Saturday 12/28

WARM UP: 1000

500 choice w/fins (50 drill / 50 swim)

3 x 100 FR pull w/paddles (breathing 3's)

4 x 50 choice kick w/board (no fins, fast)

MAIN SET: 1600 [800]

[1] 2 x 200 FR (MDPS)

[1] 2 x 200 FR (50 no FR / 150 FR)

[1] 2 x 200 FR (150 FR swim / 50 FR kick)

[1] 2 x 200 IMS (25 IMO / 25 FR)

Thursday 12/26

WARM UP: 900 [600]

[300] 500 ([50]100 TSFGC-up / 25 IMO drill)

[3] 4 x 50 FR pull (breathing 3's)

[3] 4 x 50 choice kick w/board

MAIN SET: 1600 [omit 50's kick for 1400]

3 x 200 FR w/fins (MDPS, long smooth strokes, ride your legs) @  :10 rest

     50 FR kick (streamline on back)

4 x 100 IM (odds: 4-4-4/8, evens: FAST) @ :05 rest

     50 FL kick (arms at side on back)

5 x 50 FR w/paddles (slow arms, fast feet) @  :10 rest

     50 FR kick (streamline on back)

6 x 25 IMO-FR (odds: MDPS, evens: FAST) @ :05 rest

     50 FL kick (arms at side on back)

Saturday 12/21

WARM UP: 700

400 choice (50 drill / 50 swim)

4 x 75 choice (25 scull / 25 swim / 25 kick)

MAIN SET: 2100

400 FR pull w/paddles

2 x 200 FR swim w/paddles

4 x 100 FR (25 fist / 50 swim / 25 kick)

200 IMS

2 x 100 IM

4 x 50 IMO

100 FR (build)

2 x 50 FR w/fins (6 fast strokes off each wall)

4 x 25 FR w/fins & paddles (fast)

Thursday 12/19

                                 Don't forget about dry land with Troy from 7:30-8:00

Warm Up: 800

300 choice (50 drill / 50 fist)

     4 x 25 scull

300 kick w/fins & board

     4 x 25 scull

Main Set: 1800

Do two rounds of the following, I recommend doing the 50’s IMO;

50 choice fast w/dive
150 FR (MDPS, shoot for 15-20 strokes a length)

50 choice fast w/dive
250 FR (MDPS, shoot for 15-20 strokes a length)

50 choice fast w/dive
350 FR (MDPS,shoot for 15-20 strokes a length)

Triple Practice - December 2013

By popular demand...

Please join us at Wild Monk (88 S. La Grange Road, La Grange, IL) after dryland/practice (12/19) for a little social get-together.

No purchase necessary.

Wild Monk's Thursday Specials:

$9 Signature Cocktails
$1 OFF DRAFTS & 1/2 Priced Wings 

Tuesday 12/17

WARM UP: 1050

400 TSFGC-up w/fins

6 x 75 pull
     Odds: IM-FR
     Evens: FR

8 x 25 choice kick w/board

     Odds: fast
     Evens: easy

MAIN SET: 1600 [800]

[4] 8 x 100 IM (hold best average) @ :30 rest

[4] 8 x 100 FR @ IM best average

Saturday 12/14

WARM UP: 1000

300 IM drill
200 FR pull

300 IM (25 scull / 50 swim)
200 FR swim w/fist

MAIN SET: 1800 [900]

[4] 8 x 25 FR kick w/board (fast)

[4] 8 x 50 FR swim (3 strokes 6 kicks on side)

[4] 8 x 25 FR kick streamline w/fins (fast)

[4] 8 x 100 FR swim (build each 100)

[4] 8 x 25 FR swim w/fins (fast, start H-up and go into FR)

Thursday 12/12

WARM UP: 1000 [for short work out skip warm up and go straight to main set]

        100 TSFGC-up
4 x {100 choice drill (no FR)
        50 IMO kick

MAIN SET: 1750 [short work out do IM as drill]

[drill] 200 IM

     5 x 50 FR pull w/paddles (fast)

[drill] 2 x 150 IM-FR

     5 x 50 FR streamline kick w/fins (fast)

[drill] 3 x 100 IM

     5 x 50 FR swim w/fins & paddles (fast)

[drill] 4 x 50 IMO

Tuesday 12/10


20min choice (no stopping)


200 IM drill

4 x 50 FL w/fins

4 x 50 BK pull

4 x 50 BR kick w/board

200 FR drill

4 x 50 @ :15 rest

4 x 50 @  :10 rest

4 x 50 @ :05 rest

Thursday 12/5

WARM UP: 1000

400 choice (50 drill / 50 swim)

300 FR pull

200 choice kick

100 IM (4-4-4/8)

MAIN SET: 1500 [750]

[3] 6 x 100 FR (first 25 IMO-FR)

[3] 6 x 75 FR (first 25 IMO-FR)

[3] 6 x 50 FR (first 25 IMO-FR)

[3] 6 x 25 IMO-FR

Tuesday 12/3

WARM UP: 800

400 FR w/fins (100 TSFGC-up / 100 MDPS)

8 x 50 choice kick (streamline on back)

MAIN SET: 1750 [1250]

[100] 200 FR swim
     2 x 25 choice fast

[100] 200 FR pull
     4 x 25 choice fast

[100] 200 FR kick w/board (no fins)
     6 x 25 choice fast

[100] 200 FR pull
     8 x 25 choice fast

[100] 200 FR swim
     10 x 25 choice fast

Saturday 11/30

WARM UP: 600

600 choice

MAIN SET: 2050 [1450]

