Sunday night 11/30 from 7-8pm North
All warm-up do with :10-15 seconds rest in-between

1x100 kick 50 easy/50fast
1x200IM Drill 
1x300build alternate free/no free by 100

4x50 free aggressive turns :50
1x200 free rest :5 after each 50 build to fast! 3;30
1x100fly drill/swim by 25 1:45
3x50 back dec 1-3 :55
3x50 breast dec 1-3 @1
3x100 free fast/easy/fast by 100 1:30
1x200 IM broken :5 sec rest after each 50 4:00
4x50 no free fast/easy/fast/fast 1
4x50 free fast/easy/fast/fast by 50
3x100 pull paddles breathing pattern 3/5 by 50 1:30

cool down

Thursday 12/20 remember no practice Tuesday 12/25 have a wonderful xmas. See you Saturday!

400 free, every 4th 25 breaststroke
100 kick
8x25 sprint cycle @:30
4 brst
4 free

4x50 build each @:55
100 fast @1:30
4x50 odds: fast, evens: easy @:50
100 fast @1:30
4x50 descend 1-4 @:45
100 fast @1:30

100 easy @2:00/2:30

8x75 breaststroke @1:25
Odds: 50 fast swim, 25 kick
Evens: 50 fast kick, 25 swim

100 easy @2:00

4x100 pull @1:30

100 easy @2:00

4x50 @ 1:00
Odds: double pullouts off each wall, regular brst rest of way
Evens: 1 pull,3 kicks or regular breaststroke

100 easy
Tuesday 12/18 who is ready for Xmas?

300 free
4x75 @1:25 k,d,s
2 fly,2 Bk
4x25 fast,easy @:30
2 fly,2 Bk

6x100 @1:40
1. 50 fast fly,50 easy free
2. 25 fast fly,25 easy free
3. 50 easy free,50 fast fly

100 easy @2:00

3x200 @3:20
Move fast 100 back, rest easy free

100 easy @2:00

1x75 @1:30 build
5x25 @:30, 10 fast uw kicks off wall, rest easy free swim
:20 sec rest
Odd Rds: fly
Even Rds: bk

100 easy

5x150 100free 50 kick :10sec rest
4x50 IMO droll swim 1
6x50free dec 1-3 asc 4-6
8x25 cycle :30

5x250s dec 1-4 5fast! Free
4x50 free :50
3x100IM 1:35
4x50free :45

100 easy cool down


300 free
4x50 IMO @:50
100 kick
4x25 sprint cycle @:30

3x100 50 fast Fly,25 easy free,25 fast Bk @1:30
4x50 @:40
3x100 50 fast Bk, 25 easy free,25 fast Brst @1:30
4x50 @:40
3x100 50 fast brst, 25 easy free,25 fast Free @1:30
4x50 @:35
3x100 50 fast free,25 easy free,25 fast Fly @1:30
4x50 @:35

4x100 25 pull with paddles (1-2 breaths), 25 pull swim repeat  @1:45
12/11 Tuesday 

300 free @4:15
2x100 IM @1:30, 2nd one faster than 1st
200 pull @3:00
2x100 kick @2:00, 2nd one faster than 1st
4x25 sprint cycle @:30

5x200 move the fast 50, last one fast @2:40
4x50 IMO fast breakouts both ways @:50
Odds: fast kick @2:00
Evens: freestyle swim, 7 kicks off each wall @1:30
4x75 IMO build (last 25 is fast) @1:15

100 easy
Saturday 12/8  have fun.

Warm up
3x200 3:00 free
6x50free dec 1-3 free dec 4-6 no free :50
6x75 odds free evens choice
25 fast b/o 25 fast turn 25 fast finish 1:20/1:30
4x25 cycle free :30

4x50 choice kick 1 odds easy fast evens fast easy

10x50 1build 9 pace 500 pace :50 free
1x50 easy 1
6x50 1build 5 pace 200 pace :50 free
1x50 easy 1
5x50 1build 4fast :45

Cool down
100 easy

11/6 Thursday night

200 swim, 200 IM
4x25 sprint cycle @:30

X4 IMO by round

2x100 Free @1:25
8x50 @:50
Odds: Fast IMO by rd
Evens: easy free
1 min rest

100 easy cool down
Tuesday 12/4
300 free
200 IM: drill, swim by 25
4x25 sprint cycle @:30

200 free swim @2:50/3:00
2x100 (50 easy is easy free for Rd. 1 and 3)
1. 50 easy, 50 fast
2. 50 fast, 50 easy
4x50, 2 fast, 1 easy, 1 fast

