
400 Loosen
200 IM - Drill / Build
8x25 Sprint Cycle @ :35+

2 Rounds:
2x25 Handlead Fr K - w/Paddles @ :35+
2x25 Single Arm Fr - w/Paddles @ :35+
2x25 Catch-up Fr - w/Paddles @ :35+
1x100 Best Tech. Fr - w/Paddles @ 2:00+

4x200 O:Neg. Split  E:Pull - Last 50 Drop PB, Add All Out K @ 2:45+

200 Group:
6x25 All Out @ :40
3x(3x50 @ 200P @ :50/1:00/1:10+ by Round
    (100 Active Recovery @ Reset (3:00+)

500 Group:
2 Rounds:
1x50 All Out @ 1:00+
4x75 @ 500P @ 1:10+
100 Active Recovery @ 3:00+


300 Loosen
300 IM - Kick, Drill, Swim
300 Pull

4x50 as: 25 Single Arm, 25 Catch-up @ 1:00+
4x50 Desc. 1-4 @ 1:00+

4x100 Best Average @ 2:00+
2:00r (Active Recovery as needed)
4x50 Best Average @ 1:15+
2:00r (Active Recovery as needed)
4x25 Best Average @ :35+

5x200 O:Pull - Last 50 Drop PB, Add Kick  E:FrIM (IM optional) @ 3:00+

200 easy


600 Loosen - 100 Free, 50 Choice
300 Pull
6x50 Desc. 1-3; 4-6 or IM Switch @ 1:00+

4 Rounds: IMO
4x25 Kick @ :30+
4x25 Drill @ :30+
4x25 Swim @ :30+
2x100 IM @ 1:30+

300 easy

12-24-19 - Christmas Eve

25  25
25  25  25
50  25  50  25
25  75  25  75  25
100  25  100  25  100
25  75  25  75  25
150  25  150  25  150  25
25  25  200  25  25  200
25  100  100  25  100  100  25
50  25  150

Starting from the trunk (bottom)
       = Loosen (trunk)
       = Pull
       = Drill / easy
       = Fast
       = All Out for Time - can be OTB (Star)

25s = Drill / easy
50s = Breath Control 7+ (BC7)
75s = Fly, Back, Breast by 25
100s = Descend
150s = Last 50 w/All Out Kick (drop PB if appropriate)
200s = Count Strokes

Total = 3300

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and we'll see you on Thursday!  


4x150 - 1.Loosen  2.Max DPS - Count Strokes  3.Build  4.Fastest Turns
4x150 Pull - Last 50 Drop PB, Add All Out Kick @ 2:15+
6x50 Desc. 1-3; 4-6 @ :45+

2 Rounds: 1.Free  2.Stroke
2x50 as: 25 Kick, 25 Drill @ 1:00+
2x50 as: 25 Drill, 25 Build @ 1:00+
2x50 Best Tech. @ 1:00+

4 Rounds:
2x100 1.50 Free, 50 Stroke  2.50 Stroke, 50 Free @ 1:45+
4x25 All Out Stroke @ :30+

200 easy


200 Loosen
50 Kick
200 Pull
50 Kick
8x50 IMO - as: 25 Drill, 25 Build @ 1:00+

4 Rounds:
3x75 Pull - R1.PB @ Feet  R2.PB @ Knees  R3-4.PB @ Regular @ 1:15+
1x100 Swim - Hold Stroke Count @ 1:15+

4 Rounds:
6x25 All Out @ :30+
1x100 Active Recovery @ 2:00+

300 easy


200 Loosen
4x50 Kick - Desc. 1-4 @ 1:00+
200 Pull - Count Strokes
4x50 Desc. 1-4 @ :45+
8x25 Sprint Cycle @ :30+

IM / Stroke:
2 Rounds: 1.Best Stroke  2.Worst Stroke
3x50 as: 25 Kick, 25 Drill @ 1:00+
4x25 Best Tech. Swim @ :30+
3x100 as: 75 Free, 25 Fast Stroke @ 1:40+

6x25 Fly @ :25+
2x75 Fly, Back, Breast @ 1:15/1:30+
    (1x25 Back @ :25+
3x(1x75 as: 25 Back, 50 Breast @ 1:15+
2x75 Back, Breast, Free @ 1:15/1:30+
6x25 Free @ :30+

200 easy

400 Neg. Split @ 6:00
4x75 O:Fast  E:Max DPS @ 1:15
200 Neg. Split - Total Time Faster than 2nd 200 of 400 @ 4:00
4x50 O:Fast  E:Max DPS @ :50
100 Neg. Split - Total Time Faster than 2nd 100 of 200 @ 2:00
4x25 O:Fast  E:Max DPS @ :25

4x200 @ 3:00 or 4x100 @ 1:30+ (Time Dependent)
1.50 Fast, 150 Max DPS / 25 Fast, 75 Max DPS
2.50 Max DPS, 50 Fast, 100 Max DPS / 25 Max DPS, 25 Fast, 50 Max DPS
3.100 Max DPS, 50 Fast, 50 Max DPS / 50 Max DPS, 25 Fast, 25 Max DPS
4.150 Max DPS, 50 Fast / 75 Max DPS, 25 Fast

8x50 O:Kick/Swim  E:Swim/Scull @ Continuous


300 Loosen
4x50 Back - Desc. 1-4 @ :50+
8x25 Sprint Cycle @ :30+

8x50 IMO - 25 Drill, 25 Build @ 1:00+
6x50 IM Switch @ :50+

3x50 as: 25 Fly (Fast), 25 Free (Smooth) @ :45+
3x50 as: 25 Free (Smooth), 25 Fly (Fast) @ :45+
1x200 IM - Fast on Fly + Free, Strong on Back + Breast @ 3:00+
8x25 Fast Back @ :25+
1x200 IM - Fast on Back + Free, Strong on Fly + Breast @ 3:00+
3x50 as: 25 Breast (Fast), 25 Free (Smooth) @ :55+
3x50 as: 25 Free (Smooth), 25 Breast (Fast) @ :55+
1x200 IM - Fast on Breast + Free, Strong on Fly + Back @ 3:00+
8x25 Fast Free @ :30+

200 easy

2 Rounds:
2x50 Catch-up - Focus on Fingertips down, Elbows up @ 1:00+
2x50 All Out Free K @ 1:00+
1x200 Pull - Count Strokes @ 2:40+

2 Rounds:
6x50 Free - think 80% 200P @ :35/:40+
6x50 Free - think 90% 200P @ :45/:50+
6x50 Free - think 200P @ :55/1:00+
100 Active Recovery @ Reset

200 easy


200 Loosen
200 IM - Drill/Build
6x50 Desc. 1-3; 4-6 @ :45+

3x300 Pull - Last 100 Drop PB, Add All Out Kick @ 4:30+

3 Rounds:
    (1x25 All Out Kick - Hand-Lead Position @ :40+
2x(1x25 All Out Free thru 5 Cycles (10 Strokes) - No Breath @ :30+
    (1x25 Max DPS Free - Count Strokes @ :30+
1x75 All Out for Time @ 2:00+ (easy 25 before new Round)