[8] 10 x 25 FL w/fins (easy, fast by 25)

[6] 8 x 75 IM-FL (25 BK / 25 BR / 25 FR)
       #1 & 5: BK fast
       #2 & 6: BR fast
       #3 & 7: FR fast
       #4 & 8: all kick

[4] 6 x 200 FR (descend 1-3, 4-6.  Make 6 faster than 3)
      #1-3: pull
      #4-6: swim

Thanksgiving 11/28

WARM UP: 1000 [500, only do 50's]

10 x 50 choice (drill, swim, drill, kick, drill)

20 x 25 IMO (5 of each stroke, build 1-5)

MAIN SET: 1800 [1350]

100 FR pull (MDPS, get stroke count)

[150] 200 FR pull w/paddles (MDPS, hold count)

[200] 300 FR swim w/paddles (MDPS, -1 from count)

100 IM

[150] 200 IMS

[200] 300 FR

100 choice kick w/board

[150] 200 FR kick w/board & fins

[200] 300 FR swim w/fins (3 FL kicks off walls)

Tuesday 11/26

Votes are in.  We will have a optional dry land practice with Lyons Swim Club's strength and conditioning coach Troy Dequaine right before practice from 7:30-8:00.  

Some long easy swimming with a little speed mixed in to stretch you out after dry land

500 FR w/fins (50 drill / 50 MDPS)

500 (50 IMO build / 75 FR)

500 FR (25 left arm / 25 right arm / 25 fist / 50 MDPS)

500 (25 choice fast / 75 FR)

500 FR pull w/paddles

Saturday 11/23

WARM UP: 800

300 choice

2 x 250 (50 FL drill / 50 FR kick / 50 BK drill / 50 FR kick / 50 BR drill)

MAIN SET: 1700 [1100]

3 x 200 IM (build each 200)            [3 x 150 IMS]

4 x 150 IMS (25 MDPS / 25 fast)   [4 x 100 IM]

5 x 100 FR (odds: fast, evens: easy) [5 x 50 FR]

Thursday 11/21

WARM UP: 1000

400 TSFGC-up w/fins

300 IM (25 left arm / 25 right arm / 25 drill)

200 FR kick w/board (no fins)

100 IM

MAIN SET: 1500 [1000]

Either you like breaststroke work or you need breaststroke work.  The idea of this set is to work on distance off your walls in the first set of 100's and then maintain that distance on the second set of 100's.  On the odd 25's work on distance per stroke and maintain that on the evens.  

[4] 6 x 100 FR (double pullout off 1st & 3rd turn, flip all turns)

[4] 6 x 100 FR (pullout +1 BR stroke off 1st & 3rd turn, flip all turns)

[8] 12 x 25 BR 

     Odds: 2k1p no pullout (get a stroke count)
     Evens: swim w/ pullout (hold stroke count)

Double Practice - November 2013

Please join us at Brixie's (9526 Ogden Avenue, Brookfield, IL) after practice (11/21) for a little social get-together.

No purchase necessary.

Brixie's Thursday Specials: 

50 Cent Wings (Dressing & Veggies .50 Each)
$2 PBR Tallboys
$3 Shots of Buffalo Trace Bourbon

Tuesday 11/19

WARM UP: 900 [600]

[200] 300 (50 drill / 50 swim)

[200] 300 pull

[200] 300 kick

MAIN SET: 1600 [1200]

Each set of 16 done as ([3] 4 x 25 fast, [3] 4 x 25 MDPS, [3] 4 x 25 build, [3] 4 x 25 half fast / half easy)
choice of equipment

[12] 16 x 25 FL

[12] 16 x 25 BK

[12] 16 x 25 BR

[12] 16 x 25 FR

Saturday 11/16

LONG: 2500     SHORT: 2000

[400] 500 choice (50 drill / 50 swim)

2 x [200] 250 FR pull w/paddles

[4] 5 x 100 IM (descend 1-5)

[8] 10 x 50 FR kick w/fins & board

[16] 20 x 25 choice (25 easy, 25 fast)

Meatheads Tomorrow!

When you eat at Meatheads anytime tomorrow, November 15th, Meatheads will donate 10% of the net sales back to Lyons Swim Club. 

Meatheads Willowbrook
7137 S Kingery Highway • Willowbrook, IL 60527 • 630-325-6608 

Just let them know you're with Lyons Swim Club at checkout.

Thursday 11/14

Per request we will take out the lane lines in the deep end and have a X-Training practice

WARM UP: 1000

800 FR w/fins (straight swim no stopping)

Shallow: 200 choice kick w/board (no fins)

Deep: width 200 (push-out / dive-in)


Shallow:  AMRAP (try and get through 4-5x)

50 no FR

100 IM

150 FR

Deep:  AMRAP

X-Train course

Tuesday 11/12

WARM UP: 900

     {200 TSFGC-up
2 x{150 IM-FR drill
     {100 choice

MAIN SET: 1900 [1300]

6 x 25 FL w/fins

     [1] 3 x 100 IM (kick one length streamline on your back in each 100, your choice what length)

5 x 50 BK pull NO paddles

     [1]  3 x 100 IM (kick one length streamline on your back in each 100, your choice what length)