1 min rest in between each rd

For above
Rd 1: free (100s @1:30, 50s @:50)
Rd. 2: kick (100s @2:00, 50s @1:05)
Rd. 3: choice, no free (100s @1:40, 50s @:50)
Rd. 4: pull (100s @1:30, 50s @:50 - breathe by 5 on all 50s pull)

Cool down
100 easy
Saturday 12/1 Happy December! NO Sunday practice this week bear down

500 every 4th 25 choice
4x100 @1:40 IMO: 25 kick,50 drill,25 swim
4x25 sprint cycle @:30

6x75 Free @1:05/1:10/1:15
1,2: fast,fast,easy
3,4: easy,fast,fast
5,6: fast,easy,fast

6x25 uw dolphin kick with fins @:35

6x75 IM, no free @1:15/1:20/1:25
1,2: fast,fast,easy
3,4: easy,fast,fast
5,6: fast,easy,fast

6x25 uw dolphin kick with fins @:35

6x75 Free
1,2 @1:00/1:05/1:10
3,4 @:55/1:00/1:05
5,6 @:50/:55/1:00

6x25 uw dolphin kick with fins @:35

4x100 @1:30
1: 3 uw dolphin kicks off each wall
2: 5 dolphin kicks off each wall
3: 7 dolphin kicks off each wall
4: 9 dolphin kicks off each wall

100 easy
Thursday 11/29 South Campus 8-9pm NO SUNDAY! 12/2

300 free
200 IM
100 kick choice
4x25 sprint cycle @:30

500 free descend 100s @6:30

10x50 12.5 yds progression (#4,5,9,10 are all fast) @:50

400 IM, 50 kick, 50 fast swim @7:30

8x50 @:55
1. Fly build
2. Fly/Bk by 25 fast
3. Bk build
4. Bk/brst by 25 fast
5. Brst build
6. Brst/free by 25 fast
7. Free build
8. Free/fly by 25 fast

300 pull @4:30, 50 smooth, 50 fast
4x50 @:50
1,2: 3-4 breaths
3,4: 2-3 breaths

Cool down

100 easy
Sunday 1:30-2:30pm no practice Tuesday or Thursday

500, every 4th 25 is choice
300, 50 IMO, 25 free kick
4x25 sprint cycle @:30

8x50 free @:50
1 fast, 3 pace (+:02 from fast 50)

4x75 kick build, choice @1:30

Rd 1: @:20 free
Rd 2: @:25 IM (2 of each stroke)

100 fast @1:30
Rd 1: Free
Rd 2: IM

100 easy @2:00

Rest 1 min after 1st round

Cool down
100 easy

Saturday have fun

300 free
4x75 k,d,s IMO @1:30
8x50, 1 easy,2 build,1 fast @:50

5x100 @1:15/1:20/1:25
8x25 fast, 2 of each stroke @:30
1 min rest

5x100 pull @1:20/1:25/1:30
8x25 fast kick @:30
1 min rest

5x100 fast IMO,easy free by 25, 5th one=all fast IM @1:30/1:35/1:40
8x25 fast free @:30 (0-1 breaths on #4 and #8)

100 easy
Happy Thanskgiving
Gobble gobble

1x500 pull descend 100s

2x400 50 fly,50 easy free,50 bk,50 Easy Free,50 brst,50 Easy Free,50 Free,50 Easy Free @6:00
1. Fly and Brst=Fast
2. Bk and free=Fast
(If not fast, Other IM 50s are strong.)

3x300 @5:15
Odds: 100 kick,100 skull,100 free
Evens: 100 Kick,100 skull,100 IM

4x200 50 Fast,25 Easy Free,50 Fast,25 easy Free,50 Fast @3:00
Fast 50s:
Odds: IMO by 50
Evens: Free

5x100 Free @1:30
Odds: Fast
Evens: Easy

100 easy
Tuesday 11/20

3x200 every 4th 25 is no free
4x100s choice @1:50/2:00
50 drill/50 swim
6x50s @ 1:00 build/drill 
Build into a fast turn

10x50s @ :55 pull breathing 5/7 by 25
Make sure fingertips enter the water first, catch water at surface! 

Main set:
5x125s @ 2:00 free 
Odds- 75 fast 50 easy
Evens- 75 easy 50 fast
5x75s @ 1:15 
Odd- IM no free
Evens- free 

12x25s @ :35
Odds- underwater
Evens- choice fast

Cool down

Thursday 11/17 "To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift."S.P.