3 Rounds:
1x25 All Out - OTB optional @ :30+
1x50 All Out - think 2nd 50 of 100P @ :50+
1x25 All Out to Finish @ :30+
1x100 Active Recovery @ Reset

100 easy


600 as: 200 Free, 100 IM
6x50 IM Switch @ :50+
2x150 P - Last 50 Drop PB, Add All Out Kick @ 2:15+

8x50 as: 25 Drill, 25 Swim @ 1:00+
IM - 2 of each
Free / Stroke - Odds / Evens

3x200 Pull - Desc. 1-3 @ 3:00+
3x200 IM - Desc. 1-3 @ 3:00+
3x200 Swim - Desc. 1-3 @ 3:00+

4x50 easy @ 1:00+


200 Loosen
    (2x25 Kick - R1.Smooth  R2.Build  R3.Fast @ :35+
3x(3x50 IM Switch @ 1:00+
8x25 Sprint Cycle @ :30+

4 Rounds:
2x25 Fast Fly @ :25+
2x50 Build Back @ :50+
2x50 Build Breast @ 1:00+
4x25 Fast Free @ :30+

3 Rounds:
2x50 Free @ :40+
2x100 IM - All Out! @ 2:00+

200 easy

5x300 Pull - Last 100 Drop PB, Add All Out K @ 4:30+

2 Rounds:
2x50 Free - Get Time @ :35+
1x100 Active Recovery @ 2:00+
2x50 Free - Beat 1st 2x50 Time @ :45+
1x100 Active Recovery @ 2:00+
2x50 Free - Beat 2nd 2x50 Time @ :55+

200 easy


400 Loosen
6x25 Drill @ :35+
100 Kick
6x25 Drill @ :35+
200 Pull

4 Rounds: IMO or O:Free  E:Stroke
3x25 Kick @ :35+
2x25 Best Tech. Swim @ :30+

6 Rounds:
1x125 Free @ 1:40+
1x75 All Out @ 1:40+ - Free:All Free  IM:Fly/Back/Breast or Back/Breast/Free by 25

300 easy


200 Loosen
200 Pull
4x50 as: 25 Kick, 25 Drill @ 1:00+
4x50 Desc. 1-4 @ :50+
8x25 Sprint Cycle @ :30+

1x200 as: 50 All Out Kick, 150 Swim @ 3:15+
1x200 as: 50 Swim, 50 All Out Kick, 100 Swim @ 3:15+
1x200 as: 100 Swim, 50 All Out Kick, 50 Swim @ 3:15+
1x200 as: 150 Swim, 50 All Out Kick @ 3:15+

6x(1x75 as: 25 Single Arm, 25 Catch-up, 25 Swim @ 1:30+
    (1x25 Best Tech. Free - Count Strokes - No Breath @ :30+

20x50 as:
1-4. Best Average @ :45-1:00+
5. Active Recovery / easy @ 1:30+

300 easy


Warm-up: 1500/25:00+
600 Loosen
3x50 Kick - Desc. 1-3 @ 1:00+
400 Pull
3x50 Kick - Desc. 1-3 @ 1:00+
200 IM - Drill/Build

IM: 1800/32:30+
6x50 2 of each - 25 Drill / 25 Swim @ 1:00+
6x50 2 of each - IM Switch @ 1:00+

2x25 Fast Fly @ :30+
2x100 IM @ 1:45+
2x50 Build Back @ 1:00+
2x100 IM @ 1:45+
2x25 Fast Breast @ :30+
2x100 IM @ 1:45+
2x50 Fast Free @ 1:00

300 easy

Free: 2200/34:00+
6x100 Free - Hold Stroke Count @ 1:20+
6x75 Free - Hold Stroke Count @ 1:05+
6x50 Free - Hold Stroke Count @ :45+
6x25 All Out @ :30+

2x200 Pull - BC5-7 @ 3:00+

300 easy (Free/Back)

11-28-19 - AM - Thanksgiving Extravaganza

400 Loosen
200 IM - Drill / Swim
6x50 Desc. 1-3; 4-6 @ 1:00+
8x25 Sprint Cycle @ :30+

Long IM:
3 Rounds:
1x200 IM @ 3:30+
R1. 50 Free, 50 Back, 50 Breast, 50 Free
R2. 50 Fly, 50 Free, 50 Breast, 50 Free
R3. 50 Fly, 50 Back, 100 Free
8x25 Fast Free @ :35+

Short IM:
3 Rounds:
1x100 IM @ 1:50+
R1. 25 Free, 25 Back, 25 Breast, 25 Free
R2. 25 Fly, 25 Free, 25 Breast, 25 Free
R3. 25 Fly, 25 Back, 50 Free
4x25 Fast Free @ :35+
2x50 IM Switch @ 1:00+

"3 Legged Turkey" Free Drills:
2 Rounds:
2x25 Single Arm Free @ :35+ (1 arm + both legs)
2x25 Single Leg Free @ :35+ (both arms + 1 leg - opposite leg in the air)
2x25 Best Tech. Free @ :35+ (regular)

A man was driving down a country road turkey running at the same speed as his truck.  He thought this was odd, and followed it toward a farm.

The man found the farmer in the midst of many 3-legged turkeys and asked him why he was raising 3-legged turkeys.

"We figure," said the farmer, "with a family of 3, only 2 can have a turkey leg with a normal turkey. But with a three legged turkey, everyone gets a leg on Thanksgiving!"

"That's pretty wise," the man said, "How do your 3-legged turkeys taste?"

"I don't know," said the farmer. "We've never been able to catch one."

300 easy


200 Loosen
100 Kick
100 Scull
100 Pull

3 Rounds:
4x50 as: 25 Single Arm, 25 Catch-up @ 1:00+
1x300 Pull - Last 100 Drop PB, Add Strong Kick @ 4:30+

8 Rounds:
1x50 Free @ :40
2x25 All Out @ :35

300 easy


200 Loosen
100 Kick
200 Pull
100 Kick

2 Rounds:
3x25 Fly @ :35+
3x50 Back @ :45+
3x25 Breast @ :35+
3x50 Free @ :40+
6x50 IM Switch @ 1:00+

2 Rounds:
1x300 Pull - Hold Stroke Count + BC5 @ 4:30+
6x50 Desc. 1-3; 4-6 @ 1:00+

20x50 as:
1-4.Best Average @ :50+
5.easy @ Reset

IM - 1-4.IMO, 1 easy or 4 Fly, 1 easy, 4 Back, 1 easy...
Free - All Free

200 easy


4x75 O:Free E:Fly/Back/Breast or Back/Breast/Free @ 1:30+
200 Pull
4x50 Desc. 1-4 @ 1:00+
4x25 Sprint Cycle @ :30+