4 x 75 BR (25 3k1p / 25 2k1p / 25 swim)

     [1]  3 x 100 IM (kick one length streamline on your back in each 100, your choice what length)

3 x 100 FR swim w/paddles

Saturday 11/9

WARM UP: 1000

500 choice w/fins (50 drill / 50 swim)

3 x 100 FR pull w/paddles (breathing 3's)

4 x 50 choice kick w/board (no fins, fast)

MAIN SET: 1600 [800]

[1] 2 x 200 FR (MDPS)

[1] 2 x 200 FR (50 no FR / 150 FR)

[1] 2 x 200 FR (150 FR swim / 50 FR kick)

[1] 2 x 200 IMS (25 IMO / 25 FR)

Thursday 11/7

WARM UP: 900 [750]

600 choice (straight swim no stopping)

           {25 FL kick (3 streamline kicks under water off wall, then arms at side on back at surface)
[2] 4 x {25 FR kick (field goal position on stomach, start fast finish easy)
           {25 FR swim (H-up fast)
                                     *all 25's done with fins*

MAIN SET: 1600 [1200]

100 FR (MDPS)
100 FL/FR (3 FL strokes fast off of each wall, easy FR rest of the length)
100 FL/FR (25 FL fast / 25 FR easy)
100 FL/FR (50 FL fast / 50 FR easy)

100 FR (MDPS)
100 BK/FR (6 BK strokes fast off of each wall, easy FR rest of the length)
100 BK/FR (25 BK fast / 25 FR easy)
100 BK/FR (50 BK fast / 50 FR easy)

100 FR (MDPS)
100 BR/FR (3 BR strokes fast off of each wall, easy FR rest of the length)
100 BR/FR (25 BR fast / 25 FR easy)
100 BR/FR (50 BR fast / 50 FR easy)

[skip] 4 x 100 IM (descend 1-4)

Tuesday 11/5

WARM UP: 1000 [500]

[1] 2 x 500 choice (25 scull / 75 drill / 25 swim)

MAIN SET: 1500

4 x 50 FR (MDPS, set interval that gives you :10 rest)

     100 FR kick w/board & fins (build)

4 x 50 FR (subtract :05 from interval on first set of 50's)

     100 choice kick (streamline on back, no fins)

4 x 50 FR (subtract :10 from interval on first set of 50's)

     100 FR kick w/board & fins (build)

4 x 50 FR (subtract :15 from interval on first set of 50's)

     100 choice kick (streamline on back, no fins)

4 x 50 FR (at interval from first set of 50's, hold faster than 4th set of 50's

     100 FR kick w/board & fins (build)

Mark Your Calendars!

Tri Smart Masters Meet
Date:  December 15
Location:  Lemont, IL
Fees:  $5 meet surcharge per swimmer.  $5 per event.
Events:  500 free, 100 breast, 50 back, 100 fly, 200 IM, 100 free, 50 breast, 100 back, 50 free, 50 fly, 100 IM, and 200 free

Lattof Masters Swim Meet
Date:  January 12
Location:  Des Plaines, IL
Fees:  $5 per event.  Deck Entries ($5 deck entry fee + $5 per event).  $7 per relay.
Events:  200 free, 100 fly, 200 Mixed Medley Relay, 50 back, 100 free, 200 Medley Relays, 50 breast, 100 Individual Medley, 50 fly, 200 free relay, 100 back, 50 free, 100 breast, Mixed Free Relay

Date:  January 26
Location:  Lemont, IL
Fees:  $30 Advanced Entry.  $40 Event Day Entry.
Events:  100x100s on the 100 (10,000 yards total), 100x75s on the 100 (7,500 yards total), 100x50s on the 100 (5,000 yards total)

St. Charles Super Bowl Masters Swim Meet
Date:  February 2
Location:  St. Charles, IL
Fees:  $15 for three or less events.  $20 for four events.  $25 for five events.
Events:  500 free-mix, 400 IM-mix, 100 IM, 100 fly, 50 breast, 100 free, 50 back, 100 breast, 50 free, 100 breast, 50 free, 100 back, 50 fly, 200 free, 200 IM-mix

Saturday 11/2

WARM UP: 1000

400 TSFGC-up w/fins

300 IM (25 left arm / 25 right arm / 25 swim)

200 FR pull w/paddles (breathing 3's)

100 choice kick w/board (no fins)

MAIN SET: 1500 [1000]

           {6 x 25 choice no FR (1/2 length fast / 1/2 length easy)
[2] 3 x {3 x 50 FR (build each 50)
           {200 IMS (25 MDPS / 25 FR fast kick)

Thursday 10/31

WARM UP:  1200 [900]

[200] 300 (50 FR / 50 BK) swim w/fins
100 FR kick w/board (no fins)

[2] 3 x 100 FR (25 left arm / 25 right arm / 50 fist)
100 FR kick no board (25 streamline on BK / 25 field goal position on stomach)

[4] 6 x 50 FR (odds: fast, evens: TSFGC-up)
100 FR kick w/board (no fins)


30min. swim (keep track of your yards)

Double Practice - October 2013

Please join us at Kenny's (917 West 55th Street, Countryside, IL) after Thursday's practice. 

Kenny's Thursday Specials:
$3 U-Call-It's *no shots & no rocks*
$4.95 Wraps (Chicken Caesar, or Buffalo Chicken) w/fries or chips

Happy Halloween!