Warm up:
200 skips

4x50 descend 1-4 @:50/1:00
4x50 IMO build,drill @1:00

50 fast @:50
100 IM @1:40
50 fast=IMO
100 IM=Fast 25 is IMO per round

4x75. Odds fly back breast evens back breast free
1x400 IM neg split each stroke all swim extra points or drill/swim 6:45/7:00

6x50 @:55
Easy/fast! (fast=1 breath) (zero extra points) :)

Cool down 
100 easy
Thursday 11/15

400free -75free 25 rimo kick on back
300 pull paddles
6x50free dec 1-3 asc 4-6 :50
4x25 kick fast easy by 25 :35

4x75 @1:10
1x100 @ 1:25
3x75 @1:10
1x100 @1:20
Min rest
2x75 @1:05
1x100 1:15
Min rest
1x75 @ 1:00
1x100 afap

Main set 2
2x200 pull paddles3/5/7/9
2x100 pull paddles 3/5/5/7
2x50 pull paddles 7/9 breathing

100easy cool Down
Tuesday  11/13

400 every 4th 25 choice
200 IM drill swim by 25
100 kick choice
2x50 build @:50

3x100 free descend 1-3 @1:30
4x50 uw to half, 3 fast breakout strokes, rest easy both ways @:50
3x100 kick, choice descend 1-3 @2:10
4x50 dolphin kick on back down, overkick freestyle back @:55
3x100 IM descend 1-3 @1:35
4x50 Free - Odds: Fast, evens: easy @:45
3x100 pull descend 1-3 @1:30
4x50 sculling with flutter kick down, IMO back @1:00

100 easy.  

(2900) if you want to know
Saturday 11/10

300 free
8x50 to easy 2.easy to fast 4.easy :50
4x25 sprint cycle choice :30

100IM/100free 2:10
4x25 kick choice fast! :30

Main set
3x100 IM 1:35
1x500 free 200smooth/100build/100neg split/100fast! 7:00
3x100 IM 1:35
1x600 free 200smooth/200build/100neg split/100fast!

Cool down

Thursday 11/8 IMO night please take the lane lines out when finished

300IM kds by 25
6x50free free dec 1-3 asc 4-6 :50
8x25 2 each stroke :35

4x IMO first round is fly, 2nd back 3rd breast 4th free
2x75 stroke/free/stroke 1:15 last round free on 1:05
3x50 stroke easy fast by 25 1:00 free on :50
4x25 fast break out odds evens fast finish :30/:35breast

2x100 pull paddles 50fast/50easy 1:30

Cool down
100 easy
Tuesday 11/6

Focus: Faster pace freestyle

400 free
300 pull
100 kick choice
3x50 build @:50

5x100 @1:30
1. Long, minimal kick
2. Long, building kick
3. Build
4. Fast, maintain long stroke
5. Fast (try to make fastest 100, or same time as #4)

100 easy @2:30

4x75 @1:10
Goal time: Take fastest 50 free time, double it - maintain long stroke

100 easy @2:30

8x50 @:50
1 easy, 1 build, 2 fast

100 easy @2:30

12x25 @:40
Fast kick on wall for 10 sec, sprint 25

100 easy
Saturday November 3rd lane lines out please and thanks!

400 swim
200 IM drill/swim

100 IM kick on back 
4x25 sprint cycle kick choice
4x25 sprint cycle swim choice

8 x 50s pull paddles @ :50 breath 5/7 by 25 or breath 3/5

Do 4 times: 
rd 1&3 free 2&4 IM for 3x50free 
4 x 25 @ :30/:35
3 x 50 1:00 5breaths total or less the better
1 x 100 1:30 distance per stroke count strokes

Cool down 

100 easy

November 1st Thursday! 

400 free
200 pull
200 IM k drill

3x50 build @:50

Just make freestyle aggressive pace get heart rate up!
1x200 @2:50
2x150 @2:00
3x100 @1:20 
4x50 @:40

8x50 2 each stroke @1:00
Odds: Fast,Easy
Evens: Easy,Fast

8x50 free 
1 fast @1:00
7 pace, +2/3 from fast 50 @:50

4x75 @1:10 uw to half each 25, easy rest of way, IMO 1 of each story

100 easy
Tuesday 10/30

400 free
100 pull paddles
200 k,s by 25 IM

5x100 negative split @1:30
O: IMO, Free by 25
E: Free
2x50 fly kick descend 1-4 @1:05
4x100 IM descend 1-4 @1:30
2x50 Bk kick descend 1-4 @1:05
3x100 Free @1:25
O: Fast
E: Just make
2x50 brst kick descend 1-4 @1:05
2x100 @1:20
1. 50 fast,50 easy
2. 50 easy,50 fast
2x50 free kick descend 1-4 @1:05
4x25 fly :30 easy/fast by 25