3 Rounds:
2x25 Fly Kick @ :35+
2x25 Fly Swim @ :30+

2 Rounds:
1x400 Neg. Split @ 6:00+
6x75 Free @ 1:00+

200 easy


300 Loosen
100 Kick
300 IM - Kick, Drill, Swim
100 Pull
8x25 Sprint Cycle @ :30+

3 Rounds:
2x75 as: 25 Single Arm, 25 Drill, 25 Best Tech. @ 1:30+
3x50 Desc. 1-3 or IM Switch @ 1:00+

3 Rounds:
1x200 Pull - BC5-7 @ 3:00+
3x100 Best Tech. Fr @ 1:20+ or 3x100 IM @ 1:45+

200 easy


8x50 O:Free  E:25 Free, 25 Rev. IMO @ 1:00+
200 Pull
8x25 Sprint Cycle @ :30+
100 Kick

2 Rounds:
2x25 Fast Fly @ :30+
1x50 Fly / Back @ 1:00+
2x50 Fast Back @ :50+
1x50 Back / Breast @ 1:00+
2x50 Fast Breast @ 1:00+
1x50 Breast / Free @ 1:00+
2x25 Fast Free @ :30+
6x125 IM @ 2:05+
1-4.Rotate 50 of Stroke, 5.easy 150, 6.All Out 100 IM

3x300 Pull - Last 100 drop PB, add strong Kick @ 4:45+

3 Rounds:
2x50 Free - Count Strokes @ :40+ (Make it)
2x50 Free - Count Strokes @ :50+ (Faster)
2x50 Free - Count Strokes @ 1:00+ (All Out)

4 Rounds:
1x75 Free - Count Strokes @ 1:00+ (Make it)
3x25 Choice - All Out @ :35+

200 easy


200 Loosen
200 Kick
200 IM - Drill / Build
200 Pull

16x25 Strong Free - Hold Stroke Count + BC5-7 @ :25+
4x200 Pull - Maintain Stroke Count @ 3:00+

3 Rounds: IMO - No Free
2x100 IM @ 1:45+
2x50 IM Switch @ 1:00+
4x25 IMO by Round @ :35+

3 Rounds:
4x100 Best Average @ 2:00
100 easy @ 2:00


6x100 Free - 4 Dolphin Kicks @ 1:40+
200 IM - Kick / Drill
6x50 Desc. 1-3; 4-6 - 4 Dolphin Kicks @ 1:00+
200 IM - Drill / Build
8x25 Sprint Cycle @ :35+

2 Rounds: R1.Free  R2.Stroke
2x50 Kick @ 1:00+
1x25 as: 12.5 Fast, 12.5 easy @ :40+
2x50 Drill @ 1:00+
1x25 as: 12.5 easy, 12.5 Fast @ :40+
2x50 Best Tech. @ 1:00+
1x25 Fast @ :40

6 Rounds:
1x150 as: 100 Free, 50 Fast Stroke @ 2:30+
4x25 O:Max DPS Free  E:Fast Stroke @ :30+


200 Loosen
100 Kick
200 Pull
100 Kick
200 IM - Dr/Build
100 Kick

3 Rounds:
3x50 Desc. 1-3 R1.@ 1:00+  R2.@ :55+  R3.@ :50+
4x25 Sprint Cycle @ :30+

3 Rounds:
3x100 Best Average @ 2:00+
1x200 Pull - Active Recovery @ 4:00+

300 easy


400 Loosen
200 Rev. IM
9x50 IM Switch - Desc. 1-3; 4-6; 7-9 @ 1:00+

4 Rounds: IMO
3x25 Streamline K @ :30+
3x50 Drill @ 1:00+
3x25 Best Tech. @ :30+
3x25 All Out @ :30+

3 Rounds:
4x25 Fly @ :35+
1x150 as: 50 Back, 50 Breast, 50 Free 2:20+

200 easy


150 Loosen
150 Kick
6x75 as: 50 Free, 25 IMO (No Free) @ 1:30+
6x25 Sprint Cycle - No All easy @ :30+

4x200 Pull - BC5 - Count Strokes @ 3:00+

6 Rounds:
1x75 Free - Count Strokes + Max Efficiency @ 1:00+
1x25 All Out @ :40+

4x150 Pull - BC7 - Count Strokes @ 2:15+

4 Rounds:
1x50 Free - Count Strokes + Max Efficiency @ 1:00+
1x25 All Out @ :45+

300 easy


3x50 Loosen
3x50 Back @ 1:00+
3x50 Free @ :50+
200 Kick
8x25 Sprint Cycle @ :30+

3 Rounds: IMO
2x75 as: 25 Kick, 25 Drill, 25 Swim @ 1:25
2x25 Fast - Stroke by Round @ :35+
3x50 IM Switch @ 1:00+

8x125 IM - Rotate 50 of Stroke (1.50 Fly, 25, 25, 25... etc.) @ 2:00+

Free / Stroke:
3 Rounds:
2x75 as: 25 Single Arm, 25 Catch-up (or Drill), 25 Best Tech. @ 1:15/1:25+
1x200 Pull - Count Strokes @ 3:00+

4 Rounds:
3x25 Strong Free (just make it) @ :20+
1x25 Fast - Choice @ 1:00+

4 Rounds:
4x50 Fast @ :50+
1x50 easy @ Reset

300 easy

10-31-19 - Happy Halloween!

300 Loosen
200 Rev. IM - 25 Drill, 25 Swim
6x50 Kick - Desc. 1-3; 4-6 @ 1:00+

4 Rounds:
2x50 as: 25 Kick, 25 Swim @ 1:00+
2x50 as: 25 Drill, 25 Swim @ :55+
3x50 Desc. 1-3 @ :50+

4 Rounds:
1x150 as: 100 Free, 50 Fast Choice @ 2:20+
2x25 Free @ :20+
1x50 Fast Choice @ 1:00+

200 easy


400 Loosen
    (2x50 Pull - Hold Stroke Count @ :50+
3x(1x100 as: 25 Scull, 50 Drill, 25 Best Tech. @ 2:00+

6 Rounds:
1x75 Strong Free @ 1:05+
1x50 Fast Free @ 1:05+

1x300 Pull - Hold Stroke Count @ 4:45+
9x50 Strong Free @ :50+
1x300 Pull - Hold Stroke Count @ 4:45+
6x50 Strong Free @ :45+
1x300 Pull - Hold Stroke Count @ 4:45+
3x50 Strong Free @ :40+

6 Rounds:
1x75 Fly, Back, Breast @ 1:15+
1x50 Fast - IMO by Round @ 1:00+

3 Rounds:
1x200 Pull - BC3, 5 by 50 @ 3:10+
1x100 IM @ 1:50+
2x50 IM Switch - R1.Fl/Bk  R2.Bk/Br  R3.Br/Fr @ 1:00+

300 easy


200 Loosen
200 Pull
200 Kick or IM - 25 Drill/25 Build
8x25 Sprint Cycle @ :35+

6x50 as: 25 Single Arm, 25 Best Tech. Free @ 1:00+
6x50 as: 25 Catch-up, 25 Best Tech. Free @ :55+
6x50 Desc. 1-3; 4-6 @ :50+