Missing Suit

Ladies - Did anyone pick up a blue and red TYR suit in the locker room Tuesday night? Mary seems to have left her suit behind. 

If you have it, please bring it to Thursday's practice or email to let us know you have it.


Tuesday 10/29

WARM UP: 800 [400]

[4] 8 x 100 RIMO (25 scull / 25 left arm / 25 right arm / 25 streamline kick on back)

*do 2 x 100 for each stroke, on the first one keep the off arm out in front and on the second one keep the off arm at your side for the one arm 25's*

MAIN SET: 2000 [1500]

[300] 400 FR pull w/paddles (breathing 3's)

[6] 8 x 50 FR (50 MDPS, 50 build, 50 min/max, 50 TSFGC-up)
*get stroke count on MDPS. min/max is minimum strokes maximum speed so hold MDPS count and go as fast as possible.*

[300] 400 FR swim (MDPS)

[12] 16 x 25 FR (6 / 9 / 12 / 15 fast H-up strokes off wall by 25, rest of 25 is easy FR)

[300] 400 FR swim w/fins (3 FL kicks off all walls)


Saturday 10/26

WARM UP: 1200

     {200 TSFGC-up
2 x{150 IMS (25 drill / 25 swim)
     {150 IM-FR (25 swim / 25 kick streamline on back)

8 x 25 FR kick w/board (fast, no fins)

MAIN SET: 1400 [800]

Descend the FR swim by distance so the 200 is easy and the 50 is fast.  On the IM-FR 75's hold a steady stroke count on every single 75 throughout the set, shoot for 12 or less strokes for FL & BR 16 or less on FR 

200 FR

   [1] 3 x 75 IM-FR (MDPS) @ :10 rest

150 FR

    [1] 3 x 75 IM-FR (MDPS) @ :10 rest

100 FR

   [1] 3 x 75 IM-FR (MDPS) @ :10 rest

50 FR

    [1] 3 x 75 IM-FR (MDPS) @ :10 rest

Thursday 10/24

WARM UP: 500

500 choice stroke (100 drill / 100 kick / 100 swim / 100 kick / 100 drill)

MAIN SET: 1500 [1000]

On the 100's pick a interval that gives you about :10 rest while swimming relaxed and that will be your interval for the 75's, 50's, and 25's.  As the distance gets shorter the speed should increase (i.e. 100's easy, 25's fast)

[4] 6 x 100 FR (MDPS)

[4] 6 x 75 FR (5 push-ups after each 75)

          -1:00 break-

[4] 6 x 50 FR (5 push-ups, 10 squats after each 50)

          -1:00 break-

[4] 6 x 25 FR (5 push-ups, 10 squats, 15 crunches after each 25)

Tuesday 10/22

WARM UP: 900

300 FR (50 TSFGC-up / 25 swim)

3 x 100 IM drill

6 x 50 choice kick w/board

MAIN SET: 1600 [1000 skip the 300,200,100 after the 4 rounds]

       { 25
 4 x { 50       } @ :05 rest between each distance
       { 75
       { 100

Round #1:  all FR                            Round #2: 25 FL
                                                                          50 (25 BK / 25 FR)
                                                                          75 (25 BR / 50 FR)
                                                                          100 FR

Round #3: 25 FL                            Round #4: 25 FL
                  50 BK                                             50 BK 
                  75 (50 BR / 25 FR)                         75 BR
                  100 FR                                           100 FR

300 IMS (25 IMO / 50 FR)
200 IMS (25 IMO / 25 FR) }  @ :20 rest (IM is fast / FR is easy)
100 IM

Saturday 10/19 *5:45 START*

This Saturday's practice will be 5:45-6:45 because of the Lyons Pride swim meet.

We will use Thursday's practice.

Thursday 10/17

LT Girls Swim Team has their senior night tonight so we are going to keep things relatively short and simple because there is a good chance we may get in a little late.

WARM UP: 500

500 (100 TSFGC-up / 100 IM left arm only / 100 choice / 100 IM right arm only / 100 TSFGC-up)

MAIN SET: 1800 [1300]

[6] 8 x 100 FR pull w/paddles (breathing 3's)

[8] 12 x 50 kick w/fins
     odds: FR w/board
     evens: FL streamline underwater

[12] 16 x 25 FR w/paddles & fins
     odds: MDPS (get stroke count)
     evens: Sprint (hold stroke count from MDPS) 

Spirit Wear Is In!

If you order any Masters spirit wear it will be available for pick up at tonight's practice.  

Tuesday 10/15

WARM UP: 1200 [900]

[200] 300 FR ([25] 50 TSFGC-up / 25 swim)
     4 x 25 scull

[200] 300 FR pull w/paddles
     4 x 25 IMO (4-4-4/8)

[200] 300 TNT w/fins
     4 x 25 FR (1/2 length H-up / 1/2 length fast)

MAIN SET: 1400 [1050]

[25] 50 FL swim
     50 FR kick

[50] 100 swim (50 FL / 50 BK)
     2 x 50 FR kick

[75] 150 swim (50 FL / 50 BK / 50 BR)
     3 x 50 FR kick

[100] 200 IM swim
     4 x 50 FR kick

4 x [25] 50 IMO swim (build)
     200 FR kick (fast)

Saturday 10/12


500 swim
8x50 kick
8x25 sprint cycle

Main Set:

5x100 dec.
4x100 IMO
3x100 pull
2x100 drill
1x100 FAST

Total:  2600 yds

Thursday 10/10

WARM UP: 1050

600 (100 TSFGC-up / 50 IMO drill / 50 IMO kick)

3 x (3 x 50 FR) @ :10 rest

Go through #1-3 each round
     #1: 25 scull / 25 fist
     #2: 50 (4-4-8)
     #3: 50 kick
here is a video to give you a better idea of how to scull;

MAIN SET: 1600 [800]

[2] 4 x (4 x 100) @ pick a interval that gives you :15 rest for 100 FR

Go through #1-4 each round
     #1: 100 FR
     #2: 25 FL / 75 FR
     #3: 25 FL / 25 BK / 50 FR
     #4: 100 IM

Tuesday 10/8

WARM UP: 900 [700]

[200] 300 FR (50 drill / 50 kick)

     6 x 25 (odds: 3 fast FR strokes / 4 easy BK strokes, evens: 4 easy FR strokes / 3 fast BK strokes)

[200] 300 IM ([25]50 drill / 25 kick)

     6 x 25 (odds: 3 fast FL strokes / 3 easy BR strokes, evens: 3 easy FL strokes / 3 fast BR strokes)

MAIN SET: 1700 [1200]
Choice of equipment throughout whole set.
For shorter practice skip the 200,150,100,50 fast.

2 x 225 (25 TSFGC-up / 25 FR)

     200 FR fast

2 x 175 (25 TSFGC-up / 25 FR)

     150 FR fast

2 x 125 (25 TSFGC-up / 25 FR)

     100 FR fast

2 x 75 (25 TSFGC-up / 25 FR)

     50 FR fast

Missing Suit

Guys - Please check your gear bags. Frank lost his bathing suit (black jammer with a red stripe down the side) at last Thursday's practice and thinks someone may have unintentionally stowed it away in their bag.  If you have it, please email to let us know you have it.


Saturday 10/5

WARM UP: 900 [600]

[200] 300 TSFGC-up

[200] 300 IM ([25]50 drill / 25 kick)

[200] 300 choice

MAIN SET: 1600 [1400]

[3] 4 x 50 IMO (25 left arm / 25 right arm) @ :10 rest

     200 IMS (25 IM fast / 25 FR easy) @ :30 rest

[6] 8 x 25 FL kick (odds: w/board, evens: on back) @ :10 rest

     200 IMS (25 IM MDPS/ 25 FR kick) @ :30 rest

[3] 4 x 50 FR (odds: left arm breathing right, evens: right arm breathing left) @ :10 rest

     200 FR (breathing 3's) @ :30 rest

[6] 8 x 25 FR kick (odds: no splash kick, evens: fast) @ :10 rest

     200 FR (build by 50) @ :30 rest

Thursday 10/3

WARM UP: 700 [350]

            {200 TNT
[1] 2 x {
            {2 x 75 (25 scull / 25 fist / 25 swim)

MAIN SET: 2000 [1600]

[4] 5 x 25 FR (MDPS count strokes) @ :05 rest

[4] 5 x 50 FR pull (hold - 1 stroke count) @ :10 rest

[4] 5 x 75 FR pull w/paddles (hold - 2 stroke count) @ :15 rest

[4] 5 x 100 FR swim w/paddles (hold - 3 stroke count) @ :20 rest

[4] 5 x 150 FR swim w/paddles & fins (hold - 4 stroke count) @ :25 rest

Proof Of Registration

Please bring a copy of your US Masters card to show Joel if you have not already done so. 

 Also, if you registered with Lyons Masters after Sept. 23 bring the confirmation printout with you as well. 

You will need proof of both of these in order to swim.  

Tuesday 10/1

WARM UP: 900 [600]

[300] 500 ([50]100 TSFGC-up / 25 IMO drill)

[3] 4 x 50 FR pull (breathing 3's)

[3] 4 x 50 choice kick w/board

MAIN SET: 1600 [omit 50's kick for 1400]

3 x 200 FR w/fins (MDPS, long smooth strokes, ride your legs) @  :10 rest

     50 FR kick (streamline on back)

4 x 100 IM (odds: 4-4-4/8, evens: FAST) @ :05 rest

     50 FL kick (arms at side on back)

5 x 50 FR w/paddles (slow arms, fast feet) @  :10 rest

     50 FR kick (streamline on back)

6 x 25 IMO-FR (odds: MDPS, evens: FAST) @ :05 rest

     50 FL kick (arms at side on back)


We will be using Thursdays practice

North Campus Pool

Saturday's practice will be at the North Campus (100 S. Brainard Ave., La Grange, IL) @ 6:00am.

Parking:  Please park in the lot off W. Cossitt Ave. (west of North Campus buildings)
Door to Pool:  Entrance off Brainard Ave. (see red arrow in picture)


WARM UP: 600

200 FR (25 drill / 25 swim)
200 IM (25 left arm / 25 right arm)
200 TNT

I will have a lane or two in the shallow end where I will help walk through and explain these balance drills for anyone interested.  We will also incorporate the drill posted in the Aqualyon under the Masters section.