100 easy
Saturday morning have fun.
50 25kick/25drill fly/50freestyle/25back kick/drill/50free/25breast kick/1pull 3 kicks drill/50freestyle/25free kick/25 drill :10 seconds rest
3x200 IM odds:50fast/50easy evens:50easy/50fast
4x150 roatate the fast 50 last one is 90 percent effort free 2:00
8x50 fins 25 u/w 25fast choice! :50
4x25free :20
Cool down
4x25 cycle choice :30

2x300---200pull/paddles after drop equipment 100build to fast finish 4:00
3x50 dec 1-3 :50 freestyle
3x200--100pull paddles/ 50easy/50fast! 3:00
6x50free free dec 1-3 asc 4-6 :50
2x100 build to fast finish free 1:30

Tuesday 10/23

300 free
200 IM drill/swim
100 Kick choice
4x25 IMO build each 25 @:30

X4, IMO:
3x50 stroke descend 1-3 @1:00
2x100 fast stroke,smooth free by 25 @1:35
4x25 1&3fast swim stroke, 2&4 kick @:30
Rest 1 min

Cool down
100 easy
Saturday 10/20 5:30am to 6:30am!!

4x25 cycle choice

3x300 4:45-5:00
1. 100cruise. 100build 100 fast
2. Negative split! Second 150 faster than first
3. 100free perfect stroke 100IM 100build to fast finish

10x50 4@:50/45 1 easy swim in between on 1:00 4@:40 free last 1easy swim on 1:00
Want to get crazy intervals on :40 and :35

X2 kick fins
4x25 easy fast by 25 :30 choice
1x100 kick 25 easy/75 fast.

Cool down 100
Thursday 10/18
Back and free
400 free
300 pull
100 kick

8x25 sprint cycle @:30
4 Bk, 4 Free

6x100 free, descend 1-3, ascend 4-6 @1:30
4x50 free kick @1:00
Odds: fast,easy
Evens: easy,fast

8x75 50 build, rest 5 sec, 25 fast @1:15
1-4: free
5-8: Bk

6x50 Bk descend 1-3, ascend 4-6 @1:00
4x50 bk Kick, 8-10 dolphin kicks off each wall @1:00

8x25 fast @:30
Odds: bk
Evens: Free

100 easy
Tuesday's 10/16 fly and breast stroke focus
Remember Saturday 10/20 practice time 5:30-6:30am! Need to be out by 6:30am

400 free
300 k/d/s IM
200 fly,free,brst,free by 50

8x25 sprint cycle (4 fly,4 brst) @:30

4x100 25 fly,25 free @1:30 -fly is build within the 25s.
3x50 fly kick descend 1-3 @1:00

12x50 @1:00
1,3,5: fast fly (or fly,free by 25)
7,9,11: fast brst
Evens: easy free

4x75 (1 pull-3 kick,build,fast by 25) @1:15
3x50 brst kick descend 1-3 @1:00

8x25 3 fast fly, 1 easy free, 3 fast brst, 1 easy free @:30

100 easy
Saturday! 10/13
Next Saturday 10/20 practice is 5:30-6:30am b/c Lyons Pride.

500 every 4th 25 choice
200 IM
100 kick

4x25 sprint cycle
4x50 kick descend 1-4 @1:00

6x100 descend 1-3, 4-6 @1:25/1:35
1-3: free
4-6: IM

20x50 1 easy,1 build, 2 fast @:50
1-4: free
5-8: choice no free
9-12: free
13-16: choice no free
17-20: free

4x75 pull paddles: 25 skull, 50 breath by 7 @1:15
4x25 paddles, no pull buoy, skull on back feet out of water @:10 sec rest

100 easy
Thursday 10/11
400 free
200 IM k/s
4x50 free dec 1-3 #4fast! :50
8x25 sprint cycle kick 4 choice 4 breast :40

3x100 25fast/25easy 1:30
12x50 1. Build 2. Fast to flags 3. Fast through turn 4. All fast do in groups of 4 1:00
20x25 4fast 1. Easy swim :30 4 of each stroke
4x25 half way underwater half way easy swim :30
4x25 free 3fast 1no breath :30
3x100 pull paddles breathing 3/5 by 50 1:30

100 easy
Tuesday 10/9 have fun 

200 skip
4x25 sprint cycle @:30

2x125 free 1:50 50easy/75fast 

5x75 K-D-S by 25 @1:30
Odds: IMO 
Evens: Free

3x100 free @1:30
Rd 1: 25 fast,25 easy
Rd 2: move fast 50 
Rd 3: descend 1-3 

3x50 IMO descend 1-3 by rd (no free) @:1:00
1 min rest


100 easy
Thursday 10/4  please remember lths girls swim meet will run late due to senior night please plan on getting in around 8:30-8:45pm latest!