1x300 Pull @ 5:00+
8x25 Fast Free @ :25+
1x200 Pull @ 3:20+
8x50 Fast Free @ :45+
1x100 Pull @ 1:40+
8x75 Fast Free @ 1:05+

200 easy

IM / Stroke:
3 Rounds: IMO (skip 1 stroke) or O:Stroke  E:Free
2x25 Kick @ :35+
2x50 Drill @ 1:00+
2x25 Kick @ :35+
2x50 Swim @ 1:00+

2 Rounds: IMers as written; Stroke as 25s+50s Stroke, 100s Free
2x25 Strong Fly @ :35+
1x50 Fast Fly @ 1:00+
1x100 IM @ 1:50+
2x25 Strong Back @ :35+
1x50 Fast Back @ 1:00+
1x100 IM @ 1:50+
2x25 Strong Breast @ :35+
1x50 Fast Breast @ 1:00+
1x100 IM @ 1:50+

200 easy


600 as: 50 Free, 50 Back
100 Kick
2x150 Pull - Last 50 drop PB, add Fast Legs @ 2:30+
100 Kick
4x25 Sprint Cycle @ :30

300 IM - 25 Kick, 25 Drill, 25 Swim  or  3x100 IM - 1.Kick  2.Drill  3.Swim

6x25 Strong Fly @ :25+
2x50 as: 25 Build Fly, 25 Fast Back @ 1:00+
3x50 Strong Back @ :45+
2x50 as: 25 Build Back, 25 Fast Breast @ 1:00+
3x50 Strong Breast @ :55+
2x50 as: 25 Build Breast, 25 Fast Free @ 1:00+
6x25 Fast Free @ :30+

6x100 IM - Fast!  Race Turns! @ 1:45+

200 easy


300 Swim
100 Rev. IM
6x50 Desc. 1-3; 4-6 @ 1:00+
100 IM
12x25 Sprint Cycle - 1-4:Free  5-8:Non-Free  9-12:Choice @ :30+

2x75 as: 25 Single Arm, 25 Catch-up, 25 Best Tech. @ 1:30+
2x75 Build @ 1:15+
6x50 w/Pads - 25 8-10 Stroke Max + Drag Legs, 25 Best Tech. @ :50+
4x75 Desc. 1-3; Hold 4 @ 1:15+

6x100 Best Average @ 2:00+
3x(2x25 Best Tech. Free w/Pads @ :25+
    (1x50 as: 12.5 easy, 25 Fast - Race Turn, 12.5 easy @ 1:00
1x100 All Out - for Time @ 3:00+

200+ Active Recovery

10-19-19 - 5:45-6:45 AM

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19th, 2019 - 5:45-6:45 AM 

300 Loosen
6x50 Kick - Desc. 1-3; 4-6 @ 1:00+
8x25 Sprint Cycle - 1-4.Free  5-8.Stroke (Non-Free) @ :30+

Freestyle Group:
2 Rounds: 
2x75 as: 25 Single Arm, 25 Catch-up, 25 Best Tech. @ 1:30
6x25 Best Tech. + Count Strokes w/Pads @ :25
1x200 Pull @ 3:00+

4 Rounds: R1 @ :40, R2 @ :45, R3 @ :50, R4 @ :55
4x50 Hold Best Average @ :40/:45/:50/:55+
100 Active Recovery @ 2:00+

IM / Stroke Group:
2 Rounds: IMO or O:Stroke  E:Free
4x75 as: 25 Kick, 25 Drill, 25 Swim @ 1:30+
4x25 Build

4 Rounds: IMO or O:Stroke  E:Free
6x25 Best Tech. @ :25/:30+
3x50 IM Switch @ 1:00+
1x100 IM - FAST! @ 1:45+

200 easy


300 Loosen
200 Pull
100 Kick

3 Rounds:
1x150 Pull - Count Strokes @ 2:40
1x50 Fast Free w/All Out K @ 1:00

4 Rounds: O:w/Fins  E:No Equipment
2x50 as: 12.5 HL K, 25 Fast, 12.5 easy @ 1:00+
4x25 O:Fast thru 15  E:Last 10 Fast @ :35+
1x100 Max DPS @ 2:00+
2x50 All Out @ 1:00+

6x100 O:Fastest Possible  E:Active Recovery @ 2:00 (Bank Rest)

200 easy


200 Loosen
4 Rounds: IMO or O:Free  E:Stroke
1x50 Kick @ 1:00+
1x50 Drill @ 1:00+
1x50 Swim @ 1:00+
1x50 IM Switch @ 1:00+

3x300 Pull - Desc. 1-3 @ 4:30+

3x100 as: 75 Best Tech. Free, 25 All Out Stroke @ 1:30+
3x50 Best Tech. Free @ :40+
1x50 All Out Stroke @ 1:00+
3x100 as: 75 Best Tech. Free, 25 All Out Stroke @ 1:30+
2x50 Best Tech. Free @ :40+
2x50 All Out Stroke @ 1:00+
3x100 as: 75 Best Tech. Free, 25 All Out Stroke @ 1:30+
1x50 Best Tech. Free @ :40+
3x50 All Out Stroke @ 1:00+


200 Loosen
100 Steady K
4x50 Desc. 1-4 @ :45+
4x25 Sprint Cycle @ :25+

3 Rounds: IMO - No Free --- or --- Odd Rounds Free, Even Round Stroke
1x100 Streamline K - 25 Right, 25 Front, 25 Left, 25 Back @ 2:00+
2x25 Single Arm @ :30+
6x25 Best Technique @ :30+

2 Rounds:
6x75 O:25 Fly, 25 Back, 25 Breast @ 1:25+  E:Strong Free @ 1:05+
4x25 Fast - R1.Fly  R2.Breast @ :35+
6x75 Free - Desc. 1-3; 4-6 @ 1:10+
4x25 Fast - R1.Back  R2.Free @ :35+

Free / Stroke:
2 Rounds:
6x75 O:25 Stroke, 25 Free, 25 Stroke @ 1:15+  E:Strong Free @ 1:05+
4x25 Fast Free - 2 Breath Max @ :35+
6x75 Desc. 1-3; 4-6 @ 1:10+
4x25 Fast Stroke @ :35+


200 Free
6x50 IM Switch @ 1:00+
200 Kick
6x50 Desc. 1-3; 4-6 @ :50+
200 Pull
8x25 Sprint Cycle @ :30+

4x75 as: 25 Single Arm, 25 Catch-up, 25 Free - Count Strokes @ 1:20+
3x200 Pull - Count Strokes - BC3, 5, 7, 9 @ 2:45+

