 50s @ 1:00/1:10 swim with paddles

Odds- Free

Evens- choice

100 Easy

Saturday 6/13

Saturday 6/13

3x150s swim descend 1-3 @ 2:40/3:00
3x100s pull descend 1-3 @ 1:45/2:00
3x50s choice drill @ 1:00

8/4x75s Choice swim @ 1:30/1:45
Odds- 10 seconds fast wall kick, 50 fast/25 easy
Evens- 10 seconds vertical kick, 50 easy/25 fast

Main Set-
2x200s Free @ 3:20/3:40
2x200s Swim (50 no free/150 free) @ 3:30/3:45
2x200s Swim (150 free/50 no free) @ 3:30/3:45
2x200s IM (25 IMO/25 free) @ 3:40/4:00

100 easy

Thursday 6/11

Thursday 6/11

400/300 50 Free/50 rev IM
8/6 x 50s @ 1:00/1:10 – Build Choice

9 x 100s @ 1:45 – Free
3- 50 Drill/50 perfect stk
3- MDPS- goal is 40 strokes for less each 50
3- Fast

All with fins:
2x250s/200s @ 4:30
100 free/50 choice fast/100 free

4x50s fast free @ :55

2x150s/100s @ 2:45
50 free/50 choice fast/50 free

4x50s fast free @ :50

100 easy


Practice Tuesday 6/9

Practice Tuesday 6/9

3/2x200s @ 3:30/4:00 1&3- free 2- IM drill
8/6x50s kick @1:10/1:20 descend 1-4/3

4 Rounds of 4/3x100s
Rd #1: 100 FR @ 1:30/1:45
Rd #2: 25 FL / 75 FR @ 1:40/2:00
Rd #3: 25 FL / 25 BK / 50 FR @ 1:45/2:00
Rd #4: 100 IM @ 1:50/2:00

8/6x50s @ 1:00 free
1-4: 2 breaths on 1st 25 & 3 breaths on 2nd 25
5-8: 1 breath on 1st 25 & 2 breaths  on 2nd 25

100 easy

Saturday 6/6

Masters 6/6/15

200 swim
200 IM drill
200 kick

As you swim freestyle today focus on reaching to a full extension like in this video:


Reaching full extension in freestyle is a necessary foundation for swimmers at every level. Learning to create a slippery line to glide through the water, which requires balance, and a sense of flying, will allow you the ability to make decisions later on efficiency or speed.

How to do it:
1 - Swim slow, smooth freestyle, focusing the attention on extending the fingers as far out front as possible.
2 - Focus ONLY on extending the hand as far forward as possible, and not on the pull, finish, or recovery of the stroke.
3 - Feel what part of the hand has the most pressure on it. It should be the relaxed fingers out front, not the palm.

When the focus is only on extension, there are other aspects of the stroke that start to come together. Better balance will help you drive the hand forward in a more direct line. You'll also connect the arm to the body rotation, which will ultimately give you a more powerful pull.

8/6x100s WITH FINS @ 1:50/2:00
odds- 25 left side kick/25right side kick/50 streamline kick on back
evens- 25 left arm swim/25 right arm swim/50 swim

3/2x300s @ 5:15/6:00
100 free 
100 choice
100 free 

Do 4/3 times choice:
1x50 Build @ :55/1:00
1x50 Fast feet @ :55/1:00
1x50 Fast @ :55/1:00
1x50 Easy @ 2:00

Masters Thursday 6/4

Masters: Thursday, 6/4

I will be sending out an email tomorrow concerning technique work at practices. I know that some of you are interested in this and some are not so I would like to hear from you. You will only get an email if you are registered online. If you do not get an email tomorrow you may have signed up later and are not on my list. My email is meganjrt@att.net please feel free to email me at anytime. See you tonight!

600/400 Choice- this can be swim, kick, and pull

1 x 300...Free- every 3rd 50 is drill @ 5:15/5:45
2 x 150s...75 IM/75 free @ 2:45/3:00
3/2 x 100s...Choice @ 1:45/2:00
6/4 x 50s...Free- Pull breathing 3,5,7 @ :55/1:00

1 x 300...IM 25 kick/25 drill/25 swim @ 6:00/6:30
2 x 150s...50 Fly/50 Back/50 Breast @ 3:00/3:15
3/2 x 100s...Choice @ 1:45/2:00
6/4 x 50s...Free- add 1 dolphin kick off wall each 50 starting with 3 @ 1:00   


Summer Starts Today!!

Summer Season Starts TONIGHT!

Welcome back! I am excited to be the coach for masters this summer. I have been coaching with Lyons for over four years now and have coached masters on and off for years. I am looking forward to seeing you tonight and having a great summer! Thanks, Megan Jensen


300 swim
5x100 pull                     @ 1:45/2:00
6x50s...25 drill/25 swim @1:00
odds- free, evens- IM

16x50s                     @1:00/1:10
4 of each stroke- fly, back, breast, free
4-easy (can be free)

1x100                       @ 2:00/2:15
4x50                         @ :55/1:05
8x25*sprint cycle      @ :30

4x150s...25 IM/25 free     @ 2:45/3:00
8x50s descend 1-4, 5-8 @ 1:00
1-4 all free
5-8 choice, same stroke for all 4

100 Easy