400 free
300 pull
200 IM drill/swim by 25
4x25 spring cycle @:30

200 free: 100 fast, 100 easy @3:00
2x100 fly fast,Bk,brst,fly fast by 25 @1:40
100 fast,easy kick by 25 @2:00

200 free: 100 easy,100 fast @3:00
2x100 Bk Fast,brst,free,Bk fast @1:40
100 fast,easy kick by 25 @2:00

200 free all fast @3:00
2x100 brst Fast,Free,fly,brst Fast @1:40
100 fast,easy kick by 25 @2:00

4x50 pull paddles breathing 5/7 :50

100 easy
No practice Saturday 10/6
Tuesday night 10/2

500 every 4th 25 choice
300 k,d,s IM
3x50 build @:50

75 long and strong, 50 build,75 fast @3:00

4x75 kick
Easy fast easy by 25 odds the evens are fast easy fast by 25 fins if needed.

8x25 2 of each stroke @:30
Odds: fast breakout
Evens: Fast finish

5x100 pull @1:30
Odds: Fast
Evens: Smooth

8x25 Kick on back, fast swim by 25 IMO @:30

6x50 2 fast,1 easy free @:50

100 easy
Saturday 9/28

3x200 75free/25 is kick on back 3:00
3x100 dec 1-3 1:30
4x25 sprint cycle choice :30

4x50 1:00 choice 25easy/25fast

Main set
8x75 @1:10 free
First 25 strong but controlled 75 percent
Second 25 sprint only 1/2 breaths max
Last/3rd 25 no breath or single if needed.

12x50 2. Fast no more 3 breaths 3. Easy repeat :50

12x25 3fast 1easy. You pick how you'd like to do. Keep all 4 same stroke.

Thursday 9/27
400 free
4x50 build @:50

X4 IMO: Fast=stroke IMO
4x75 fast,easy,fast @1:15 IMO 1:25 easy can be free
4x50 free @:50
4x25 Fast stroke @:30

100 easy
Tuesday 9/25
300 free
300 pull
100 IM
4x25 sprint cycle @:30

6x50 @:50, 2 fast, 1 easy free
300 paddles with constant kick @4:30

Rest :30-1:00

6x50 @:50 2 fast, 1 easy free
Fly, bk, free (easy), breast, free, free (easy) by 50
3x100 IM  @1:40

Rest :30-1:00

6x50 2 fast, 1 easy 1:00 stroke choice
4x75 25 Kick on back , 50 overkick swim @1:30

100 easy
Saturday 6-7am

200 swim, IM, pull, and swim
8x25 4free/4choice sprint cycle :30

Kick fins
4x75 fast/easy/fast by 25 @1:20

Main set x3 free choice free
6x25 1easy 2build 3 fast :30
4x50 best average (FAST) :50
6x25 4fast 2easy :30

Cool down 100
400 free
200 drill,swim IM
3x50 dec 1-3 

Rd.1: Free
Rd.2: IM

200 @4:00/4:30
3x100 descend @1:20/1:35
100 @2:30/3:00
4x50 build @:50
100 free @1:20/1:15 
2x25 all out fast pick stroke . :40

Cool down 
100 easy
9/18/2018 Tuesday

No PRACTICE tonight!!

300 free
300 pull
200 IM drill/swim

3x50 build @:50

3x100 IM @1:40
4x50 paddles free @:50

3x100 freestyle @1:30
8x25 dolphin kick on back, 8-10 uw kicks before surfacing @:35

3x100 IM @1:40
4x50 fast free walls and breakouts focus @:50

3x100 rotate fast 50 free, rest easy free @1:30
4x25 sprint freestyle  @:30

100 easy
Saturday 9/15 from 5:30-6:30am girls need to be in at 6:30. Cheers
Joke of the month why don't vegetarians like swimming?