8 Rounds:
1x75 Strong Free - Hit Stroke Count @ 1:05+
1x50 Fast (think 200P) @ 1:05+

200 easy


300 Swim
300 as: 50 Pull, 25 Scull
6x50 Desc. 1-3; 4-6 @ 1:00+

1x200 Pull - Neg. Split @ 2:45+
3x50 Strong Kick @ 1:05+
1x200 Pull - Neg. Split (Faster 2nd 200) @ 2:45+
2x50 Strong Kick @ 1:05+
1x200 Pull - Neg. Split (Fastest 2nd 200) @ 2:45+
1x50 Strong Kick @ 1:05+

3 Rounds:
3x50 Free @ :40+
1x50 IM Switch @ 1:00+
4x25 Fast @ :30+  R1.Back  R2.Breast  R3.Free

6x100 IM @ 1:35+

200 easy


200 Swim
200 Kick
200 IM - Drill/Swim
200 Pull
200 Swim

20x25 Kick - 3 @ :35, 1 @ :45

2x150 as: 50 Single Arm, 50 Catch-up, 50 Strong Free @ 2:30
4x100 Desc. 1-3; Hold 4 @ 1:30

4 Rounds:
1x100 Best Tech. Free @ 1:20
1x75 Best Tech. Free @ 1:05
1x50 Best Tech. Free @ :50
1x25 Best Tech. Free @ :35

200 easy


600 as: 75 Swim, 25 Streamline K on Bk
4x25 as: 12.5 easy, 12.5 Fast - Setup Finishes @ :35
400 Pull
4x25 O:easy  E:Fast @ :35

4x200 Pull - Drop PB Last 50, Add All Out K @ 2:45+

8x150 as: 100 Strong Fr, 50 Fast Stroke @ 2:15+

4 Rounds:
1x25 Max DPS @ :40+
1x25 Fast @ :30

100 easy


2 Rounds:
100 Swim @ 1:40+
100 Kick @ 2:00+
100 Pull @ 1:40+

4 Rounds: IMO
1x50 Kick @ 1:00+
1x50 Single Arm @ 1:00+
1x50 Swim @ 1:00+
1x50 IM Switch @ 1:00+

3x100 IM @ 1:50+
3x50 Fast Fr @ :50+
3x100 IM @ 1:45+
3x50 Fast Fr @ :50+
3x100 IM @ 1:40+
3x50 Fast Fr @ :50+
3x100 IM @ 1:35+
3x50 Fast Fr @ :50+

1x175 IM OTB - 25 Fl, 50 Bk, 50 Br, 50 Fr

100 easy


200 Free
200 IM - Drill/Swim
8x25 Sprint Cycle @ :30

6x100 Pull @ 1:30+

4 Rounds:
1x50 Kick @ 1:00+
1x50 Catch-up w/All Out K @ 1:00+

3x50 Free 1@:50/:55/1:00, 1@:45/:50/:55, 1@:40/:45/:50
6x50 Free 2@:50/:55/1:00, 2@:45/:50/:55, 2@:40/:45/:50
9x50 Free 3@:50/:55/1:00, 3@:45/:50/:55, 3@:40/:45/:50

16x25 3 Fast, 1 easy @ :35

200 easy


400 Free
6x50 Desc. 1-3, 4-6 @ 1:00
400 Pull
8x25 Sprint Cycle @ :30

2 Rounds:
4x125 as: 100 Free, 25 Stroke @ 1:50+

2 Rounds:
1x200 Pull @ 2:50+
2x50 Free w/Fast K @ :50

100 easy


300 Free/Back by 50
100 Kick
300 Pull
100 Kick
8x25 Sprint Cycle @ :30

4x75 IMO - K/Dr/Sw @ 1:30
4x50 IM Switch @ 1:00
4x25 IMO - Fast @ :30

4 Rounds:
2x25 Fast Fl @ :35
1x150 Strong Bk, Br, Fr @ 2:20+

4 Rounds:
1x25 Fast Fl @ :35
1x75 Strong Bk, Br, Fr @ 1:25+

200 easy


200 Loosen
4x25 Streamline Kick on Back @ :35
200 IM - Drill/Build
4x25 Kick @ :35

8x150 @ 2:15/2:30

8x100 @ 1:30/1:45

8x50 @ :45/1:00

200 easy


800 as: 150 Free, 50 Kick
8x50 Desc. 1-4, 5-8 @ 1:00
8x25 Sprint Cycle @ :30

400 Neg. Split @ 9:00
4x75 Fr @ 1:05/1:15

200 Neg. Split - Beat 2nd 200 of 400 @ 5:00
4x50 Fr @ :45/:55

100 Fast - Beat 2nd 100 of 200 @ 3:00
4x25 Fr @ :25/:35

300 Recovery - 25 Kick, 25 Scull, 25 Swim


400 Free
200 IM
100 Kick

8x100 @ 1:40/1:45
2 of each Stroke
O:25 Fast, 25 easy (Fr)
E:25 easy (Fr), 25 Fast

3x200 Pull - Desc. 1-3 @ 3:00/3:15

16x50 @ :55/1:00
4 of each Stroke
3.Kick/Drill by 25

100 easy


400 Free
4x50 Desc. 1-4 @ :50

3x200 Pull - Desc. 1-3 @ 3:00
3x100 Pull - Desc. 1-3 @ 1:30
2x100 Swim - Free @ 1:20

3x200 Kick w/Fins - Desc. 1-3 @ 3:45
2x100 Swim - Free @ 1:20
3x100 Kick - Desc. 1-3 @ 2:10
2x100 Swim - Free @ 1:20

100 easy


400 Free
300 Pull
100 Kick
4x25 Sprint Cycle @ :30

Main Set: 
4x100 Desc. 1-4 - #4 should be ~80% @ 1:35/1:40
6x50 2 of each stroke - No Free @ :55/1:00

3x100 @ 1:35/1:40
1. 50 Strong/50 easy
2. 50 easy/50 Strong
3. ~80%
6x50 Pull - Desc. 1-3; 4-6 @ :50/:55

2x100 @ 1:35/1:40
1. ~80%
2. Easy
6x50 Kick - O:Fast/easy  E:easy/Fast @ 1:05/1:10

1x100 Fast @ 1:35/1:40

100 easy
Saturday 6-7am @ SOUTH

500 swim
100 kick
200 pull
100 IM drill

Main set:

3 Rounds of:

1 x 200 free @ 3:00/2:50/2:40
2 x 100 choice no free @ 1:50
4 x 50 kick...25 easy 25 hard @ 1:00
2 x 25 underwater dolphin kick :35

200 easy 
REMEMBER 8-9pm @NORTH Campus 

Tuesday 6/4


Round 1: free (1:30 for 100, 1:10 for 75s, 1:35 100DPS, :30 for 25s)
Round 2: Kick (2:00 for 100, 1:30 for 75s, 2:00 100 DPS kick, :30 for 25s) fins if you want
Round 3: IM (1:40 for 100, 1:20 for 75s, 1:45 for DPS swim, :30 for 25s)
Round 4: Pull (1:30 for 100, 1:15 for 75s, 1:35 for DPS pull swim, :30 for 25s)