3 x (4 x 25) w/fins
   25 FR kick (arms at side)
   25 FR kick (arms overhead grabbing elbows)

   25 FR kick (arms extended overhead in field goal position)
   25 FR catch drill (from post in Aqualyon)

MAIN SET: 1650 (1100)

(2)3 x (4 x 50, 2 x 75, 200) 

4 x 50 FR pull (descend 1-4, start with MDPS and increase amount of strokes per 25 by +1 as you get faster) @ :10 rest

2 x 75 FR swim / kick (25 TSFGC-up / 25 build / 25 fast kick w/board) @ :20 rest

200 FR swim (build by 50, start with MDPS and use kick to increase speed) @ :30 rest

Saturday Practice Location Change for 9/28

Their is a conflict at the South campus pool this Saturday 9/28. Instead of canceling we will be having practice at North campus @ 6:00am. This is only for this Saturday.


WARM UP: 1000 (800)

400 (350) FR (breathing 3's)

300 (250) IM (50 drill / 25 streamline kick on back)

200 (150) FR (4 FL kicks off wall)

100 (50) choice kick w/board

MAIN SET:  1650 (1150)
 The first 12 x 50 are freestyle for everyone.  The next 9 x 50 are your second choice of stroke (but NOT freestyle).  On the 6 x 50, you need to choose ANOTHER stroke that you haven't done yet.  Same thing on the final 3 x 50.  By the end of the set, you need to have incorporated all four strokes.  Choice of equipment throughout 

12 (8) x 50 FR @ 1:05 (:05 rest); every 4th 50 is fast

50 TSFGC-up easy 

9 (6) x 50 second stroke @ 1:10 (:10 rest); every 3rd 50 is fast

50 TSFGC-up easy 

6 (4) x 50 third stroke @ 1:15 (:15 rest); every 3rd 50 is fast (every other fast)

50 TSFGC-up easy 

3 (2) x 50 fourth stroke @ 1:20 (:20 rest); descend 1-3 (1 easy, 1 fast)

Are You Ready?

Season starts this Tuesday.  Do you have all the equipment you want or need?

Equipment we use:

Pull Buoy
Paddles (optional)

Urban Tri Gear will be at LT South on Tuesday the 24th from 5:45-7:15 if anyone needs to pick up the listed equipment.  There are kickboards, pull buoys, and paddles available at LT to borrow in some what limited quantities.

Double Practice

Let's start the season off right...

Please join us at Brixie's (9526 Ogden Avenue, Brookfield, IL) after next Thursday's practice for a little social get-together.

No purchase necessary.

Brixie's Thursday Specials: 

50 Cent Wings (Dressing & Veggies .50 Each)
$2 PBR Tallboys
$3 Shots of Buffalo Trace Bourbon

Informational / Input meeting Recap

My Approach:

Do it my way, kinda my way, or your own way
  I would prefer that you do my practices the way they are written but, everybody has different goals, good and bad days, or injuries that limit what they can do.  You know what you want and I want you to be able to get that out of each and every practice and I will do my best to accommodate.  If you are going to stray from the coach's practice please let me know so I can adjust lanes accordingly. 

Seek me out for help
 I want to help everyone become better swimmers but, I don't want to impose anything on them.  Some people may have no interest in making stroke changes or sometimes all you want to do is get in and swim and that's fine.  Coach Marc and I are here to help so, if you have a question, want us to take a look at something, or need help with a stroke please ask we are more than happy to help.

Things I do:

Drill work
  Drills are important for understanding how the strokes should be performed, preventing injury, and creating efficiency.  Ultimately, this will allow you to swim faster with less effort and continue on with the sport for as long as you choose injury free.

Stroke & set variety
  The body adapts quickly so just swimming freestyle at the same pace over and over again will not yield the same results over time.  As a swimmer I always hated going back and forth just freestyle in monotonous sets so, I try to be as creative as possible with my sets while adding in other strokes and paces to keep things interesting and challenging.

One set
 I like to write one practice for the whole group with the mindset being that it is easy to gauge your own improvement.  For example, if you start the season only being able to get through one round of a set and by mid-season you are able to complete two you know that you have improved.

Things that will stay:

No radical changes
 Really not much will change from what Coach Steve has started other than the practice style

Double practices
 One of the greatest things about the Lyons Masters team is the camaraderie of the group and I plan to maintain that by continuing with fun social events like double practices.

Things we can do / open discussion:

Swim meets
 We will not be able to host a meet this year.  We will shoot for three meets this season with one of them being a intersquad/mock meet held at our pool in order to help familiarize swimmers to the process who have never competed in a meet before.

Modified practices
 I do like to write one practice for the group as stated before but, I will be writing modified practices so everyone has a full practice they can finish and feel a sense of accomplishment per the request of the group.

Test sets
 We will be performing test sets throughout the season in order help swimmers get a better idea of what pace or effort they should be holding during sets, lane placement, and gauging improvement.

Drill lanes
 I proposed the idea of taking one or two lanes during practice once a week to work on strokes, turns, and drills for anyone that wanted more specific instruction.  It was well received and will be implemented this season.

Posting of workouts
 Workouts will be posted on the Lyons Masters blog and should be accompanied by an email.  If you do not receive an email please check the blog as workouts will be posted approx. by noon on practice days (Friday nights for Saturday practices)

Dry land
 Dry land is very beneficial for masters swimmers to prevent injury and continue improvement in the sport, we are limited with our pool time so this should be done outside of practice time.  Anyone interested in a dry land program should contact Lyons Swim Club's new strength & conditioning coach Troy Dequaine. Troy's information can be found under the coaches tab on the Lyons Swim Club website.