4x25 sprint cycle choice :30

Main set
3x500 @7:30 1.& 3 free 200smooth relaxed rest :10 200build rest :10 100fast!
2. Is 200IM kick/drill rest :10 100free 200IM build/fast 8:00

8x50 end breathing pattern pull :55/:50 3/5 challenge 5/7 extra hard 7/9.

100cool down

(Answer they hate meets)
LTHS girls home meet tonight. Be patient as we may be getting in later than 8pm.

300 free
300 pull
100 IM

300 free descend the 100s @4:15
2x200 fast,easy by 25
1. IM @3:00
2. Free @2:40
3x100 IMO, freestyle by 25 @1:45
1. Fly
2. Bk
3. Brst
4x50 3 fast,1 easy free @:50 free
3x100 IMO, free by 25 @1:45
1. Fly
2. Bk
3. Brst
2x200 fast,easy by 25
1. Freestyle 2:50
2. Pull @3:00
8x25 4free 4 choice keeping all same stroke :40 2easy 2fast
100 easyUu
Tuesday 9/11 Have Fun
300 pull paddles
3x50 build :50
3x200 move fast 100 @3:00
4x75 kick/swim/kick by 25 @1:20 fins
1 min rest
5x100 @1:30 6fast 6easy strokes free
4x75 pull descend 1-4 @1:10
1 min rest
8x50 2 of each stroke: 1 build, 1 fast @:50
4x25 all out IM :30

100 easy
Choice day Saturday 5:30-6:30am south keep looking at the calendar. 

200 SKIP (swim,kick,IM,pull)

 4x 50 Maximum Distance per Stroke (MDPS) 1:00

12 x 25   odds: Drill :40
            evens: Build choice of stroke 

4x25 same stroke as the 12 all fast! 

5 x 50 Minumum Stroke Maximun Effort choice 1:00

5 x 50 breathing 5/7 by 25 pull :55

12 x 25  odds: MDPS choice choice :40
              evens: Fast 

5 x 50 Long Arms Fast Kick overkick freestyle 1:00 

12 x 25 1build 3fast choice :40

3x100s pull paddles cool down breathing 3,5,7,9 if not do 3,5.5,3 on the 1:35

50 easy 
8-9pm at NORTH campus

300 free
200 pull
200 IM
2x50 build@:55

6x100 descend 1-3, ascend 1-3 @1:30
6x75 @1:20
1,4: 50 fly,25 Bk
2,5: 50 Bk,25 brst
3,6: 50 brst,25 free

Rest 1 min

4x100 pull @1:35 descend 1-4
6x50 kick fina descend 1-3 @1:00

Rest 1 min

2x100 fast,easy by 25 @1:25
8x25 IMO @:30
Odds: Build
Evens: Fast

100 easy
Remember Tuesdays and Thursdays shallow end
Saturday 9/8 and 9/15 masters will be 5:30-6:30am. The high school girls will be getting in right at 6:30am

9/4 workout
300 free
4x50 build free @:55
4x50 IMO build,easy @1:00
4x25 sprint cycle all 4 same stroke :30

1x100 50 fly,25 free,25 fly @1:45 fly 1:40bk 1:45 breast free1:30
200 free build each 50 @ 3:00
3x50 fly descend 1-3 @1:00
100 negative split @1:30
4x25 fly, 3 fast, 1 easy free @:30

Rest 1 min

X3 IMO by rd (fly/back/breast)

100 easy
Saturday 6-7am

200 Swim
200 pull
200 IM drill
6 x 50 free on 1:00 dec 1-3 ascend 4-6.
6/4 x 300 @4:45

  • #1 all free
  • #2 100 free/100 IM/100 free
300 Easy

Total = 3000/2400
Have fun Thursday

500 every 4th 25 choice
300 pull
3x50 build @:45

400 IMO/free by 25 @6:30
4x100 @1:30 free focus holding under 1:20
Rest 1 min
300 IM, build within each 75 @4:30
4x75 Build free @1:05
Rest 1 min
200 free by negative split @3:00
4x50 descend 1-4 free @:45 free
Rest 1 min
100 IM fast @1:30

100 easy
3/2 x 150 dec 1-3
3/2 x 150 pull breathe by 3
3/2 x 150 25 IMO/25 streamline kick on back (6-8 dolphin kicks u/w first)

4 x 25 FAST FR @ :30 

3 x 100 dec 1-3
3 x 100 pull breathe by 5 1:35
3 x 100 IM dec 1-3 1:45

4 x 25 FAST FR @ :25

3 x 50 dec 1-3
3 x 50 pull breathe by 7
3 x 50 IMA (FL/BK; BK/BR; BR/FR)