100 Build (IM build each 25)
4x75 move fast 25 (FOR IM NO FREE)
100 DPS
4x25 FAST!

cool down 100 easy

Saturday 6/1 Have Fun

4x100 50IMO/50free @1:40

6x100 @1:30
ODDS: Negative split

1-4 25kick/50overkick swim @1:20
5-8pull paddles dec 1-4 @1:10

10x50 pace goal to keep each 50 the same time. @55

12x25 only 3 breaths

100 cool down lane lines out & have a great weekend!
Thursday 5/30 (LTHS PROM is tonight you might have to park farther away than normal)

200IM drill/swim
4x25 sprint cycle :30

8x100 @1;45
1. 100fly
2. 50fly/50back
3. 100back
4. 50back/50breast
5. 100breast
6. 50breast/50free
7. 100free
8. 50free/50fly

8x75  @1:20 2 of each stroke
1. Kick/Drill/Swim

3x200 @3:30
50scull/100 IM/ 50 fast IMO no free

cool down 100

4x50 Dec 1-4 :50

200 FAST @3

50easy @1:00

2x100 @1:40
50build rest :05 50 FAST


4x50 @1
25 no breathe rest :05 25 FAST IMO

300free @4
4x75 kick dec 1-4 @1:35

300IM @4:30
2x75 pull 1.smooth 2. FAST @1:10

100 cool down

Saturday 5/25

300IM K/D/S
4x25 sprint cycle kick :35
8x25 sprint cycle swim 4 free 4 no free :30

1x400 5:45
200build rest :05 100FAST rest :05 100DPS
4x50 Freestyle Best average 1:00

1x300 4:30
100build rest :05 100FAST rest :05 100DPS
4x50 no free best average @1

1x200 @ 3:00
100build rest :05 100FAST!
4x50 free best average 1:00

1x100 FAST free 1:25
4x50 best average no free 1:00

8x25 FAST 2 of each stroke :30

100 easy cool down

Thursday May 23rd
Remember to sign up for Summer. Saturday May 25th is our last day. Thanks!


12x75 @1:10
1 .DPS
2. Build

3x100 @1:50
50scull with paddles/50pull with paddles

1-6 free :50
7&8 FLY :55
9&10 BACK :55
11&12 Breast :55


Tuesday 5/21 DEEP END

4x25 sprint cycle

3x100 @1:25 hold under 1:20
4x50 dec 1-4 :50
3x100 @1:20 hold under 1:15
4x50 1 of each stroke fly/back/breast/free :55
3x100 @1:15
4x50 kick 1:00
1x100 free AFAP (as fast as possible)
4x50 pull breathe by 3. @:50

Saturday May 18th

200 skips

100IM @1:35
4 x 50 fly :50
100 free 1:30
4 x 50 free :50
100 IM 1:35
4 x 50 back :50
100 free 1:25
4 x 50 free :45
100 IM @1:30
4 x 50 breast :55
100 free @1:20
4 x 50 free :45

100cool down 
Thursday May 16th

300 free every 4th kick on back
4x25 sprint cycle :30

4x200 @3:00

1. smooth
2. DPS
3. Build kick
4. Fast

50easy (start set on top)

4x150 @2:15
1. smooth
2. DPS
3. Build Kick

50easy (start set on the top)

4x100 @1:30
1. smooth
2. DPS
3. Build kick

50easy (start set on top)

4x50 @:50
1. smooth
2. DPS
3. Build kick

Lane lines out! Thanks!

Tuesday May 14th

Warm up-
200 swim
200 IM drill
200 pull

Drill set-
6x100s WITH FINS @ 1:50
odds- 25 left side kick/25right side kick/50 streamline kick on back
evens- 25 left arm swim/25 right arm swim/50 swim

Main set-
3x300s @ 5:15/6:00
100 free 
100 choice
100 free 

Do 4 times choice:
1x50 Build @ :50
1x50 Fast feet @ :50
1x50 Fast @ :50
1x50 Easy @ 1:30

See you all Saturday at 6am. Shallow end due to Sectional Water polo games.

Water polo games at South Campus tonight until 9pm and North has Adult Fitness until 9:30pm.

Tuesday 5/7 DEEP END

400free every 4th 25 IMO kick
3x100 50IMO/50free @1:40
4x25 sprint cycle :30

3x200 free 2:45
4x50pull breathe by 5 on :50
3x200IM 3:10
4x50 scull/IMO by 25 1:00

3x100 kick with fins @1:55 dec 1-3

Saturday 5/4 (SHALLOW END ONLY)

16x25 sprint cycle 4of each stroke @:30

Kick x2 both rounds are choice
1x75 @1:40
1x50 @1
1x25 @:30

12x25 @ :30
Even: Butterfly

2x100 Odd: IM Even:Free

6x75 @1:30IM 1:15free
Evens: Free

8x25 Fast 100pace goal choice of stroke
Thursday 5/2

400free every 4th 25 IMO
4x25 sprint cycle

225IM, move build 75 each round @3:30
4x25 Fast IMO by round :30

after the 4 rounds
8x50 IMO (2 of each stroke) :50
Even: FAST/Ez

8x25 :35 no breath, 12 strokes or less

100 EZ
Tuesday 4/30 FREE DAY 

400free every 4th 25 is free kick
200pull paddles

4x100 free neg split @1:30
3x200 dec 1-3 @3:00
3x100 Build @1:30
1. FAST 7. +2 seconds from the fast one @:55
8x25 kick 3fast 1 ez @:30
3x100 pull paddles breathing 3/4/7/9 @ 1:30

Saturday 4/27

4 x 125 warmup free last 50 is choice drill @2:15

16x25 sprint cycle :30 4 of each stroke 

4 x 100 IMO 

4 x 50 swim 25 IMO / 25 FR :50

4 x 25 @ :30 FAST!

4 x 50 25 FR / 25 IMO @:50

4 x 75 25 swim / 25 kick / 25 swim IMO @1:30

4 x 100 IM dec 1-4

4 x 125 FR build @2:00

100 cool down 

Thursday 4/25 Deep end

400free every 4th 25 IMO KICK
200IM Drill/Swim
4x25 sprint cycle

1-3 dec free 1:30
4-7 add on progression (25fast/75ez) (50fast/50ez) FAST IS KICK EZ IS SWIM @2:00
8-10 IM dec 1-3 1:40

x4 IMO by round for the 150!
1x150 25FAST IMO/25 EZ free @2:25
2x75 IM no free @1:20

100cool down
Tuesday 4/23

200IM drill/swim

3x50 dec 1-3 :50

2x200@ 2:55/3:00/3:05
3x100 move fast 50 @1:30/1:45

2x200 2:45/2:55/3:00
6x50 2 fast 1 easy free @:50

2x200 @2:35/2:45/2:55
8x25 4 fast 1 ez free choice :30

100 easy

Saturday 4/20

Warm up

4x50 IMO kick/swim @1
16x25 sprint cycle @30 4 of each stroke

3x100IM @1:30

3x250 1.50fly/50free/50fly/50free/50fly 2.50back/50free/50back/50free/50back 3.50breast/50free/50breast/50free/50breast @4

8x25 choice ez fast by 25 @:30

100 cool down
THURSDAY April 18th

400Free every 4th IMO kick
4x25 sprint cycle

4x50 dec 1-4 :50
3x100 free dec 1-3 1:30
2x100 1.ez 2.Fast @1:30
1x100 Fast! 1:30

3x150 free move the fast 50 @2:15
10x50 1.build 3. Pace (try and keep the time the same for all 3) 1. Ez then repeat
8x25 free 3 or less breaths @:25

2x100 pull paddles @130

100 cool down
NO MASTERS Tuesday April 16th

Boys and Girls water polo games at South 4 games total and the last game is supposed to start at 7:35pm

See you Thursday! 