Deep end / cross training practices
 There was a request for deep end practices that incorporate no traditional swimming and dry land exercises into a circuit  format.  I will plan on running a deep end practice about once a month, regular practice options will be available in the shallow end as well.

Volunteers Needed!

Dare2tri is looking for some volunteers to assist with a swim clinic for the veterans at the Hines VA.  These vets are coming from the blind group as well as the spinal cord injury group. Volunteers will get in the water and work with the vets to help them improve their comfort in the water and/or swimming skills.  The clinic is from about 9 AM - 11:00 AM on Thursday September 26th and is at the Waters Edge Pool located at 545 John Street Bensenville, IL 60106

Please email Keri at if you are available and interested in helping out with this clinic.


Fall/Winter/Spring Team Meeting

An informational / input meeting before the season starts to go over coach Joel's season plan and philosophy as well as collecting input and ideas from current members in order to help meet everyone's needs and goals.

LTHS South Campus Pool Stands
4900 Willow Springs Rd
Western Springs, IL 60558

Thursday September 12 @ 7:00pm

Anyone interested in joining the Lyons Masters Swim Team.

5th Annual Pub Run (walk, roll, ride)

Lyons Masters swimmer Karin Carney would like to invite us all to join her for the 5th Annual Pub Run (walk, roll, ride).  The event will help raise funds for The Legacy Guild which provides college scholarships to local high school students who have lost a parent. 
Date:  August 24th
Time:  4:30pm
Starting Location:  Palmers (56 S. La Grange Rd., La Grange, IL 60525)
Donation:  $25.00 (includes a t-shirt, drink specials, pizza, and fun).  Please make checks out to The Legacy Guild.
To ensure you get a t-shirt, email Karin ( by August 12th.  Don't forget to include your t-shirt size in the email! 
2013 Pub Run Schedule:
4:30-5:00 meet/drink at Palmers
5:00-5:30 run/ride to Joe's Saloon
5:30-6:00 drink at Joe's Saloon
6:00-6:30 run/ride to Irish Times
6:30-7:00 drink at Irish Times
7:00-7:30 run/ride to Brixie's Saloon
7:30-??? pizza and drinks at Brixie's
Additional details can be found HERE.

2013 - 2014 Registration is OPEN!

2013 - 2014 FALL/WINTER/SPRING (9/24/13 - 5/22/14) - $350


All team members are required to have a current USMS membership for insurance purposes.  To Join or Update your USMS Membership, CLICK HERE

PLEASE provide Coach Joel with a copy of your current USMS card on your first day of practice.  You will not be allowed to enter the water without a copy of your card.  USMS memberships expire on December 31st so you may only need to print out your card.  We'll be re-checking membership on January 1st.

When joining/updating you USMS Membership:

Your LMSC or club's official abbreviation:  Illinois (IL)
Your Club:  Illinois Masters (IM)
Your Workout Group:  LYON

We will not have access to pull buoys, paddles or kick boards.  Please bring your own if you want to use them during practice.


In the past, several members have expressed an interest in hosting or co-hosting a Masters Swim Meet in the fall/winter.  In order to host a meet, we would need volunteers to help organize and run the meet. 

Is this something you'd be interested in doing? 

Please VOTE on the sidebar polls and let us know what you think.   If a majority of the team would like to host/co-host a meet, we will work on logistics.

Swim Across America 2013

Congratulations to our three swimmers - Dan, Jackie, and Kyleen!

Together they were able to raise $2,293 for the Rush University Medical Center.

Thanks to everyone who supported their effort! 


600 FR (50 left arm, breath right / 50 right arm, breath left / 100 breath 3’s)

6 x 150
#1&4: IM-FR
                #2&5: IMS
                #3&6: FR

6 x 100 FR pull w/paddles
                #1&4: w/buoy regular
                #2&5: w/buoy at ankles
                #3&6: no buoy, legs crossed

6 x 50 IMO-FR w/fins (50 MDPS take stroke count, 50 fast holding stroke count for each stroke)

100 EZ


1.  Tonight (7/18) is the last practice of the summer session due to the closing of the pool for summer cleaning.  You should have received an email from the Lyons Bookkeeper (Janet) regarding the $16.25 credit they will be processing to the credit card they have on file for you.  If you have any questions, please email

2.  If you'd like to have the shower heads in the locker room cleaned out, please email  All the emails will be taken to help motivate action.

3.  Double practice tonight at Irish Times Pub & Restaurant in Brookfield, IL (intersection of Burlington Ave. and Prairie Ave.).

4.  Registration for the fall session will open August 1st. 

5.  On Saturday, we have a couple swimmers participating in Swim Across America (SAA)!  Please be sure to check out the team page and show your support (i.e., $5, $10).  Each swimmer needs to raise $500.

6.  If you plan on swimming in the lake this weekend, be sure to wear your team t-shirt and say hello to our SAA swimmers (Jackie, Kyleen, and Dan).  Registration opens at 6:45am with the 3-mile/1.5-mile swims starting at 8:00/8:45am and the 1-mile/0.5-mile swims starting at 9:00/9:15am.  Oak Street Beach will be busy.