4 x 25 FAST FR @ :25


Saturday 8/25

400 free
300 pull
200 IM drill/swim
4x25 sprint cycle choice

6x75 kick,drill,build by 25 1:20

4x100 free rotate fast 50, 4th one is fast @1:30
Rest 1 min

6x50 five uw dolphin kicks to 3 break out strokes, rest easy both ways 1:00
Rest 1 min

4x100 IM rotate fast 50, 4th one is fast 1:40
Rest 1 min

6x50 IMO no free, 2 of each stroke 1:00
Fly,Bk: 5 uw dolphin kicks to 3 fast break out strokes each way, rest is easy free for fly or do it all fly
Brst: 2 uw pullouts to 3 fast breakout strokes, rest is easy

100 easy
Thursday 8/23

400 free
4x50 IMO drill/swim @1
3x200 free descend 1-3 @3:10
5x100 drill/swim by 25 @1:45
Odds: RIMO
Evens: free
2x50 build free 1:00

4x100 freestyle strong but effortless 1:25
Rest :30
4x75 IMO build 2. Back 3.breast @1:20
Rest :30
3x50 fly/back 2. Back/breast 3. Breast free @1
Rest :30
4x100 free pull @ 1:40 recover

100 easy
Warm up-
400 stretch it out
3 x 100 @ 1:35 d 1-3
8 x 25 @ :40 sprint cycle
4 free, 4 choice

Kick set
12 x 25s @ :40 kick choice
3 fast 1 easy

Skill set
8x50s @ 1:00
Turns are fast!!
12x25s @ :35 all choice
Odds- breakouts
Evens- finishes

3 x 100 @ 1:30/1:40 free 
rotate the fast 50
4 x 25 @ :35 breakouts
6 x 75 @ 1:10/1:15 IM no free
Rotate fast 25, technique focus
4 x 25 @ :30 finishes choice
3 x 50 @ :50/:55 choice d1-3

4 x 25 @ :30 all fast choice 

100 easy (3,050)

Saturday 8/18

3x200 1free 2 IM drill/swim 3rd is choice :15 seconds rest
3x100 free descend 1-3 1:30
4x50 sprint cycle free 1

Main set x2 2nd round the 25s can be choice
6x75 free
50 build/25fast 1:05-1:10
8x25 free :30
1easy1build 2fast
Second set
16x25 8free 8 choice
4 @:30 4 @:25
Choice 4@:35 4-:30

150 cool down

Thursday 8/16/2018

500 every 4th 25 choice
300 pull
100 IM

2x50 build

4x50 fly
200 pull: 75 breath by 3, 75 breath by 5, 50 breath by 7 (with paddles)

3x100 Bk
200 pull: 75 breath by 3, 75 breath by 5, 50 breath by 7 (with paddles)

4x50 brst
200 pull: 75 breath by 3, 75 breath by 5, 50 breath by 7 (with paddles)

3x100 free
200 pull: 75 breath by 3, 75 breath by 5, 50 breath by 7 (with paddles)

100easy/200 easy is 3,000

8/14/2018 practice

Welcome Back Lyons Masters!

Tuesday 8/14/2018 Have Fun

8x50 pull breathing by 3 or 5 1:00-1:10
4x25 cycle choice :30
4x100 free dec 1-4 1:30
4x100IM rotate fast 25 1:45

6x50 non free dec 1-3 4-6 @1
6x50 free dec 1-3 4-6 @1
4x50 r side kick down l side kick back @1:00
8x25 worst stroke @:30 3 fast 1 easy
8x25 best stroke @:30 3 fast 1 easy 

100 easy

Saturday 5/26

Masters 5/26/18

300 swim

2:01 challenge
You will roughly do 25 100’s on a decreasing send off. Let’s suppose you start the first on 00:00. You need to finish the 100 by 2:00. Every 100 needs to be in by the double zeroes. The next 100 would start at 2:01 and you would have to be in by the 4:00. The third 100 would leave on the 4:02 (one second later than the previous one) and you need to be in by the 6:00. For each additional 100 you have 1 more second of rest and one less second to complete the swim. To make sure everyone gets down to a challenging time lanes will be given different starting times. Most of you will start around the 0:25 so you have 1:35 to complete the first 100 and the second one will start at the 26.  Exact starting time will be assigned in the morning. 