Great job to everyone that swam this past weekend at MASTERS STATE! 


Thursday 4/11/19

100 free
200 Pull
100 IM
4x25 spring cycle @:30

300 free @4:30
3x100 Free @1:30
1. D-P-S
2. Build
3. Fast

300 free @4:20
3x50 IMO @:55

300 free @4:10
3x100 Kick @2:10/2:15
1. 25 fast,25 easy
2. 50 fast,50 easy
3. All fast

300 free @4:00
3x100 pull with paddles @1:30
Descend 1-3

100 easy
Tuesday 4/9

1. Saturday Practice 4/13 NO PRACTICE. Pool maintenance will be installing a part and no one can swim in the pool Saturday. 
2. I hope everyone is enjoying the warmer weather! 
3. Thank you!  

400 Every 4th is IMO kick
2x200 pull dec 1-3 @3
3x100 IM dec 1-3 @130
4x25 sprint cycle 

3x200 free dec 1-3 2:50
2x100 kick Odd: EZ Even: Fast @2:05
3x100 IM dec 1-3 @1:35

10x50 free

cool down 100 ez  
Saturday 4/6

4x25 sprint cycle

pre set
8x50 free dec 1-4 asc 5-8 #4 & 5 FAST! :50

4x100 3,4,5,6 dolphin kicks off each wall! 1:30
8x50 25 Under water/ 25Fast choice :50
4x25 kick Odds:fast Evens:EZ :30
16x25 3Fast 1Ez choice :30


cool down
1. Pool water temp is still warm! the air is cool.
2. Remember Illinois Masters State Swim Meet is 4/12-4/14 at Munster.

Thursday 4/4 

warm up
4x25 sprint cycle :30

5x100 free @1:30
Odds: Fast
Evens: Slow

50ez free

4x150 @2:25
100free build stop rest :05 50IMO Fast

50ez free

1. free: 50fast/50ez @2:50
2. Pull build @3
3. Kick IMO 25fast/25ez @4

8x25 odds: Fast evens: EZ :30 choice

100cool down
1. Sorry for not posting Thursday and Saturday!
2. FYI Pool conditions for tonight- The pools air and water is really warm! 

Tuesday April 2nd 

400 every 4th 25 IMO
4x25 sprint cycle choice

400free 5:30
4x100IM 1:35

4x75 IM no free 1:15

200 25 scull/25 kick by 50
4x50 IMO fast, easy by 25 :55

100 cool down
Tuesday 3/26

400 every 4th 25 is IMO
200 IM 25kick/25 swim
4x50 descend 1-4

200Free dec by round last round is fast @2:50
5x50 IMO by round
2.25 Fast stroke, 25 easy free
3.25 easy free, 25 Fast stroke
4. All stroke
5. Easy Free

4x50 easy free count strokes :50

Saturday 3/23/2019 Lane Lines need to come OUT and have a wonderful weekend! Please be out by 7am as water polo will be getting in.

500free every 4th is kick on back
300 IM K/D/S
8x25 sprint cycle

4x125s Fast can be choice easy is freestyle 2:00
odds: 75FAST/50easy
Evens: 75easy/50FAST

3x200 pull paddles @ 3:40
50 FAST/100 easy/50 FAST

8x50 1.build 6. pace 1. easy stroke choice focus on 200/500 pacing!

12x25 @:35
odds: Underwater
Evens: Choice Fast

100 cool down
Thursday 3/21 GO Blackhawks

400free every 4th is choice
300pull paddles
8x25 sprint cycle 4free 4 choice :30

x4 IMO by round
3x50 :55
1. 25free/25stroke
2. 25stroke/25free
3. all stroke
2x25 Fast :30

All Free
1x100  1:25
3x50 :50
2x100 free 1:20
3x50 :45

3x100 pull paddles breathing 3/5/5/7 1:35

100 cool down

Thursday 3/14 happy pie day

6x50 build drill :55
Evens: FREE
4x50 free dec 1-4 :50

8x75 freestyle dec 1-4 ascend 5-8 4 & 5 FAST! 1:15
8x25 3fast free 1 ez kick :30

50easy swim

8x75 IM move the fast 25 4 & 8 FAST 1:20
8x25 2 of each stroke fast! :30

3x100 pull paddles breathing 3/5/5/7 1:30

100cool down 


4x25 sprint cycle

4x100 1:40 IM

9x50 2 fast 1 easy @1
2IMOfast 1ez free

x2 1st round free 2nd round choice

25 :30 FAST
50 :50 easy
75 1:15 FAST
100 1:35 easy
100 1:35 FAST
75 1:15 easy
50 :50 FAST
25 :30 easy


Saturday Morning 3/9 
Remember no flags in the deep end! 
Lane Lines need to come out. Thanks 

Warm up
400 swim every 4th lap is kick

4 x 50 Free swim / drill @ 1:00 
200 pull breathe 3-5-7 by 25
4 x 50 FR dec 1-4  

3 x 250 free 1. smooth 50-60% 2. Build 3. Fast @ 3:45-4:00
6 x 50 FR ALL OUT   @ 1:00

4 x 25 ALL OUT FR.  @:20

4 x 100 IM rotate fast 25 the 4th is ALL fast!       @ 1:40 
16 x 25 IMO ODD: FAST Evens: Smooth 4 of each @ :30


150 ez 
Tuesday 3/5

200 free build kick to overkick last 50
4x50 dec 1-4 :50
4x25 sprint cycle :30

4x100 add on progression @130
2. 50fast/50easy
4. All fast

 8x50 add on progression :50

1 & 5 12.5fast/37.5 easy
2 & 6 25fast/25easy
3 & 7 37.5 fast/12.5easy
4 & 8 All fast

12x75 @1:20
Odds: IMO build
Evens: Free with 5 dolphin kicks off each wall

Cool down
Saturday Morning 3/2

200 IM 25kick/25build
4x50 kick odds: Strong 80% evens: Choice 1:00
6x50 dec 1-3 4-6 Free @:50
8x25 sprint cycle 4-choice 4free :30

1x75  50build rest :05 Sprint 25 @1:20
1x100 50build rest :05 50 Sprint @1:40
1x125 50 build rest :05 75 Sprint @2:20
1x150 50build rest :05 100 Sprint @2:45
1x175 50build rest :05 125 Sprint @3:00
1x200 50build rest :05 150Sprint 4:00

1x100 build1:30
4x50 hold best average FAST! :50
4x25 fast on :20

No free
4x50 Drill25/Swim25 1:00
4x25 Fast Break Out! :35
8x25 3fast 1easy :35

cool down

Thursday 28th Last day of the month if you would all like to go to Hillgrove, Kennys, Brixies for a drink practice.