Warm Up: 900

500 choice

4 x 100 IMO (50 drill / 50 4-4-4/6 then kick to the wall)

Main Set: 1500

Do the following 3x;

200 FR

2 x 50 no FR pull (5 push ups before each 50)

100 FR

2 x 50 choice kick (hold buoy straight up, 10 squats after each 50)

*Get your total time for each round and try to descend your time by each round*


Sorry, I had a little brain fart and seriously miscalculated the yardage on the last post

Warm Up: 600

600 (100 IMO drill / 100 TSFGC-up)

Main Set: 2100

Do the following 3x through;

3 x 200

100 kick w/board

                Round 1: 6/5/4/3 fast FL breakout strokes by 50, then FR to the wall

                Round 2: 12/10/8/6 fast BK breakout strokes by 50, then FR to the wall

                Round 3: 6/5/4/3 fast BR breakout strokes by 50, then FR to the wall



Warm Up: 500

500 FR (100 drill / 100 kick / 100 swim / 100 kick / 100 TSFGC-up)

Main Set: 2000

Do the following 2x;

4 x 50
3 x 100
2 x 150
1 x 200

                Round 1: 50’s = FL w/fins
                                 100’s = BK pull
                                 150’s = BR (3k1p, 2k1p, swim by 50)
                                 200 = FR w/paddles

                Round 2: 50’s = IMO
                                 100’s = IMT
                                 150’s = IM-FR

                                 200 = IMS


Warm Up: 600

4 x 100 RIMO (50 drill / 50 kick)

4 x 50
            Odds: 3 FL strokes / 3 BR strokes (no breathing on FL)
            Evens: 5 BK strokes / 4 FR strokes (no breathing on FR)

Main Set: 2000

4 x 500 FR

            #1: pull breathing 3’s
            #2: 25 IMO (fast) / 75 FR (MDPS)
            #3: w/fins (4 FL kicks off walls)

            #4: 75 easy / 25 fast


Warm Up: 600

300 choice (50 drill / 50 fist)

300 kick w/fins & board

Main Set: 1800

Do two rounds of the following, I recommend doing the 50’s IMO;

50 choice fast w/dive
150 FR (MDPS)

50 choice fast w/dive
250 FR (MDPS)

50 choice fast w/dive

350 FR (MDPS)


Warm Up:

500 choice

Main Set:

400 pull w/paddles
400 kick w/board & fins

300 swim w/paddles
300 kick w/fins (streamline on back)

200 swim
200 kick w/board

100 TSFGC-up

100 kick (streamline on back)


Warm Up: 800

Do the following 2x;

300 (100 drill / 100 choice / 100 TSFGC-up)
100 kick

Main Set: 1800

Odd repeats: FR
Even repeats: IM-FR (150’s), IM (100’s), IMO (50’s)

3 x 150
3 x 100   @ :10 rest (1st FR is easy, 2nd  FR is  fast)
3 x 50

2 x 150
2 x 100  @ :20 rest (FR is build, IM is easy)
2 x 50

1 x 150
1 x 100  @ :30 rest (All fast)
1 x 50

200 EZ

Double Practice - June 2013

Please join us at Palmer's in La Grange after practice tonight.  

Hopefully it'll be nice and we can sit outside or on the roof. 

We'll get back to rotating between Brixie's and Kenny's in fall.

Next month's double practice (7/25) will be at Irish Times in Brookfield.


Warm Up: 1000

200 IMS (25 drill / 25 kick)

4 x 50 (25 FR fast / 25 BK, try and maintain speed from FR into BK)

200 IMS (25 kick / 25 drill)

4 x 50 (25 FL fast / 25 BR, try and maintain speed from FL into BR)

200 IMS (4-4-4/12 then FR w/fist to the wall)

Main Set: 1200

8 x 150 FR @ 2:00

The goal here is to do as much of the 150 as possible.  Only rule is you must touch both walls so, you can do a 50 and then go about half way and do a mid pool turn around to get back to the wall before 2:00

200 EZ


Warm Up: 400

400 choice (75 drill / 25 kick)

Main Set: 2400

Some longer freestyle swimming per request

4 x 200 FR pull
2 x 400 FR swim w/paddles

800 FR swim w/fins


400 RIM (50 drill / 50 kick)

2 x 300 FR pull w/paddles (breathing 3’s)

4 x 200 IMS (4-4-4/12 then FR to the wall)

6 x 100 FR  swim w/fins (6 FL kicks off walls)

8 x 50 IMSO (IM 50’s: build, FR 50’s: TSFGC-up)


Warm Up:  800

800 (150 TSFGC-up / 50 IMO kick)

Main Set: 1600

200 FR
4 x 50 FR w/paddles (hold long stroke count and descend 1-4 by increasing kick each 50)

200 FR
4 x 50 BR (4k1p, 3k1p, 2k1p, swim, descend 1-4)

200 FR
4 x 50 BK pull (descend 1-4 by increasing arm speed each 50)

200 FR
4 x 50 FL w/fins (increase number of kicks off wall each 50, descend 1-4)

200 EZ


WARM UP: 400

400 choice

MAIN SET: 2350
Choice of equipment on whole set;

50 FL (kick)
50 FR (build)

50 BK (kick)
100 FR (build)

50 BR (kick)
150 FR (build)

50 FL (8-8-8)
200 FR (build)

50 BK (8-8-24)
250 FR (build)

50 BR (8-8-8)
300FR (build)

50 FR (FAST)
250 (50FL / 50FR / 50BK / 50FR / 50BR)

50 FR (FAST)
200 IM

50 FR (FAST)
150 IM-FR

50 FR (FAST)
100 IM

50 FR (FAST)
50 No FR

150 EZ