Thursday 5/24

Masters 5/24/18

Warm up-
300 free
200 pull
200 IM, drill, swim
100 kick 
4x50 build,swim IMO @:50

Main set-
2x250, 50 fast,75 smooth @ 3:50
4x50 kick @ 1:00
Odds: fast,easy
Evens: easy,fast

4x125 descend 1-4 @ 1:45
4x50 pull @ :50, breathe by 5

5x100 IM rotate the fast 25, last one is  all fast @ 1:45
4x50 Free @ :45

100 easy

Tuesday 5/22/18

Masters 5/22/18

Warm up-
400 Free 50 swim/25 drill/25 kick
6 x 100 @ 2:00 IM                           
odds - 25 drill/25 kick
evens - 25 kick/25 drill

Kick set: 2 times thru (500)
1x100 @ 2:10 streamline kick on back, focus on good kick technique
6x25s fast free @ :30

Main set: (1600)
4 X 50 @ :50 Free
  1 drill
  1 build 
  2 fast
3 X 100 @ 1:45 50 back/50 breast
Descend 1-4
4 X 50 @ 1:00 stroke no free
3 X 125 @ 2:15 IM
    50 of best stroke
4 X 50 @ :50 Free
3 X 100 @ 1:45 50 breast/50 Free
Descend 1-4
4 X 50 @ 1:00 stroke no Free

Cool down

Saturday 5/19/18

Masters Saturday 5/19/18

Warm up-
1x400 swim
3x200s @ 3:15 pull, build, breath 3,5 by 25
4x50s @ 1:00 25 drill/swim IMO

Kick set-
5x100s @ 1:45/2:00 with fins alternate 25 right side kick, 25 left side kick, 50 streamline kick

Main set-
1x300 swim @ 4:15
4x50s choice @ 1:00
1x200 swim @ 3:15
4x50s choice @ 1:00
2x100s swim @ 1:20
4x50s free @ :55

100 easy

Thursday 5/17/18

Masters 5/17/18

Warm up- (1000)
300 free
200 IM kick/drill 
100: 50 kick,50 Swim 
8x25 sprint cycle @ :30
4 free, 4 no free 
4x50 Free build,swim @ :50

Main set- (2200)
4x100 negative split @ 1:30
8x25s kick fast @ :30
8x50s 1 drill, 3 swim @ :50
8x25s kick fast @ :30
8x50s 1 drill, 3 swim @ :45
8x25s fast free @ :30
4x100s @ 2:00 alternate 25 flutter kick on back/25 IMO swim no free 50

100 easy

Tuesday 5/15/18

Masters Tuesday 5/15/18


Warm up:(1200)
400 free
300 pull, breathe by 3
200 kick, build within each 50
100 IM drill

8x25 @:30 sprint cycle
4 free, 4 choice

Main set:(1800)
3x200 @3:10 descend 1-3
1 min rest
2@1:35...25 stroke/75 Free 
2@1:25 all free fast
1 min rest
12x50 @:50
Odds: fast, Evens: easy
Fast=IMO, no free

100 swim easy

Saturday 5/12/18

Masters 5/12/18

Warm up-
3x150s @ 2:45
50 swim/50drill/50 kick
2x200s @ 3:20 pull, build, breath 3,5 by 25

Skill set-
8x50s @ 1:00...2 of each stroke
Count strokes each 25, negative split 50 and keep stroke count the same each 25

Main set:
Do 4Xs:
4 x 25 @ :45 strong, good distance per stroke, odds- start with 10 second wall kick
Evens- start with 10 second vertical kick
2 x 100 @ 1:45 negative split (second 50 faster than the first)
2 x 50s @ :50 all out
1 x 100 Easy @ 3:00

Rd 1- free 
Rd 2- choice
Rd 3- free with fins
Rd 4- choice

Cool down

Tuesday 5/8/18

Tuesday 5/8/18

Warm up (1300)-
300 swim- distance per stroke
300 kick- 25 fast/25 easy
3x100s @ 1:30 build
4x50s @ 1:00 build/drill IMO
8x25s @ :30 IMO build to a sprint

Kick set (500)-
1x100 @ 2:10 70%
2x75s @ 1:30 80%
3x50 @ 1:00 90%

4x25s @ :30 100%

Distance group- (1500)
1x400 @ 6:00
2x200s @ 3:00
4X100s @ 1:30
6x50s @ :50
All swims should have 3 or more dolphin kicks on the UW’s and NO breathing on the breakouts. As distance gets shorter, speed and intensity should increase (50s should be 100%).