8x25 Fast, Easy IMO 2 of each stroke :30

x4 IMO

3x100 move build 50. @1:30
3x50pull :50 4breaths total
100kick IMO by round 25FAST/25EZ 2:00

Sectional Saturday 2/16/19

500 mix up strokes and freestyle

8x25 sprint cycle choice :30

6x100 odds: Max Distance Per Stroke Evens: build 5 push ups after each

6x75 10 squats after each

6x50 dec 1-3 asc 4-6 1:30 5 push ups

6x25 stroke no free 10 squats

3x100 paddles and pull or swim if you'd like to swim @1:30

100 cool down :)

Saturday 5:30am start time 6:30am end need to be out please and thanks!

warm up
400free every 4th 25 is RIMO
200pull with paddles
16x25 sprint cycle 4 of each stroke :30/:35

kick is choice
75 fast/easy/fast 1:30
50 easy/fast 1
25 fast! :30

main set
5x100 25 yard progression 1:25/1:30
12x25 :35 1.fast 2. fast 3. fast 4. easy pick stroke or mix it up
5x75 build @1:10
6x50 just make :40/45
3x100 pull with paddles breathing 3/5/5/7 1:30

cool down


Saturday due to the Lyons Classic at south we need to be out by 6:30am as warm ups start at 6:40-6:45am! Thanks


4x25 sprint cycle

3x300 @4:30
1.Negitive Split
2. 50fast/50easy
3. pull dec each 100

4x75 IMO kick/drill/build @1:20

3x100 free dec 1-3 @1:25

6x50 2 of each stroke no freestyle @ :55

12x25 @ :40

1. Underwater
2. kick on surface IMO
3. Fast swim IMO

2x100 50scull/50over kick @1:40

100easy cool down

Saturday 2/2 pick an interval and have fun!

200IM drill/swim
200Swim build each 100
100 kick
4x25 sprint cycle

3x200 negative split 2:45/3:00    1500

x2 1round free 1round choice/IM
3x150 @2:10 50build :10 second rest on wall 100 fast!
3x50 @:45 hold 29-35 seconds keep the same for all 3!
4x25 :25/:30 As Fast As Possible

cool down
Saturday 1/26 remember sign up for the super bowl meet at St. Charles is due by mail February 1st.


3x100 dec 1-3 free @1:30
4x25 sprint cycle choice :35

pre set
8x50 IMO 2 of each stroke drill/swim 1:00

1x500 free @8 min build each 100 last 100fast
1x400IM 25drill/25swim/25kick/25swim @6:30
1x300 free middle 100 is fast @ 4:30
1x200 IM 25easy/25fast 3:15
1x100 as fast as possible bonus points going under 1:05

cool down

Thursday 1/24 Sorry Lane Lines Need To come out again!

300free every 4th 25 is IMO

4x200 odds:free 2:50  Evens:IM @3:10

4x50 kick odds: fast/easy Evens:easy/fast
1,2 free kick 3,4 breast kick

3x200 free negative split 2:45

4x50 IM around :55

2x200 @ 2:45
1. 100fast/100easy
2.100easy/ 100fast

4x50 scull/swim IMO 1:00

1x200 Fast! @2:40

4x50 @:50 pull breathe by 5/7

Cool down

Tuesday 1/22

400free every 4th 25 is no Free
4x25 sprint cycle :30

4x100 @1:25/1:30free
round 1.Descend 1-4
round 2. Odds: 6fast strokes 6easy strokes evens: Neg. Split
Round 3. Odds fast Evens: Easy

6x50 @1 IMO by round
1.Drill build
2. Build drill

rest 1 min after each round.

cool down
4x100 pull breathing 3/5 @1:30

Saturday 11/19

200IM drill swim
100kick last 25 fast

pre set (choice)
6x100 odds:1st and 4th 25 is fast! even: middle 50fast 1:30/1:40

Main freestyle
3x125 @1:45/1:50
4x50 best average @1:00
rest 1:00
3x125@ 1:40
4x50 best average @1:00
rest 1:00
3x125 1:30
4x50 best average :) @1:00

cool down
Saturday Distance Day Stay Warm & Have Fun!
Funny Joke- What did the ocean say to the beach?

100SKIPS- swim, choice kick, IM, pull, Swim
200 pull paddles breath 3/5 by 50. @3:00
8x25 sprint cycle :30

2x100 @1:15/1:20/1:25
200 neg split @2:45/2:50
50swim recovery 1:10
3x100 @1:15/:1:20/1:25
300 neg split @ 4:00
50swim recovery 1:10
4x100 @ 1:15/1:20/1:25
400neg split @5:15/5:30
50 swim recovery 1:10

cool down
150 swim

Answer- Nothing. It just waved.


3x200 1.Free 2. IM 3. PULL

4x50 Build :50

3x150 free dec 1-3 @2:10

12x25 @;30
Fast-IMO Easy-free

5x100 Free make

4x75 Kick @1:30
Even; easy,FAST,easy

4x125 Fast stroke, easy free by 25. The fast stroke is IMO  @1:55

6x50 free

cool down

Tuesday Workout

300 free
300IM K/D/S
3x50free build :50

400IM 50build, 25 easy free, 25 fast stroke@7:00

100free 3 dolphin kicks off each wall 1:40

2x200IM 1.Kick build each 50. 2. Swim half way underwater on every 25! 3:45

100free 5 dolphin kicks off each wall 1:40

4x100IM dec 1-4 @1:40

100free 7 dk off each wall! @1:40

3x100 free sculling with choice kick @ 1:45

8x50 two of each stroke 1. build 2. fast! :55

Cool down 100 easy

Saturday 1/5/2019

Warm up
4x200 3:00/3:15/3:30
Odds: Free Evens: IM no fly

4x50 25underwater 25 2 breaths free @:50/1:00

pre set 1round free 1 round kick
1x100 cruise 1:30/2:00
2x50 build :50/1:00
4x25 fast :30/:35

Main (Pick an interval)
5x100 @1:20/1:25/1:30
5x75 @1:00/1:05
5x50 @:40/:45

Cool down
200 easy

Thursday 8-9pm we will be sharing the pool with gold until 8:30pm Sorry.

200IM k/d
4x50 build @50

5x100 free first one is fast @1:30
4x50 2fly/2back :50

4x100 negative split (2nd 50 is faster than the first) @1:25
4x50 @:50

3x100 @1:20 goal is to hold under 1:12

2x100 @1:15 just make
4x50 2free/2choice @50

1x100 Fast free

cool down 100 easy